Fit to be my Boyfriend

When Tears Equals To Love

We were eating lunch with my grandmother.

"Hyunjoong, eat more,"my grandma handed him more food.

He nodded and continued eating. Everyone in my family dotes on him.

"Wanna go out later?"he asked.

"Huh?"I looked up.

"Have you finished your work? I wanna go out after lunch,"Hyunjoong smiled.

"Oh okay! Where do you wanna go?"I asked.

"Hmm, shopping? I thought you loved shopping,"he answered.

"Its okay with me as long as you pay,"I smiled.

"Tsk,"he went back to his food.

We finished our food and left for the shopping centre. We walked around. Hyunjoong was being as usual and waited patiently whenever I wanted to try on some clothes. He would also pay for it. You all don't know how much I love my brother. We were walking around, Hyunjoong suddenly put his arm round my shoulders.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Eunhyuk and his friend, up ahead,"he said softly.

I looked ahead. That was when Eunhyuk turned to our direction and saw us. His stare became intensed. I looked at Hyunjoong. This idiot still had the nerve to give Eunhyuk his best smile. He then pulled me to move forward.

"What are you trying to do?"I hissed.

"Just move,"he ordered with a smile.

I walked with him and we stopped right in front of Eunhyuk and Donghae. Eunhyuk looked at me then at Hyunjoong.

"Didn't expect you to be here,"Hyunjoong smiled at them.

Eunhyuk smirked.

"Who are you?"Donghae asked.

"I'm Haemin's ex boyfriend, Hyunjoong,"he smiled.

"Her what?!"Donghae's eyes widened and he looked at Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk looked at me.

"So, I heard you're wooing her, huh?"Hyunjoong asked Eunhyuk.

"I don't really need to cause I'm her future fiance,"Eunhyuk smiled a little.

"Haven't you heard about it?"Hyunjoong asked, surprised.

What the hell is he doing?

"Heard what?"Donghae asked.

"Her parents is thinking of change their mind,"Hyunjoong smiled.

"WHAT?"Eunhyuk stared at me.

"Well, if you want, you can come to dinner tonight and try to talk her parents around,"Hyunjoong said.

Eunhyuk kept quiet while Donghae elbowed him.

"You coming for dinner?"Hyunjoong asked.

Eunhyuk looked at me.

"Do come,"I smile a little.

Eunhyuk looked at Hyunjoong.

"I'll be there,"he said coldly.

"Good. But let me warn you, you're no match for me,"Hyunjoong said proudly.

"If you're so interested in Haemin, why did you break up with her then?"Donghae asked angrily.

"I didn't want to, right, baby?"Hyunjoong asked me with a smile.

My goosebumps appeared. I tried to smile a little.

"What do you mean you didn't want to?"Eunhyuk asked coldly.

"I had to go overseas to study. I thought it would be best for us to separate. But I guess we missed each other too much,"Hyunjoong explained.

"What makes you think she would fall in love with you again? She likes Eunhyuk now. She said I love you to him,"Donghae said.

"If you realised, I've more advantage than you. I know Haemin inside out. I stay at her house. Who do you think will win eh?"Hyunjoong smiled.

"YOU STAY AT HER HOUSE?"Donghae asked loudly.

"Of course, where do you think I'll stay? Her parents were more than happy to let me stay,"he smiled again.

"But she likes Eunhyuk now. So, you can forget about wooing her,"Donghae said.

"We'll see about that. We're going off first. See you at her house,"Hyunjoong smiled before ushering me off.

We walked to the carpark and got into his car.

"What was wrong with you? What if he gets angry with me?"I groaned.

"Well, if he likes you that much, he'll come for dinner tonight and try to snatch you away from me. I'm gonna let him get my sister so easily,"Hyunjoong started the engine.

He drove us home and went to our house phone to call our parents. He told them all to come back for dinner and explained his plan to them. He hung up and gave me a smile.

"I've something that I need you to co-operate on,"he said awkwardly.

"What?"I asked.

"Let me kiss you on your lips,"Hyunjoong said.

"WHAT!!!!"I exclaimed.

"I'm serious. If the situation calls for it, I'll need to do that,"he told me.

"Hyunjoong, don't you think this is overboard?"I asked.

"Welcome to the world of the rich,"he smiled before walking off.

I sighed. I went up to do my homework and time flew by. Someone knocked on my door and I called out to him/her to come in.

"Miss, Young Master Eunhyuk is here,"my nanny told me.

I nodded my head and went outside. But when I reached, Hyunjoong was already there talking to him.

"If you really like her, you've gotta prove to me before I'll give up,"Hyunjoong said.

Eunhyuk then looked up and saw me. Hyunjoong saw him staring at something behind him, he turned around.

"Haemin, you done with your work?"he asked.

I nodded my head.

"Good,"he grinned.

I smiled back. The front door swung open and my parents stepped in. They look at Eunhyuk then at Hyunjoong.

"Hi, aunty! Hi, uncle!"Hyunjoong bowed a little as he greeted HIS OWN parents.

They nodded their heads.

"Hi, aunty! Hi, uncle!"Eunhyuk bowed as he greeted.

"Hello. You must be Eunhyuk. We've heard alot about you. Come on into the dining room. We'll talk there,"my father led us all into the dining room.

