
When Tears Equals To Love

Eunhyuk went up to change. He came back down to drive me home so I could change. He met my grandmother in the house and gave her his best smile.

"Is it okay if I bring Haemin out tonight? We'll be back late tonight though,"Eunhyuk smiled while asking.

"Sure sure! There's no school tomorrow anyway. Just go ahead. She can stay over at your house if you're too tired to drive her back. I'll tell her parents,"my grandmother smiled.

Eunhyuk gave me an okay sign and we went up to my bedroom. He stepped in and he looked around. He headed for my sofa.

"Nice room,"he commented.

"Thanks. I'll be right out,"I grabbed my favourite sweet cotton dress.

I went to the bathroom to change and when I came out, I saw him touching the picture I took with Jaejoong. He looked up and saw me wearing my dress with make-up and all.

"You look awesome,"he smiled.

"Thanks,"I smiled back before getting my shoes.

"You close to him?"he asked.

"Who? Jaejoong?"I asked him back as I wore my heels.

"Yeah,"he answered.

"Yeah, my best male friend. Let's go,"I told him.

Eunhyuk walked towards the door and headed outside. We walked down the hallway and out the house. I got into his car and he drove off.

"Do you happen to have any female friends in your clique? I don't want to be the only female,"I said.

"Oh, that can be arranged,"he smiled and took out his phone.

He called Donghae and used his bluetooth to talk to him.

"Hae? Hyuk here. Call some female along. My girl doesn't wanna feel lonely,"he said.

I looked at Eunhyuk. He looks every inch the Prince Charming now that he changed back to his contact lens.

"Thanks. I'm busy driving, so I can't call. See ya later,"Eunhyuk hung up.

He turned and smiled and I smiled back.

"This is the first time you smiled at me for so many times. I hope you'll do it more often,"Eunhyuk said as he made a left turn.

"Well, you weren't a jerk today so I figured I should be nice to you,"I replied.

"Right, shall behave myself from now on. Wanna see that nice smile more often. Alright, we're here,"he stopped the car.

I looked out.

"Have you been to a club before?"he asked as he took out his seat belt.

"No,"I answered honestly.

"No worries. I'll take good care of you,"Eunhyuk smiled before getting out of the car.

I got out and he walked towards me.

"Hold my hand. It's kinda dangerous if the guys out there think you're single,"he said.

He reached out and held my hand. The warmth from his hand immediately spread to my heart. I felt something warm inside. Am I starting to fall for him? I feel really secure with him around. He opened the door for me and I walked in. Then, I waited for him to come in and he reached out for my hand again. He led me to a booth at the left and waved to his group of friends. Donghae was already there. 3 guys in total. 4 girls in total. How great. I'm the odd one out. We reached the booth and he motioned for me to go in first. I was forced to sit next to Donghae.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't make you feel uncomfortable. You're one of us now anyway,"Donghae mumbled.

"Thanks,"I mumbled back.

"Hi Eunhyuk! I missed you so much! Where have you been?"Jessica asked with a huge smile.

Eunhyuk took two glass from the middle of the table and poured wine for himself.

"You want?"he asked me.

I shook my head and he reached for the jug of water and poured a glass for me.

"You're underaged, Lee Eunhyuk,"I hissed softly.

"I know. But this club is opened by my dad. He won't catch me,"he grinned.

"Eunhyuk, were you even listening me?"Jessica asked.

"Erm, hold on. I need to introduce her first,"Eunhyuk smiled at Jessica.

He turned towards his friends.

"Hey, this is Haemin. Haemin, that's Junsu, Yunho and Yoochun,"Eunhyuk introduced his friends to me.

"Hey,"I smiled.

"So, you're the girl that Eunhyuk keeps talking about,"Junsu smiled back.

"Sheesh,"the girl beside him rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't mind her. I don't like her,"Eunhyuk whispered.

I nodded and drank my water.

"Eunhyuk, where were you today?"Jessica asked again.

SIGH! How annoying can she get?

"I was busy,"he told her.

"Doing what?"Jessica asked.

"Erm, I was out shopping with her,"Eunhyuk used his thumb to point at me.

I looked at him with wide eyes. Since when was he out shopping with me? Then, I realised that he haven't told anyone of them about the engagement other than Donghae.

"Who is she? Never seen her around before,"Jessica looked at me with intimidating eyes.

"My classmate in school,"Eunhyuk told her.

"Oh. Just a classmate,"Jessica breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not any ordinary classmate. She's Eunhyuk's crush,"Donghae told them.

"Really? No wonder! You're definitely Eunhyuk's type,"Junsu grinned.

"Which school are you in?"I asked Junsu.

