
When Tears Equals To Love

Someone called me on my phone and I answered it. It was Eunhyuk.

"Hey,"he greeted.

"Yeah?"I asked.

"Are you free tonight? Let's go to the club. The gang wil be there,"he said.

"Oh, I don't feel like going,"I told him.

"Why not? Are you feeling unwell?"he asked.

"No no,"I laughed.

"Oh,"he answered simply.

I thought for a moment.

"Okay, I'll go. I need to take this opportunity to matchmake someone,"I grinned.

"Who?"he asked.

"My brother and his fiancee,"I answered.

"Aren't they engaged already?"he asked.

"They are. But they apparently fell in love after the engagement. My brother feels uncomfortable around her. So, we'll take this opportunity to get them talking comfortably,"I said.

"Oh, okay! You need me to come and fetch you?"he asked.

"Nah, its okay. Hyunjoong can drive me there. See ya,"I hung up.

I went to my brother's room. I opened his door wide open.

"KIM HYUNJOONG!"I jumped on his bed.

"What?"he put the book that he was reading away.

"Are you free tonight? Let's go to the club,"I grinned.

"With who?"he asked as he lifted his glass to drink water.

"Eunhyuk and his gang,"I replied.

He nodded as he drank water.

"OH! And Chaeyoung,"I grinned.

He choked on his water and he splurt everything out and started coughing. I hurried towards him and pat his back.

"You okay?"I asked.

"Can you repeat what you just said?"Hyunjoong coughed.

"Oh, I said Chaeyoung's going to be there too,"I smiled.

"What? Are you mad? I'm not going if she's going to be there,"he shook his head.

"Why not? I thought you liked her?"I asked.

"Its just that I feel really uncomfortable. I get all fidgety and its awkward cause I don't know what to talk to her about,"Hyunjoong explained.

"You just have to go out with her more often to get used to it. You've been engaged for 3 years!!!"I smiled.

"Haemin,"he begged.

"You're going tonight! If not, I'll get Chaeyoung to come here personally to get you,"I threatened.

"Sheesh! Okay okay!"he waved me away.

I smiled and ran back to my room. I grabbed my phone and called Chaeyoung. The phone rang for awhile and I heard the voice that could melt every guy's heart, including my own brother's.

"Chaeyoung? Its me!"I greeted.

"Haemin! Hello! What's up? You don't normally call me unless your brother's back in Korea,"I could see her perfect model smile that I'm trying to achieve my ugly braces now.

"Hyunjoong's back in Seoul now!"I squealed.

"Oh, really? Isn't that good for you? You must have missed him like hell,"she said.

"Nah, I don't miss him as much as you do!"I teased.

"Haemin!"she laughed.

"Anyway, are you free tonight? We're going to a club with my friends. Hyunjoong'll feel out of place with all the 17 year olds,"I explained.

"Oh okay! What time must I get ready by?"she asked.

"9pm!"I answered.

"But Hyunjoong doesn't seem to like me,"she started.

"Don't be silly. You're the most perfect woman I've ever seen! Who wouldn't like you?"I told her.

"Its just that he's always really cheerful with his friends and you. But when he's with me, he doesn't really talk,"she told me.

"He's just shy!"I explained.

"Shy?"she asked.

"Uh huh! He's just shy in front of the girl he likes,"I smiled.

"Haemin, don't spout rubbish. He doesn't like me at all,"she said.

"Nah, he really likes you. I've known him forever. He's an idiot when it comes to the matters of the heart. He doesn't know how to show his affection for someone he likes,"I explained.

"Not true. He doesn't seem to have any problems showing his affection for you,"she laughed a little.

"It isn't the same, Chaeyoung. We're siblings!"I told her.

"Hahaha, Haemin, I'm sorry but I gotta go. I'll talk to you tonight?"she said.

"I doubt I will talk to you. You'll be busy talking to Hyunjoong,"I teased.

"Haemin,"she laughed.

"Alright alright! See you tonight! Bye!"I hung up.

I then went off to shower. I took an afternoon nap. I went downstairs for dinner and Hyunjoong was all fidgety during dinner. I could tell he's really nervous about meeting Chaeyoung after a year. I went to change and raced downstairs. Hyunjoong was already waiting for me at the door.