We went to our respective seats. Hyunjoong went to his usual seat which was opposite me. Eunhyuk took a seat beside me and sat down.

"Hyunjoong, how's your studies coming along?"my father asked.

"Oh, graduating end of this year. Remember to come for my graduation ceremony,"Hyunjoong said.

"Of course we will, silly,"my mother answered.

My nanny served us food and we began eating.

"Hyunjoong, here,"my grandmother offered him food.

What's new?

"Are you going anywhere tonight, Eunhyuk?"my mother suddenly asked.

"Not really, there's school tomorrow,"he replied.

"Hyunjoong?"my mother asked.

"Oh, I'm going out with Haemin,"he replied with a smile.

"You are?"Eunhyuk and my mother asked.

"Yeah, I didn't have time to tell you all,"I told my mum.

"Oh good. You two should go out more. Its been long since you two saw each other anway,"my mother smiled.

Hyunjoong smiled at her. Dinner ended and I was done eating dessert.

"You done?"Hyunjoong asked.

I nodded my head.

"Come with me,"he said before standing up.

I followed him out to the swimming pool where we sat side by side on the edge of the swimming pool.

"Eunhyuk seems like a nice guy. Nice choice,"Hyunjoong said.

"You don't know how much I hated him last time,"I told him.

"You hated him? I couldn't tell. What happened?"he asked.

"He was this jerk who kept forcing himself on me,"I answered.

"He forced himself on you?"his eyes widened in shock.

"Not in that manner. As in, he kept forcing me to like him,"I blushed a little.

"Oh, I thought you fell in love with a ert,"he heaved a sigh of relief.

We kept quiet.

"So, are you nervous? He's your first boyfriend, after all,"he smiled.

"I had a boyfriend before him but I dated him to spite Eunhyuk,"I trailed off.

"Really? Eunhyuk must really like you then,"he said.

"I think so,"I answered.

"I love mum,"he randomly said.

"What?"I looked at him, wanting to laugh.

"Mum sent Eunhyuk out here to look for us. Now's the time,"Hyunjoong smiled.

"Huh?"I looked at him, puzzled.

"Close your eyes, I'm gonna kiss you,"he said.

"Hyunjoong,"I pleaded.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna touch you at all,"he reassured me.

With my brother's reassurance, I closed my eyes and stayed in the position for a long time.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now,"Hyunjoong said.

I opened my eyes.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Oh, I pretended to kiss you. It looked like I was really kissing you from his direction. I stayed there till I heard him walk away,"Hyunjoong smiled.

"Do you think he'll stop liking me?"I asked.

"No. He love you too much. I've a feeling he'll come and fetch you tomorrow morning. Leave it to me,"Hyunjoong smiled and got up.

We went up to our room to catch some sleep. The next morning, I got out of my room at the same time as Hyunjoong.

"Morning,"I greeted.

"Morning,"he yawned.

We walked downstairs to have breakfast together. We walked out of the house later on to find Eunhyuk and his car.

"I was right,"Hyunjoong muttered.

"Hey,"I greeted Eunhyuk.

He nodded his head.

"Why are you here for?"I asked.

"I need to talk to you,"Eunhyuk said coldly.

"Now?"I asked.

He nodded.

"Well, I'll wait for you there,"he walked away.

"Yeah?"I asked Eunhyuk.

"What do you take me for, Kim Haemin?"Eunhyuk asked sternly.

"What do you mean by what do I take you for?"I asked.

"You told me you love me and now, you're back with your ex?"Eunhyuk asked angrily.

"What do you mean I'm back with my ex?"I asked.

I can totally see Hyunjoong smiling.

"I saw you kissing him. Haemin, how can you toy with my feelings? Do you know how much I love you?"Eunhyuk asked softly.

"Eunhyuk, I.."I was left speechless.

"From now on, we're strangers, you hear me?"tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Woah, Eunhyuk. Chill. There's nothing to be upset over,"Hyunjoong came running.

Eunhyuk looked at him.

"Shut up. You must be really happy then, huh? Stealing my girl?"Eunhyuk asked angrily with tears in his eyes.

"Firstly, I am happy but not because I stole your girl. Thats impossible. I'm happy that my sister chose such a good guy,"Hyunjoong smiled.

"Your what?"Eunhyuk asked.

"My sister,"Hyunjoong pulled me towards him with a smile.

"Your sister? Haemin's your sister?"Eunhyuk asked with a puzzled look.

"Of course. I was just wanting to make sure you are fit to be her boyfriend,"Hyunjoong said.

"Then, why were you kissing her and hugging her?"Eunhyuk asked.

"I hug my sister all the time. Yesterday's kiss was a fake. I didn't even touch her,"Hyunjoong explained.

Eunhyuk looked at him then at me. He was totally speechless.

"Since you have nothing else to say, please send my sister to school. I don't want her to be late. Thank you,"Hyunjoong patted him on the back before walking back into the house.

I got into the car and he got in after that as well.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother,"Eunhyuk said.

"Well, he didn't allow me to introduce him to you as my brother,"I explained.

"You got me all upset for nothing, Kim Haemin,"Eunhyuk smacked me.

"It wasn't my fault. Blame Hyunjoong,"I rolled my eyes as he drove off.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??