--Christmas Special

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



6 years ago




Ring… Ring…


“Sehun-ah!” 15-year old Dara called their 9 year old baby.


“Nae?” He answered back, a bit annoyed because he was currently in a heated battle against Tao and he didn’t want to lose


Ring… Ring…


“Get the phone please! My hands are full!” she ignored his tone and continued mixing the batter. “D.O am I doing it right?” she turned her attention to the little boy beside her. “Yes noona! Just a little more and you would get the consistency that we want!” he exclaimed, nodding enthusiastically


Ring… Ring…


The phone continued ringing making Dara jump in surprise. I told Sehun to… She was about to leave the kitchen when a voice stopped her


“Yah Sehun! Noona asked you to answer the phone! Do it now!” Chanyeol suddenly roared from the living room


“Ack! Pause it! Pause it! I’ll be back in a sec!” Sehun hurriedly stood up and ran over their phone. “Don’t you dare move a muscle Tao!” he added making Tao roll his eyes


It is a busy day for the people living in Grandma Tae Hee’s home. Dara delegated the tasks that each one has.


There’s no other person who would do it anyway. Grandma Tae Hee is not home because she was scheduled for a meeting with her business partners but she promised to be back and to spend the evening with them. Being the independent girl that Dara is, she took charge and all of them agreed to surprise their beloved Grandma when she gets home


They had no maids so everybody has to work because Grandma believed that the kids in her home needs to learn household work. Not to enslave them, but to make them knowledgeable


Dara, Lay, Suho and D.O are busy preparing foods in the kitchen. The tall boys, Kris, Chanyeol and Kai were arranging some decorations in the living room while Chen, Xiumin, Luhan and Baekhyun were in-charge for cleaning the house and adding other decorations


And the maknaes?


They were busy playing ps2 as they waited for the sun to set




“Light it up Kai” Chanyeol beamed


Kai walked over to the outlet and nodded “Okay… 1, 2…. 3!”


Colorful lights emanated adding a lively yet calming vibe inside the living room. Chanyeol grinned at the sight before him while Kai clapped his hands “This is lovely! Right Kris-hyung?”


14-year old Kris just nodded his head while he picked up the mess they made. Chanyeol and Kai shrugged and exchanged meaningful glances. He likes it, they thought


Xiumin was passing by when he noticed the lights. He slowly entered the living room and his eyes lit up. “Wow! You did a great job!” he raised his thumbs up and showed them his cheeky smile


“Christmas is really here!”





It is the time of the year when every single person is happy and excited




And today, Dara with her new family is going to celebrate this bountiful event. Every year, they make sure that they will celebrate it together, even preparing gifts for each other. This has been their tradition ever since they started living with Grandma Tae Hee


“Dara-noona! It’s a phone call from Mrs. Choi!” Sehun shouted and immediately went back to the gaming area “Tao! You cheated!” his screams were heard coupled with Tao’s laughter


“I’ll take the phone call neh? It must be a message from Grandma” she wiped her hands clean on her apron and stared at the two boys “I’ll be back, ‘kay?” she grinned but something didn’t feel right. Why would Mrs. Choi call? Did something happened?


She picked the phone cautiously.


“Hello Mrs. Choi?”






“Dara, it is very unfortunate but Ms. Kim might not be able to come home for Christmas eve…” Dara almost dropped the phone from what she heard. She instantly felt nervous for something might had happened to their precious Grandma


“Why?! I-I mean, did something happened to Grandma?!” she asked, her voice rising


“Calm down Dara-ah… Ms. Kim is okay… It’s just the meeting would take longer than expected… It would definitely end up late and the snow fall is pretty heavy so we decided to persuade her not to push through in coming home…” she explained softly making Dara sigh in relief.


But she isn’t totally relieved because this would be the first time since she came that she won’t be spending Christmas evening with Grandma Tae Hee


“Is that so Mrs, Choi…? I understand, uhm, can’t I at least speak with her?”


“Sorry Dara-ah, but she is having a closed door meeting… she just asked me to step out of the room to tell you”


“It’s okay… I will just tell the boys about it… Please keep her safe Mrs. Choi for me and the boys” she could already imagine the sad faces of the Exo boys when she tells them the sad news


“I will. Merry Christmas Dara-ah! Please send my greetings to the boys as well”


“Okay, Mrs. Choi. Merry Christmas to you too! Can you greet Grandma for us as well? And… please give her a tight hug…”


“Sure, I will. Oh! I almost forgot! She told me to greet you and the boys a Merry Christmas. And also don’t forget to lock the doors and eat warm soup or hot chocolate because it will be cold she said”


“Please tell her I will be in-charge of the house Mrs. Choi. Thank you very much!”


