The bad boy

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies


Sandara’s POV


As soon as I closed our house’s door, I ran as fast as I could.


I didn’t care about the weird stares that I’m receiving from the people around me.


The only think that I could think about is to run fast and not be late for class.


I felt nervous as I entered our university’s gate. There weren’t many students probably because most of them are already in their respective classes. I hope mine have not yet started.


I continued to run and as I reached our classroom, I felt relieved once I opened the door. Ms. Kim was not yet in class.


I entered our classroom not minding the mocking gazes I received from my classmates. I'm used to it and I don’t care. I never did.


It was probably my fault that I am not close with my classmates. I give them a cold shoulder every time and I would only talk to them if needed. I don't need them anyway.


But then I remembered the person I should be grateful of for this day that made me not be late, my best friend, Bom.


She was my friend ever since childhood. We’ve known each other since 5 years old and we grew closer until then. She was like the sister I never had.


The day she knew that my parents died, she visited me and comforted me. She also helped in cheering the very depressed Chanyeol during that time. We got separated when Aunt Min Young took us into her custody. I was not able to contact her because of Aunt’s strictness. We lost contact eventually.


But after a few years, like it was destined to happen, we met again in middle school. I told her everything that had happened from the truth of my parent’s death, how my father’s very own sister and bestfriend betrayed him, and how we met and lived with Grandma Tae Hee.


I started having trust issues when I entered middle school. I did not make any effort to befriend others out of fear of being betrayed in the future. Bom saw my discomfort with other children and she decided to stick around me all the time. She never left me alone and she was the only one who cared for me.


Bom would often visit me, the boys and Grandma Tae Hee bringing snacks and bread from her family’s bakery. Grandma and the boys liked her very much because of her bubbliness and ability to make people smile.


When Grandma died, she mourned with us and comforted me and the boys as well. She also promised me one thing at that time…

"I'll always be here for you and the boys Dara-yah. I would never let you become sad again. I'll be your bestfriend, companion and sister until forever" Bom shakily said as she embraced me.


That's the reason why we are glued to each other until now and maybe for the rest of our lives. However, many people questioned our friendship. Who wouldn't? Bom is known for her cheekiness and outgoing personality. She's also pretty with a y body. Many boys wooed her but all of them failed except for one guy, Choi Seunghyun, her current boyfriend from another school.


Bom would do anything for me. I know she's protecting me from every person who bullies me. She didn't care if people would think of her as a weird person. She valued our friendship more than her image.


That's why I love her. And I would also do anything for her.


I saw Bom and sat next to her. I was about to say thanks to her for saving me from being late but I felt quite uneasy as I saw the way she stared at me. I chose to act nonchalant and asked her what is wrong. I saw her eyes widened for a bit and then she suddenly shouted,


“Sandara Park! How many times do I have—“she was not able to finish her sentence when suddenly, Ms. Kim entered our classroom. Every one of us sat straight. No one wanted an early gift of shout from our monster professor.


Ms. Kim started by checking the class attendance. She called the students one by one.

“Choi Minwoo”. “Present”

“Han Ga-in”. “Present”

“Jung Krystal”. “Here”

“Lee Joon”. “Present”

“Lee Donghae”. No answer


I felt my face turned sour upon hearing that bastard's name. I hate that guy. He annoys me all the time that he can especially if Bom is not around. Donghae, together with his friends and the brainless queen bee Krystal would do anything to piss me off.


I remembered the time when we were in our freshmen year. Bom was not in school for a week because their family went to America for a short gathering with their other relatives. I was alone and I was on my usual spot in the farthest corner of the canteen when Donghae approached me.


"Hi! Is this seat taken?" He asked.


I didn't answer him. Moreover, I gave him the coldest glare that I could muster. I was already known as the ice geek at that time anyway and I intended to stay that way until I graduate.


He stared at me with wide eyes and what he did next surprised me.


He smiled at me the way girls would die out of overflowing charm and cuteness that could make your toes curl.


Too bad for him. It would never work on me.


I just realized something at that time.


Living with 12 guys with equivalent charms and good looks had its own advantages.


He was really no match for my cute maknaes Sehun and Tao. They have the sweetest smiles ever. My mind unconsciously flew off to the 12 boys that I live with. I wonder if their okay right now. They aren't used to the changes ever since I entered this university. But I know Kris, the second oldest and Suho, the third one, would be responsible enough. Both of them are independent and can be relied upon. I als---.


My trail of thought was cut off when Donghae spoke.


