Luhan's resolve

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies


Luhan’s POV
I was happily walking back to where I left Dara-noona
I hope that I didn’t take too long, I hoped as I reached the place where we ate. But when I entered, I was surprised because noona was nowhere in sight
That’s weird. She told me that she'll wait for me here. Hmmm… she must have strolled around. 
I immediately left the place and searched for her 
Not too far from the fast food chain, I saw a group of people who looked like college students ganging up on somebody
That’s awful; I thought and decided to come closer to take a look
I was shocked when I saw the girl they were ganging up on
It’s Dara-noona! I gasped as I approached the group immediately
“Dara-noona!” I worriedly exclaimed. 
“Luhan-ah” Dara-noona softly replied with shock evident on her face
What’s wrong with them? Are they bullying noona?
I examined the faces of the people around her. They must be her classmates in her university. The boys looked rich and they had handsome faces. I also noticed the girl with them. She was wearing tight clothing that showed too much skin.
She’s the total opposite of noona, I grunted in disgust
I stared at them and they were staring at me with wide eyes as if I was a person who was not supposed to be there. 
No one was speaking and suddenly my eyes zoomed in to the guy wearing a red shirt. He was gripping tightly on noona’s wrist. I could see that the area around his grip was turning red. I looked at him and when our eyes met, he glared at me
I went nearer and released Dara-noona’s wrist from his grip
“Dara-noona are you okay?! May I see your wrist please?” I asked noona and she held her wrist up. It was really red
“Hey, who the are you?! What’s your connection with this girl?” the guy in red angrily asked me. He was continuously glaring at me.
What’s his problem?
I was about to answer him but noona interrupted me
“They just mistook me for someone else. No big deal” Dara-noona nonchalantly said as she grabbed my hand and started walking away from the group. Her faced looked a little stoic but I can sense some urgency in her actions
“Yah, Ice Geek! We’re not yet done with you!” The girl with them angrily exclaimed as noona quickened her pace
Ice Geek? Is she talking about noona? I looked at noona who just ignored the girl and was looking straight ahead. I noticed her face and
she look worried and somehow disturbed
I’m confused. What’s really going on here? 
I was about to look back at the group but noona stopped me
“Don’t look back, Luhan. Don’t mind them” she told me firmly without looking at me. I felt her hand holding me tighter
I nodded my head in response
But deep inside, I was really curious.
If they had just mistaken noona for somebody else, why does noona look so flustered? The way they look at noona was different too,
especially that guy in red. And what was that glare for? Aisht! 
What’s going on?  Are those people bullying her? I pondered as I shook my head in confusion
Sandara’s POV
I was really surprised
Why in the world must I meet the two most annoying people in the whole universe? Moreover, their bastard minions were there too
God, I’m so annoyed
But that’s not the reason why I feel so bothered right now
It was because of Luhan
Luhan, and also the other boys do not know that I’m different when I’m in school or any other place besides home
I don’t know about Kris. We may be in the same university but I don’t think he cares about any issues and stuff going around the school.
If he knows about it, then I’m thankful that he doesn’t bring it up or talk to me about it
But it is still better that he doesn’t know
We were walking near the exit when I felt Luhan pull my hand that made both of us stop 
“Noona, who are those people?” he asked me. I can feel his stare was full of curiosity and concern
“Like I said before, Luhan. They just—“ I tried to lie but I was cut off
“I don’t think so Dara-noona.” he interrupted
I heaved a deep sigh before answering him
“Fine they are just my classmates from my university. Nothing more” I said as I stared at him
He looked a bit confused but his expression softened
“I really think that there is something between you and them” he stated as he scratched his head. “But if you’re not really comfortable talking about them, I won’t force you Dara-noona” he added with a smile
I could only smile at him in response. I am really thankful that Luhan didn’t pry on this. Although I know that he if I tell him about it and
make him promise me that he wouldn’t tell the other boys, I don’t want him to worry for me
“Thank you very much Luhan-ah. Please don’t worry about them anymore okay?” I sincerely thanked him
However, his smile suddenly disappeared and he turned serious
“But noona, if that guy bothers you again, you must tell me arasso?” he suddenly said with a serious tone
Who was he talking about?
“Who are you talking about?”
“The guy in red” he replied
Who is the guy in red? 
After some thinking, I remembered who he was talking about
Lee Donghae
"I don't like him noona. He looks like a real jerk to me" He reasoned out as he avoided my gaze
He hit the spot. I learned today that Luhan is good in determining people's personalities
Aigoo... What am I saying?
"Don't worry about me Luhan-ah! I can handle him just fine" I answered him. I tried to sound as confident as possible
He suddenly came closer to me and he gently lift the arm where Donghae grabbed me. The area was still reddish and I noticed Luhan
"I know you're a strong lady, noona however, that person went over the line by hurting you" he said with eyes full of concern. 
"I'm really okay! Geez, there's no pain really!" I awkwardly smiled at him. 