“No problem! Merry Christmas again!”


Dara hanged the phone slowly. It was too sad and unfortunate but she needs to be strong for the boys. She walked silently to the living room and when she saw the beautiful lights, a sad smile appeared on her face


“Dara-noona, why do you look sad?” Chanyeol approached her and gave her a tight hug. Dara returned his hug before turning her attention to Kai. “Jongin-ah, can you call the other boys? I need to tell you something” Kai nodded his head and immediately went out


She was locked in a tight embrace with Chanyeol in silence. As she waited or the others to come, her eyes suddenly landed on Kris who was looking back at her


“Why are you like that? Did something happened?” Dara shook her head. “I’ll explain when the rest are here” Kris nodded and sat on the couch


After a few minutes, all 12 boys have gathered inside the living room


“Boys, I’ll go straight to the point. This Christmas eve… Uhm, you see, Grandma Tae Hee won’t be able to celebrate the evening with us…” the boys’ eyes widened in shock. Even Kris has a confused look in his eyes. “Why noona? What happened?” Suho asked softly yet disbelief is written all over his face


She heaved a deep sigh as she stared at them, their faces full of disappointment


“Mrs. Choi told me that her meeting would last longer than expected. And since the snow fall is pretty much heavy, they forced Grandma to stay there… It’s for her safety as well…” she explained but the look on boys’ faces didn’t change. “But don’t worry! We can still make the night happy right? The 13 of us are still here together, okay?” she smiled as she tried to uplift their mood but it lead to no avail


Kris stood up and fled the room without a word. The boys could only follow the sight of his retreating back


Silence filled the room. After a while, it was broken when sniffing sounds came from the back


“Does it mean… that, we won’t be complete this Christmas eve…?” Sehun mumbled sadly as tears welled up in the corner of his eyes


No one chose to speak and all had their heads hung low. Soon enough, Sehun’s subtle cry turned to the next level


“Waaaahhhh! I can’t believe this! I want to see my Grandma Tae Hee!” he stomped his foot as tears continuously flowed in his eyes. Seeing this, Luhan embraced his little brother and gave him a soothing on his back “Sehun-ah… We all want Grandma Tae Hee to be with us…” he uttered. “But hyung! She promised us that she will be back! I want to see her” he continued to sob making Tao, the one sitting beside him shed some tears as well


‘Sehun… Please… We can still make the night memorable and fun. We can call Grandma and greet her. We could also--” Dara tried to calm him down but Sehun only wailed louder


“Grandma! I want Grandma! Waaahh! Grandma broke her promise! Our Christmas is ruined! She—“he was disrupted by a booming sound


“Would you please stop Sehun?! We all want Grandma here! And stop blabbering about her with whatever nonsense!” Xiumin glared at him “You, being a cry baby and a childish brat won’t make things better!”


“What did you say hyung?! I’m not being a childish brat! I’m just saying the truth!” Sehun contested as he approached Xiumin face to face. Being the youngest in their new family, Sehun has always been treated well by the others


“Grandma won’t be coming and our Christmas is ruined!”


Xiumin pushed him out of anger and before he could grab Sehun, Luhan covered his brother with his body while Dara came in between them. Both Chanyeol and Suho held Xiumin to stop him


“Please stop this, both of you! You shouldn’t fight just because of this! We all feel the same so stop acting like this… Please” she stared at Xiumin then at Sehun who both kept silent. “Xiumin, you are older. You should know better than hurt someone younger than you”


Xiumin stared at her in disbelief before he snorted “Are you saying that this is my fault noona? But that brat was the one who started it!” he pointed at him angrily. Sehun started feeling fear because of Xiumin’s outburst but Luhan held him safely


“I’m telling you to stop this already Xiumin!”


Xiumin clenched his fist. He felt really mad. He was just trying to protect his Grandma.


He heaved a deep sigh before he stared at Dara. “You always let him do what he wants that’s why he have grown a selfish brat. You always side with him noona that’s why he thinks that everything he does is fine” he uttered darkly “You’re the oldest here yet you always take sides. How can I follow you like this?”


Dara stood frozen. She didn’t realize that Xiumin had been thinking like this all the while. She roamed her eyes and saw the pitiful eyes on the boys as well. They are thinking of the same thing… she thought


But it is not what she wanted them to think. She just wants them to learn to be responsible for their younger dongsaengs. The older ones take care of the younger. She believed this as she encrypted in her mind that she is responsible for all the boys in front of her


And she wants them to understand her


“Xiumin, it’s not like that… listen, I—“she was about to touch his shoulder but Xiumin slapped it away. “I don’t want to hear it. Just console your favourite Sehun or he’ll never stop crying” he uttered coldly as he turned away making Dara freeze instantly.


