Lies and Separation

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



Author’s POV


Bom lead Dara to a nearby restaurant and there were only few people inside making the ambiance peaceful and calm.


But not for Dara


Ever since they arrived, Bom was only staring at her blankly and she could feel an intense tension surrounding them. Although they have not spoken to each other yet, she could tell that Bom is mad because of something. And Dara is 100% sure that she is the “something” that caused Bom’s current mood


“So… What do you need from me Bom-ah? We could have talked more privately in the house…” Dara glanced around awkwardly. Yes, there were only few people inside but seeing Bom’s condition, she knew from experience that it would not be good once she explodes. It would be totally bad.


Bom heaved a deep sigh before answering


“Dara, is there anything that you would want to tell me first before I speak my mind?” Bom replied sternly but the look in her eyes says that she was hoping that Dara would tell her something important


Her question made Dara stop for a while. What does Bom want to know? About school, about the EXO boys or about… Lee Donghae? But there’s no way for her to know that… she thought


She forced herself to believe that Donghae is not included in the reason why Bom is acting this way. She hesitated for a bit and when she was ready, she answered her with confidence


“There is none. I don’t have anything to tell you Bom” She lied with full certainty


Bom suddenly slammed her fork loudly on the table making Dara flinch and the other customers stared at them in surprise


“Bom, what’s wro—“


“You’re unbelievable Dara! I can’t believe that you did this to me…” Bom started grimly and her eyes turned into tiny slits. “For how much longer are you planning to hide it from me?”


“Wh-- what do you mean?” Dara asked confusedly


“Stop acting like you don’t know!” Bom’s voice raised gaining more attention from other people. “How much longer are you going to hide from me what happened between you and Lee Donghae last year?”


Dara was put into a halt. How the did Bom knew about it?! She mentally panicked


“How did you know about that?!”


“That’s not the issue here!” Bom slammed the table once again. “Why did you have to hide it from me? I’m your best friend! How come you didn’t tell me about how that bastard played and embarrassed you in front of the whole population of Dongguk University?!”


Dara couldn’t find the right words to say. She knew that the main reason why she didn’t tell Bom was because she didn’t want her to worry. But right now, she was confused. Spending time with Lee Donghae somehow made her think that maybe he isn’t that bad at all. But still… that is not right.


When the bet happened, she got to spend a lot of time with Donghae. It was hard to admit but he was almost able to break her ice at that time. At that time that she was supposed to be sad and lonely because of Bom’s absence, she was able to get by because Donghae was there for her.


Even though it was all a bet and he totally just played with her, the ten days that they spent together was something she knew was unforgettable


And that might be another reason why she couldn’t tell Bom about it


Because deep inside her heart, she believed that Donghae was not that bad


And she knew that in the 10 days that they spent together, Donghae had somehow made a mark on her memory


Because she really felt happy during those times


Dara’s head is in total turmoil right now.


“Bom, it’s not that I didn’t want to tell you. It is ju—“


“What? Give me a really good reason to let this one off” Bom crossed her arms over her chest as she stared at her grimly. “Just don’t tell me that you have fallen in love with him and you—“


“Wa—wait! What? In love with Lee Donghae?! Of course not!” Dara denied frantically. Not in a million years! She thought


Bom relaxed a bit upon hearing her answer. But that is not enough.


She still needs to ask her one more thing and if she gets the answer she wants, she may probably forgive her


“Where were you today?” Bom suddenly asked making Dara flinch


Oh my God! Bom strictly told me never to work alone with Donghae, if she knew that I was with him today… she panicked inside


She was torn once more. She had to choose between telling the truth or not.


“I was at the libr—“


“Were you with someone?” Bom cut her off


This is it.


“No, I was alone. I—“ Bom suddenly slammed the table with both of her hands and this time, making a louder noise. Everyone inside the restaurant started fussing over them. The manager even approached them


“Miss… please do not start a co—“the poor manager didn’t even finish what he was about to say when Bom threw ice glares on him.


“You’re really making me mad Sandara Park! You are lying to me once again!” She shouted, not caring if she was being too loud. “You were with that damn bastard today when you promised me last night that you won’t be meeting him!” Bom exploded


Dara was frozen. It is really mind-boggling.


Bom knows even what happened today.


And she lied in front of her best friend once again


How could she know about it? Did she follow me? Did someone told her?


Bom didn’t wait for her answer as she stood up and started walking away not forgetting to throw bills on the waiter nearby


“Here is our payment. For all the food and shouting” she said as she made her way outside. Tears started pooling in the corners of her eyes


Dara, this is the worst feeling I have felt. I feel so betrayed and unworthy… Bom cried


Dara immediately followed Bom. It was the first time that she had seen her so angry and honestly, she didn’t know what to do


She immediately run outside and spotted Bom walking on fast pace


“Bom! Bom! Pl—please let me explain! Please!” Dara ran as fast as she could but Bom didn’t stop walking. Dara doubled up her pace and after a few minutes of chasing, she was able to grab hold of Bom’s hand


“Bo—Bom, please! I—“She was cut off when Bom turned around to look at her, tears were freely falling from her eyes. The sight made Dara’s heart constrict painfully. She never wanted to see Bom like this.


