Her twelve babies

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



“You shouldn’t have done that Kris-ah. It was unnecessary for you to hurt that girl” Dara stated as she stared at the back of the running girl


 “I know that they were annoying but hurting them won’t make them less annoying. You should have just ignored them and left.”


“That girl pushed you” Kris defended. “It’s only right to return them the favour. You get hurt, she gets hurt too.” He explained as he started walking. Dara immediately followed him.


“You’re wrong Kris. Yes, she did push me but I didn’t get hurt. What you did was much worse than what she did to me.”


Kris didn’t answer.


“Kris, please listen to me! I know you have your own ways of doing things but please, refrain from hurting other people. It’s not right.”


She looked at Kris who was walking ahead of her. Still, she didn’t get any response.


He really won’t listen. I think I have to do this in another way.


“As your noona or, just being someone older than you, I want you to promise me that you won’t do this again. You won’t hurt others except if it is for self-defense.” She tried to make him waiver by using a commanding tone


Kris stopped walking. He audibly sighed and stared at her.


“Fine.” He monotonously answered.


He agreed! Sandara rejoiced in her head.


“Good! Now let’s go home”


They were now walking besides each other when Sandara remembered something.


“Kris, what were you doing there anyway? It’s past 3 am already and you’re still outside”


Stupid girl, he thought.


“Why should I be there?” he answered with another question


“Uhm, I think that, err, were you waiting for me?” Sandara foolishly answered


Kris just shrugged his shoulders and walked past Dara


Dara quickened her pace and went in front of him. Both of them stopped walking


“You were huh. Although it was unnecessary, thank you for waiting for me and uhm, for protecting me a while ago as well.” Sandara sincerely thanked him with a smile


Kris just stared at her and continued walking


You won’t really get anything from him, Sandara thought as she shouted at him


“Wait for me Kris-ah!” She shouted cheerfully as she ran to catch up with him


Unknown to her, Kris was actually smiling



The next day


Sandara’s POV


I woke up in the morning feeling quite unrested.


Last night’s work was too much. It was actually getting tiring as time passes by. I’ve worked there for almost 2 years already and I witnessed how the

number of customers grew.


The reason must be because of the two people I’m working with, my other friends, Yoona and Taeyeon


They were both pretty and they were quite poplar in their university too. They attend the same school with Seunghyun. Thinking about it, they were the reason why Seunghyun, who we call TOP met Bom. They served as their bridge and the rest was history


Both of them were my classmates when we were in high school. They became friends with Bom first.


Bom introduced them to me one day but it didn’t turn out too well because I was too shy and scared of befriending them.


However, they didn’t give up and they both proved to me that they really wanted to become friends with me. They were really nice, understanding and patient with me.


After sometime, I finally opened up to them and we became close friends until then


Hmmm it’s 10 am in the morning already, I mumbled as I checked my wall clock.


Fortunately, I don’t have classes in the weekends therefore I get to work as a tutor during Saturday afternoons. Blackstar sometimes isn’t open at Saturdays because of our boss’s affairs and it is closed every Sunday.


I still have time before my tutoring starts.


I headed towards the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before I went down.


I saw them scattered all over the house.


Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chanyeol were slouching in the couch while watching t.v in the living room,


Kai, Sehun and Tao were playing computer games on another side of the living room,


Chen was busy reading a book,


Luhan was spacing off in a corner,


D.O and Lay were cleaning.


Household ommas, I chuckled as I saw them mopping the kitchen floor seriously,


Meanwhile, Kris and Suho were nowhere to be found.


Kris works at a library near our home during weekends while Suho works at a cafe.


When they reached the age of 18, they both started working like me. I told them that I can handle it but they insisted that they work too.


Both of them have opposite personalities but they are both similar when it comes to being responsible and reliable.


I was about to skip my way to the kitchen when Chanyeol noticed me


“Good morning, Dara-noona!” He cheerfully greeted me as he stood up from the couch and approached me


He gave me a tight hug as he reached me.


“Good morning to you too, my giant baby!” I as I hugged him back


One by one, I saw the other boys approached me and greeted me except for Lay and D.O who just waved at me


“Good morning noona!~” Sehun and Tao greeted me cutely. I hugged them both and they both hugged me as well in return


“Aigoo, why are these two cute maknaes so adorable!” I chuckled as I pinched their cheeks


“Well, noona, I absolutely think that every creature inside this house is adorable” Xiumin cheekily declared


“And handsome” Baekhyun added



“And hot!” Chanyeol added as he gave me a wink and that made all of us laugh


“You guys are conceited!” I jokingly told them. “Let me grab some food first before we continue, okay?”


“Sure, noona!” They answered in chorus and started returning to where they originally were


I immediately went to the kitchen to see what I could eat. I saw a plate with pancakes and bacon tightly wrapped in a plastic.


“That’s for you noona. We knew that you’ll wake up late that’s why we decided to leave some for you” D.O explained while washing his hands.


“Please finish your plate noona!” Lay encouraged me while smiling, his cute dimple showing


“Okay!” I answered them with a smile. I started munching my food and in no time, my plate was empty. When I was done, both D.O and Lay were already

done cleaning in the kitchen and went upstairs to clean the rooms.


That was delicious! I exclaimed as I walked to the sink to wash my plates. While doing so, someone suddenly tapped my shoulder


“Noona” Luhan called me in a soft manner


I was surprised not only because I didn’t notice him behind me but because it was Luhan who approached me


Luhan is Sehun’s older brother by blood. Although they are real brothers, they were different. Sehun is the sociable type and he is easy to get along with. Meanwhile, Luhan is a shy person and usually quiet. He is more with similar with Kris minus his extreme coldness. Luhan doesn’t talk much but he is not a cold person.


“What is it Luhan-ah? Do you need anything?” I asked him as I stopped what I was doing and focused on him


Luhan looked hesitant so I decided to encourage him to talk


“It’s okay. You can talk to me about anything” I urged him as I sat on a chair. I motioned for him to sit too


He gave me a small smile and he started talking


“You see, it is Sehun’s birthday next Friday and I don’t know what to get him” he shyly explained. I gasped in shock. I can’t believe I’ve forgotten about Sehun’s birthday! I continued listening to him


“He is turning 15 years old this year and I think toys doesn’t suit him any longer” He added


“I agree. He is a growing boy and his preferences had changed” I agreed with him


“Yes, that is why, uhm, you see, noona, I think I need help in deciding what to get him.” He shyly stated while looking at the floor. “I asked the boys but I think their ideas were a little bit, uhm, extreme.” He added meekly. Our Lulu is so cute, I thought


How can I say no to him? This is the very first time he asked for my help.


“Okay! We’ll go to the mall tomorrow and survey on what we should get him. Don’t worry! I’ll make sure that it would only be the two of us okay?” I promised him.


“Arasso! Thank you very much Dara-noona! Tomorrow it is!” He excitedly exclaimed as he stood up with a big smile on his face and gave me a bow. He left me and went to play with the other boys. Luhan is cute when he smiles.


A gift for Sehun... What could it be? I wondered.




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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)