In Dara's absence

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies


I'm back! 






Sandara’s POV


I groaned inwardly as I heard my alarm clock ringing


A little more… Just a little more sleep…


I reached out my right hand and I had successfully grabbed my alarm clock. I was about to turn it off when I saw the time through my half-opened eyes. 9:30… It’s 9:30 already huh…


I quickly tapped it off until a realization hit me making my eyes open widely


It is freaking 9:30 already and I have 7 am class today!


I jolted up and because I was still on my half-conscious state, I fell miserably on the floor.


“Owww…” I whimpered. I was about to stand up when I heard rumbling noises approaching my door.


“Dara-noona!” Baekhyun opened the door and behind him was Lay. They immediately ran to my side and helped me get up


“What happened to you noona?! Why were you on the floor?” he exclaimed while they both guided me back to my bed.


“Aigoo… I fell… How come no one woke me up…? I have school today and my classes had already started!” I whined. I know that it is childish but I never wanted to become absent in any of my class.


“You’re really unbelievable Dara-noona… Let me remind you that you are sick and sick people should stay at home to take a lot of rest” Baekyhun muttered and I saw Lay nodding his head eagerly


I could only frown in response. I chose not to argue because what Baekhyun said was right anyway.


“But wait you two, how come the both of you are still here? You two are supposed to be at school right?” I looked at them questioningly as I felt my omma-noona instincts kicking in. Are Lay and Baekhyun skipping school today?


Both of them look flustered for a while when Lay broke the silence


“Well, you see Dara-noona… We had an agreement a while ago…” Lay mumbled


“What agreement?” I asked, my right brow raising unconsciously


“It was about who was going to take care of you noona… Dr. Han told us last night that someone needs to look after you since you were sick and all” Baekhyun explained.


“As expected, Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun were fighting to who was supposed to stay and because they were so persistent, Suho-hyung decided that we do it by draw lots” Lay butted in. “In the end, Baekhyun and I were the ones who picked it up and so, you are stuck with us for this day” He added with a smile


I could only stare at them in disbelief. They are really going overboard with this.


“But still. You guys should’ve gone to school. I think that I cou—“I was not able to finish my sentence when Baekhyun suddenly spoke


“If you are worried about us being absent, it is okay noona. It would only be our first absence ever! No big deal!” He beamed.


I grimaced. That’s not reassuring at all, Baekhyun-ah…


Lay must have noticed my bothered expression. He placed his hand gently over my hand before he spoke. “Please let us do this small thing for you noona. One day of absence wouldn’t cause us to fail in school. You are sick and the only thing that we could do for you is to help you get well. Please, just for once let us do something for you…” he muttered softly.


I stared at them and saw the concern in their eyes. Sigh. These dongsaengs of mine…


I sighed in defeat. “Arasso. However, I want you two to promise that you won’t skip school again, okay?”


“We promise Dara-noona!” they both cheerfully exclaimed in response making me grin at their cuteness.


The rest of my morning was spent mostly with me sleeping and them taking care of me. Lay was feeding me lunch when rain suddenly poured


“Omo! The rain is quite strong! I hope that the boys brought an umbrella with them!” I exclaimed worriedly.


The two boys silently gazed at the downpour through the window. Both of their eyes looked solemn. What could they be thinking about?


I wondered when a dawn of realization hit me. Rain. Lay and Baekhyun. Grandma Tae Hee and her home.


It all leads to the day that Grandma found them!


“Baekhyun-ah… Lay-ah…” I unconsciously mumbled their names making them both snap their heads towards my direction. I stared at them solemnly while the two of them smiled at me






Author’s POV


Lay and Baekhyun were both abandoned by their parents when they were still young. They were taken in by syndicates who make children work their off either by selling bracelets or by begging for money on the streets


The two of them were caught the same day. Lay was abandoned by his Chinese parents who were both drug-addicted. Meanwhile, Baekhyun was sold off by his father when he could no longer provide for the needs of his family with 8 children. Baekhyun was the oldest.


They had to work in order for them to live. The two of them were tasked to beg for money.


They chose to stick to one another as the other children around them were already exposed to different vices. They could see them smoking and some were even far off, they were already into illegal drugs at a tender age. But being naturally born with a kind heart and good natured-ness, the two never thought of engaging in such things. They still believed that they would get over this and someday, they will be free.