"Same school. Different class. I'm the class next door. I don't really get out of class so you don't see me around much,"Junsu told me.

"No wonder,"I nodded.

"How can she be Eunhyuk's type? She's a total bimbo,"Jessica laughed.

"Just let her be. She's the bimbo,"Eunhyuk muttered.

"She's so not a bimbo. She's the top scorer in our level,"Donghae defended me.

"Woah!"Yunho's eyes widened.

"Then, you must be really smart,"Yoochun commented.

"OH! Your surname is Kim, right?"Junsu asked excitedly.

I nodded with a smile.

"You're the monster who always gets first in the level,"Junsu said.

"Nah, I gotta compete with Eunhyuk for that position,"I said.

Eunhyuk kept quiet.

"Why are you so quiet today, Eunhyuk? You wanna go dance?"Jessica asked.

Eunhyuk looked at me.

"Go ahead. I'll be fine here,"I smiled.

He sighed and Jessica jumped up and grabbed his arm.

"Actually, he had wanted you to save him,"Donghae said.

"Huh?"I looked at him.

"He doesn't really like that Jessica girl,"he told me.

"Oops,"I looked at Eunhyuk to see what he was doing.

He was dancing with Jessica alright. But with an unhappy smile.

"Haemin, wanna go dance?"Junsu asked.

I looked at him.

"Okay,"I smiled.

I got out of the booth and waited till he was out. He held my hand and brought me to the dancefloor. The thumping music send me up to heaven. I danced like there's no tomorrow. Then, the music started to slowly fade and it became a slow song.

"Wow, what bad timing,"Junsu said awkwardly.

"Haha, yeah. Well, let's not be spoilsports, shall we?"I smiled.

He nodded and I went up to him and placed my hand gently on his shoulders. He placed his hands on my waist and we danced slowly.

"You're really skinny. I've never dance with a girl with such a small waist before,"Junsu told me.

"Hahaha, you're no better. I thought you were kinda skinny too. But who knows, you've got muscular shoulders,"I said.

"Hours in a gym gives you that,"Junsu said proudly.

"Really? Then, what do you do in class that makes you not come out of your class?"I asked.

"I read?"Junsu told me.

"You read? Thats good. I like people who read. Makes them look intellectual,"I smiled.

"Really? Then, you should see me with my glasses. I look like a total nerd,"Junsu laughed.

"Nah, you won't. I think you'll still look good,"I smiled.

"That's good. Wouldn't want to scare away a pretty girl like you,"Junsu smiled.

Maybe it was his smile, but I didn't feel offended with his words though it'll sound flirty coming out Eunhyuk's mouth. Speaking of Eunhyuk, where is he? Then, I spotted him. When I look at him, he glanced away. I looked back at Junsu. Eunhyuk was obviously looking at me before I looked at him.

"What are you thinking of?"Junsu asked.

"Huh? Nothing,"I smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"Need a drink? We should take a break,"Junsu said.

I nodded and we walked back to the booth. I sat beside him in the booth and we were chatting when Eunhyuk came back. When he saw me sitting beside Junsu, he grabbed his glass and gulped his wine. He put the empty glass on the table and looked at me.

"I'm going off. You coming with me or what?"he asked.

"Erm,"I was just starting to have fun.

Junsu noticed that I was reluctant to leave.

"I can drive you home later if you want,"Junsu offered.

"Erm, its okay. I'll see you next time then. Lend me your phone,"I told him.

Junsu passed his phone to me and I keyed in my number.

"Here's my number. Had a great time today. See ya,"I smiled and he let me go off.

I followed behind Eunhyuk and I received a text message from my phone.

[Had fun too:) -Junsu]

Hahaha, what a nice guy. I got into Eunhyuk's car and he drove me home.

"So, did you have fun?"Eunhyuk asked awkwardly.

"Uh huh. Are you unhappy or something? I'm sorry for not saving you from that Jessica girl. I didn't know,"I apologised.

"It's okay. Can't blame you anyway. So, you made friends with Junsu, huh?"Eunhyuk said.

"Yeah, he's a really nice guy. I didn't know your friends were so much fun,"I grinned.

He nodded.

"Are you planning to come out here again?"I asked.

"Maybe tomorrow, since it's a Saturday. Why?"he asked.

"Can I come with you?"I asked.

Eunhyuk immediately stopped the car.

"What are you doing? Thank god, we're in the neighbourhood!"I exclaimed.

"I was just shocked at what you said. You wanna go to the club again tomorrow?"he asked.

I nodded with a smile.

"Er, okay. I'll come pick you up at 8pm,"he said as he drove me further in.

"Thanks,"I smiled.

What I didn't see was hurt in his eyes.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??