Different faces of pain

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies




Author’s POV


For the next 3 days, Dara felt really weak and lonely since Bom was completely avoiding and ignoring her. She was trying her best to show Bom how sorry she was but it resulted to no avail. She tried doing everything she thought that would make Bom forgive her.


She would send her text messages every day, about 8 pages full but she would get no reply… she would leave a card on Bom’s locker with her favourite corn muffin every morning but still, no response… she asked the help of Yoona, Taeyeon and Top but Bom refused to talk to them about her… and she would follow her every time she could but Bom continued to ignore her and ran away from her


“Donghae, what’s wrong with her…?” Eunhyuk exclaimed as he pointed at Dara who was sitting alone at the café. Everyone on their table turned to see Dara, spacing out and without her usual cold aura


Donghae flinched as he saw Dara’s blankness. This girl… she looks like a zombie…


He examined her face and saw the eye bags that formed and the tired, lonely eyes that she currently has. Even while wearing her thick-ahjumma glasses, one could easily tell that there is something different with the Ice Geek


They have not yet spoken to each other since Sunday and he planned on reprimanding her the next day for suddenly leaving him. However, he was not able to do so because it was he who got surprised. Last Monday, Sandara Park was like a sick person about to die soon. From her face to her walking gait, he was able to sense how dispirited the girl was. He had also seen her placing a letter and a box of muffins on Park Bom’s locker


Upon his keen observance and lengthy deliberation, he came up with a conclusion. Park Bom and Ice Geek’s friendship is currently in turmoil


For an unknown reason, something inside him pushes him to talk to her. At first he was reluctant but then as if his body has its mind on its own he would walk towards her. But even before he could open his mouth, Sandara would always look startled when she sees him and would walk away immediately.


He had been doing that for the past 2 days and she is also reacting the same way every time. It’s been frustrating the hell out of him but still, he feels somehow worried for her


He heaved a deep sigh before turning his eyes away from Sandara Park and focused on his plate instead


“Tss, Eunhyuk! Why would you even care about that Geek-ahjumma? She’s just a nobody! Right Donghae-ah?” Krystal annoyingly exclaimed as she hooked her arms with Donghae’s but the guy ignored her


“Well, it is indeed unusual to see Sandara Park alone… I mean she has Park Bom right?” Sungmin muttered


“Seeing this right now, I’d say that those two had a fight…” Eunhyuk lingered on


“What else could it be?” they all wondered


“Park Bom woke up from her delusion and realized how disgusting it is to hang-out with Sandara Park!” Minah exclaimed earning laughter from the rest of the group except for Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and Donghae.


Donghae felt confused. Usually, making fun of Sandara Park enlightens his mood. But now, hearing his friends talk badly about her, it makes his blood boils


They continued throwing insults at her but Donghae remained silent. Krystal noticed this and nudged him


“Hey… why do you look so serious? Aren’t you happy that Sandara Park is friendless right now? She deserves to be alone cause she’s a total weirdo and she is---“Krystal was not able to finish what she was about to say when Donghae suddenly slammed his fist on the table


Everyone in the table was startled with his reaction. Kyuhyun however, smirked.


“What’s wrong with you…?”Krystal warily exclaimed. Donghae sharply turned his head towards her and gave her a sharp glare


“Shut up!” Dongahe hissed as he harshly pulled his arm away from Krystal. Stop talking about Sandara Park like you know her” he gave her one last glare before he stood up and left. His friends following him


The other students looked at her and some were even murmuring. She felt really embarrassed.


“Yah! Stop looking here! Mind your own business!” Uee roared at the other students and they immediately turned their heads away


“But really, what is wrong with your boyfriend? Being so grumpy and even defending that girl?” Jiyeon pointed at Dara who was still spacing out despite the commotion inside the cafeteria


Krystal’s eyebrows furrowed. Even she is confused on Donghae’s recent behaviour. He wouldn’t laugh when they are joking about Sandara Park and what really made her mad is that she would catch him stealing glances at the Geek. It was damn affecting her ego that her boyfriend would be glancing at other girls when they are together and nonetheless, the girl is Sandara Park, the Ice Geek. She would have had tolerated it if he had done it once or twice but seeing it multiple times, it just makes her anger rise up and she blames the geek for stealing Donghae’s attention


“Hey… I wouldn’t want to add oil on the fire but you see, I saw Donghae running after Ice Geek yesterday…” Minah stated carefully. Krystal fumed more and she slammed her fist on the table, showing how mad she was


