Hello Lotte! [2]

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies







Author needs scolding, I know >.<







Narrator’s POV


After the commotion that Tao caused, Sehun clung on Dara like a koala. He can’t just let Tao win with his ‘Kris-appa and Dara-omma’ scheme. No way in hell would he let it happen without a fight.


It is a good thing for him that Kris isn’t there, yet. Seeing this as a great opportunity to use, he quickly planned on how to turn the situation as soon as possible.


At first, the rest of the Exo boys were peeved by his ingenuous actions and his obvious disposition of making Dara and Luhan spend time together. Chanyeol retorted heavily in the beginning but soon gave up.


Chanyeol knew that he would be spending some precious time alone with his noona later thus he let it pass and played with Baekhyun and D.O instead


Bom and Top were enjoying each other’s company enough to care. Although Bom would complain when Top would forget that she was with him and would run off with the Exo boys to play


The other boys eventually forgot about it as soon as they started to play around much to Sehun’s satisfaction.


Later in the evening, they would surely have a chance to be with her anyway


She just don’t know about it yet




“Dara-noona! Let’s try this ride next!” Sehun exclaimed as he pulled her with his right hand. Dara’s eyes widened when she saw the ride that he was talking about


“But Sehun-ah…”


“Yes, noona?” he asked too innocently with a smile that Dara could only shake her head. “No, uhm… If you really want to…”


“Sehun, don’t just drag Dara-noona as you wish!” Luhan scolded him but fell into deaf ears. Sehun abruptly pulled his hand, causing Luhan to get startled instead. “Come on hyung!  You’re coming with us too!” he cheerfully exclaimed


“But Sehun, this is…”


Luhan grimaced at the ride before them. It is a mini ferris wheel that can barely fit three people inside each cubicle.


How much more for 3 grown-ups?


To add more embarrassment, the line for the ride is filled with kids. Those kids that could hardly reach Luhan’s waist


“Come on Luhan-hyung! This will be fun!” he nudged while pulling the two in line excitedly.


Seeing that he can’t do anything about it, Luhan chose to remain silent and let Sehun drag him. He spared Dara a quick shy glance and he was really thankful that she is willing to go with them.


Although he felt really ashamed of Sehun’s childish whims, he can’t help but feel delighted because deep inside, he really wants to have more happy memories with Dara


Sehun thought that everything was going well until someone roughly turned him around


“Yah Sehun! Why are you taking Dara-noona with you again?! If you want to ride it that badly then go alone or just bring Luhan-hyung with you!” Tao rumbled. He was beyond annoyed since Sehun has been dragging his Dara-noona /omma everywhere and he couldn’t get the chance to spend more time with her


“Shut it Tao! The three of us are going to ride this whether you like it or not! Why don’t you just go away and play with Kai-hyung or Xiumin-hyung?!” Sehun pulled back and retorted with a glare


Sehun can’t help but feel mad. He can’t let Tao spend more time with Dara because he knows that his best friend would most likely chatter about Kris endlessly. He knows Tao too well and he knows that Tao would do everything to push his ‘appa-omma’ delusions deeper inside Dara’s head


Oh, he definitely won’t let that happen


“Sehun. You can’t hog Dara-noona’s attention all the time!” Tao refuted.


“Well, I’m sorry to say but I can because this Lotte trip is Dara-noona's gift for me in the first place!” Sehun stuck his tongue out making Tao fume more


“Sehun you’re being a child!”


“You’re being a child too Tao!”


“You two, stop!” Luhan glared at them. “Dara-noona isn’t an object that you can just drag anywhere you like!” he added with anger laced in his voice. The two gulped in fear because Luhan rarely gets mad


“Luhan, it is okay…” Dara interjected coolly. She placed her hand on Luhan’s shoulder to calm him down. “Sehun, let’s ride this okay? Then Tao and I would go to whatever ride he wants after” she smiled at Tao expectantly. In response, he could only nod his head.


There is no way he could argue with Dara asking him that nicely


“I understand noona… I will just go with Bom-noona and Seunghyun-hyung for the meantime…” he stated and left instantly to follow Bom and Top


Luhan glanced worriedly at Tao’s retreating back before turning his attention back to Dara


“Noona… you don’t have to ride with us if you don’t like… It’s just Sehun that is being so forceful”


“Why are you saying that hyung?!” Sehun whined from the side


Dara just gave him a smile and a slight squeeze on his shoulder in response


“It’s okay Luhan! I want to spend time with you just like I want to with the others. Don’t worry, okay? Let’s enjoy this, the three of us!” she grinned widely at him making his eyes widened


“If you say so noona…” he brought his head down to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks.


Sehun, on the other hand was mentally jumping in happiness as he saw their interaction A little bit more… he thought in glee


“So, let’s go?” she beamed, breaking the two from their thoughts


“YES!” they moved forward happily.




The three were engrossed too much in their conversation that they failed to notice the presence of two men lurking nearby who were gawking at them in astonishment


“This is unbelievable…” Man #1 mumbled in disbelief


“Definitely… who knew that she could be like that...?” Man #2 responded.