For 8 months, they had to endure the cruelty of their handlers.


A rule was set to them. If you don’t give them money, no food. If you disobey, you get beaten up. This was the life cycle that they were forced to live in. Many times, they blamed their parents for this cursed life. If not for them, they would be living a life that normal kids do. Playing with friends, going to school and eating good stuff.


They were only two among the millions of children who experienced life’s brutality at a young age. And yet they hoped, and prayed. God will help them, all they have to do is wait.


They had to be patient


However, one certain event made Baekhyun’s string of patience break.


Being aloof and unsociable towards the other children, the two had no other friends. They had thought that Baekhyun and Lay were outcasts especially because the two refuse to join the trend of vices circulating around the group. This caused them to be picked on and laughed upon. They ignored them and that made the others hate them more. Also, they were never scolded. They were too obedient for their own good. And that eventually caused the hatred to lead to something drastic.


Lay and Baekhyun were separated that day, working on different areas. They were confused because they were always paired together but thinking that nothing good would happen if they argue with their handler, they let it be although they had a bad feeling about it.


Baekhyun’s group ended early and upon their arrival, he immediately looked for Lay but he was terribly shocked with what he saw.


Lay was being punished by their handler. His body, already covered with bruises and wounds yet Lay didn’t talk back. He never did.


Baekhyun knew that the other kids were the ones behind this. No doubt about it.


What made things worse, their handler for that day seemed to be in a very foul mood. He didn’t let Lay go and locked him inside a small, dirty room, not forgetting to threaten the other kids that they would be punished too if they approached the room.


“As if they would” Baekhyun thought bitterly.


He couldn’t sleep that night thinking of how Lay is doing. He really felt bad that he couldn’t do anything for his one and only friend. The one who he treats like his own brother now.


In one way or another, he will save Lay. No matter what, he decided.


No more beatings he thought. Tonight is the time to leave the hell they were in. He didn’t think about the possible consequences of his plan. He will leave and he will bring Lay with him.


He got up from his cranky bed and looked around to see the others sleeping. He went out and just as he thought, the small window where Lay is was left open.


“Yixing, Yixing” he called in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake the others up.


”Baekhyun?” he heard Lay’s weak voice.


“It’s me. Come on, I’ll help you escape”


“M--mwo? You know that’s impossible Baekhyun!”


“I know. But you have to trust me Yixing. If we stay here any longer, we would definitely die. The others are ganging up on both of us. They will do anything to get rid of us even before the big ahjussis kill us themselves”


 “A—arasso… But how would I get out of here?”


“The window is open Yixing. Your body is small enough to pass through…” Baekhyun explained. “Make it quick and quiet. They might wake up and rat on us” he added hastily.


Lay nodded his head and heaved a deep sigh before climbing up. His body still hurts but he trusted Baekhyun. They would escape. The two of them would be free.


It was a struggle but after a few minutes, his upper body was already out of the window space. Seeing this, Baekhyun gave out a genuine smile. All are going accordingly. “Just a few more…”


But he was wrong


“What the hell are you doing?!”


The two snapped their heads towards their very drunk handler and fear immediately crept their body. Out of panic, Lay fell from the window, inflicting a sprain on his right ankle. “Ouch!” he screamed in pain


Baekhyun felt a rush of adrenaline in his system. He grabbed Lay and quickly half-carried his body. No way would he let the drunk man catch them.


Because getting caught would mean returning to a more scary hell


“You two, get back here! I would fry your assess once I get my hands on you!”


Baekhyun refused to look back and continued running, dragging Lay with him. Fortunately, their handler was walking wobbly giving them the chance to escape.


“Damn you foolish brats! I would really kill you when I get my hands on you!”




3 days had passed since they escaped. They have nowhere to go and Lay was still in pain.


Baekhyun was the one who got them food to live. He had no choice but to steal food. It was against his values but it was the only way that they would survive.


Another day had passed and Baekhyun spent the rainy afternoon searching for food. He was really tired but he knew that he can’t give up because Lay was also depending on him. He was about to walk away when he saw someone very familiar from a distance making him instantly tremble in fear


Their crazy handler


And he was harshly dragging Lay with him


He stood frozen. He didn’t know what to do.


