Working together

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



Donghae’s POV


I woke up extra early today just because I’m really excited to see Ice Geek. I had a lot of plans and I know that one whole day isn’t enough so I better start early.


I was about to leave the house when suddenly, two familiar figures blocked my way


“Donghae-ah!” Eunhyuk greeted me with worry evident in his voice


My eyebrows furrowed as I see 2 of my friends, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun standing in front of me. I remember that I specifically told them not to bother me today so what are they doing here now?


“Didn’t I tell you gu—“I was about to reprimand them when Eunhyuk suddenly spoke


“Yes, I know that Donghae! But Kyuhyun kept insisting that he wanted to go with you guys so I tried to stop him but you know that it is impossible right?!” he explained and I glared at Kyuhyun who had an innocent smile on his face.


I massaged my throbbing head. I need to be earlier than Ice Geek so I could pull my prank on her


“No.” I said with a firm tone and with finality. I know how mischievous Kyuhyun can be and he would probably do something to interrupt my perfect plan


When I was about to walk away, Kyuhyun suddenly hugged me from behind


“Don’t be so stingy you fish! I just want to see your planned revenge on Ms. Ice Geek. I won’t meddle, I promise!” he said in a child-like manner with a pout


I shivered as I saw him pouting


“No means no Kyuhyun! Just go away and bother somebody else!” I exclaimed in annoyance.


I checked my watch and it was already 15 minutes before 9:00. I struggled to get out of his grip but he only held tighter. I gave Eunhyuk a signal to help get rid of Kyuhyun. He was pulling him away from me but what Kyuhyun did next surprised us both. He clung his leg on my leg making me unable to move


“What the hell?!” I shouted in frustration


“You won’t be leaving without me Donghae…”





After an hour of struggling, we finally reached the university. My mood is really foul right now because I had no choice but to bring the two idiots with me. I had to bring Eunhyuk too so someone would help me control Kyuhyun when necessary


I heaved a deep sigh as I glared towards Kyuhyun’s direction


“No meddling, arasso? If you do something out-of-hand today I’ll really punch you hard” I warned him


“I promise!” he giggled enthusiastically like a child. There is really something wrong inside his head…


I was about to drive to the entrance of the university when I saw Sandara Park heading outside. Her faced showed that she was really mad and she was ready to let out hell at any moment


“Uh-oh… Ms. Ice Geek’s mood seems terrible today…” Kyuhyun taunted me and I only glared at him in return. No need to state the obvious, you dumbo, I muttered


“Hey she’s coming this way!” Eunhyuk suddenly exclaimed


Beep! Beep!


I honked at her but she didn’t stop walking. I rolled down my car window when she was about to pass by


“Yah, Ice Geek! Where ar—“I was not able to finish my sentence when she walked ahead, totally ignoring me


“Yah!” I shouted at her as I got outside my car. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun followed as well


She was walking really fast and I had to ran just to catch up with her


“Hey wait! Where do you think yo—“I was about to grab her hand when suddenly




I yelped in pain as Sandara Park slammed her back pack on me, hitting the delicate skin on my face. Her sudden action surprised the hell out of me. She really hurt me. Who would’ve thought that this weak-looking geek had so much strength?!


“Hey you! Why did you hit me?!”I glared at her accusingly


She returned my glare with a very cold one making me flinch unconsciously.


I could sense my surroundings turning cold as she stared at me with the coldest and scariest eyes I’ve ever seen. Even Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun didn’t bother speaking.


The heck, am I actually scared?


Hell no.


I put on a brave front as I crossed my arms over my chest. I can’t let this girl think that I’m actually scared of her. I’m Lee Donghae, no one can scare me


“What is your problem you geek?! Hitting me as soon as you see my face. Is that how you treat your partner? You do know that I can sue you for hu—Hey, whoa! Wa—wait!“ I wanted to make her back-off by threatening her but when she raised her bag again as if she was going to hit me, I immediately shut my mouth


“Would you ple—“


“Can you shut your mouth, you ing !” She suddenly roared making me stop from saying anything. I glanced at my 2 friends and I could see that they were shocked from her sudden outburst


I hissed. This would’ve never happened if these two idiots didn’t appear inside my house this morning! Aisht! Sandara Park must be thinking that I am not serious about working with her today


I took a cautious glance at her and I saw her fanning herself while blowing her bangs


Is she trying to calm herself? I stared at her more and I saw how she scrunched up her nose in annoyance


She looks like an agitated rabbit.


How cute


How cute…




Ice Geek, cute?!!


Wa—wait a minute! Did I just think of her being ‘cute’?!


What is wrong with my brain?!


And did she just called me an ?!


