Pre-birthday panic

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies




Sandara’s POV


Two days before Sehun’s birthday, I murmured as I stared at my pocket calendar


I have only two days to get him a gift and I still can’t think of one


I sighed


I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder


“What’s wrong with you Dara-ah? You’ve been spacing out while looking at your pocket calendar” Bom worriedly looked at me


We were currently walking in the corridors of our university


“There’s nothing wrong Bommie-ah. It’s just about Sehun’s birthday…”


“What about it? I thought that we were clear on that? The plan is properly polished right?” She asked me


“Yes, the plan is going smoothly, thanks to Suho” I responded.


“Man, Suho is really something neh? I mean, how was he able to prepare the things needed for Sehun’s surprise party when they live at the same house?” she said with admiration


“Well, trust Suho on those kinds of things. He’s really amazing” I said proudly. But I suddenly remembered my problem. ”However, I still have a problem” I told her sadly


“What? Could it be that you still have no gift for Sehunnie?!” She exclaimed with shock evident on her voice




I heaved a deep sigh


“That’s it?!” She snickered at me as if it was the easiest problem on earth. “Dara-yah, you still have two days to think about it” she nonchalantly said as she led me to seat on one of the isolated corridor benches


I frowned. She’s really a very carefree person, I thought as I stared blankly at her


“I’m really sorry that I’m not like you who buys a gift an hour before giving it to the celebrant” I told her monotonously


She’s always like this. Not only during my birthday but for any other person’s as well.



Last year, she planned a surprise birthday party for Top. On the day of his birthday, she told us to go to the venue earlier to help her prepare. Yoona, Taeyeon and I arrived early and she was still not there. We decided to fix things already because she was not answering her phone and we were worried that Top may arrive soon. An hour later, we all panicked because Top had already arrived but Bom still was not there. After a few minutes she arrived. She looked tired and haggard and she was holding a blue paper bag.


We instantly knew why she was late


She had bought Top’s gift in the morning of his birthday


The three of us could only shake our heads in disbelief


Bom will always be Bom, we thought as we stared at her blankly




“Yah! I’m not that carefree! I just tend to think better when I’m time-pressured” she defended


Time-pressured?! You mean; you were being too lazy to have any time to think about it! I thought


“Don’t think badly of me Dara-yah! You do know that I give the best gifts right!” he said as she looked at me meaningfully


I snorted


“If you consider lingerie, short dresses and mini-skirts as the best gifts on earth then I’ll say that you are” I retorted.


Bom gives the weirdest gifts, well for me. She gives me hauls of clothes, lingerie and tight dresses during my birthdays or Christmas. I can’t understand her really. I appreciate the thought of giving me gifts but why give me things that I don’t use?


She pouted cutely


“That’s enough of me Dara-ah! Going back to the main problem, what will you give Sehunnie?” she asked


“I wouldn’t be panicking like this Bom-sshi if I knew what I would give him” I answered sarcastically


“Really, stop being so serious! Just think of something that could make him happy!” she beamed. “Sehun’s one of the youngest and he indeed acts like one. So, why don’t you get something that would be fun?” she suggested


“He’s turning 15 Bom-ah. Isn’t he on the age of being materialistic? What material object is fun for him then?” I asked


“Yes he’s 15 but it doesn’t mean that he won’t enjoy the things that people from the borderline of childhood and adolescence enjoy. Plus, he’s like a kid so why worry about him disliking the gift that you would get him?” she answered. She has a point


“Then what do you suggest I give him? The boys will surely prepare gifts for him too and the cake for his surprise birthday party will be coming from you. So what should I get him?”


“Think of something that is different then. It may be an event or a place. One that could make lasting memories of his 15th year of existence” she cheekily suggested while munching on her corn


Event? Place? I stared at her as I thought of her suggestion


A memorable event would most likely be the surprise party so, no




A memorable, fun place…


Suddenly, an idea came to my mind


“Now I know!” I declared loudly. It was a good thing that we were sitting on an isolated bench or else the other students might think that the Ice Geek is losing her mind for talking loudly


“I know of a place that he’ll surely enjoy! Thanks for the help, Bom!” I excitedly exclaimed as I hugged her. Her corn almost fell from my sudden action


“Yah! You almost made me drop my corn you cheap rabbit!” she feigned anger but was smiling. “You’re always welcome, Dara-yah!” She said as she hugged me back. “I’ll be going on my next class okay? See you later!” She said as she stood up


She hurriedly left and I did as well


I really hope that Sehun would like my gift for him. I better prepare for it once I get home, I excitedly thought






I was on my own world when someone suddenly blocked my way causing me to almost stumble because of the impact


What was that for?! I angrily looked at the one at fault


I frowned deeply when I saw the face of proprietor


It is the bastard, again


I stared at him coldly and he stared back.


