The aftermath

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies




Sandara’s POV


What the hell was that?! I said as I landed face first on my bed.


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and when I checked who the caller was, my brows furrowed together forming one line


“What?!” I answered with the harshest tone I can muster


“Hey, Dara! Calm down! Are you still mad at me?” Bom asked calmly. She was not even intimidated by my harsh tone


“Well, let me think. After you’ve left me with 12 raging male adolescents, I SURE AM NOT ANGRY!” I screamed to the top of my lungs


“Yah! Don’t shout! Aigoo, do you want me to become deaf?! Aisht, really” she complained.


I chose not to answer. I was still annoyed at her


“Dara you know that I had to leave right? Top was already there to pick me up” she explained. Yeah, yeah, what a lame excuse


“Dara, talk to me please. Look, I’m really sorry. But what happened earlier was, it was re—BWAHAHAHA” she laughed boisterously. I almost dropped my phone because I was surprised by her sudden outburst.


“Yah! Keep it low! And what’s so funny?!” I asked confused by her sudden change of mood


“Of course, you and your 12 babies! Aigoo, so hilarious! HAHAHA!” she continued on while my mood got worse by the minute.


“Well sorry but I don’t find anything funny with what happened a while ago. If you just called to make fun of what happened then I’m hanging up” I told her coldly. I was about to hit the end call button when I heard her frantically begging me not to hang up


“Dara! Dara! I’m sorry okay! And don’t use the cold tone on me. You know that it won’t work” she chuckled. This girl…


“What do you want then?”


“Well I called you because I’m curious of what happened after I left. Tell me juseyo!” she whined cutely. I can imagine her being pouty-pouty on the other side of the phone


My eyes immediately darted on the bracelet on my right wrist


I heaved a deep sigh as I recalled the chaos earlier at Sehun’s party






Author’s POV


Everything was going smoothly and everyone was having fun. There were three round tables and the boys, Dara and Bom grouped themselves accordingly.


Bom, Chanyeol, Luhan, Sehun, and Dara shared a table. Kris was with Suho, Tao, Kai and Chen. While Baek, Lay, Xiumin and D.O shared the last table.


They were happily feasting on the food that Lay and D.O prepared. They were having a happy atmosphere thanks to the mood makers, Chanyeol and Xiumin. They would crack jokes and bring up topics that would make all of them laugh their brains out. The only one who remained composed was Kris who would only smirk occasionally. Well, that’s not surprising really.


So the night went on and almost all the food was consumed. The pleasantness of the night was suddenly disturbed when Kai screamed




All the attention turned to him


“What’s wrong with you hyung?! Suddenly shouting like that!” Tao, the one sitting beside him exclaimed as he covered his ears


“What was the shout all about Kai?!” Chanyeol exclaimed as he went to Kai’s side


“Nothing, hyung! I just remembered that Sehun had not yet answered my question earlier!” Kai explained as he smiled awkwardly. “Sorry if I was too loud”


“Tch… I thought something happened” Chanyeol murmured as he returned to his original seat


“About that, I’m curious too…” Suho said as he stared at Sehun


“Yes! Tell us what you wished for, Sehun-ah!” Xiumin nudged him. The others looked at him with eyes full of curiosity


“Well, my wishes weren’t that big…” he answered but his eyes were full of mischief


“Wishes? So you had many wishes?” Baekhyun asked Sehun


“Well yeah. But I only had 2 wishes!” Sehun goofily exclaimed. All eyes were on him


“So what was your first wish?” Chen asked. Full of interest


“Well, it was a normal-ish kind of wish... It was being together with you guys and being a happy family forever” Sehun said proudly. The other boys can’t help but smile


“Our Sehunnie is really sweet…” Suho said. “But what about your second wish?” he continued


Sehun smirked and he paused. His eyes had a different look


The boys, Bom and Dara stared at him in anticipation.


“That’s a secret!” Sehun answered while giggling


“Hey! Tell us your second wish!” Tao whined


“I don’t want to! It’s a secret that only Sehun, me and I know!” he giggled cutely


The boys started to complain and demanded Sehun to tell them what he wished for but he remained firm on his decision.