Unconsciously, her own eyes started to water


“Bom! I’m really sorry… Please, please forgive me… I never wanted to make you upset… I just don’t want you to worry about me!” she explained. Her voice started to crack. She stared at Bom’s eyes but she even felt more pain as she saw how sad and disappointed they were


“You always say that Dara. But what could I do? I believe that being best friends with you meant like being real sisters that are not blood-related. No secrets, no lies and protecting each other… But I guess it was only one-sided” she stated with sadness in her voice


“It’s not like that Bom-ah! I really love you like you are my very own sister! Please, give me another chance!” Dara begged frantically as she started to panic inside. She can’t lose Bom. Her only best friend. Her only sister


Bom just gave her a sad smile in return and release Dara’s hold away from her arm. “I’m sorry, but I think I need some time to think…” she started softly. “Just please, leave me alone. I don’t think I can talk to you right now… or any much time sooner…” Bom continued as she turned her back at Dara


That made Dara go ballistic. She was really hurt and it pained her more knowing that it was her fault why this had happened.


She felt her knees weakened and she flopped at the ground calling Bom to return


“Bom! Bom... Please forgive me! Please! I’m sorry! I’m really, really sorry…” she cried


What Dara didn’t know was Bom is actually hurting. Maybe more than she is.


We need this, Dara, we need this… she thought sadly as she continued to cry as well






“Yah… what is taking Dara-noona so long? An hour had passed already…” Chanyeol whined while he played on the remaining piece of meat on his plate


“Thinking about it, it looked like something really serious. Bom-noona really looked different a while ago… she was not her usual jolly self…” Tao exclaimed as he stared at the seat where Dara usually sits


“Hmmm… what could heve happened…?” Baekhyun added making all of them silent as they all wondered what was wrong


“Well, something just came up in mind” Suho suddenly spoke making their eyes turn on him


“You see… Actually, I saw Dara-noona with a guy this afternoon…” he stated unceremoniously making all the boys frozen


Kris suddenly choked from his drink


Cough cough, Kris continued coughing making the boys surprised. Who would not? It is the first time that they saw Kris like this and the timing was very unusual. What’s wrong with hyung? They all wondered


“Hyung! Are you alright?!” Lay, who was sitting next to him tapped his back. Kris waved his hand and made an “I’m alright” gesture.


“Sorry hyung, I didn’t mean to startle you!” Suho apologized as he stared at Kris worriedly


“I’m okay. Don’t worry about me…” He said as he let out a last cough. “So you were saying…”


“This afternoon, while I was at the café. I saw Dara-noona outside with a guy…” Suho continued. The boys’ eyes widened as they all started to feel angry


“What?! Dara-noona was with a guy?!” Sehun exclaimed as he stood from his seat


“My goodness! Dara-noona is spending time with some other guy?” Tao furiously exclaimed


“Oh my God… This is not happening…” D.O shook his head in disbelief


“What?! Could it be that noona has a boyfriend already?!” Xiumin exclaimed exaggeratedly making the boys turned to him


A series of shouts of No! No way! and Kill him! were heard next


All of them were startled when Chanyeol stood and went to the knife rack. “No one can get my noona, No o—“ Baekhyun and Kai immediately went after him and stopped him. “Yeol! Calm down!” Baekhyun shouted


“He—hey guys! Stop misunderstanding! Let Suho-hyung finish first” Lay exclaimed


“Yes. Please let hyung finish first before you guys jump into conclusions again” Chen added


They started calming down and Suho took this chance to continue on. He narrated what happened from when they saw them at the café, from the running away, the bumping and when they about the guy at the park


“He really looked like a jerk to me. He was handsome, but not as handsome in any of us” Suho declared as he scoffed at the thought of the unknown guy with their noona


“Well, if noona says that it was just for a project then it is okay…” Sehun stated as he sat down. Chanyeol also looked calmer now.


“So now that this is clear. Stop fussing sbout this, arasso?” Kris commanded in a clear tone and the others nodded their heads in agreement.


They were once again enveloped in silence when the door suddenly opened


They all knew that it was Dara so all of them stood up to greet her but stopped when they saw how puffy and red her eyes were


“Noona! What happened to you?!” Chanyeol immediately run towards her and cupped her face


Dara just gave him a tired smile. “Can I skip dinner tonight? I just want to sleep. Please” she said as she released herself from Chanyeol and made her way towards the stairs.


The EXO boys’ eyes worriedly followed her as she walked. She then stopped in fornt of Kris


“Mianhe Kris-ah. Please let this one go. I promise I won’t skip tomorrow” she exclaimed in a hush tone. Kris was surprised with her sudden approach. “I got it. O-okay” he replied in a startled tone and Dara gave him a small grateful smile. She continued on with her track and when she was totally out of sight, the boys started wailing again


As the boys were busy talking about how worried they were, Luhan discreetly went to Suho


“Hyung, can I talk to you for a minute? I just need to ask something… Can we talk, just the two of us?” he told him seriously making Suho stare at him in confusion. It was unusual for Luhan to act this way. Nonetheless, he let him be. “No problem let’s talk outside…” he made his way outside and Luhan followed him. Luckily, no one had seen them


Kris also left unnoticed by the boys.


He made his way to his room and fumbled on his phone.


He contemplated for a few minutes before dialling Bom’s number, and when she picked it up he perked up


He needed to clarify something.


About what had happened between the two of them…


And if he was the reason why they fought.


“Annyeonghaseyo… Bom-noona, I’d like to ask you something…” he started weakly





So, what's going to happen next?

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)