“Yah Xiumin-hyung! What—“Chanyeol tried to reach for Xiumin but Baekhyun and Kai held him back “Let me go!” he protested but the two held him tighter


“Tsk. Celebrate all you want but I’m out of here. I’d rather sleep than spend the night with a brat and a very UBIASED noona” he walked towards his room and the loud bang of his door from the second floor was heard.


Dara can’t help but feel guilty. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She hung her head low


Chanyeol noticed her down casted expression fuelling his anger more. If there is a person who would do anything to make Sandara Park happy, that would only be Chanyeol Park. If she is hurt or sad, he feels twice the hurt. He loved her that much


“Xiumin-hyung went too far! I’m going to talk to him!” he declared but Baekhyun and Kai tightened their grip on him. “Stop waking it worse Chan!” Baekhyun exclaimed while Kai nodded his head agreement. “No! He’s being too sensitive. I’ll talk to him” he hissed


“Chanyeol please. Just stop” Dara said with pleading and sad eyes. He felt a pinch in his heart and he blew a few breaths to calm himself. He knows he shouldn’t push it further but his protective self is taking over. “I think I need a breather” he walked away. Baekhyun gave Suho a knowing look which he acknowledged with a small nod. Baekhyun and Kai followed Chanyeol to make sure he won’t do anything reckless


“I’m sorry about this noona… Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Sehun about this” Luhan uttered as he place an arm around Sehun’s shoulder. “We will be heading to my room and talk, okay?” he added with a firm tone and Sehun could only nod his head. Before they left, Sehun mumbled a sorry


“Dara-noona, I need to talk to Xiumin… I will make him calm down” Suho gave her an apologetic look. “Okay…” she responded softly. “This is sad that this Christmas turned out this way” he added before leaving. “We’ll come with Suho-hyung. We’ll help him” Chen together with Lay followed him


Dara’s emotion is at the peak at that moment. She was trying hard not to cry


“Noona, I will check on Chanyeol while Tao will check on Sehun and Luhan… Please stay here for a while. We’ll try to get them back before midnight okay?” D.O gave her a small smile. She knew that he was trying to lift her mood “Thanks D.O, Tao-ah” both gave her one last smile before they left


As soon as she was alone, Xiumin’s words came in her mind. She can’t help but feel disappointed in herself. She thought she was doing a good job at being their older sister but she was a failure.


Her eyes wandered around the room. The colourful, pretty lights gave an opposite vibe to the gloomy atmosphere in their house. She bit back a sob. We were supposed to be happily celebrating today… But look at what happened? This is because of my stupidity… she stood up and went over the dining area. She glanced at the wall clock by the entrance. “11 pm…”she muttered sadly. She also saw the untouched food that she had prepared with Lay, D.O and Suho since morning. We were supposed to be eating and having a fun dinner… this time, her tears flowed out. She immediately wiped them away. I need to compose myself, she thought


She immediately grabbed her thick coat in the rack by the door. I’ll come back quickly… I just need to let this out… Not here but somewhere I can be alone


She went out even if it was terribly cold and her feet lead her to the old children’s playground they used to place at. She went inside the playhouse and sat on the corner


She had always appreciated silence. It helps her calm down and think.


However this time, the things that are coming in her mind aren’t really good


She buried her head on her folded arms and started sobbing. She always cried alone because she doesn’t want others to worry for her. It’s a habit that she developed ever since the time she entered Grandma Tae Hee’s home. At first, she just wanted to be strong for Chanyeol but after spending six years with the Exo boys, she wanted to be strong and protect them as well


She cried her heart out. No one would know. Only the walls of the playhouse would witness her sadness. Tears continued to flow. She felt sad and tired at the same time. Her body not feeling the coldness of her surroundings because of the extreme melancholy that she felt. After a while, her eyes felt heavy eventually leading to total blackness






Dara… Dara...



She heard a feint voice calling her name. She also felt someone shaking her small body


“Dara, wake up…”


She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. As soon as her consciousness returned, she felt her whole body quivering from immense coldness “Wh—why am I still--?” she tried to speak but her lips had felt numb


“How stupid can you be?”


Dara stared ahead and saw Kris’ very pissed face. “What are you doing out here in this cold weather?” he glared at her


“I’m sorry Kris… I just wanted to cool my head off for a few minutes…” she responded softly, her body still trembling


Kris shook his head as he stared at her shaking body. Without a word, he pulled her up gently and placed the Ushanka that he was wearing in her head. Dara noticed this so she held his forearm to stop him. “Kris, no! You’ll be the one getting cold!”


Kris ignored her and he held both of her hands. He trapped them in between his palms and rubbed them to produce friction causing heat. “Kris…”


“You’ve been missing for almost an hour now Sandara” he muttered as he continued what he was doing.


