Chapter 13: Does Seunghyun Hold is Liquor Better than the Rest?

Big Bang's Personal Vent Machine
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            I open my eyes to a dark room slightly illuminated by the lamp on my nightstand. What did I miss? When did I get back home? Please God do not let me have done anything I wouldn’t have done sober. Please. I have to pee so badly. I sit up in my bed and immediately feel woozy. I check my alarm clock and it reads 7:36am.

I put my hand on my head and scrunch my eyes together trying to relieve the massive headache that seems to be circulating throughout my entire body and not just my head. I throw my legs to the side of the bed and attempt to stand up but end up falling over instead. I had tripped over a massive mound of something wrapped up on my floor. Who the hell put that there?

My question was answered before I had a chance to look for myself when the mass sat up quickly yelling “Aish!”

“Oh my God!” I shouted. “Seunghyun! What are you doing in my room? Why are you on the floor?” I asked in a hurry. Then I thought of the worse case scenario. “Are you okay?” I immediately thought about how he may have passed out on the floor after hauling my heavy piece of crap body to my room. I could have killed him!

Or he could have done something awful to me in my sleep! I could have woken up in a drunken fit and punched him in the face and that’s why he is on the floor! No. He wouldn’t do that though. I crouched down to his level when he didn’t respond. He shook his head as if to clear any remaining alcohol out of it.

“Are you alight?” I asked again, slowly.

“Ah…yes, ah…maian” he said as he got to his feet as quickly as he could while trying to gather his things off the floor. He had a blanket and a pillow. He was sleeping on my floor?

“Why are you on my floor, Seunghyun?” I asked him again.

He immediately looked like he didn’t want to have this conversation. He stuttered a few times and then left the room quickly before I could stop him. I was sure I was still a bit drunk. I wasn’t sure about him though. I walked out of my room and went to the bathroom. I almost fell over in the process. This was embarrassing.

After washing my hands, against all my better senses, I went to knock on the door next to mine. I assumed it was Seunghyun’s, remembering that I heard that door close on the first night that I was here.

No one answered. So I knocked again. Then I realized he might have fallen asleep. Yes. I was definitely still drunk. I my heel and went to go back to my room realizing that I was being rude when the door opened.

“_______-ah,” he said quietly. Seunghyun stood there in his pajamas, not saying anything else. His eyes were closed. I could feel my cheeks heating up and turning red. My hands flew to my face and tried to press the red out, even though I knew that wasn’t possible. “Come here,”

I did as he said. He turned around as soon as he knew I was following. He shook his hand behind him motioning for me to shut the door so I did. He sat on the edge of his bed; eyes still closed and released a sigh. I stood in front of him, not knowing what to do. It was at this moment that I realized that I didn’t even know why I had knocked on his door to begin with. I’m never drinking again.

“Sit,” he droaned and patted the edge of his bed. I

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loyal4ygfamily5ever #1
Chapter 34: pausing reading to silently scream at my computer just imaging hearing Seunghyun say "Saranghae" to you. my happy DAAYYYYSSSSSS~!!!!!! but I was thinking, I love reading this and knowing that I can trust it to be decent and clean and urrr, wholesome? everything from him kissing her to him going to sleep her, in any other fic would be M rated but you've written it SO well and made Seunghyun just, an adorably innocent guy who loves being with the girl he loves. LOVE how you've portrayed him. yeah there is so much perfection in this story, why an earth did I wait so long to re-read it??
loyal4ygfamily5ever #2
Chapter 11: I am going to try desperately hard not to spam your comments but I'm just re-reading the description of Seunghyun's "very edgy looking gray suit" and when I first read this I hadn't gotten tot he insane, speechless kind of Seunghyun fangirl that I'm at now and I didn't really appreciate your description. Now... I appreciate it. I apreciate the gray suit, the glasses.... my happy days he would have looked so dang busted HANDSOME!!!!! WOOWWWW!!!

I am finding so much more to love about this... it's just.. every few sentences I'm like,, "I want to frame this bit and hang it on my wall!"
loyal4ygfamily5ever #3
Chapter 3: I'm starting this whole thing again and I am SO looking forward to it!!! I'd forgotten how much I LOVE this story!! :') wow... this is going to be a late night :D
FrostyBluee #4
Chapter 25: I laughed my off for this chapter!! have more of these skypes okay author-nim !
this fanfic is awesome! couldn't stop reading it, well done~!
and off to the sequel XD
Chapter 38: "How many are there?"
"I don't even know anyomre"

LMAO!!! That was funny. Although I don't think it would be hard to remember since SNSD dont change members or anything. But i guess he was just joking XD This story has been awesome, I'm almost done reading.
GBaby06 #7
Chapter 15: So amazing! This story is freaking awesome!!!
parknana #8
Chapter 34: "It’s as if my heart is set on autopilot" Heart.....yeah right...heart buhahaha
lyeshow #9
got scolded by my boss cause getting so giddy reading this at the office hahaha!
Chapter 42: I really enjoyed this fic that I read it in one sitting^^ Nice job^^