My Double Date

When Tears Equals To Love

It was a Saturday and I have no school. My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?"I said as I watched videos online.


My blood boiled when I heard his voice.

"What do you want, Lee Eunhyuk?"I asked in a cold voice.

"Go out with me today,"he ordered.

I laughed.

"Who do you think you are?"I asked with a grin.

"I'm Eunhyuk. Are you going with me or not?"he asked.

I opened my mouth to say no then I thought of something.

"Sure!"I answered.

"REALLY?"I could hear shock.

"I thought of treating you. After all, I've been kinda mean these few days,"I said.

"How nice of you. So, I'll message you the time and place,"he said.

"Can we meet at night?"I asked.

"Okay! See you then,"Eunhyuk hung up.

I quickly called Sungmin.

"Hello?"he answered.

"Sungmin, its Haemin here,"I said.

"What's up?"I could hear a smile from his voice.

"Do you want to go out?"I asked.

"I thought your parents won't allow?"he asked.

"I'm meeting Eunhyuk tonight as an excuse to go out. I'll just pretend I'm out with him the whole day. My mother would love for me to bond with him,"I rolled my eyes.

"OHHH! Nice. Okay! I'll meet at XXX shopping centre at 1pm. Is it too early for you?"he asked.

"No no. Its fine! See you!"I hung up.

YES!!!!!!!!!!! KIM HAEMIN!!! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!! I'LL JUST HAVE TO SUFFER A FEW HOURS WITH IDIOT EUNHYUK! Better go ask mum now. I knocked on her door and listened for her come in. Then, I entered her room.

"Mum, can I go out with Eunhyuk today?"I asked.

"Eunhyuk? I thought you hated him,"she smiled.

"Well, he's trying to apologise for being mean,"I answered.

Yeah, right!

"Oh, how sweet of him,"my mum nodded.

"Yeah,"I smiled back.


"Sure, of course you can go! Be nice to Eunhyuk, yeah?"she said.

"Of course,"I nodded.

GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I walked out of the room and ran to mine to change. I grabbed a dress and shoes. I ran down in my high heels. The chauffeur arrived at the doorstep.

"Drive me to XXX shopping centre,"I said.

He drove me there in ten minutes and I alighted. I sat at the bench, waiting for Sungmin.

"Hi, sorry, I'm late,"Sungmin ran up to me.

"Its okay! I just reached,"I grinned.

I stood up and we went off for a movie. We watched a comedy and we laughed till our stomach hurts. We came out with smiling faces.

“That was really funny!”Sungmin laughed non-stop.

“I totally agree!”I laughed along.

Then, my phone rang. I received a message.

[Meet me at Minori at 5.30pm. –Eunhyuk]

I sighed and put my phone away. I looked at my phone. Oh great! Its going to be 4pm soon.

“Sungmin, I’ll have to leave at 5,”I told him.

“No problem! You’re going off to meet Eunhyuk?”he asked with a smile.

I nodded with a sad smile.

“Don’t worry. You can text me so you won’t feel so annoyed with him,”he smiled.

“Aww, you’re so nice!”I grinned.

“Of course!”

All of a sudden, he leaned in and kissed me on my cheek. He looked into my eyes.

“Its okay with you if I did that, right?”he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, ert,”I replied with a straight face.

His face turned into shock instantly.

“Just kidding,”I broke into a smile.

I started laughing like a mad woman.

“HOW DARE YOU!”he shouted while laughing.

He then grabbed me and tickled me till I could die.

“STOP IT, LEE SUNGMIN! HAHAHA!”I kept laughing.

“Oh, you’re really ticklish eh,”he nodded as he tickled.

“OH MY GOD! HAHAHA! STOP ..HAHA..IT!”I smacked his hand in an attempt to stop him.

“Okay okay! You mustn’t look like a mad woman on a date with Eunhyuk,”he stopped and pulled his shirt straight.

“Stop reminding me about it,”I squinted my eyes at him.

“Its 5. You gotta go,”he said sadly.

“Sigh, yupp! No choice! Bye!”I hugged him.

He followed me to the taxi stand. I boarded a cab and told the driver to drive me to Minori. When the driver reached, Eunhyuk was already there. I alighted and walked towards him.

“Hey,”he looked at me.

“Hi,”I smiled a little.

“You look awesome,”Eunhyuk nodded.

“Thanks,”I replied.

He doesn’t look too bad himself. Looks really hot if I don’t hate him.

“Erm, you wanna go in now?”he asked.

“Okay,”I nodded.

He opened the door for me to walk in first.

“Lee Hyukjae,”he said to the waitress.

“This way please,”she said with a smile.

We followed her to a booth seat near the conveyor belt.

“Have you been here before?”he asked.

Are you kidding?! I’m a regular here!!!! Who do you think I am, stupid Eunhyuk!!

“Yupp,”I smiled.

“Hi, Haemin,”the waitress came back with menus for us.

“Hello!”I grinned.

“Eunhyuk!”the waitress smiled.

He’s a regular too?!

“Hey,”he smiled back.

I studied my menu.

“I’ll have an eel fried rice,”Eunhyuk and I said together.

“Haha, I forgot to tell you two that both of you like the same thing. Eel fried rice,”the waitress smiled.


“Oh, really? What a coincidence,”I smiled.

Thank god for speech and drama lessons:)

“Erm,”Eunhyuk nodded coolly.


End of Chapter

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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??