They continued arguing until Dara couldn’t take the sight of the boys arguing so she decided to approach them


“Guys, please respect Sehun’s decision. If he wants it to be a secret, then so be it…” Dara told the boys


The boys immediately apologized and went back to their seats.


Bom could only look admiringly at Dara


How could this small girl make 12 guys listen to her? She’s really amazing and these boys have grown-up to be sensible and mature she smiled


But Bom spoke to soon






The night was getting late and Sehun’s birthday was about to end in less than an hour. However, the people in the party were still all lively and enjoying the remaining time left


Dara and Bom were talking about Dongguk university’s upcoming founding anniversary; Chanyeol and Xiumin were arguing about who was better in cleaning while Luhan watched them in amusement; D.O and Lay were blushing red from too much compliments for their cooking skills from Chen and Baekhyun; Tao, Kai and Sehun talked about the latest computer games while Kris and Suho were seriously talking about the current economy of Korea


“Bom-ah, I’ll just get some more desserts” Dara said as she stood up from her seat


“Okay! Please get some brownies for me~” she asked cutely while Dara jokingly grimaced


“What is this? A 21-year old lady doing aegyo? Aigoo, Top must be really proud!” she exclaimed and ran before Bom could retort


“Yahhh!” she heard Bom screaming behind her back


Dara happily went towards the table filled with desserts. She started grabbing some cookies, brownies and chocolates when she felt a presence beside her


When she looked at her side, she was surprised to see Luhan who had an awkward smile on his face beside her


“Hi Dara-noona…” he greeted her meekly. This situation seems familiar Dara thought but brushed it off immediately


“Hey Luhan! What can I do for you?” she placed her plate on the table and stared at Luhan encouragingly


“Uhm, noona… I would just like to say how thankful I am for what you did today… for what you did for Sehun” he bowed deeply


“Aigoo! That wasn’t a big deal Luhan-ah! Besides, it wasn’t only me who prepared for this. The boys also gave in a lot of effort for this event to be successful especially Suho. Be sure to thank them too okay?”


“Yes, noona I will!” he answered with a smile and Dara smiled back at him. “Is there something else, Luhan-ah?”


“Actually noona… this” he said as he handed Dara a small pink box with a purple ribbon on top. “This is for you”


Dara gasped in shock as she held the box. “What is this for Luhan-ah?” she asked


“It’s uhm… a thank you gift from me noona, for everything that you’ve done for me and for Sehun as well” he awkwardly explained and smiled


“Well, it wasn’t necessary for you to do this… a simple thank you will do. But thanks so much for this Luhan! I will open it now!” she excitedly exclaimed and started to carefully open the box


Inside was a silver bracelet with a heart-shaped pendant


Omo! This is so pretty! And it looks really familiar… she stared curiously at the bracelet while Luhan chuckled as he saw Dara examining his gift


After a few seconds, Dara remembered where she had seen the bracelet


“Luhan-ah! Isn’t this the bracelet I was looking at when we were in the mall?” she stated


“Yes noona. I thought that you really liked it so I got it for you. An—and I think that it would suit you” he answered shyly


Dara blushed with his compliment. Ah really, I’m not used with Luhan being all mushy she thought. “Can I wear it now?” she asked him


“Please do”


Luhan saw Dara struggling to lock the hook of the bracelet. He went closer to her and helped her.


At this exact moment, Sehun saw them. A big smile instantly appeared on his face.


He stood up from his seat and went over to their side. His sudden action confusing the people he was with.


“It seems like my second wish is already coming true!” he exclaimed happily while he walked towards where Luhan and Dara was. The others heard him and looked at him in confusion


“What are you saying Sehun-ah?” Luhan asked Sehun as he stood in front of them


“My second wish hyung, my second wish!” he giggled cutely


“Why? What about your secret other wish?” Bom asked full of curiosity. She was now standing near them. The other boys were there as well


“My second wish… It was actually also a simple one” he started while looking at Bom and the other boys mischievously “I wished that if I would not be the one to marry Dara-noona in the future, Luhan-hyung will be her husband instead!” he excitedly exclaimed as he smiled brightly. “And so, we three could be a family forever!”