“An hour?! Oh my god! I didn’t noticed!” she gasped


“The rest of the boys are worried sick for you. Chanyeol was about to flip the entire house but we were able to stop him” he stopped when he felt Dara’s hand was a bit warmer. “Next time, if you are going out somewhere, tell someone from the house. You made everyone worry”


Dara hung her head low. Another disappointing action that she did


She was not able to stop the tears that flowed in her eyes. Even Kris was taken aback by her sudden outburst of tears




“I’m really sorry! I thought I’m not doing anything wrong but I was mistaken…” she sobbed “I even made Xiumin felt bad. I wasn’t blaming him! I just wanted him to be responsible for his younger brothers… I didn’t know that he felt that I was unfair” she sobbed harder “And now I made the people in our house worry. I’m a failure! I totally destroyed this day!” She shouted


Her sobs filled the small playhouse


“I don’t think you’re a failure” he mumbled as he turned away


Dara didn’t clearly heard him. “What did you say…?”


Kris coughed awkwardly. “Our Christmas won’t be ruined just because of this Sandara. You know better that the ties of this family is hard to break” he changed the topic immediately. “And if you think you’re a failure, then do something about it. Be better so you won’t make anyone feel bad”


He is right, she thought. If I wanted to really be the noona of those boys, I need to toughen up. Be more objective and open-minded to them. I shouldn’t force my beliefs to them. I’m here to support and guide them, not to dictate on what they must do


“Kris I--”


“Kris-hyung did you found her inside?” Suho’s voice interrupted her. Kris immediately helped her walk out the playhouse. When they got out, she saw the troubled look on Suho’s face


“I’m here Suho-yah”


Suho run to her and locked her in a tight embrace. “Thank goodness we found you noona! We almost had a heart attack when we learned that you are not in the house” he uttered. “Let’s get you home okay? Chanyeol and others are anxiously waiting for you” Dara nodded and they walk their way back




“Noona, my beloved Dara-noona!” Chanyeol literally jumped on her as soon as she entered the house. The rest immediately flocked her.


Her eyes glanced the boys’ faces one by one. Sehun, Tao and Chanyeol’s eyes were all red from crying. Baekhyun, Chen, D.O and Luhan all had troubled faces like Suho a while ago. Kai and Lay looked relieved while Xiumin…


“Xiumin-ah…” Dara called his name. He was the worst among all of them. His eyes were very swollen and puffy from too much crying “Dara-noona—“he wailed louder and Dara immediately approached him


“Dara-noona! I’m really, really sorry! I understand everything now noona… Suho-hyung, Chen and Lay made me understand…” he continued to sob “I should have been more matured because I am older…” he added. “I was really scared when we couldn’t find you, I thought you left because of what I said. Please forgive me noona… Even if you have your deficiencies, I still think that you are the best noona in the world!”


Dara came closer and hugged him, not forgetting to give him soothing back rubs to calm him down. She felt her own tears pouring out “Everything is alright now Xiumin-ah… I’m sorry for shouting at you as well” she sniffed “I—I promise that I will be a better noona okay? So Xiumin, no, every one of you, promise me that you will be better too okay?” she smiled at the rest of the boys.


Seeing her tears, some of them stood frozen. Dara seldom shows weakness and this is definitely the first time they saw her cry except for Kris and Chanyeol. “Boys?” she questioned


“Neh, we promise Dara-noona” Suho answered for the rest of the group while the others nodded their head in agreement. “Okay!” she giggled in between her tears making the boys smile as well


“Okay! No more drama please! Let’s have a group hug!” Kai screamed from the back


And so they did


“Group hug!”


“And also, even if it is late, Merry Christmas boys!” Dara half-screamed as she was stuck in the middle


“Merry Christmas to you too Dara-noona! We love you very much!” they responded in chorus making Dara chuckle


This is what their family is.


A happy family that understands each other and loves one another


“I love you too!” she beamed and Grandma Tae Hee suddenly came in her mind. Thank you very much dear Lord for giving me Grandma and these people as my family… I will forever cherish them and protect them as long as I could… she smiled inwardly


“Shall we call Grandma and give her a warm greeting?”


“Yes!” they chorused again making her chuckle once more


“Okay! Let’s bombard Grandma with our love messages!”


And they did.







This is like a filler chapter! Like a sneak peak from the past :>

You see, Dara had always been independent. Causing her to be like waht she is when she grew older.

Thank you very much for requesting me to post this!^^

Please tell me if you want me to post special chapters for special events ^^

Thank you very much for reading! And wow! I gained additional 20 subbies from my last update!


Please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and UPVOTE~

Belated Merry Christmas once again! :)





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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)