“I don’t know what’s happening with your boyfriend Krystal-ah but I do think that he is giving that geek a lot of unnecessary attention these past few days…” Jiyoung added


“Does this call for a punishment from the Queen bee…?” Hyuna suggestively exclaimed as she stared at Krystal and the others meaningfully


Krystal instantly knew what she meant


“It had long been overdue. Let’s do it” Krystal smirked as the girls nodded their head excitedly


No one steals the attention from me, Sandara Park... I would make you know that in the most unforgettable way…




The next day


Sandara’s POV


“It’s already Wednesday and yet Bom is still avoiding me… it has been 4 days since she started avoiding me…” I mumbled as I stared at my book absentmindedly. No matter what I do, Bom would always pop out in my mind.


It had only been 4 days but it feels like years had passed already. I just miss her so much


I heaved a deep sigh before I stood up and walked towards my classroom. Upon entering, I saw Bom sitting on a far chair far from mine. I stared at her but she was not even looking at me. Aisht, I really feel like crying right now!


I decided to sit on my usual spot beside the window and just then out teacher arrived.


I am not able to focus on anything since the day we fought. I would be making the smallest mistakes in the exams and in work. I even became clumsier as I always trip due to a non-existent rock. It’s a good thing that the Exo boys isn’t asking me about what happened and I noticed that they are really trying hard to make me happy. Even Kris is not reprimanding me whenever I trip. It somehow makes me feel lighter knowing that the boys are there.




I was yet in a trance that I didn’t notice our teacher calling me


“Ms. Park, Ms.Park!” Mr. Jung exclaimed making me flinch


“I’m sorry for not paying attention Mr. Jung!” I stood up and immediately apologized earning laughter from my classmates. From my peripheral vision, I saw Bom looked at my direction briefly


“Aigoo, what is wrong with the number 1 in the batch?” Mr. Jung shook his head in disbelief making me more embarrassed. “So I’ll repeat what I had just said for you Ms. Park… as decided or let me change that, as pointed out by the rest of your classmates, you would be the one in charge for organizing some student papers later when the class is dismissed…” he stated and my eyes widened. How come I didn’t know about this? I looked around and saw my classmates snickering. Ah great. Now I know why. My very kind and gentle classmates volunteered me for this since they know that it is a tedious job.


Haha. This is what I get for not paying attention


I decided to sit and agree. I have no choice anyway


“Well, since it would surely be a tedious job, I need another volunteer…” he said as he looked around for volunteers. No one looked at him and my classmates pretended to be doing something else. Funny. Looks like I’ll be spending some quality time alone with myself later…


My eyes unconsciously landed on Bom. She wasn’t even looking at me and from the looks of it, she had no plans on helping me out. I can’t help but feel bad about it. However, I know that I had no right to do so since I was the one at fault. Sigh


I looked away because seeing her makes me feel hurt more. I then sensed someone staring me and when I turned around, I saw Lee Donghae staring intently at me.


What does he want now? I thought as I immediately looked away and stared at the window instead.


I remembered how Lee Donghae would always run to me since Monday asking me what was wrong with me. I brushed off the thought that he was concerned for me and instead, I was actually anxious since I don’t want Bom to see us talking. I don’t want her to misunderstand and I don’t want to prolong our fight any longer


Just then, as if a miracle happened, someone from the back raised her hand


“I’d like to volunteer myself to help Sandara Park!” Jiyoung exclaimed as she raised her hand enthusiastically


I snapped my head towards her direction and she gave me an eerily sweet smile in return. Why would this girl want to help me…I wondered


“Okay! It’s settled!  I will see you later then, Sandara and Jiyoung” Mr. Jung exclaimed and I gave him a small bow in response.


I feel something weird with this set-up. Like something is bound to happen


Tss! What is wrong with me? I shrugged off the bad feeling that was growing. It is just organizing together! Why do I feel so nervous?!


Something is really wrong with me…I thought as I shook my head in disbelief




So immediately after class, Jiyoung and I went to meet Mr. Jung. He told as what we were supposed to do and we wasted no time. We started to work immediately. We sat beside each other quietly.


We were working in silence and I totally appreciated it. I still have a problem talking with other people and Jiyoung’s silence is something I appreciate. I’m starting to believe that she isn’t that bad considering that she is included in Queen Idiot’s circle of friends.


Just then, I was put into halt when she suddenly stood up.


“Sandara-sshi, I would be getting myself a drink… Is there anything you want?” she asked thoughtfully.


My eyes widened at this. She is really all friendly with me.


