Unfortunate meeting

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies


Donghae’s POV


How could life be so boring?


I wondered as I walked beside Krystal who was clinging all over me. It is Sunday today and I was supposed to bum all day at home when this girl texted me early in the morning to go out with her to the mall. Since I was not doing anything, I agreed with her and called my other friends, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun to come with us.


When the three of us arrived, I saw her near a lingerie boutique. She seemed to be checking out some freakishly hot lingerie.


She was wearing a super short mini skirt, a tube top and heels. Her outfit looked really great since it emphasized or rather, overly exposed her curves. Nice, I thought


When we came closer to her, I saw how her face changed from a happy one to an angry one.


She looked excited when she saw me but when she got to see the 2 other guys, her face showed disdain.


“What the hell is this supposed to mean, Donghae?! I only called you but here you are with two other people!” She angrily exclaimed.


“It is? Sorry babe, but I do what I want. If you don’t want them here, then you could go on a separate way” I told her nonchalantly and I saw Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun smirking. No one can order me around.


I saw her trying to calm herself.


“Okay. I’m sorry. Please accompany me today, Donghae-yah” She told me in a cute manner as if she wasn’t angry just a while ago.


It was actually funny since she was mad at me and I’m at fault but she is the one apologizing.


This always happens not only with Krystal but with the other girls that I’ve been with, they are like dogs wagging their tails on me and try to please me every time. I don’t know how many women I’ve been with but one thing’s for sure, I didn’t take any of them seriously.


The same goes for Krystal.  She’s the hottest girl in the university that’s why I hooked up with her. She’s totally a trophy girlfriend in every aspect. She’s got a beautiful face, perfect body and good in bed.


But I’m still bored. She doesn’t give me any thrill




We were passing by a boutique when I saw a girl wearing ridiculously big glasses


She reminded me instantly of my classmate, Sandara Park. She is the person who makes my boredom ease and gives excitement to my life.


The first person who made me lose a bet with my friends


And the first person to make me feel pain as well


I remembered when I first talked to her.




Flashback (Donghae’s POV)


 “Donghae! If you could make Ms. Ice Geek fall for you in one month, we will give you one thing that you really want” Heechul-hyung told me as we all looked at Sandara Park who was sitting alone


It was really rare to see her alone. She was always with her best friend and only friend, Park Bom. Park Bom may have been really popular if not for her being so attached to Ms. Ice Geek. She’s got a really cute face and a gorgeous body unlike Sandara Park who not only lacks fashion sense but has a face that does not show any emotion at all.


This would be hard, I thought


But because I was known to conquer every girl I target and win every bet I engage to, I decided to agree. I can’t lose my amazing record and I ought to make my friends realize that I’m the best guy in this university.


No one can resist me anyway


“Bet is on” I told them confidently. “Be sure to prepare your wallets cause I would really ask for something big” I jokingly warned them


“Hey! Think about how you could get close to her first! You sound so sure that you could conquer her” Eunhyuk, my best friend exclaimed


“This is really exciting!” Sungmin-hyung added


“Yes, I’d really like to see Donghae fail once” Kyuhyun teased


“I’m sorry Kyuhyun, but I think you’ll be dying without seeing me fail once” I retorted while smirking.


I stood up from my seat and walked towards the table where Sandara Park is


She was too busy reading her book that she didn’t notice me standing infront of her


"Hi! Is this seat taken?" I asked.


She looked up but didn’t answer me. Instead, she gave me the coldest glare that I’ve ever seen. I had understood that there was a message behind her cold glare




I can’t back down now, I thought


Instead of leaving, I decided to use my million-dollar smile on her that no girl could resist.


But she still has her glare on. She didn’t even flinch


I’m shocked


How could she not squeal in delight with my million-dollar smile?! 




And frustrating as hell.


I was thinking of ways on how I could strike a conversation with her when I noticed that she was spacing out and her face softening a bit


What is she wondering about?


I decided to break her reverie


"Hey! You okay? You don't mind me sitting here right? After all, you didn't say anything when I asked you. Therefore I'll assume that your silence means yes" I declared as I sat on the chair facing her


I started talking about random things under the sun when I noticed her uninterested face


"Now I know! You don't want to talk to someone you don't know right?!" I beamed. “I’m Lee Donghae! We’re both from the same class!” I exclaimed as I extended my right hand for a hand shake


She just stared at my hand then at me.


I waited for to take my hand but she ignored me and she started fiing her things. She stood up from her seat and was about to leave


I need to stop her!


I racked my brain for a way on how I could stop her


My hand immediately grabbed her wrist. She looked back at me.


Here goes nothing!


“Wait, Sandara!” I exclaimed. “I just wanted us to be friends. I knew that you are really good in studying and I hope for us to become friends. I’m a scholar like you and I want to remain being one. Please help me! Can we become study buddies? Please, I don’t want to bother my parents anymore. We’re poor and this is my only hope!” I lied and used my puppy eyes to make myself look pitiful


She flinched a bit. She looked confused


“How can I know that you’re not lying?” She asked


“I can’t show you any proof right now but please! Just let me study with you!” I pleaded.