I was surprised with how he looked at me


It was not the usual eyes full of mischief and amusement but something else


Anger, resentment or confusion? I can’t really explain what


I was actually trying my best to avoid him and his friends since the Luhan accident. I purposely stick close to Bom everyday so they wouldn’t be able to come near me


I’m sorry Bom-ah for using you. But you’re really an effective shield against Donghae and those low-lives


I didn’t want Donghae and his friends especially Queen idiot to get a chance to make that incident a big issue


“I can’t believe that you betrayed me Sandara Park” he started


What is he talking about? I just continued glaring at him but I was really confused


“I didn’t know that you hang-out with high-school boys on weekends” he explained “I’m genuinely surprised with your choice of men. Is it because you can’t get men our age so you chose to get a boy younger than you? That surely doesn’t fit your great image, Ice Geek” he shook his head in disapproval


Well, I don’t care about your stupid opinion, I thought as I ignored him and made my way to leave him


“I made my move on you but you ignored me. I’m deeply hurt, Dara-yah. It’s like you chose a rock over a diamond! Tell me, is that boy a better man than me?” he said as he spun me around and faced me


I gritted my teeth in anger. Did he just indirectly insult Luhan? And did he call me Dara-yah?


I shivered when I heard him saying my nickname


“Don’t involve Luhan here” I retorted    


I saw him getting surprised


“Wow! You even defended him?! I don’t know what to say anymore. You never talked back even once and here you are suddenly talking back for his sake! Do you really like him that much?” he stared at me furiously. I felt that his grip on my waist went tighter and I was in close proximity with his face.


We are like on a tight embrace!


“My relationship with him has nothing to do with you. Leave me alone and mind your own ing business” I responded coldly. He’s really annoying and he’s being too nosy.


I can never let anyone know of the Exo boys and our house arrangement. My bullies would not only be making a great issue on how I live with 12 boys, they would also surely dig information about them as well. I can’t involve the boys with my problem in school and moreover, Kris will be definitely affected too once they knew about this!


I tried to wiggle free from his hold but he is too damn strong!


He didn’t say anything for a while and he just continued staring at me.


“You’re too much, Sandara Park. How can you make me so mad?” he said as he released me. “I’m really disappointed with you. Get rid of your boy toy and live up to your image as a geek. Seeing you hanging out with somebody else besides Park Bom is quite unsettling and disturbing” he said while heaving a deep sigh.


He really looked disappointed but what for?


And what does he mean? I can be with anyone for all who cares!


“I said, mind your own business!” I angrily retorted. I don’t care if I’m being loud right now. He is irking me too much!


“I really can’t believe this! I am the number male in this university but I lost over a high-school boy?! This is ing absurd! I lost to a bet because of not being able to win you over and here you are being all protective for a high school boy! The shame it had given me! Arggg… This is making my head hurt!” he childishly whined


“Well, I don’t care about your issues. Just leave me alone!” I said as I made my way pass him.


Before I can totally leave him, he said something that only made me shake my head in disbelief


“Yah, Ice Geek! I’ll never forget about this! I’m going to make sure that you would regret what you did! I’m going to make your college life a living hell!” he shouted behind my back


As if it isn’t already hell, I mumbled as I walked away from him






Author’s POV


“Done!” Sandara exclaimed as she pressed the enter button


Okay, so I’ll just have to pick it up by tomorrow afternoon. I can get it before I go to work tomorrow! Sandara happily thought.


But right now, I better prepare for work.


She was about to stand from her chair when suddenly, someone hugged her from behind


“Noona!” Chanyeol cutely greeted her


“Hey Chan-chan, what’s up?” Sandara giggled from her brother’s cuteness


“Nothing much, I just miss talking and hanging out with you” he said as buried his head on Dara’s shoulder


“Aigoo, I’m being a bad noona! Mianhe, I’ve really been busy with school and work since I entered Dongguk university” Sandara replied with a sad tone


“It’s okay noona, I really understand. I just hope that we could spend your free time together. You have an hour left before leaving for work right?” he smiled at her


I’ve been really missing a lot on Chanyeol. Ever since I entered college, my mind was focused on studying and working only. Geez, I don’t even know if Chanyeol has a girl he likes already! she thought


“Yes, Chan-chan. But I can spare some more time before preparing for work. How about we use that extra time to catch up with each other a bit?” I told him as I looked back at him and smiled


Sandara saw the excitement on Chanyeol’s eyes


“Sure noona! I’d love that!” he said while nodding eagerly


I do believe that I should make more time for you Chanyeol-ah, and for the other Exo boys as well, she pondered as she listened to Chanyeol who was telling a story about a teacher he hates in school. He was animatedly doing his story-telling making Dara amused



Ahhh… I really do hope that my gift for Sehun would not only make him happy, but the other Exo boys too…





What is Dara's gift for Sehun? Can you guess?


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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)