“I think we learned enough for today. I don’t think I want to get more shocked more than I have today” Man #1 shook his head. “How about we go back now huh?”


“Yeah we will. Too much information might become bad for us.” Man #2 responded as he nudged the other towards the direction of the exit


For the love of mankind, I am very excited to see his reaction. I can’t freaking wait once he hears about this…




“Everything is under control noona. I think that we would be right on schedule…”


“That’s good” she smiled. “Thank you very much for the help Suho-yah…”


“No need to thank me Bom-noona. Besides, I should be the one thanking you for planning this. This is all for her anyway and I’m just doing what I can” he chuckled from the other line “Noona, thank you for looking after the boys as well. I know that it could really be taxing when it comes to controlling those children”


“Aigoo! Don’t mention it Suho-yah! Everybody is doing just perfectly fine! Instead, send me a message if you guys need anything and don’t forget to update me arasso?”



“Okay noona. I will!”



“Thank you! Send my gratitude to Ice King as well please”



“Haha. I got it noona”



“Okay, I’m hanging up! See you in a few hours!”



“See you too!” and the line was cut off



Top handed Bom her favourite chocolate-flavored ice cream as soon as she placed her phone back inside her purse. “Everything going well?” he asked


Bom her ice cream and gave a squeal of delight before giving him a cheerful nod. “I hope that she would like it though”


He smoothened her hair reassuringly “I know she will” he gave her a gentle smile


Bom placed her head on his shoulder. “Thank you very much for helping us out jagiya…” she mumbled softly


He chuckled lightly before placing a protective arm around her waist.


“Anything for my beloved…”




As soon as Dara stepped out from the small cubicle of the ferris wheel, Tao immediately went to her and asked her to go around with him this time. He didn’t waste the chance of being with her and he maximized the time that they were together


They rode the Drunken Basket first which was bad enough to cause her dizziness. They opted to ride the Load Nelson’s Armada next which was supposed to be a ride for couples. It was an easy ride and Dara relaxed a bit.


Even in his joy, Tao doesn’t forget to throw-in Kris in the picture saying this and that. If Sehun is doing it, then he will too. He planned to bring her to rides that are mostly for couples because when Kris comes, he will drag the two and make them ride together


Besides, he was enjoying as well. He also didn’t forget about taking their pictures or his own solo selfies in everywhere they went to. Being a first timer in Lotte World, it sure feels surreal and he doesn’t want to waste the chance that they were given. The memory would be kept inside his memory box but having pictures to look back to is something Tao appreciates


He really wants to ride and try everything


Maybe except for the Horror House which they had passed by a couple of times but he completely ignored


However, he imagined Dara and Kris going together inside that horrible looking building and thinking about the possible multiple skinship that may happen inside is enough for his feels to burst


While Tao is busy on his own bubble of thought, Dara on the other hand was starting to get really exhausted and yet, she didn’t complain. She didn’t want to disappoint the boy who looks really eager to ride everything that they could.


But she remembered Dr Han’s words. He told her that she shouldn’t play too much because she is just starting to recover. She needs to follow his orders because she didn’t want her illness to recur.


She needed some break and she needs to let Tao know. He was holding her hand and pulling her to their next ride. She was about to tell him that she is tired when someone clasped her other hand


“Tao-ah, I—wah!” she screamed in shock but when she saw who it was, she stopped immediately


“Noona, what’s wrong?” Tao turned around, startled by Dara’s outburst. He was surprised to see Chen instead. “Oh! Hi Chen-hyung! What’s up?”


“Tao, have you forgotten that we can’t let noona get tired too much? She hasn’t fully recovered yet…” Chen calmly stated. “D.O and I are both taking a coffee break over there” he pointed towards a fancy looking building. “I think that we could accompany noona while she recuperates so you can go and play with the others. Is it okay?” he continued


Tao mentally smacked his head for forgetting that Dara isn’t well yet. “Aisht! I’m really sorry Dara-noona! Please take all the rest you need…” he muttered before turning his attention towards Chen. “Are you sure it’s okay? I c--can stay with you guys if you want…”


“We will be fine Tao. I’m quite sure you want to play more” Chen shook his head before chuckling making Tao flustered for being caught. “And of course, we wanted to spend some time with Dara-noona“ he added making Dara smile. “Well, I guess it’s fine…” Tao pushed his hair back before turning back to Dara. “I’ll leave you with them noona. I hope you have a good chat with the hyungs”


“Okay Tao, we will! You go and continue playing arasso?” she beamed. “Also, don’t forget to take a lot of pictures and show it to me later!” she added and Tao nodded in response. “Okay noona! See you later!” he waved before running off


“See you Tao!” she waved back. “So, let’s go?” she smiled at Chen next which he returned






“So, how are you enjoying the day so far, D.O-yah, Chen-ah?” Dara muttered before taking a sip from her mocha frappuccino. “Are you guys enjoying yourselves?” she couldn’t help but ask.