"What took you so long?"he asked as we walked to his car.

"Why? You can't wait to see Chaeyoung?"I giggled.

"Shut up,"he hissed.

I got into the back seat. Hyunjoong got into the driver seat and realised I was behind him.

"What are you doing?"he turned around.

"Saving the front seat for my sister in law. DRIVE!"I ordered.

"You're impossible,"he shook his head and drove off.

He drove to Chaeyoung's mansion and we waited for her. The big double door swung open. Chaeyoung rushed down the stairs in her high heels. She got into the car.

"Sorry sorry!"she apologised as Hyunjoong drove off.

"Its okay! Wow, you still look so pretty!"I smiled.

"Hahaha, I'm not as pretty as you. I was never the school belle like you,"she replied.

"So, how's life?"I asked her.

"Okay. I've been busy learning horseback riding,"she smiled.

"Really? Hyunjoong's really good at horseback riding. You can get him to teach one day,"I elbowed Hyunjoong.

"Really?"Chaeyoung looked at Hyunjoong then at me.

"Uh huh! He learnt horseback riding since he was 13. He's got his own horse!"I said proudly.

"I don't think he'll want to teach me anyway. I'm too lousy at it,"she laughed.

"Nonsense! He'll teach you till you're an expert like him! If you want, we can go horseback riding this Saturday together. How's that?"I grinned.

"Sounds good to me,"she nodded her head.

There was silence in the car and I elbowed Hyunjoong.

"What?"he hissed.

"You're supposed to answer,"I said.

"Answer what?"he asked.

"We're going horseback riding this Saturday. Are you free?"I asked.

"Yeah,"he quickly said.

"Good! And since I'll feel awkward being the third party, I'll get Sunye to come along,"I grinned.

"Why don't you get Eunhyuk?"Hyunjoong asked.

"Eunhyuk? Who's that?"Chaeyoung asked.

"My future fiance,"I grinned.

"Do you like him?"she asked.

"Erm,"I hesitated.

"She likes him alot. You'll see later,"Hyunjoong said awkwardly.

"Oh, good!"she smiled.

We reached the club and we all got out of the car. Eunhyuk was waiting at the door. He saw us and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He walked towards us and gave me a hug.

"Hey, babe!"he put his arm round my shoulder.

I smiled.

"This is Han Chaeyoung, my brother's fiancee. This is Eunhyuk, my future fiance,"I introduced.

"Hello, nice to meet you,"Chaeyoung stuck out her hand.

Eunhyuk shook her hand and smiled. We all walked into the club together.

"Haemin!"Junsu greeted as we sat down.

"Hey!"I smiled.

"Who's that?"Yunho asked.

"Oh, this is my brother, Kim Hyunjoong. And this is his fiancee, Han Chaeyoung,"I smiled.

"Hello,"Hyunjoong and Chaeyoung said together.

"HELLO!"everyone greeted.

"Let's sit,"Eunhyuk shifted in for us to sit.

We sat down and ordered a few drinks.

"Are you free to go horseback riding this Saturday?"I asked Eunhyuk.

"What?"he looked at me in shock.

"Horseback riding,"I repeated.

"You know how to do that?"he asked.

"Duh! Do you want to? Chaeyoung and Hyunjoong's gonna be there too,"I said.

"Erm, I don't even know how to ride a horse,"he replied sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I just took my first lesson this afternoon,"Chaeyoung smiled.

"You two can learn from the expert there,"I pointed at Hyunjoong.

"He's good at it?"Jessica asked while eyeing my brother.

"Very good,"I replied.

"So, do you want to dance?"Jessica asked Hyunjoong.

Hyunjoong stared at her. He opened his mouth but I interrupted.

"He only feels comfortable dancing with Chaeyoung. Go go go!"I pushed them.

"Haemin,"Hyunjoong looked at me.

"Enjoy yourself,"I smiled and waved.

Chaeyoung looked at Hyunjoong while he looked her. He cleared his throat and walked to the dance floor. Chaeyoung followed behind.

"Let's go too,"Eunhyuk smiled.