Everyone gasped in shock


Dara and Luhan both blushed tremendously


Bom smiled at Dara mischievously


The other boys were not able to say anything


“Sehun-ah…” Suho trailed off as he glanced at Chanyeol worriedly. Sehun just gave him an innocent smile


“Neh, hyung?”


Suho shook his head. He was concerned about Chanyeol who was getting paler every minute




“Sehun-ah, please don’t say such things nonchalantly. Marriage is an important part of life and it should be taken seriously…” Luhan tried to explain but he was still blushing


“I do know hyung. That is also the reason why I wished for it that way! It’s either me or you for Dara-noona!” he explained. Bom chuckled but stopped immediately when she saw Dara glaring at her


“Wa-wait a minute! Something is wrong here!” Xiumin interrupted them as he went near them. “I’m really sorry Sehun-ah, but I do believe that Dara-noona is more suitable to be the wife of our leader, Kris-hyung” he said as he stared at Kris


Kris eyes widened. Everybody turned their eyes on him.


Sehun fumed in anger.


Bom was having a hard time suppressing her laughter


Dara stood frozen


And Chanyeol was… even paler than before


“What are you saying Xiumin! You’re making things worse!” Suho scolded him


“But I’m just saying what I really think hyung. Kris-hyung is like our appa and Dara-noona is like our omma anyway…” he explained. Kris face palmed. Some of the Exo boys agreed while some didn’t. Suho could only heave a deep sigh in frustration


“Noooooo!!! It’s either me or Luhan-hyung only!” Sehun whined


“Sehun stop this already please!” Luhan begged his brother. He was really embarrassed and when he glanced at Dara who stood immobile, he became even more embarrassed


“No! Hyung or I. That’s final” Sehun stubbornly said


After he said that, the boys started spouting their opinion at the same time.


“I also think that Kris-hyung and Dara-noona are perfect for each other” Tao stated. Kris covered his face with his hands. He didn’t know what to say


“Aniyo, noona should decide on her own” Lay retorted and D.O nodded his head in approval


“Tsk, why are you rushing on who will be noona’s groom? Let’s wait until the right time comes” Baekhyun added


“Hahaha. Here’s the twist! Dara-noona will get married. And Suho-hyung would be her husband!” Kai exclaimed


The boys started arguing. Suho tried calming them down but he was pushed away. Kris stood frozen. He didn’t know what to do. Chanyeol was still silent. No one knows what was going on in his mind. Bom was standing in a safe distance, not hiding her laughter anymore.


Dara snapped from her trance as she saw the feud in front of her. Oh no! This should stop!


She joined Suho in stopping the boys. But calming fuming adolescent boys is no joke


Dara glanced back and aw Bom laughing at the corner. What is so funny?! She fumed


“Yah! Park Bom! Help me out here!” she shouted at Bom


“Omo! Mianhe Dara-ah! Top is now here to fetch me. I shouldn’t make him wait. Dara fighting!” Bom jumped merrily out of the scene. Dara could only stare at her back in disbelief. Aigoo! That cunning corn-monster! I won’t forget this!


Dara grabbed on to Sehun’s back. He was currently on a heated argument with Xiumin


“Sehun-ah! Please stop this already” she tried to calm him


“No! I want to stress my point. NOONA, HYUNG and ME forever!” he roared at Xiumin


“You selfish brat! It should be KRIS-HYUNG and DARA-NOONA. APPA and OMMA and we are their children!” Xiumin retorted


At that same time, Chanyeol’s ears perked up. He snapped and he fumingly dashed towards the two. His eyes were showed that he was ready to kill.


Dara’s eyes widened as she saw Chanyeol.


“Suho! Please stop Chanyeol!” she screamed in fear.


Suho who was currently in between Kai and Tao turned his head towards Chanyeol. This is bad, he thought as he saw Chanyeol


Even before he could reach him, Chanyeol had already given both Sehun and Xiumin a good punch


“You are all wrong! No one could take my noona away from me! It will be the two of us forever!” he roared as he landed a fist on Sehun’s face. He quickly turned backwards and gave Xiumin one as well making him land on the grass


Dara stared at him in fear. Oh no! He’s really unstoppable now!


“Chan— Chanyeol! Pl—please stop! Calm down! Please!” Dara tried to beg her brother to stop. This was already getting out of hand.