Living with the Exo boys for years, she was able to cluster them based on their personalities


First, the ‘happy-go-lucky’ people which includes her brother, Chanyeol, Xiumin and Kai


Next are the ‘aegyo, toddler-like-teens’ where she categorized Tao and Sehun


Followed by the ‘reliable and sweet’ types, Baekhyun and Suho


Then the ‘industrious and silent yet charming’ guys which are Lay, D.O, Luhan and Chen


And of course, the one and only ‘cold and warm’ at the same time, Kris


She is currently with the two silent people in their house who she had spent time with rarely. Yes, they often hang-out together with the other boys if she was free but D.O and Chen would always be by the sidelines, listening, observing and laughing. She hardly hears them talking about themselves.


Do Kyungsoo, or simply D.O is of the same age as Chanyeol. She can really depend on him when it comes to household chores together with Lay. She also finds it amusing because he is quite bossy when it comes to household stuff. He is definitely a husband material. Industrious, economical and steadfast.


He must have acquired these traits from the environment where he grew up.


D.O originally came from an orphanage exclusively for young boys which was managed by nuns. Like Tao, he was an abandoned baby therefore, he knew nothing about his parents. For ten years of his life, everything was going well until the orphanage had encountered financial issues eventually leading to its closure. They were distributed away and unfortunately, he was adopted by abusive foster parents. He tried to endure it for months but when he couldn’t take it anymore, he ran away not knowing where to go.


His feet led him to the church. For days, he remained seated outside the church living through the food that people gave him. He was completely at loss and when he was about to give up on his life, he met Tae Hee


And coming with her was the definitely the right choice


Meanwhile, Kim Jongdae or Chen is one year older than D.O and of the same age as Xiumin. He is definitely a man of few words and he loves reading books. He doesn’t talk much but Dara knew that he is really trustworthy and he cares much for everyone in their family


He is the son of Tae Hee’s deceased, close friend. His father didn’t take responsibility when he learned that his mother was pregnant. After all, he was created out of wedlock. But despite having no father, he surely admired his mother’s serene and loving personality. Although she was sickly and weak, she would always make him feel loved. His mother read him many books leading to his present passion for reading. But when he turned 6 years old, his mother was diagnosed with leukemia. Being naturally weak, she died after a few months but not forgetting to hand him over to someone she trusted with her life.


She realized that she knew little about the two so she wants to know them more and she definitely wouldn’t miss this chance


“Of course noona! We just had to take a break for a while. You know how energetic the other boys are…” D.O stopped chewing for a while. “We need to rest so we could last playing more… later in the evening…” he added meekly with a grin. Chen, who was reading a book beside him smiled too


Dara stared at the two curiously. “Why? What is happening later in the evening?” she pried but both only responded with a light chuckle. “Nothing noona. We just feel that something good would happen later” Chen responded mysteriously this time. “How about you noona? Are you having fun? The maknaes has been dragging you everywhere since we entered. Are you not exhausted?” he worriedly asked


“I’m fine Chen-ah. Actually, I’m really happy that everyone has a big smile on their faces today. I feel like that I have not been with you guys for a long time since I started entering Dongguk and having my part time jobs. I got the tickets for our family to get together and create more memories. I feel quite apologetic to Sehun though, using his birthday gift for my own personal reasons…“ she admitted shyly, turning her head away slightly.


The two stared at her gently. They may not be big with words nor showy of their feelings but deep inside their hearts, Dara had an important place that no one could take away. They would do anything they could for her.


For sure, the other boys feels the same way


“I don’t think it’s selfish at all noona” D.O smiled, his heart-shaped lips showing more. “I think that this is a wonderful gesture from you…” he added as he grabbed her right hand and gave it a light squeeze “We should be really thankful instead” he removed his hand on her


“D.O is right noona. Thank you very much for this gift not only for Sehun but for all of us as well” Chen grinned widely making Dara blush lightly. Seeing Chen’s unusual bright smile made her a bit surprised.


She realized that she definitely made the right choice for the gift she bought. Also, having a nice conversation with Chen and D.O is certainly a big bonus


“Thank you very much, you two! I am happy when you guys are. Honestly, my heart is delighted when I see you guys laughing and smiling…” she continued on with a smile “I hope I can make you guys happy all the time as long as I live” she added


The two stared at her once again with pure adoration on their eyes this time


Their family would definitely live in bliss especially that they have her. She doesn’t know it but she is someone very valuable to each and every one of them



And tonight, they will surely show her how much she means to them








(waves shamelessly)

Is anybody still there?

I am really sorry for my beloved subbies who were eagerly waiting for an update...

-Forgive me please!- (t.t)

I really missed writing and you, my dear subbies

It's just that a lot had happened in my real life and in the kpop world...

I will try my best to reply to your reactions, suggestions and rants so please....

Please don't leave the comment box empty~ (>.<)

Motivate me juseyo!

I am giving everyone a big, tight hug~ Please accept it! <333






I <3 you guys!






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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)