
When Tears Equals To Love

I stepped into class late.

"Sorry, teacher!"I quickly apologised.

"Its okay! Take a seat. By the way, Eunhyuk is absent today. Please bring all his homework over to his house,"my teacher smiled at me.

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!"I opened my eyes in shock.

"You're his partner in class, right?"she asked.

"Yeah,"I nodded.

"So, you should be responsible and help him catch up by bringing his homework over to his house for him,"she smiled.

"I can't believe my luck!"I cursed.

"How lucky, right? Lots of girls would love to go to his house,"she smiled.

"I don't mean it that way! I don't want to even go near his house,"I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you're so funny, Haemin. Who wouldn't want to go our school's Prince Charming's house? Alright. Settle down!"she said.

I sighed and sat down at my seat. Oh great! I need to call my parents to tell them what happened. Recess came and I was walking down to the canteen with Sunye.

"You're so lucky!!!"she gushed.

"I am so not lucky!"I said grumpily.

"Come on! Cheer up! Its not that bad. Its Eunhyuk's house!"she smiled.

"I don't want to talk about this thing anymore,"I snapped.

I walked to the public phone and inserted ten cents. My mother picked up her mobile phone.

"Mum, its Haemin here,"I said.

"Yes?"she asked.

"Well, my partner who sits beside me is absent from school. So, my teacher instructed me to go over to his house to pass him his homework,"I explained.

"Are you speaking the truth? Or are you going to Sungmin's house?"she asked.

"I don't even know where Sungmin stay!"I argued.

"I advise you not to start dating though I'm glad that the PI's investigation came back as negative. Which means you're not dating Sungmin,"I could see my mum smiling at the other line.

"I told you,"I said.

"I know. But who knows whether you're lying to hide the truth,"she said.

"Erm,"I nodded though she couldn't see.

"Well, I'll be calling up your teacher to ask whether what you told me is true. But I'll get the chauffeur to drive you to your friend's house,"my mum said.

"He's not my friend!"I snapped.

"HE? Its a guy?! And why is he not your friend?"she asked.

"I so happen to sit beside my enemy,"I said.

"Thats great! That means no monkey business from you at his house! Alright. I've got a meeting. See you tonight,"she hung up.

"Like I will get to see you tonight,"I rolled my eyes.

"So, what did your mum say?"Sunye asked.

"She said she's glad I'm going to my enemy's house cause I won't be up to something,"I sighed.

"HAHAHA! Your mum is so funny!"she smiled.

"My mum is so not funny!"I said.

After recess, we had another string of lessons. Then, it was dismissal time.

"GOSH! DOOM TIME!"I screamed.

"Chill, Haemin!"Sunye smiled.

We walked out of class together.

"I seriously don't want to go his house,"I whined.

"Aww, its only this once. By the way, this is the first time I've seen you whine. And its all cause of Eunhyuk. Maybe you two should stop hating each other and start dating,"Sunye smiled.

"ARE YOU MAD?! Firstly, my mum will kill me for dating someone. Secondly, I'll never ever date stupid idiot Lee Eunhyuk!"I said angrily.

"Okay okay! I get your point. Now, run along. Your chauffeur is here. Bye!"Sunye waved as I walked off.

"Send me to 4 Sunbird Circle,"I said as I sat in the car.

"Is that your friend's house? Mistress said you're allowed to go to his house for as long as you want,"he said.

"Don't ask so much! JUST GO!"I screamed.

"Sorry, Miss. I'll drive now!"he quickly turned back and drove.

This is so annoying! Stupid annoying driver!!! Stupid idiot Eunhyuk!!!! About 15 minutes later, I arrived at a very posh and exclusive neighbourhood.

"Woah, the houses are really grand,"I nodded my head.

"Oh, none of them are nicer than yours, Miss,"the driver.

"Quite true,"I smiled.

We then drove off course and reached this huge house.

"Why did you stop?"I asked.

"Cause this is 4 Sunbird Circle,"he answered.

"THIS IS HIS HOUSE?!"I gasped.

