Suho's past

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies


i'm back! ;>






Suho was raised by his single mother for the first six years of his life. His father was a drunkard who left them when he was just a baby for another woman. He had no memories of his father and he had no idea on how he even looks like. His mother refused to tell him about his father and why they broke up.


Despite this, his mother was a very independent woman who worked hard as an accessory seller at the park in the morning and a cashier lady in the afternoon until the evening to provide for both of their needs. She is a cheerful person and she was surrounded by a lot of her “so-called” friends.


His mother loved him so much and she would always act like she was happy and never gets tired of working. They lived happily in a small house that is only appropriate for the two of them. Their life was going well not until he entered school. His classmates bullied him saying that he doesn’t have a father. At first, he was able to tolerate it but as time passed by, he started having thoughts


Why did father leave us? Didn’t he want me as a child? Was there something wrong with me? Did omma chased him away? Did they quarrel making him leave us? These were the thoughts that came to Suho’s mind


Days passed and Suho was still bothered by the thoughts of his father. One day, he decided to ask his mother about it so he went to the convenience store where her mother is working


“Suho-yah! What are you doing here?” His mother asked little Suho as she looked at her boss, her eyes asking if she could have a few minutes to talk to her son


“I’m giving you 10 minutes” her boss said.


“Thank you very much!” she walked directly where Suho was standing and ushered him outside the store to talk. When they were out, she asked him why he was there


“So, Suho. Is there any problem? You are supposed to be ho—“she was interrupted when Suho abruptly spoke


“Omma! Please, tell me who my father is! I want to know him! I want to see him” he exclaimed all too suddenly making his mother shocked from his outburst


“All my classmates has an appa and I’m the only one who has none! Omma, please tell me about him!” he exclaimed once again when he saw how his mother was unable to speak


“Suho-yah… There is no need for you to know about him… I’m providing everything that you need right…? We are happy with just the two of us… Please, stop aski—“


“No! I want an appa! I also want to feel how it is like to have an appa… or even just to see that I really have a father… please omma, tell me who he is… Maybe, just maybe, if I get the chance to see him… I’ll talk to him and he might want to take us back! The three of us could be a family ag—“


“Stop! Stop it Suho! Stop talking about your father! He left us and he surely do not want us. He is a bastard of a man and that’s what all you need to know! If you ask me about him again, I’ll be really angry and give you a punishment!”


Suho felt scared. His mother rarely gets mad and the last time she gave him a punishment, it was surely unforgettable.


He gulped in fear as he stared at his mother who was already red from anger. He was really scared but he didn’t want to back down. He needs to know who his father is and think of a way on how he would come back.


He also felt mad with his mother. He thought that she was being selfish and unfair


“You’re unfair omma! I won’t stop looking for my appa and if you really do not want to tell me about him, I’ll search for him myself!” he stubbornly said as he ran away quickly, ignoring the shouts of his mother to come back


“Suho! Suho, come back!”


I don’t want to! You’re being selfish and I want to have a father too!


He continued running in the street and he was lost in deep thought. He was unable to sense his surroundings making him fail to notice that a fast car was approaching


He was startled when he heard a very loud screech from his mother, who he didn’t know ran after him



Suho-yah! Nooooooooo—






Author’s POV


“That was the last time I heard the voice of my mother… I was about to get hit but my mother was able to push me away… I was saved… but my mother died instead of me…”Suho continued on with a sad smile. “I can’t believe how stubborn I was that day. If I only listened to her that day… and if I didn’t fought with her, then maybe, she would still be alive at the present time…”he trailed on with guilt on his tone


Dara stared at him with gentle eyes. She knows that each one of the member of her current family has a sad story on why they ended up in grandma Tae Hee’s care but hearing their story personally, it makes her feel how unfortunate it is that the EXO boys had to face such heart-breaking events when they were still young…


She gently Suho’s back gently to comfort him. They were enveloped in silence and all Dara could think about is how painful it was for Suho, knowing that he was the cause of his mother’s death.


“So, uh, what happened next? I mean, err… how you ended up in Grand ma Tae Hee’s home?” Dara asked stutteringly.