I'm lying right now. Donghae's grip was actually really tight and it really hurts
Luhan suddenly rubbed the area where Donghae held me making me wince
I was able to stop myself from saying anything but I know that my expression showed the pain I felt
"You see noona, you may be strong but that guy or any other person is definitely stronger than you. So please promise me that you will tell me if they hurt you or bother you again" he told me firmly
He won't let this one go. Aigoo, right now, I wish that Luhan was still the awkward Luhan so he possibly have not much to say about this
"I can't promise but I-- I'll try okay?" he frowned but eventually nodded. "Besides, what will you do if you found out that they bothered
me again?" I curiously asked him. "It don't seem to me that you're the type to engage in physical fights nor petty revenges" I added as I
stared at him
His reaction then surprised me
He giggled. A giggle similar to a toddler which is very much an unexpected response to my question
"Dara-noona, of course I have my own way of doing things" He jokingly replied and he suddenly turned serious. "And I don't mind getting
involve in fights or planning for revenge if its for you noona. Moreover, you know that those boys won't settle if they knew what happened
Those boys? Oh my God! Is he talking about the exo boys?!
I suddenly got alarmed
"Luhan-ah! Please don't tell the boys about this! I was not badly hurt right? There is no need for them to know about this!" I begged him
Who knows what those boys could do. They are not the type to engage in fights but when a member of our family gets bullied or hurt,
they go together as a team like a pack of blood-hungry wolves looking for their prey. It's even scarier once Kris and Suho join them.
I remember when they were younger and Tao was bullied at elementary school by three of his classmates. At first, he was just teased
verbally but it came to a point where he was hurt physically. When Tao came home one day, we saw that he was covered with bruises. He tried hard not to cry but we all know that he was in pain. I especially felt angry at that time but the boys were a lot angrier. They all gathered at one room that day talking about how they could avenge poor Tao. All of them agreed to get back at the three kids except for Kris and Suho
The next day, all of them except for Kris and Suho went to scare the three bullies. They didn't hurt him despite wanting to because Suho made them promise not to hurt anyone. They had just threatened the three kids that they will really hurt them once they bully Tao once again.
We thought that everything was settled already but after a few days, we received a call from Tao's school that he was rushed to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital in a short while and we learned about the truth on what really happened to him. 
Apparently, the three boys had told their brothers which were in high school about what Xiumin and the others did to the them and they decided to get back at Tao. The two brothers ganged up on Tao and one of them had accidently pushed Tao making him lose balance and his head knocked on a huge rock
All of us were all enraged but Kris and Suho remained impassive. We didn't know what they were thinking
After a few days, Grandma Tae Hee was called to the principal's office.
She was told that Kris who was currently a senior in middle school  and Suho, who was a second grader in middle school had started a fight
with two high school students. Even though they were much younger, they had given the older guys a good lesson without getting hurt that much
Grandma had to apologize to their school and the parents of the bullies apolgized as well
Tao was never bullied again
And we learned that Kris and Suho should never be angered, or else...
It would really be nasty, and really bloody
Author's POV
Sandara shivered in fear as she thought about what those boys could do
"Luhan please! I'm begging you! You know what those boys could do. Just let this one pass please!" she tried begging him more but he
was just stared at her blankly
What should I do to convince him?! she panicked 
She was interrupted when she suddenly heard chuckling sounds
"Aigoo noona! You should have seen your face" he said while chuckling. "You were not listening to me. I said, if they knew" he continued
She felt like a fool. Is this really the angelic Luhan that I know? she thought
"Don't worry, I won't tell them" he said
"Yes noona I won't. However--" he dragged on
"However what?" she asked
"Next time that this happens. I'll surely tell the boys" he pressed on. "I won't let it pass next time okay?"
"Sheesshh, arasso! I will make sure that this won't happen again" she snickered at him. "So this is what I get for accompanying you today
huh. I didn't know that you were like this Luhan-sshi, I'm greatly shocked" she feigned anger but Luhan responded with his awkward smile
"Mianhe for shocking you noona" he apologized while smiling. "And uhm, thank you really for coming with me today. I really am grateful to
you" he softly said while blushing and bowing deeply
Now he's back to his awkward self. Is he bipolar or something? Dara wondered as she stared at the blushing Luhan
"I didn't do much Luhan, for you to thank me like that. I actually had fun as well" Sandara said while smiling. "Should we get some pizza for the boys before we leave?" she added
"Okay!" Luhan beamed while nodding
"Let's get going then!" Sandara excitedly exclaimed as she walked ahead of Luhan
Luhan stared at Sandara's back
Dara-noona, I am willing to do anything for you and I know that the other boys are the same as well. I hope that you will depend on us like
how we depend on you...
"Coming!" Luhan excitedly exclaimed as he ran towards her direction
Sorry for the late update!
Thank you very much for those people who still reads this story and for your comments~
I hope that I don't disappoint you
Hugs to all my subscribers and silent readers ^.^
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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)