This house was 1 times bigger than my own house!! I alighted and got up to the gate. I looked high and low for the bell. I pressed the intercom.

"Lee Residence! May I know who you are looking for?"the woman asked.

This sounds so familiar. My nanny answers the intercom with Kim residence! HAHA!

"Oh, hi! I'm Kim Haemin! I'm Eunhyuk's partner. I'm here to pass him his homework,"I said into the intercom.

"Oh! His teacher called to say you'll be here. I'll be right there!"the woman said.

I was left standing alone. Then, the gate slowly opened with a buggy riding up from the lawn. The buggy reached me and the woman inside jumped out.

"Good Afternoon, I'm the Lee Residence's house keeper. Just call me, Helen. I'll bring you to Eunhyuk's room,"she smiled.

"Oh! Its okay! I'll just pass you his work,"I said.

"No no! I insist on you coming in,"she smiled.

Her smile was really hard to resist.

"Alright,"I smiled.

I climbed into the buggy and she drove me to the big house. We reached and she opened the big grand door for me. I stepped in. It kinda looks like my house.

"Please follow me,"Helen said.

I nodded my head and followed up the stairs and down the hallway. It really looks like my house. I won't be lost here. She then reached a white door. She knocked three times and then opened the door. She walked in with me following behind.

"Master, your friend, Haemin is here to deliver your homework,"she said.

I finally reached where she was standing and stood behind her. Eunhyuk was sitting up in bed, reading a book. He has glasses on and he looked up at me. He looks different. A tamer prince charming?

"Hey,"he greeted.

I'm surprised he didn't shout or smirk. As he was nice, I played along.

"Hi. Here's your work,"I ped my bag to pass him 2 books and a worksheet.

"Thanks,"he mumbled as he took the things.

"Have a seat,"Helen grabbed a chair for me.

"Oh, its okay! I'm going off now,"I smiled.

"I insist. Have a drink before you leave,"Helen said.

"Erm,"I hesitated.

"Do stay. I'm kinda bored,"Eunhyuk muttered.

I looked at him.

"I'll go get your drink. Sit,"Helen pushed me down onto the chair.

I sat down quietly.

"I didn't know you could be so quiet,"Eunhyuk said.

"YOU!"I looked up and glared.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you. I would've asked you to leave if I'm not sick,"Eunhyuk said.

"Are you okay?"I asked.

"Just a fever,"he replied.

"Must be really uncomfortable,"I commented.

"You bet,"he said.

"Where's Donghae?"I asked.

"Don't talk to me about him. That idiot didn't even visit me after school. He went out with some crap girl,"Eunhyuk snapped.

"Oh! Don't be sad. At least I came though not voluntarily,"I said.

"I know. You would rather die than come here,"Eunhyuk said.

I nodded. Someone knocked the door three times and Helen came in with my drink.

"Thanks,"I took the drink from her.

"Welcome!"she smiled.

I sat down and drank a little.

"So, how's class without me?"he asked.

"Really good,"I answered.

"I can't believe my enemy is sitting in my room right now,"Eunhyuk smirked.

I nodded my head.

"Are you usually that quiet?"he asked.

I nodded my head.

"God! You look like some cool chick when I bullied your friend at the mall,"he commented.

I nodded my head. Then, he lifted his blanket.

"Where are you going?"I said in shock as I quickly put my drink down on his study table.

"Bathroom,"he said as he stood up.

"Careful!"I ran towards him and helped him.

But he lost balance and fell. He pushed me and I landed on the floor with a loud thud on the back of my head. Next thing I knew, he landed right on top of me. And I felt something pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Eunhyuk's face right in front of me. Eunhyuk lifted his head, realised he had accidentally kissed me. He quickly stood up. I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Its getting late. Bye,"I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Bye,"he muttered.

I ran out of the room and into the living room.

"Going off?"Helen asked.

"Yeah. Thanks! Don't need to send me out,"I said quickly.

I ran out of the house and as fast as I could to my car. I stumbled in and asked my chauffeur to fetch me home. Quietly, I replayed what happened. Eunhyuk really look every bit the Prince Charming.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??