“Well, about that… it was actually Kris-hyung who found me… “




Three days after the funeral of my mother, her friends started to avoid me one by one. Since I have no relatives left, I had no choice but to stay at the apartment where we live. I stopped searching for my father as soon as I learned the truth. I overheard two of my mother’s friends before talking about him and omma. I felt worse as I thought of how sad my mother had been when I was forcing her to talk about my father.


I decided to not attend school since I have no money to pay for fees anyway and I thought of selling some items that we have at home so I could feed myself


I brought them at the usual spot in the park where my mother was selling and I would stay there until evening. The money I earned was just enough to feed me but surely, it was not enough for the apartment rent


I continued on for almost a week however, on the 5th day, my bullies at school found me and they made fun of what I was doing. The three of them started to play around the items that I was selling and I tried hard to stop them. I forced myself not to cry and put up a brave font as I landed a punch on one of them. It made them grew furious and they started ganging up on me. I couldn’t do anything.


While they were pushing me around, my mother’s only locket necklace that was on my pocket fell. One of them picked it up and started making fun of it


“What is this? A girl’s necklace?! Why do you have one on your pocket?! HAHAHAHA” he started making fun of it and the other two immediately joined him


“Give it back! Give it back to me!” I tried to grab the necklace back but one of them held me down


“Uh-oh! It must be really important to you huh… heh, then all the more I want to destroy it!” He exclaimed making me wince. Tears fell down when I saw him pulling the string away from the locket. It was the only thing that would remind of my mother and it was getting destroyed in front of me


“Please, please just give it back! Just punch or kick me but please not the necklace” I tried breaking free but the two of them were holding me down. The person holding my necklace just gave an evil smirk.


My eyes widened as I heard a snapping sound. More tears uncontrollably fell down that it was starting to block my vision


“Stop! Please stop!” I tried begging more but they laughed even more. I was starting to lose hope when suddenly, someone appeared from his back


“Cowards. 3 ganging up on one. Useless cowards” an older looking boy monotonously exclaimed. He was taller than all of us and he had scary eyes.


“He-hey! Wh-- what did you say? Cowards?! We are not cowards!” the one who looked like the leader of the bully group stood up for his comrades. He was acting bravely but his spoke shakily. I know for a fact that he was intimidated the boy who came. Who wouldn’t? He had a scary aura and his eyes reflects how cold he is.


But I couldn’t care less at that time. My focus was on the necklace that the leader was holding. I broke free from their grasp and I immediately made my way to the leader to get the necklace. I knocked him down and we both struggled as we fought for the necklace


“Give it back! Give it back!” I shouted as I grabbed hold of the necklace, trying to get it free from his hands


The other two was about to help him when the unknown boy blocked their way. They started pushing him and that started it.


We were all fighting and after sometime we all stopped when one of them shouted


“Enough! You’re a monster!” he exclaimed as he started running away. I stared at him and my widened when I saw him. He had a lot bruises on his face and he had stomp marks on his body. The other two were surprised as well and they immediately followed him


I gulped in fear as I stared at the back of the unknown boy. What if he would hurt me next? I was busy thinking of ways how to escape him that I didn’t notice him picking up the necklace. I stared at him as he began walking towards my direction


He stretched his hand and returned the necklace


“This is important to you right? Take care of it arasso?” he told me monotonously as he gently passed on the almost broken necklace. I started crying again when the necklace safely landed on my hand and I saw his eyes widened with my sudden cry


I was saved again


He froze up and I started bawling on how unlucky my life was with the death of my mother, for having no father, for having been bullied and everything. He just stood there all the time and when I was about to start another round of crying, he stopped me


“Hey, hey! Stop crying. I get it now. You don’t have a family and you’re alone. Maybe I could help you. Just stop crying. Crying boys are not good in the eyes” he vehemently said. I immediately stopped crying and stared at him. What is he saying? Help me? But how…?


“I’m Kris. If you want to live a better life, follow me” he said as he started walking.


There and then I made a decision.


And for the first time in my life, I had made a good decision.                        




“Kris-hyung introduced me to Grandma Tae Hee and he explained my situation to her. Grandma, accepted me and welcomed me in her home. At that time, it was just me, Tao and Kris-hyung who were there…” Suho explained.