He knew that he had to help Lay. But if he did, he would get hurt as well. Much worse, they can both get killed.


What to do, what to do?! He mentally panicked as he stared helplessly at the two. He couldn’t move, his body and mind is refusing to do so but his heart tells him to go. Moreover, there were only few people in the area and they didn’t give a damn about the poor child being dragged, causing his heart to hurt all the more.


As if Lay had felt his presence from afar, he saw how his eyes widened from seeing him. He saw how he quickly glanced at their handler before looking back at him, shaking his head.


Lay opened his mouth and gave him a small smile


Don’t come. Go


Baekhyun shook his head and even before he could answer, Lay mouthed words once more


I want you to live happily. Thank you very much for everything, Baekhyun-ah, and he looked away immediately


Baekhyun felt hot liquid falling from his eyes. This was the second time in his life that he cried. First was when he was sold-off by his family and now this. His only friend is being taken away from him and when the two was out from his sight, he cried out loud.


As if the skies were with him, the downpour grew heavier making him totally drenched. But he didn’t care. He thought that he deserved more and because he was a filthy coward, he won’t no longer see his friend forever


He continued crying when surprisingly, he felt no drops of rain falling on his body. He looked up in confusion and saw a black umbrella above him


“Little boy, are you lost?”


He stared reluctantly at the woman with a gentle gaze. He shook his head no. “Then why are you crying?” she asked him. He was unwilling to speak at first but seeing the woman’s motherly smile, he gave in. “M—my friend… He was taken away… It is my fault! If only I was brave enough, this wouldn’t have happened…” He told her their story causing his tears to burst once more however, not long after, he felt arms surrounding his small body giving warmth to his freezing body


“I’ll try my best to help you and your friend. Do not blame yourself for what had happened… You two are both victims of those selfish and greedy people who manipulates innocent children for their own interests… You were both strong for making it out of there. I think that what you did for your friend was a perfect example of bravery. You’re a very admirable child, believe me” she let him go before she grabbed her phone and called someone.


“Let’s go and look for your friend okay?” she reached her hand out to him


He remained blank for a moment before he nodded his head and held her hand.



The hand of their savior, Kim Tae Hee


End of flash back








Donghae’s POV


I am currently with my friends in our usual place in school. It is supposed to be a normal day to laugh and have fun however, for some reason I just can’t




Because since this morning, I was feeling uneasy. I kept asking myself where this feeling was coming from. I thought of many possible reasons but one thing unbelievably weighs heaviest in my mind the most


Sandara Park’s very unusual and unexpected absence in class.


I tried to deny the fact that I kept thinking about it and fed myself with the idea that I absolutely had no reason to make myself worry about her. Why should I anyway?


But this stupid brain of mine can’t seem to comprehend the idea that I wanted her out of my mind. I kept seeing flashes of her weak and tired looking face from days ago making me think of the worst. What if her relationship with Park Bom was getting worse? Is she thinking about it too much? Is their friendship really over? Did she get sick from thinking too much about it?


Oh hell! I mentally smacked myself. I’m thinking about her again!


I was about to return to the pool of my thoughts when I felt a nudge on my right arm. I turned sideways and saw Krystal with an annoyed look on her face. “What?” I ask grumpily


“You’re not listening to me! I’ve been talking here for more than 30 minutes already and you were not even paying attention!” she whined obnoxiously. For some guys, they may find it cute for their ‘girlfriends’ whining and seeking their attention but for me, seeing how Krystal Jung acting this way makes me want to punch someone in the gut. It’s plainly annoying and totally unpleasant in the eyes, at least for me


I kept mum and turned my attention elsewhere making her more infuriated


“Yah! Donghae, why won’t you— AHHHH!” I was startled when she suddenly screamed


It happened all so fast.


When I turned my head, Krystal was already on the floor with Park Bom sitting on her abdomen and her two hands were harshly gripping on Krystal’s hair


“I’M GONNA MAKE YOU BALD AND CRIPPLED YOU BRAINLESS !” Bom roared angrily as she continued pulling Krystal’s hair. My friends and I stood up but no one dared help Krystal who was frantically screaming in pain.