I was about to retort when she raised her hand in front of my face making me stop before I even open my mouth


“Don’t say anything. Ah—no, just don’t open your mouth and just listen to what I have to say” she coldly stated


I tried to argue but the way she stared at me made me stop. Instead, I slowly nod my head


Aisht! I’m really frustrated right now! It’s like I’m being dragged on to her pace! I bitterly thought


She heaved a deep sigh before continuing


“Let me make this quick Lee Donghae” she started. “I’m not a bum like you who has all the time in the world every day. I am a person who maximizes every single minute that I have every day and I make sure that I make something productive out of it” she continued on


“Wow! That’s the longest sentence I’ve heard you spoke of!” Kyuhyun beamed in amusement. Sandara glared at him making him shut his mouth in an instant. “Ooppss.. sorry” he said while making a ‘zipping-his-mouth’ sign


“I can do the project alone. I don’t need your help. I can make our project get a perfect grade even without you doing anything” she declared and I flinched with what she said. She really thinks that I’m really dumb and useless.


“But then, Ms Kim said that this project is supposed to be done by partners. Don’t you think that it is quite selfish if you won’t let Donghae work with you?” this time, it was Eunhyuk who butted in.


I smirked at him. He has a good point. My best friend could really be useful sometimes.


I smirked at Ice Geek who looked baffled. Beat that now!


She was in a trance and after a few seconds, she spoke again


“By partners you say? Then what the heck are you two doing here right now? Do you want to work with us as a quartet? I don’t remember Ms Kim saying anything about groups working together…” she spat right back at Eunhyuk. He instantly froze because he couldn’t answer her back. Kyuhyun on the other hand started laughing


I glared at him. How could he laugh at this kind of situation?!


“Hahahaha! Ah really, Ms Ice Geek, you’re really someone who we can’t easily messed with...” Kyuhyun said while wiping the tears that are coming out from his eyes. “Are you bothered that much that the two of us are here? Are you thinking that we will be ganging up on you or something…?” he stared at her directly


I glanced at Sandara and she stood immobile meaning one thing


Kyuhyun nailed it


“Perhaps you really are…” he continued on while walking closer to Sandara. “Don’t worry. Monkey and I just accompanied Donghae here. No need to be all hot and bothered” he said with a smirk


What is Kyuhyun saying right now? Wasn’t he the one who wanted to come with us? What is he saying now?


I stared at him, dumb founded by what he said.


He chuckled when he saw me staring at him


“We’re leaving, Donghae-ah. Have fun and take care ” He said walking away. Eunhyuk followed him but he was also surprised with Kyuhyun’s actions.


Right before they could leave fully, Kyuhyun stopped and turned to Sandara


“You too, Sandara Park-sshi. Have fun and take care” he said with a smile and continued on with his track


I stood bewildered as I stared at my two friends who are leaving


What did just happened…?





Author’s POV


The day went on surprisingly well.


Sandara suggested that they work at the city library instead of his house. Donghae was reluctant at first but eventually agreed. He was still bothered by Kyuhyun’s weirdness that morning. He had lost all his mood for his revenge.


Donghae sighed as he thought of his undone plans.


Maybe next time… he thought as he glanced at Dara who is sitting on the seat opposite him


She was really wasting no time and all he had to do was carry the books that she needs, return it when she’s done and stare at her while she is reading


He stared at her facial features and he started recalling her face a year ago


She’s still the same… It’s just her chubby cheeks had become thinner… She still has a clear complexion… she still scrunches her nose when she’s annoyed and she is still… still wearing her ahjumma glasses


He frowned. He is really disappointed with Dara’s glasses. He wanted to see what she looks like without her filthy looking glasses


Unconsciously, his hand slowly stared to reach Dara’s glasses


I want to see… I need to see…


He was near from grabbing her glasses when she suddenly spoke


“What are you doing?” she asked monotonously and whisperingly. They were inside a library and she didn’t want to make a scene


Donghae was hit by a sudden realization. What is wrong with me? I just tried to remove her glasses off her face!


“Ah-ah, nothing! I was just doing some arm stretching!” he answered dumbly hoping thatshe would let it go. Dara just raised her eyebrows in confusion and went back to reading immediately


Phew… Donghae sighed in relief


“Just 5 more minutes and we are done here. We would go to the park next and observe some plants that we could utilize for our project” Dara spoke without looking at him


Donghae can’t help but smile. She is talking to me normally again, he thought


After exactly five minutes, Sandara started arranging the books and prepared to leave. Donghae did the same. After a few minutes, they left the library not knowing that Sandara’s handkerchief fell when she stood up


As soon as they left, someone approached the table that they used and picked up the handkerchief that Dara left



“What was she doing here…? And she was with a guy nonetheless…” the person muttered as he stared at the handkerchief on his hand





Ayo CHAPTER 18 is here! 

Honestly speaking, I'm having a hard time thinking on who should I pair up in the end... :(

Should I post a poll soon? hmmmm

suggestions juseyoooo~

Anyway, please comment on this chapter. ..

Comments make me motivated to make un update ^^

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Thank you very much! :>





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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)