“Hmmm… an o—orange juice would be great…” I answered with a soft voice. I was embarrassed but I was feeling thirsty myself.


“Okay, sure!” she replied as she walked off the door. I released a heavy sigh. Maybe talking with others isn’t that bad after all… I wondered.


My eyes landed on my wrist watch and I gasped as I saw that it was already 7:30 pm


My goodness! I haven’t texted anyone from home yet! Heck, I might not be able to eat dinner again… Those boys would surely scold me again… I thought as I fumbled on my phone and contemplated whether I should text them or not. The battery of my phone is about to be empty so I had to decide. Hmmm… I’ll just text Chanyeol when I arrive at Blackstar…I decided as I placed the phone back on my bag and turned it off. Just so the battery won’t run out…


Jiyoung then arrived with two cans of juice in her hands. She handed me one cheerfully and I gave her a small nod in response


“Kansamida, Jiyoung-sshi…” I muttered softly and I saw her eyes widened but she immediately recovered. “No problem!” she beamed as she sat beside me


And so, we continued working on and when we were about to finish, Jiyoung accidently hit my juice with her elbow, spilling the juice on my shirt


“Omo! Mianhe Sandara-sshi!” she exclaimed worriedly as she grabbed her handkerchief. She was about to wipe the juice on my shirt but I stopped her. She looked at me in surprise


“It’s okay Jiyoung-sshi… I can just clean it in the comfort room” I stood up from my seat and her eyes were still on me. “Don’t worry about it. Please just continue working this out so we could both go home…” I gave her a small smile and I saw agape and she nodded slowly. I chuckled at her. Is it really weird to see me smiling? I wondered as I made my way towards the comfort room. When I was outside the room, I heard Jiyoung mumbling something


I’m really sorry. I’m really sorry Sandara Park… I heard her feint voice from the outside. I was confused but then again, I think that she shouldn’t make a big deal out of this. I’ll just tell her later that it is okay…


The hallways of our school is covered in darkness and enveloped by silence. If Sehun or Tao were here, I’m sure they’d freak out…I chuckled as I imagined their scared faces


I opened the lights at the comfort room and when straight ahead to the sink. I vigorously rubbed the stain on my shirt hoping that it would somehow lighten.


I was busy with what I was doing when suddenly, I felt something hit the back of my head


I fell from the impact and even before I could react, someone was placing a blindfold on me and another was covering my mouth with something like a scarf. I couldn’t struggle as I felt myself totally flat on the floor and someone holding me down


I mentally panicked but it was all gone as soon as I felt that I was starting to lose consciousness. I wondered if the back of my head was bleeding because it really hurts as hell!


I could hear voices surrounding me… I couldn’t tell… two, three, four or more? I don’t know… I couldn’t tell what they were saying because they were all like mumbles to me


Hurry up! Tie her up! Faster, you slow pokes! I could hear them saying


I felt my body being lifted up and they made me sit on what I presume is a covered toilet bowl. With all the remaining force I had, I tried struggling and just then, I realized that they tied up my hands and feet as well. What do they really want from me?! I felt furious, hopeless and nervous at the same time. This is the first time that this had happened to me and truth be told, I really feel scared


“Throw it at her” a familiar voice commanded and then, I felt cold water splashed on me.


I squirmed and I instantly shivered


“Is she still alive?”


“Of course she is! How would she die with just that?”


“Well, you hit her too hard! Look at her head! It is bleeding!”


So, it really is huh?


“Jiyoung acted out pretty well”


Jiyoung? She is involved with this?


“Can’t believe she was able to spend time with this total weirdo! Haha. She deserves a reward!” another exclaimed as I felt someone kick me at the leg.


I felt the pain but a greater pain bothered me more. So everything was just for a show. Jiyoung was just faking her friendliness…


I felt my heart constricting causing my chest to feel heavy


How could I be so careless? Of course, no one wants to be friends with me.


Even the only person who truly cares for me like a true sister had left me because of my insensitivity and stupidity


My heart felt more pain. I felt more helpless as I realized that there is no Bom who would help me out of this. I bit back my tears hoping that it wouldn’t fall


“Where is that girl anyway?”