This situation is completely weird. Why is Park Bom attacking Krystal? For all I thought, Krystal never did anything to Bom. She is Sandara’s defender but for all we know, they are not in good terms as of the moment. So what is this all about?


My friends remain immobile and stared at the two women with both confusion and amazement in their faces.


Who wouldn’t when Park Bom is completely owning the number 1 in school?


“ARGH! Let me go you weirdo! ACK! ! Stop pulling my hair!” Krystal screamed in anguish but Bom pulled harder and one of her hand left her face and gave Krystal one hell of a slap.


Whoa, that was wicked


Krystal let out an anguished scream once more. The scream actually was like a desperate cry of help because Krystal’s friends started approaching them, trying to pry away Bom’s body. “Let her go!” Hyuna screamed while she and Uee grabbed her arm, pulling her away.


“Don’t you ing meddle with us or I’m going to pull on your hair next!” Bom threatened with an evil glare but Krystal’s friends didn’t back down. They just had to help their ‘queen’


It went on for a while before they had successfully removed Park Bom’s body away from Krystal. They held her and helped Krystal stood up. I tried my best not to laugh upon seeing her hair.


Park Bom is one hell of a woman. She managed to put serious hair damage and facial scratches on Krystal’s face in less than 10 minutes


“Look at what you did to her! We’re going to make you pay!” Minah was about to launch a slap on Bom when someone stopped her hand midway


Every one of us was rendered speechless when we saw a very familiar face protecting Bom


Kris Kim


“Kris!” Bom shouted. I can see that she was confused with his sudden appearance just like us


Kris glared at Hyuna and Uee “Let her go” he spoke. His cold tone was enough to cause the two girls to shake in fear. They immediately let Bom go and Kris helped her het up. “Bom-noona, are you okay?”


That was another blow. Bom-noona? Who knew that these two are close with each other?


“What are you doing here Kris?” she asked. I saw her stare at him for a minute before a hint of realization appeared in her face. “She told you to do this didn’t she?” Kris nodded his head. He then turned his attention away and I found him staring at me. Bom followed suit before he spoke, “She is really stupid for asking me to do this. If not, I would have beat him senseless right now” I heard him say before he glared at me


What the hell? I glared right back at him. Is he talking about me? But who is the ‘she’ that he is talking about?


But even before the situation gets nastier, Bom tapped his shoulder and shook her head. Kris Kim looked away before heaving a deep sigh and nodded his head


Now what is really happening?


Bom picked up her bag before she started walking away while Kris followed her behind. When was about to pass form Krystal, she stopped and grabbed her shirt. “Don’t think that this is the end . I’ll still come after you” she threatened her before pushing her away roughly. Krystal would have fall if not for Uee catching her. I also saw Kris giving her a cold glare when he passed


This is totally absurd.


Why is Park Bom so mad at Krystal?


Why is Kris Kim getting involved with this?


What is their relationship?


And that glare. I wouldn’t let that one go. That bastard, I would definitely make him know who has the upper hand in here.


I need answers. And I’m getting it as soon as possible.


But before that, I need to know first why Park Bom did that.


There can be one possible reason, I thought


And it has something to do with Sandara Park and her unusual absence


I grabbed Krystal’s arm making her face me. She was about to protest when I glared at her.


“What did you do this time?”







Finally! I'm back!~

I'M REALLY, REALLY SORRY for not updating for a very long time. School is killing me and netcon is being a :/

So, how are you my dearest readers? Still there? Please forgive this slowpoke, okay?

And oh! The lovely poster is made by thehalftrue! Isn't it very wonderful?! I love it so much that I wanted to have more story posters! lol.

As usual, I want to ask everyone to leave a comment below. I need inspiration and motivation cause no DARAEXO interactions and I feel very stressed out :(

Please Subscribe. Comment. and Upvote :>


I have a new story by the way! For all the Krisdara shippers out there, please check my other story >.<






Hello to Pchan14 , gummyYeol2NE1EXOFAN and fanficsgalore! Hey guys! I hope my update didn't disappoint you >.<

Thank you once more, thehalftrue! >.<

And Unnie(ryuu-sei)! Hello! :D <3









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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)