Chanyeol looked at his sister and he saw the fear in her eyes. He immediately calmed down and was about to hug her when suddenly


“Noona, I’m sorry. I just—“ He was interrupted when somebody grabbed his shoulder tightly making him unable to move


“Go get him Xiumin-hyung!” Sehun shouted


“You bet I will!” Xiumin faced Chanyeol and gave him a good punch on the face. The area where he was hit bruising in an instant. Sandara yelped in surprise. “Please stop this already Xiumin, Chanyeol, Sehun! Please!” she tried grabbing Xiumin by his back but Chanyeol had managed to escape Sehun’s grip and pushed Xiumin roughly. Xiumin bumped Dara and as she was about to fall, she felt someone grab her shoulders and she landed on someone instead


When she saw who it was, she became more terrified


Oh no… she could only mutter as Kris gently moved her to the side. His eyes were pitch black and his face was stoic. Oh my God no… Her eyes searched for Suho to help her calm Kris before the situation gets worse but when she saw Suho, she felt even more hopeless. He was already in his berserker mode


She held her breath as he saw Kris walking towards the three guys punching each other’s faces like they were the enemies of each other for the longest time


“1…” Kris mumbled. Everyone looked at him and stopped


“2…” he was now stretching his arms. Suho was stoic. And Dara held her breath


The boys gulped in fear. It was as if cold water was splashed on them when they saw Kris staring at them with cold eyes




Dara covered her ears as she walked away from them


I can’t watch any of this anymore…





“So it really became bloody neh?” Bom questioned. “It was a good thing that I left before things got nasty”


“Well yeah! And I had to go home alone since I was too scared to walk home with them! Tsk, to think that you had the heart to leave me…” Sandara argued back


“I’m really sorry Dara-ah! I didn’t know that it will become that bad. Anyway, at first I thought it was just a cute, pointless argument. I didn’t expect it to be like that. So what are they doing now?”


“They are still in the living room. All bruised up physically by Kris and now being mentally tortured by Suho. I feel bad for the boys but Kris and Suho have their own way on disciplining them. Aigoo, and to think that it was supposed to be a happy day. I guess that Sehun’s birthday is really a memorable one. In a bad way though” I sadly stated.


“To think that I had thought for a moment that they are now matured men, this was really a downer. But it was funny when your babies are fighting over the position of your husband! I thought that it was really cute!” Bom . Dara scoffed in response.


“I’m not in the mood for jokes Park Bom” Dara answered her seriously


“Okay, okay. I’ll stop. You better take a rest now. But don’t forget, we have to talk about the upcoming founding anniversary of our university tomorrow. We have to make a plan for it” Bom reminded her


“Tsk, it is supposed to be your job as our class representative. Why do you have to drag me as well?” Dara retorted as she hugged her pillow. She was never a fan of school activities. Festivities would mean interacting with a lot of people. And she didn’t want that


“You have no choice anyway! Alright, I’ll cut it here. Goodnight Dara-yah! Be sure to wake up early because you have a lot of bruises and wounds to disinfect!” Bom cut the call even before Dara could respond.


She could only stare at her phone in belief. Why is this girl my best friend anyway? She wondered as she placed her phone on the bedside table


She then heard a loud bang coming from downstairs


So you guys haven’t learned anything from your more than 10 years of living in this world! I can’t believe that all of you are all acting like toddlers! My goodness I’m really embarrassed to say that I had lived with immature brats for my whole life!


That must be Suho… He’s really scary when he’s mad…


She heaved a deep sigh as she imagined the situation at the living room


I hope that the boys are okay… she was worried for the boys especially her brother. She knew that Chanyeol was hot-tempered but he was also really sensitive



I do need to talk to Chanyeol about this tomorrow… and I have to wake up early to help clean the other boys wounds as well… she thought as she closed her eyes and drifted into dreamland




Sorry for the long wait my lovely readers! huhu

My laptop crashed and so I had to re-write this chapter using my brother's laptop ;(

I'm really sorry! Please continue being patient with me~

Please comment on what you think about this chapter ^^

And here"s a teaser for the next: Expect for DARAHAE moments on the next chapters! Hoho :3

Please Comment and Subcribe! >.<

Thank you very much!



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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)