“You see, she started acting weird. Once this geek left the classroom she started fixing her things and left as well”


“Maybe to disinfect! Maybe scared of being infected with geek-virus!” all of them started to laugh


“Would you guys please shut up?!” a booming voice suddenly emerged making all of them silent


I felt her walking near me and suddenly, I felt a hard slap hit my face making me wake up a bit


She grabbed my chin harshly and I felt her breath against my ear


“Remember this Sandara Park. Stop being an attention- and be contented with spending time with yourself. Do not ever involve yourself with Lee Donghae or else…” she lingered on with a deadly voice “You will experience worse. Much, much worse” she exclaimed as she roughly released her hold making me throw my head backwards


“Let’s go” was the last thing I heard before total silence enveloped the cubicle where I assume I am right now


For sure, that girl was Krystal Jung with her idiotic troop of es


Her last words lingered on my mind. Do not involve yourself with Lee Donghae…


In the end, it is still about Lee Donghae.


Why am I so unlucky?


I wonder how I would get out of here…


Oh ! I’ll make the boys worry again…


I will make Yoona and Taeyeon be forced to work with double effort again…


Why am I such a nuisance?




I feel so tired. Very tired.



I want to sleep. Sleep for a very long time




Author’s POV


Meanwhile, back at their home, everything is in chaos


The Exo boys are gathered in the living room as they all looked terribly worried and scared


“It’s already 9 pm and still no news about my noona!” Chanyeol frustratingly exclaimed as he walked at the living room back and forth


They couldn’t blame him. Dara hadn’t been home for the whole day. She would always go home and eat dinner before she goes to work but this time, she didn’t. Chanyeol tried calling her phone but it was turned off. They all started worrying so they called Yoona and Taeyeon and when they told them that she isn’t there, they all started to panic


“Chanyeol-ah… please calm down…” Baekhyun tried to calm him down.


Chanyeol sharply turned his head towards him “How could I do that Baekhyun?! For all I know, my only sister is currently missing and all the evils of the world are outside!” He roared. “What if something happened to her?! I can’t believe I’m just standing here! I should look for her! Aren’t you guys feeling the same?!”He furiously exclaimed


The boys nodded their heads slowly.


“Then why are we still here? How come we aren’t looking for her huh Kris-hyung?” Chanyeol glared at Kris.


“I think that we should plan this out first. We don’t even know where she is so would you calm down…” Kris spoke sternly.


Chanyeol just stared at him in disbelief and started walking towards the door. “If you don’t want to, then I’ll do it alone!”


Baekhyun, Xiumin and Sehun immediately stood up and followed him. “Wait for us Chanyeol!” they exclaimed


Even before they could leave, Kris blocked their way


“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked them


“What do you think hyung?! Of course to look for my noona! I can’t just sit here and wait for her calmly!” Chanyeol harshly exclaimed


He bumped Kris’ shoulder but what Kris said next made him stop


“So I’m assuming you have an idea on where you could find Dara?” he muttered not even looking at him


“I don’t… but I’ll try to—“he was cut off when Kris spoke again


“So you don’t. Then listen to what I have to say so that we could find her faster” Kris exclaimed coldly. From his tone of voice, no one dared oppose him


“We will be splitting in groups and I’ll be listing out the possible places where she could be. Some would be sta—“he was not able to finish when he heard the doorbell rang. They all felt alarmed and they hoped that it was Dara already.


Kris immediately opened the door and was surprised to see a flustered Bom


“Kris! I think I know where Dara is… Come with me” Bom run off to her car. Kris turned around and faced the boys


“I’m only taking Suho and Chanyeol. You guys better stay here and wait for us. As from Bom-noona’s statement, I’d say it’s just a possibility. You will have to wait if Dara might suddenly arrive” He instructed quickly as he gestured for Suho and Chanyeol to ride in Bom’s car. The other boys nodded obediently


Bom wasted no time and drove as fast as she could


“Where are we going Bom-noona?” Suho asked


“At the school. At Dongguk University…” Bom answered weakly


“At school? Why would noona still be there this late in the evening?” Chanyeol curiously exclaimed


“How did you know about this?” Kris added.


“Long story. But to cut it short, a guilty soul told me about it…” Bom vaguely explained. The boys didn’t pry on more and hoped that Bom was right




Not too long after, they arrived at the school. They quickly explained their case to the security guard and he let them enter, even opening up the lights in the hallways for them


They ran inside and Bom lead them to one of the classrooms and they all gasped as they found Dara’s things inside the room


“She’s really here!” Bom exclaimed. Chanyeol immediately grabbed her things. “But where is she?!” he impatiently exclaimed


Bom didn’t answer and just ran outside. The three boys followed her.


Please, please! Just let her be safe! She mumbled as she headed towards the girl’s comfort room


It was pitched black inside and nothing could be heard


“Are you sure she’s here?” Chanyeol asked but was ignored again


“Chanyeol please. Let’s trust Bom-noona…” Suho grunted and Chanyeol nodded his headed


Bom opened the lights and saw nothing.