She rubbed her temple for a bit and her face looked annoyed


“Fine, but no talking about personal matters. We start tomorrow” she said as she turned around and left


“Okay! Thank you very much Sandara!” I feigned excitement as I waved at her


Easy as one, two, three, I thought while smirking





I thought that it would really be boring with her but I was wrong


She was really teaching me about our lessons and she was really good at explaining things


Sometimes, I would crack some jokes to lighten our sessions but she would just stare at me blankly


I didn’t give up and one day, I was utterly surprised


I saw her smile for the first time


It was actually kind of refreshing and she was quite cute


That day onwards, she started showing some little changes in her expressions


Scrunching her nose, blowing her bangs, knitting her eyebrows together and small smiles


I started noticing her face. She was actually cute in my opinion. She had a cute prominent nose, thin lips and milky white skin. Her glasses however, is masking her eyes


I really wanted to see her without glasses. I want to see what her eyes looked like


I noticed that I was also starting to crack her ice barrier.


I was surprised because I actually felt, happy


Although my advances on her were seemed unnoticed, or totally ignored, I was actually happy being with her.


But there is something at the back of my mind that was disturbing me at that time


The bet


I am only doing this for the bet, nothing more, I thought


However, our blooming friendship ended quite quickly


On the morning of our 10th day of friendship, she ended it all


She approached me in the canteen. I was with my friends and Krystal at that time


She told me that she knew about the bet. I didn’t know how but that’s not my problem now


When I looked at her, I saw the confusion in her eyes


I actually felt a little troubled. But my pride took over


My image was more important to me. I can’t be a loser in front of my friends


I just laughed and told her that it was true


“Who would want to be friends with a girl like you?” I snickered as I stood up from my seat and walked in front of her. “Besides the fact that you dress and look like an old store owner lady, you act as if you’re the most intelligent woman on earth. Who would ever want a girl like you?” I continued while smirking.


I looked around and saw other students watching us. My friends are staring at us looking amused.


“I was actually thinking of visiting a doctor. I could feel that your geekiness is like a contagious disease and it’s already on my system. Geez, talking to you these past 10 days was not only boring but was the worst 10 days of my life!” I lied through gritted teeth


I stared at her and I saw a quick reflection of pain in her eyes


I felt a thug in my heart but I ignored it


“Bet’s over guys! No one can break this girl’s ice barrier. Only a true martian would conquer this girl! I’m sorry Sandara-sshi, I think your level is too high that no one from this planet could understand you. Besides your odd friend, Park Bom-sshi, no one would ever want to become friends with a cyborg like you” I ended as I walked off. I didn’t want to see her face any longer.


Everything I said was a lie.


I know that it would hurt her somehow



Because it hurt me as well



Ever since that day, Sandara’s coldness reached the highest peak


Everyone started to fear her more


I tried to avoid her every time but I would end up looking at her during class


One day, our eyes met


Her eyes were blank and emotionless


It was like I was non-existent


A nobody in her own world


I didn’t like how it felt. And truth be admitted, I wanted to see her reactions once again


But I know that I’ll never be forgiven


That’s why I thought that if I and bullied her, she would still think of me even if it’s just about her anger


I try to piss her every time I can and slowly, her gaze changed from blank to hatred


Her anger is reflected by her reactions even if she didn’t talked backed even once


I was actually having fun bullying her and seeing how her expressions changes


I was crooked like that


However, there is one thing that I couldn’t see again


I would never see her smile at me again


End of flash back




My mind was still wandering off when I heard Krystal shouted


“Watch where you are going!” Krystal shouted


I looked at the girl who Krystal bumped into. Her hands where on her bag and her head was hung low


The girl looked up and all of us were surprised


Sandara Park, I whisphered her name as I felt my lips tugging a smile


Good timing, I thought


When Sandara recognized us, her face immediately turned stone cold


“Why if it isn’t Ms. Ice Geek in the flesh” Krystal stated as she stared at Sandara and crossing her arms over her chest


“What are you doing here? This place is not a library!” Eunhyuk exclaimed


“Nor a freezer too! You might melt here if you don’t leave quickly!” Kyuhyun added making the four of us laugh except for Sandara who was just glaring at us.


She was about to leave but I immediately grabbed her wrist


“Leaving early? Scared of melting? Why don’t you join us and prove us that you’re a human too?” I stated as I smirk at her. I saw Krystal frown maybe because I was inviting Sandara to join us


Sandara resisted but I didn’t let her go. I only gripped tighter


“Oh come on! Don’t tell me that you’re really made up of ice! That’s rea—“I was interrupted when a boy suddenly called her


“Dara-noona!” the boy exclaimed as he approached us


I saw the shock on Sandara’s face as she looked at the boy who called her


“Luhan-ah” She answered softly as she stared at the boy with shock evident on her face.


I was surprised and maybe the others are too


It was the first time we saw her face like that and talk like that


I felt my blood boil


The boy looked at me and I glared at him in return


Who the is he? I wondered as I continued glaring at him






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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)