Strange and Beautiful

Strange and Beautiful

"Oh my god Yoochun what happened?!" Jaejoong exclaimed.

Yoochun guided Marissa through the back door into the kitchen and led her straight through to the living room to sit her down. Jaejoong followed them through.

"Marissa what happened?" Jaejoong asked the bloody girl.

She tried sniffling a bit as she watched Yoochun leave the room. "I walked... into a lampost." Marissa's voice sounded naselly as she was clutching the tip of her nose and tilting her head back.

Yoochun come hurrying back through with a bowl of warm water and a clean face-cloth. He sat beside Marissa on the sofa and directed her face round so he could see her. He tugged slightly on the handkercheif she had held up to her nose, a tiny drop of blood trickled out, but it wasn't gushing like before.

"Jae could you ring the doctor, I think she may have broken her nose." Yoochun asked his friend. Jaejoong nodded and left the living room.

Yoochun sighed as he dipped the face-cloth into the bowl of warm water and wrung it out slightly. He began to gently dab Marissa's face, the blood easily coming off onto the face cloth; staining it bright red.

Marissa flinched slightly as Yoochun dabbed the cloth a little bit closer to her nose. He eased the pressure off slightly as Marissa screwed up her face in pain. She let out a heavy sigh.

"I... I'm, sorry." Yoochun said as he continued to lightly dab round Marissa's nose.

"It's o... kay Yoochun, it doesn't really hurt that much." Marissa replied.

"I didn't... I mean." Yoochun stuttered. "I mean, I'm sorry about the past few days."

Marissa looked up at Yoochun.


"Th... thank you. Yoochun." Marissa stammered. Yoochun smiled at her and continued cleaning up her bloody face.


"Well Miss. Blackstock. I can safely say, you have broken your nose." The doctor said to Marissa. The doctor was a man in his 40's or so with black hair. Dr. Stone his name was. He was prodding about at Marissa's now clean face. "We can't exactly do anything to fix it right now, but noses do sort of reset themselves on their own, give it a few weeks and it'll heal on it's own."

Marissa nodded at Dr. Stone who had now started to gently stick a nasal strip across the bridge of her nose.

"This should help you breathe a bit. Just keep taking painkillers whenever the pain become intolerable. Try not to touch it either and if it starts to swell, just put some ice around it. Okay?" Dr. Stone asked Marissa.

Marissa nodded again.

"If you have any problems then come visit the health centre. After a few weeks if you're finding it difficult to breathe or if your nose looks out of place you may possibly have to have surgery to correct it." The doctor continued.

"Thank you Dr. Stone." Marissa mumbled.

"No need to thank me." Dr. Stone said as he stood up beside Marissa. "Take care now."

Yoochun showed Dr. Stone to the door. He eventually made his way back into the living room and perched himself on the edge of the sofa beside Marissa.

"Jaejoong went to the shop to get some more paracetamol. He shouldn't be long." Yoochun said. He turned to glance at Marissa who was looking down into her lap where both her hands were. She was twiddling her fingers.

"I really should have been looking where I was looking." Marissa giggled. Whenever she did giggle though, the skin on her nose would scrunch up. She immediatly "ow'd" slightly after she had finished giggling.

"Right I'll go make us a nice cup of tea." Yoochun said as he stood up from the sofa.

"Yoochun I..." Marissa started, she grabbed Yoochun's hand before he walked past her.

"I'm glad we're talking again." Marissa smiled.

Yoochun smiled back and clasped Marissa's hand tightly in his.

"Me too."


Yoochun stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes to find his dark room illuminated by a sudden strike of lightening outside. Earlier on in the evening the weather had started to change. Big dark clouds rolled in from across the ocean covering the little fishing town in minutes, bringing torrential downpour and loud crashes of thunder. Yoochun turned around slightly and shoved his pillows about to prop himself up. He switched on the small lamp on his nightstand filling his room with a dull glow.

Yoochun could sense something wandering about out in the hallway. He kept his gaze firmly fixed on his bedroom door as he heard it slowly creek open.

"Y...Y... Yoochun!" A slightly exasperated, stuttery whisper came from the gap in the door followed by a small hand grasping onto the side of door-jamb. It was Marissa.

"Marissa what's wrong?" Yoochun asked.

"It's the! It's the... YAHHH!" Marrisa squealed as more thunder struck. She grabbed onto the door for dear life and closed her eyes tightly, sniffling a bit and whimpering from the pain of her nose.

Yoochun slid out of bed and walked over to the cowering Marissa, he peeled one of her hands off the door and gently squoze it. "Climb in with me." He said to Marissa. She glanced back up at him with glassy eyes.

"C c... can I?" She sniffled.

Yoochun tugged her over to his bed and drew back the covers. Marissa climbed in and cowered down in amongst the pillows.The sound of the rumbling thunder outside was making her whimper, she really did not like storms at all.

Yoochun eventually got in beside her and gently draped an arm around her shoulder. She cuddled into him still whimpering. Yoochun rubbed her arm as Marissa sank closer to Yoochun; the coldness of her energy prickling along his skin. It had been so long since he was this close to Marissa. Yoochun missed it immensly.

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />