Most concerned

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



Author’s POV


As soon as they arrived home, Chanyeol hurriedly carried his noona inside leaving Kris, Suho and Bom. “Where is Dr Han?!”


The rest of the EXO boys were startled with his sudden appearance and when they saw Dara lying in his arms, they were stunned


“What happened to Dara-noona?!” Sehun exclaimed as he started tearing up.


“Why is Dara-noona full of bruises?!” Tao added


“Oh my god! Are these tie marks on her wrists?!” Kai rumbled as he gently lifted her hand. “There are marks on her legs too!” D.O exclaimed


They started crowding at Chanyeol making him impossible to move. They were all asking him questions at the same time and they were blocking his way


“Yah! Move out of the way first! I need Dr Han to get her checked first! Where is he?” Chanyeol tried to push the others but they just stood there still shocked from seeing Dara’s condition


”You guys! Make way for Chanyeol. Let him pass!” Luhan pulled the other boys away making way for him. “Chanyeol, Dr. Han is waiting at Dara’s room with Xiumin and Lay. Please take her there” he said and Chanyeol nodded at him in response as he wasted no time and brought Dara to her room


The door banged again and they were all surprised to see Kris, and Suho who was carrying Bom. Chen immediately went over to Suho and helped him. “Even Bom-noona?” he uttered worriedly.


“Now, what is really going on here?” Tao asked, confused with the current scenario. All of them stared at Suho, seeking for an answer


“I’m taking noona at the guest room first. Please help me Chen” Chen nodded at him and they quickly made their way upstairs.


The rest of the boys’ attention immediately went to Kris who was left standing by the entrance. Sehun was about to ask him when he suddenly spoke


“Hyung! What did really ha—“


“Even Chanyeol, Suho and I do not know what really happened. Only Dara and Bom-noona could tell us... Let’s just wait for the two of them to wake up.” Kris explained as he followed Chanyeol to Dara’s room. The boys stared at him in wonder but decided to let it go and to check on their precious noona first




“I think that Dara is stable now and I had already dressed her wounds properly. There are no signs that her wounds were infected however, I think that she probably caught a flu. She’s shivering and her temperature is a bit high…” Dr Han explained as he tucked Dara on her bed with a warm blanket. “She still needs to be closely monitored for the next 24 hours. She will experience some pain and weakness so I suggest that one or two among you will remain with her throughout the night and tomorrow. I’ve also written down the important things that you need to look out for and what you need to do.” He said as looked at the boys who still looked worried.


“Don’t worry, she’ll be awake soon. Be sure to feed her when she wakes up and give these medicines to her after” he handed the paper and the medicines to Kris not forgetting to give a reassuring smile to the EXO boys who sighed in relief. “Kris, since you’re the oldest here, I’ll be making you in-charge of Dara, okay?” Dr Han tapped his shoulder and gave him a small smile.


Kris nodded his head and gave Dr Han a smile in return. “I will take care of her Dr Han”


“Arasso. Then I’ll be taking my leave” Dr Han uttered as he grabbed his medicine bag. “Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything”


“We will Dr Han. Please let me accompany you to the door” Kris offered as he led Dr Han out of the room. “You guys stay here arasso?” he stared at the boys briefly and they nodded their heads in response


When the door closed, Chanyeol, Sehun and Tao immediately ran to either side of Dara. Chanyeol held Dara’s right hand while the two other maknaes fought for her left hand.


“Sehun, Tao don’t be so rough… You might wake noona up…” Luhan exclaimed as he stared at Dara with troubled eyes. What did really happen to you noona…? If it is ‘them’ then I’ll have to break my promise…He mumbled


Chanyeol continuously rubbed Dara’s hand gently. Please wake up soon my noona… I can’t wait to know what really happened to you and get my hands on those imbeciles who did this you… he grimly thought


“Aigoo… My noona, my dearest most precious noona… I hope that you’re really okay now…” Sehun gently raised Dara’s hand and pressed it on his cheek.


“I can’t believe this happened… I mean noona getting hurt like this? This is something that I could never call an accident…” Xiumin uttered as he sat down on Dara’s desk chair. “Do you think that Dara-noona is being bullied at her school?”


All eyes turned to him as they pondered on what he said


“Wh—I mean why would she be? Noona, for all we know is the nicest person living on earth…” D.O exclaimed as he looked at Dara worriedly. “Why would they even think of bullying such a wonderful person?”


“Well, that is just a possibility D.O-yah. I mean, there could be other reasons… Like she could have been involved with a fight or something like that…” Lay explained thoughtfully


“All we could do is speculate as of now hyungs… We need to wait for one of them to wake up to clear this up” Kai stood up and walked to the door. “I’ll be checking on Bom-noona if she had woken up”


When Kai closed the door, the room was enveloped in silence. All their eyes were focused on the girl lying on the bed until Chanyeol spoke


“But whatever the reason is, that doesn’t change the fact that someone had hurt my noona…” he spoke with a cold tone. “And whoever is… or whoever they are, I’ll surely hunt them down….” He added grimly


Although the boys would usually disagree with the use of violence especially Luhan, Lay and Baekhyun, this time, they couldn’t help but agree with what Chanyeol said. No one messes with their family especially with their precious noona… they all thought


They were all silent when suddenly, Chanyeol felt Dara moved her hand


“Noona!” he exclaimed as he tightened his hold on her hand. The boys immediately went closer to her side


Slowly, Dara opened her eyes. She groaned when she saw the light and it blinded her so she closed them again


“Ackk…” she mumbled


“Are you hurt somewhere noona?” Baekhyun exclaimed


Dara shook her head and tried opening her eyes once more


“Is that you Baekhyun? I’m not hurt… It’s just the lights are blinding me… I think that my eyes needs to adjust first…” Dara softly mumbled. Tao quickly ran to switch the light off. “Should I turn it off then?” Tao asked


“Aniyo… I think that I’ll be okay…” She smiled gently and after a few seconds, she was able to completely open them. She immediately gasped when she saw the worried faces of her Exo boys


“My dongsaengs… I’m okay now… Please remove those worried expression on your faces… I’m not dying yet you know” She tried lifting up their mood with a joke however, it only made the boys frown more


“No noona, this is a serious case. The state you were in when we saw you is surely not a laughing matter… We want to know what happened and who did this to you Dara-noona” Chanyeol grimaced as he recalled what Dara looked like when they saw her. I’ll be surely having nightmares for days, he thought


Dara stared at her brother and she saw how red his eyes were and traces of tears were still evident on his face. She released her hand from his hold and touched his face. “I’m sorry Chan-chan… I ju--, I just don’t want to think about it right now… Can I just please get the comfort of being home and safe here with you guys…?” She mumbled and Chanyeol’s expression immediately softened.


She smiled at him and slowly, she tried getting up. Sehun, quickly supported her back while the others continued staring at her


“Is it okay for you to sit noona? Aren’t you feeling dizzy?” Luhan asked worriedly


“I’m fine Luhan… But my body hurts all over…And my head feels quite heavy… Do we have any pain killers?” She grimaced when she started feeling her body pain. Aisht, those girls had really done it… she thought


“Yes we do! But Dr Han told us to feed you first before giving you medications” Lay stood up. “Please wait for a bit noona, I’ll make you something to eat” he exclaimed and hurriedly went out with D.O following him. “I’ll help you Lay!”


“So… how was I able to arrive here? I mean, how were you able to find me…?” She asked


“Bom-noona…. It was her who told us where we could find you…” Chanyeol replied and Dara’s eyes widened in surprise


“Bom?! She knew where I was? Where is she now?!” Dara asked frantically thinking that Bom might get involved with her issues again


“Calm down noona… Bom-noona is currently at the guest room. She fainted a while ago but Dr Han said that she would be okay…” Chanyeol muttered softly wishing that his noona would calm down


“Fainted?! Oh my god! I need to see her!” She was about to get up from her bed when Sehun and Tao quickly held her down


“You can’t noona! You need to have more rest!” Sehun exclaimed


“But I want to see Bom! I want to know if she’s okay!”


“She’s fine noona… Even Dr Han had said so. Please calm down for now... Kai-hyung, Chen-hyung and Suho-hyung are already there to check on her… “Tao explained. When he felt Dara calming down, he slowly released his hold on her.


Just then, they heard the door knob twisting and saw Kai peeking from the outside


“Dara-noona’s awake now…” Kai turned to his back before completely opening the door, revealing Chen and Suho with Bom behind them


Dara’s eyes widened when she saw her. “Bom-ah…”


“Okay boys. I think that we need to give our noonas some time alone…” Suho said as he stared at the others. “And we also need to talk…” he shot them a look and the boys understood it immediately. One-by one they made their way towards the door.  Dara, was about to ask him about what they need to talk about when she felt Chanyeol squeezed her hand.


“Don’t worry about it noona. Just patch things up with Bom-noona…” he gave her a reassuring smile before turning his head towards Bom. “I hope it turns out well…” he muttered before totally leaving the room




Bom took a sit on the chair beside Dara’s bed. They were wrapped in silence and there was an awkward atmosphere surrounding them


“So, uhm… How are you feeling right now…?” Bom asked in a soft voice, breaking the silence.


“I’m feeling better now… How about you? I heard that you fainted…” Dara gave a quick glance at Bom then looked away again.


“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. You should worry about yourself more” Bom replied staring at Dara directly


“So Bom-ah… How did-- I mean how you knew where I was…?” Dara asked in a controlled voice. This time, she stared at Bom with curious eyes.


Bom’ face immediately contorted as she recalled what happened


“Jiyoung…” She mumbled. “It was Jiyoung who told me about that ’s plan” she stated grimly.


“Kang Jiyoung? But I hea—“


“Yes. She was part of the plan. But apparently, she felt guilty and decided to tell me. She was in tears when she came to my house and she told me Krystal’s plan from step 1 to the end. After that, I went here and notified Kris immediately…” she heaved a deep sigh before continuing “And then we found you, lying at the girl’s comfort room… I really don’t know what happened when we found you because I fainted as soon as I saw you… but according to Suho, Kris was the one who took care of you…”


Dara’s face softened as she recalled her memories from a while ago.


“Kr—Kris? Wh— what are you doing here? How did yo—“Dara’s eyes unconsciously started to water. She really felt glad seeing Kris. She was saved.


She couldn’t help but to embrace him. All her fear and hopelessness were washed away. She really felt that she would die and no one would ever find her


“Hush... You’re safe now… Stop crying Dara. I’m here now…” He raised her up a bit and returned her embrace. Dara buried her head on  his neck and continued crying


“You’re safe now… I’ll be taking you home. The boys are waiting…”


She felt her cheeks warming up as she imagined herself clinging on Kris. That was so embarrassing! Ah really, Kris is always there to save me and I haven’t had the chance to thank him… she thought as she pat her cheeks. I must really do something for him next time… and to thank him too… she reminded herself


She was cut off from her thoughts when she heard sobbing sounds. She was shocked when she saw Bom looking down and tears freely falling from her face


She immediately reached out to her and held both of her hands. “Bom-ah, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”


Bom tried to supress her tears but failed. “I—it’s just that… I feel so guilty… I—if I had not left you to work with her, this, this wouldn’t have happened…” she stuttered


Dara shook her head frantically. “Don’t feel guilty Bom! What happened to me is not your fault… it is not and would never be your fault…” she started tearing up as well


“But still! I should have not left you! I should’ve realized that there was something fishy when Jiyoung volunteered! She is part of Krystal’s circle after all… but my stupid pride won over and I decided to let it go… If, if only—“Bom covered her face in shame


Dara immediately grabbed her hands and leaned closer. “No Bom! Please don’t blame yourself…” She sobbed. “It’s my fault for being weak… for not realizing that something bad was waiting for me… I should’ve thought about it more but I just let it pass… I just can’t think clearly these past few days” Dara wiped the tears falling from her eyes. “Bom, I can tolerate any bullying that they would give me, I can face it all… But I realized how hard it is without you… You’re my only source of strength at school Bommie-yah… You’re the only one who can make me happy… Not only in school but outside as well… I don’t think I can function well without you…” she admitted as she cried loudly. “Please Bom-ah… Please forgive me! I won’t lie to you again! I promise… No more secrets, no more lies… I’ll try my best to be more open about my feelings, I would be mo—“she was not able to finish when Bom suddenly locked her in a tight embrace


“It’s okay now! I’m really sorry too Dara-ah… It’s just that I was really confused and hurt at that time… I was blinded by my emotions and I realized that I can’t live without you as well…” she hugged her more tightly. “I miss everything about you… and my heart felt really heavy every time I saw you being not like yourself…” Bom released her and cupped her cheeks. “I really missed you Dara-ah… I wasn’t mad at you… I can never be… It’s just that please, don’t hide important things to me alright? I know that you don’t want me to worry about you but I can’t help it… we’ve become friends since we were children and I think of you as my sister already… I hope that there would be no more secrets between us, okay?” she smiled gently while Dara nodded her head eagerly.


They both chuckled as they hugged.




After both of them had calmed down. Bom decided to ask Dara on what had really happened


“So, Dara. I only knew what happened based from Jiyoung’s side of the story. Can you please tell me what those es did to you?” Bom exclaimed in between gritted teeth. “I want full details please.”


Dara nodded her head and narrated the whole story.


After 30 minutes….




“Yah Park Bom! Where are you going?!”


“Isn’t it obvious?! I’m going to where those es live and I will break their bones one by one!!” She furiously exclaimed as she struggled from Dara’s hold. “Yah Sandara Park! Let me go this instant!” She demanded


“What are you saying now?! That’s ridiculous! Would you please calm down! I won’t allow you to hurt anybody!” She gripped on Bom tighter temporarily forgetting about her body pain but Bom was one hell of a strong woman.


They were in a struggling battle for the next few minutes until both of them felt tired and fell on the floor


“Yah! Sandara Park! Just let me get my hands on those es and I would surely—“Bom panted heavily


“I won’t allow you Park Bom! You won’t be hurting anybody and that’s final! If you get a revenge against them, they would surely involve you and they might hurt you next time!” Dara exclaimed breathlessly. “I wouldn’t want that to happen…”


“What are you saying?! I can handle myself just fine! You’re always letting things pass that’s why they continue bullying you! Unlucky for them because I can’t let this pass! I’ll teach them a lesson that they would never forget in their whole existence!” Bom stood up but Dara immediately grabbed on to her left leg


“No! You can’t and I won’t let you! Please Bom! Stop being so stubborn!”


They struggled once again when the door suddenly opened


“What are you two doing…?” a deep voice filled the room


“Top!” Dara exclaimed “Please help me! This girl is on rage again! Please stop her!”


“Don’t listen to her Tabi! I’m your girlfriend and you should listen to me!” she struggled. “Now release me from this girl and we need to  go to some places!” Bom urgently commanded


“Wh— what’s happening here? What are the two of you talking about?” Top muttered, confused on what the two is struggling for


Dara immediately explained the situation and Top agreed with her. Bom protested but Top sternly told her to listen to Dara


“Dara’s right Bom-ah… stop acting impulsively…” Top explained but Bom only frowned at him.


Top heaved a deep sigh before turning his attention towards Dara


“Mianhe for the trouble Dara-ah… And I hope that you get better soon… Please take all the rest you need…” Top smiled at her before grabbing Bom’s hand. “I’m taking this raging woman home. She must be in need of rest to calm herself and to think clearly.” Top snickered and Bom gave him a light punch on the shoulder


Top started walking when Bom suddenly stopped in front of Dara. She released her hand from Top and locked Dara in a tight embrace once again


“We are not yet done with this talk Dara… But for now, I want you to take plenty of rest and recover fully…” she smiled at her but something came up into her mind making her expression change


She leaned closer to Dara’s ear. “We still need to clear things out about Lee Donghae… the bastard that is the cause of all these things happening to you…” she whispered seriously before letting her go. “But for now, sleep well okay? I’ll visit you again tomorrow…” she cheerfully exclaimed before totally exiting out of the room


Dara suddenly felt tired and collapsed on her bed. Lee Donghae… What should I do with you…?


She was in deep thought when suddenly, Chanyeol arrived with a tray of food and juice on his hands


Dara sat up and gave her brother a smile


“Dara-noona! I brought some porridge for you that was made by Lay! D.O had also cut some apples for you…” he said as he brought  down the tray on the side of her bed


Dara immediately felt her stomach grumbling. She was about to grab the spoon when Chanyeol beat her to it.


“Uh-uh! I’ll be your nurse tonight noona!” he wagged his finger in front of Dara before scooping a spoonful of porridge and blowing it. “Say ahhh~”he placed the spoon near


Dara chuckled at his antics before opening “Ahhh~”


Chanyeol clapped his hands and smiled widely “Good girl! You need to eat everything okay?” he exclaimed as he prepared another spoonful of porridge. Dara chuckled once more. “Aigoo! Why is my baby acting like an oppa?” she snickered at him


Chanyeol just smiled at her and continued to feed her.


After 15 minutes, the bowl was clear and Dara was on her last piece of sliced apple. Chanyeol immediately prepared the medicines that Dr Han asked them to give her. He handed them to Dara and she immediately took it with a glass of water


“Thank you my handsome nurse! I think I’m better now!” Dara exclaimed making Chanyeol smile proudly. Her eyes then accidentally landed on her wall clock and she gasped when she saw that it was already 11:30 in the evening


“Omo! Chanyeol-ah! It’s this late already! You should be sleeping now. You still have school tomorrow…” Dara uttered worriedly as she stared at her brother. He has school tomorrow and I don’t want him to get late just because of me… she thought


“No big deal noona! I can handle myself just fine… Just please, tonight, let me accompany you okay…?” he said in a sad tone. Dara noticed his change of tone and she decided to let it go just for tonight. Truthfully, she also wanted him to stay with her


“Okay… but you need to promise me that you won’t stay up the whole night okay? I don’t want you to be late tomorrow…” She stated sternly and Chanyeol nodded his head eagerly. “I promise!” he beamed as he reached out his pinky and linked it to hers. Dara chuckled but she noticed that there was something different in Chanyeol’s smile and expression


 She heaved a deep sigh before she coaxed her brother to come closer


“Chan-chan… Can you give your noona a tight goodnight hug…?” she requested and Chanyeol immediately did what she asked.


“Chanyeol-ah… I’m sorry that you had to see noona in this state… You must probably be bothered it… But I promise you that this won’t happen again… Please stop worrying and smile the way you usually do okay? Noona loves your smile the most…” she said as she buried her head on his shoulder and rubbed his back gently. “I’m okay… I won’t ever leave you…”


Dara felt Chanyeol tightened his embrace and nodding his head. She smiled and they stayed in that position until she fell asleep




Dara was awakened when she felt someone entered her room. She opened her eyes and she scanned her room that was filled with darkness. She saw Chanyeol sleeping uncomfortably on the chair beside her with his head on the bed making her frown. She was about to wake him up when a voice interrupted her


“I’m sorry for waking you up” Kris muttered soft enough that it was barely audible


Dara turned her head towards the tall figure standing on the other side of her bed. “Kris…” she mumbled


Kris moved to the other side and opened the lamp shade on her desk. He also placed down the small basin with water that he brought. “How are you feeling?” he asked


“My head feels heavy once again… and I think I have colds…” she replied while sniffing


Kris touched her forehead and he frowned “You feel hot…” he grabbed the thermometer and placed it on her ears. “38.2…” he read and he immediately submerged the small towel on the basin and he squeezed it before he placed it on her forehead. “You have a fever…”


“That explains why my head feels so heavy right now…” she grunted before turning her attention to Chanyeol. “Kris… can I ask you to do something?”