She started walking inside and the boys followed her cautiously


“Are you really sure that she’s here cause I really think that it is not ri—“Chanyeol was cut off when Bom suddenly screamed


“Oh my god! Dara!” she screamed as she pointed inside the cubicle


The boys immediately ran towards the cubicle and they were all frozen with that they saw


Dara was on the side laying on the floor. She was blindfolded and was covered. Her arms and feet were also tied up


“Dara!” Kris immediately ran towards Dara and he quicly removed the ties and covers on her body


“Da—“Suho caught Bom who had fainted “Noona!”


Chanyeol stood frozen. He was shaking and he felt tears flowing from his eyes. He felt paralyzed and he can’t move. My Dara-noona…


Kris was the only one who attended to Dara. He moved her quickly but gently. When he touched her head, his eyes widened when he felt something damp. Oh ! Her head is bleeding! He mentally cursed and he felt her wet clothes. She was also shivering


“Dara! Dara!” he tapped her cheek lightly, trying to wake her up but he got no response. He flinched when he saw a red mark on her left cheek. Is this caused by a slap?!


He immediately removed his jacket and wrapped it around her. He lifted her gently before turning his attention towards Suho and Chanyeol.


“Suho, take Bom-noona to the car” Suho nodded as he carried Bom back. He then turned towards Chanyeol. “Chanyeol…” Kris called him but Chanyeol was all blank




“Yah! Park Chanyeol!” Kris exclaimed in a loud voice making Chanyeol woke up from his trance


“Hyu—hyung! Is—is my noona okay? She’s still alive right?” Chanyeol asked. This was all happening too fast and seeing his noona in that state is too traumatic for him


“Of course she is! Please get a hold of yourself and call Xiumin. Tell them that we found Dara and call Dr. Han and tell him to come to our house. We need to get Dara checked” Kris ordered calmly but with urgency


“I get it hyung... I’ll be going out first…” He exclaimed as he wiped the tears on his eyes. Before he could leave, Kris spoke. “Don’t worry Chanyeol, Dara is alright. Nothing bad would happen to her. She’s safe now” Kris told him reassuringly making Chanyeol smile a bit. “Yes, hyung” Chanyeol replied as he gave his noona one last look and made his way to make a call


Kris immediately turned his attention towards the girl in his arms. She was light as a feather and he knew that the reason for this is because of her lack of time for taking care of herself


“Dara… Dara… Can you hear me?” He called her softly. He felt her shivering so he tightened his hold around her body in attempt to give her more warmth


“Dara… this is Kris. Please wake up now…”he caressed her shoulder gently. He is starting to feel anxious because of Dara’s lack of response but still, he didn’t stop


“Dara… Dara-ah, please open your eyes. I need to see that you’re okay…” Kris softly exclaimed as he removed the glasses away from Dara’s face. Marks of Dara’s glasses were visible and he felt much more furious. Whoever did this to you deserves to pay…he angrily thought


He continued calling her name when he suddenly heard Dara groan


“Argg…” Dara groaned weakly. Her eyes started to open slowly. Kris felt relief washed over his body when he saw Dara’s eyes opened


“Kr—Kris? Wh—what are you doing here? How did yo—“Dara’s eyes unconsciously started to water. She really felt glad seeing Kris.


Kris met her gaze and gave her a small, gentle smile. She was startled with what he did but she is even more surprised when she felt really secured and safe seeing him


As if her arms had a mind on its own, she threw her arms around Kris, locking him in an embrace. She couldn’t help but to embrace him. All her fear and hopelessness were washed away. She remembered how a while ago, she felt that she would die and no one would ever find her


“Hush... You’re safe now… Stop crying Dara. I’m here now…” He raised her up a bit and returned her embrace. Dara buried her head on his neck and continued crying


“You’re safe now… I’ll be taking you home. The boys are waiting…” Kris started his tracks, he felt Dara nodding her head


He felt happy that Dara was safe.


However, on the back of his mind, a growing anger started to develop


Dara doesn’t deserve this. She is not meant to be hurt.


She should be taken care of and she only deserves happiness


There and then, Kris made a decision


He is going to find the root of this.



Whoever caused Dara to get hurt, he will surely make them pay a hundred times more






Here is a chapter created with blood and sweat. hoho~

Have you guys watched 2NE1's Do you love me yet?!

Oh my gosh, can I just say how addicted I am to that song?! And thanks to that, I was able to make an update! >.< 

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)