"Hey! You okay? You don't mind me sitting here right? After all, you didn't say anything when I asked you. Therefore I'll assume that your silence means yes" He declared as he sat on the chair facing me and he continued staring at me with his stupid smile.


The guts of this guy! I thought. He didn't get the message that I was trying to convey through my sinister glare. He seems unfazed as he continued talking and once he realized that I wasn't interested with whatever nonsense that he's spouting, he stopped. I was about to make him leave when he suddenly exclaimed,


"Now I know! You don't want to talk to someone you don't know right?!" he beamed. “I’m Lee Donghae! We’re both from the same class!” He exclaimed as he put out his right hand for a handshake.


I just stared at his hand then at him. He was waiting for me to take his hand.


I just ignored him and grabbed my books. I stood up from my seat and was about to leave but then he grabbed my wrist. “Wait, Sandara!” He exclaimed. “I just wanted us to be friends. I knew that you are really good in studying and I hope for us to become friends. I’m a scholar like you and I want to remain being one. Please help me! Can we become study buddies? Please, I don’t want to bother my parents anymore. We’re poor and this is my only hope!” he looked at me with pitiful eyes. My heart soften a bit but I decided against it.


“How can I know that you’re not lying?” I asked

“I can’t show you any proof right now but please! Just let me study with you!” he pleaded.

I rubbed my temple for a bit. This isn’t going anywhere.


Just then, I made a wrong a decision.


I let him studied with me. He is not really bad. He’s humorous and he picks up lessons well.

Bom stayed another week longer in America unexpectedly but I was not that lonely.


Donghae was there for me.


I noticed that I was slowly opening up to him.

But it was a good thing that I did not continue doing so.


After our 10 days of friendship, I discovered the truth behind his friendliness.


It was only a bet with his friends. He also lied about the scholarship.


I felt disgusted.


The only thing I could feel every time I see him is hate and disgust.



“Absent” Ms. Kim announced and continued checking. Ms. Kim’s voice pulled me out of my reverie.


Good thing he's not here. I wouldn't want to see his smug and jerk face while I'm reporting. I sighed in relief.


 When she was done checking, she started calling students to officially start the reporting.


“Park Sandara. You’re next” Ms. Kim called my name.


“Yes Ms. Kim” I confidently answered as I stood up. Bom patted me on the shoulder and wished me luck. I mouthed her thanks.


I started my report about management of people with Diabetes Mellitus. I had prepared for this report very much and I was confident that I could do well. I saw Bom listening to me attentively with a smile on her face. I briefly looked at Ms. Kim who seemed impressed and that made me smile a bit.

I was near the end of my report when,


“Moreover, every one of them must be taught on how they would monitor their blood glucose levels. This could be done by—“I was cut off when the door opened loudly.


I saw Donghae entering the classroom with an uninterested look on his face.


“Sorry I’m late” He said, not even looking at Ms. Kim. He went straight to his seat beside Krystal who grossingly winked at him. What a flirt.


I stared at him for a while. Lee Donghae. The worst bastard ever.


I decided to continue my reporting but Ms. Kim abruptly stopped me.


“Mr. Lee it’s good to see you in class. But I think you have forgotten something” Ms. Kim started as she walked over to Donghae.


Donghae just looked back at her. “What?” He rudely answered.


Ms. Kim just stared at him with an evil smile. She then loudly talked with an evil tone.


“In case you have forgotten, I don’t want late students entering my class! I don’t care if you’re the son of one of the greatest benefactors of this school or even if you are the son of the president of Korea! My rules are the same for all of you!” she roared. She pointed at Donghae and continued, “Get out of my class and be ready for a special project!” she pointed at the door. She’s really something, I thought. I saw Donghae stood up from his seat like nothing happened.


As he was passing by in front of me, he stopped for a while and looked at me. He smiled mischievously at me and said, “Thank you Ms. Kim. I guess it’s better for me to be outside rather than hearing Ms. Ice Geek’s boring endless report that is full of words from planet nowhere” He said as he walked to get outside the room.


I looked at my classmates who were laughing boisterously from what Donghae said. All were laughing except for Bom and Ms. Kim who both looked angry.


I maintained my composure on the outside, showing no emotions at all. But deep inside,


What was that all about?! Arrrgggg! That useless jerk!  He was in the classroom for less than 5 minutes and he already had managed to piss me off!


“Ms. Park, continue” Ms. Kim told me and that made me return to my senses. I inhaled deeply and after that I continued to deliver my report perfectly.





Chapter 2 is up!~

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)