I got out of the booth. Eunhyuk held my hand and we went to dance. From where I am, I couldn't spot Hyunjoong and Chaeyoung. Then, I spotted them at the bar. They were drinking and not dancing. I should've known. Hyunjoong's a perfect prince charming. He's not someone who goes to club and dance. He does ballroom dancing only. They weren't talk at all.

"Eunhyuk, let's go and talk to them. I need to push my brother a little,"I pulled Eunhyuk with me.

We grabbed a seat beside them.

"Hey,"I smiled.

Hyunjoong looked at me and glared, showing his displeasure. I ignored him and faced Chaeyoung.

"So, where are you going tomorrow?"I asked.

"Erm, nowhere,"she answered.

"Oh, why don't you go out with Hyunjoong? He's been wanting to eat at our favourite Korean restaurant ever since he came back. But I'm not free tomorrow,"I told her.

""she blinked.

"Didn't you promise you'll go with me?"Hyunjoong asked.

"Well, Eunhyuk asked me out on a date. I can't possibly reject, right?"I looked at Eunhyuk.

"Erm, yeah. Sorry! Besides, you've got Chaeyoung,"Eunhyuk helped.

"Erm, if its okay with you, I can accompany you,"Chaeyoung mumbled.

"Of course its okay with him!"I grinned.

"Now, you two arrange your date. Eunhyuk, let's go!"I got out of my seat.

We went back to the booth.

"Good job!"Eunhyuk pat me on the back.

I grinned.

"Now, follow me,"he smiled and pulled me out of the club.

I followed him to an alley.

"Don't tell me you're going to me,"I said sternly.

"Nah, I'm not a ert,"he replied.

He faced me.

"Then, what are we...."

My setence was cut short by his kiss. He placed his arm round my waist as I returned the pressure. He let go of me gently. He smiled. I smiled back.

"Haemin, when are you going to be my girlfriend?"he asked softly.

"When I'm ready,"I grinned.

"I'm getting impatient,"he raised his eyebrow.

I laughed.

"If you can impress me on our double date on Saturday, I'll be your girlfriend. How's that?"I smiled.

"Deal,"he smiled.

I hugged him.

"You know I love you ,right?"I spoke into his ear.

"Of course,"he let go of me.

We walked back into the club. Hyunjoong and Chaeyoung found us.

"I wanna go home,"Hyunjoong cleared his throat.

"So early? Its only 10.30,"I looked at him.

"You've got school tomorrow,"he said.

"You better go off then. I'll see you tomorrow,"Eunhyuk gave my hand a quick squeeze.

"Okay. See ya,"I smiled.

He smiled back and I went off with Hyunjoong and Chaeyoung. We got into his car. The whole journey was awkward and silent.

"Bye,"Chaeyoung waved before getting out at her house.

"Bye! See you on Saturday!"I smiled.

Hyunjoong drove off quietly.

"What happened? Why were you so eager to leave?"I asked.

"It was really awkward. I didn't know what to talk to her about. And I'm supposed to go on a date with her alone tomorrow?"Hyunjoong shook his head.

"You're just shy. You two will be alright after a few dates. Chaeyoung's being nice by talking to you first. Can't you start a conversation?"I asked.

He stopped the car at our house.

"Kim Haemin, stop butting into my life. I know how to handle it,"he said sternly.

"You don't, alright? If I didn't help you, you wouldn't even call her! Don't you know she likes you? It'll be really awkward next year when you two get married. Since you like each other, start dating!"I argued.

"Speak for yourself! Why don't you and Eunhyuk date, huh?"he retorted.

"WE ARE GOING TO! Didn't I tell you we were going out tomorrow? Sheesh,"I got out of the car and slammed it.

Hyunjoong ran after me and grabbed my hand. He breathed in and out to calm himself.

"Remember our promise about disagreements?"he said calmly.

"No arguments are to last overnight,"I said.

"Good that you remember. We'll stop this disagreement, regardless of who's right or wrong. Agreed?"he asked.

"Agreed,"I nodded my head.

"Good. I need to get some sleep. See ya,"he ran off.

That guy always need to sleep after a date with Chaeyoung. He gets too nervous when meeting Chaeyoung, it uses up all his energy!

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??