“What is it?”


“About Chanyeol… Can you please bring him to his room? I don’t think that he’s comfortable with that position…” she explained as she pointed at Chanyeol


Kris nodded his head. “Alright. I’ll be back”. He placed Chanyeol’s right arm over his shoulder while he supported his waist. Tsk, Chanyeol had really grown so much… since when was he this heavy… Kris groaned inwardly as he carried Chanyeol to his room


After a few minutes, Dara felt Kris entering her room. He sat on the chair where Chanyeol was sitting before


Dara tried to sit up but Kris quickly held her shoulders. “Don’t get up. Your headache might worsen.” He scolded her and Dara could only pout in response. Eventually, she followed him as she nodded her head like an obedient child and lay down quietly


Kris grinned but Dara wasn’t able to see it. She is so obedient when she is sick…he thought


“Kris…” she suddenly called him.


“What?’ he responded with his usual monotonous voice, masking his amusement towards the girl in front of him


“Thank you very much… For everything… I me—I mean, you’re always there to save me… Really, tha--thank you very much…” Dara mumbled softly but loud enough for Kris to hear. He noticed that she was looking away and she was gnawing her lips. Clearly, she was  embarrassed


He chuckled inwardly. For him, it was amusing to see Dara in this state because she would always act like a tough lady towards them.


He chose to remain silent before Dara spoke again


“Is there anything you want in return…? For all the troubles I did to you… I’ll try to give you something that you really want… Anything that I could possibly give you or do for you…” She muttered. She was now staring at him directly and Kris could read in her eyes that she was anticipating his answer


He thought for a while but there was nothing that came in mind. He looked at her and she was still staring at him. “I have nothing I want for now” He replied making Dara frown “But I’ll tell you once I thought about it…” he lingered on as he looked away making Dara beam. will definitely wait for that! She thought


Suddenly, Dara was reminded of an important thing that she needs to ask him


“Kris-ah…” she called him again




“Can I ask you a favour…?  A really big favour…?” she anxiously mumbled


Kris’ eyebrows furrowed. What would she ask me that is causing her to be fidgety like this? He thought


“What is it?” he asked curiously


Dara heaved a deep sigh before answering…




After a while, Dara fell asleep. Kris remained and stared at her sleeping figure


You’re truly a silly woman. Asking for the impossible… He snickered


He reached out his hand and touched her forehead once again. He sighed in relief when he felt her temperature cool down a bit


He leaned closer to her and he groaned when he saw her bruises


I haven’t had the chance to say this but… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for causing you this… he said as he lifted her hand gently. I was the one who asked Bom-noona about that guy. I saw you two in the library and I got curious… he rummaged through his pocket and brought out the handkerchief that Dara had dropped before. I didn’t know that there is something between the two of you… his eyebrows furrowed. Now I know that he is the cause of everything. I didn’t even know that you were bullied at school. The embarrassment you had to face because of him and the pain that you had experienced today… it was all because of him… That guy, Lee Donghae… his face immediately show disdain.


But then, you just had to ask such a stupid request… he sighed. However, I couldn’t promise you that I would hold on to that favour for a long time… I won’t let this happen to you again… and if something like this happened again, I won’t hesitate and bring Lee Donghae down myself… he swore menacingly


He was disrupted from his thoughts when he heard Dara mumbling, “Bom, Bom-ah! Don’t hurt anybody… I won’t allow you… I won’t…” she lingered on


Kris grinned. Even during her sleep, she thinks about Bom-noona… he thought


He stood up from his seat and stared at her face. Right now, your health is the most important…


He stared at her for a while before he leaned in closer



Get well soon omma, our babies need you to recover as soon as possible… he mumbled before giving her forehead a quick peck






So yeah... Hello dear readers!~

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And to all my readers from the Philippines, please take care and let's all pray for a better weather soon...

God bless everyone and keep safe!





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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)