Now, Dara understood why Suho had always been loyal and obedient to Kris. It was deep-rooted in the past. She really felt touched that Suho trusted her with his story and she admired him more for being able to surpass the endeavours that he faced


The next thing that happened was something Suho didn’t expect. Dara hugged him tight and gently pat him on his back


“You’ve been through a lot Suho-yah… thank you for staying strong and for being the Suho you are now… I’m really happy that I got to meet a wonderful person like you…” Dara said softly. Suho felt his cheeks reddening and as if on cue, tears started pouring out from his eyes


“It is okay, Suho. Just let it all out. I won’t judge you and I want you to know that if your mother was still alive, she would surely be proud of you… like I am. Don’t let the bottle of your emotions to be filled up until it explodes. Talk to me about anything. I’ll try my best to be there for you, and for the other boys as well” she his hair gently. Suho buried his face on her shoulder and cried. He hugged her tight but not enough to hurt her


Thank you Dara-noona… I’m really glad I met you and the EXO boys as well… I would do anything for you… I won’t let anyone hurt the EXO boys especially you… you’ve become one of the most important people in my life… my second omma… my precious angel noona…





After an hour, Suho finally calmed down and they both decided to go home since it was already dark and it is dinnertime.


Upon arriving home, Sehun fussed on why the two of them arrived together


“Suho-hyung! Why are you and noona together?!” Sehun asked, looking betrayed


“Well, I ran into noona somewhere and we decided to hang around for some time at the park” Suho replied directly, not forgetting to show his charming smile


Sehun gasped. “So, the two of you spending time together… just the two of you… Isn’t that like a DATE?! YOU TWO HAD A DATE?!” he blurted out loudly. As if there was a race, the EXO boys started appearing from all directions and halted when they saw them


“Did I heard it right?! Suho-hyung and my Dara-noona went on a date?!” Chanyeol exaggeratedly exclaimed as his eyes widened more


“What is this, another appa candidate?” D.O retorted


“I told you there’s a plot twist. It would be Suho-hyung in the end” Kai smirked as if he won a bet


“No! I’d still go for Kris-hyung. Sorry, Suho-hyung” Xiumin exclaimed defensively and Tao nodded in agreement.


“I’m very much sorry for bursting out your bubble Xiumin-hyung and Tao, but it is still Dara-noona and my Luhan-hyung who looks better together!” Sehun chimed in making Luhan shake his head in frustration


Dara stared at the boys who are misunderstanding the story at the moment. She felt like another heated argument coming on. She looked beside her to see Suho who was staring at her as well but with amusement on his eyes


She snickered at him and turned her attention towards the boys


“Hey guys… It’s not what you think it is! Don’t start arguing again just because of a stup—“she was not able to finish her sentence when Kris descended from the stairs looking tired. They immediately stopped arguing when they saw him.


“What’s going on here? What are you guys fussing about?” he exclaimed as he stood in front of them.


“Nothing, hyung! We were just talking about how awesome day it is today, right?” Suho exclaimed cheerfully. The others nodded their heads overly, not wanting to anger the older hyung since they knew that it would durely be gruesome once again


“Okay! Now, let’s go eat dinner!” Xiumin cheerfully stated as he quickly went to the kitchen. He wanted to get away from Kris sight and the others understood his action immediately as they followed behind him leaving Dara with Suho and Kris


“I’ll go ahead then, hyung, noona. I need to fill in my stomach since I had a long run this afternoon, right noona?” Suho said as he winked at her then immediately left to the dining room.


The two of them stood awkwardly beside each other. Dara looked at Kris to find him looking at her as well. He looked like he wanted to ask something to her


“Is there anything you need Kris?” she asked softly.


“Sandara, where were, I mean what were you—Argh! Never mind! Don’t mind me” Kris suddenly walked off making Dara confused from his actions. What is wrong with him…? She wondered.


She was about to follow him when the doorbell suddenly rang


“I’ll get it!” Tao exclaimed with enthusiasm as he ran to the door


Dara chuckled at his cuteness and decided to follow him to check on who their visitor is since it was rare that they got visitors at this time of the night


“Who is it—“she stopped when she saw who the visitor was. “Park Bom, what are you doing here at this time?” Dara exclaimed as she hurriedly went to her


Bom gave Tao a smile when he opened the door for her. “Good evening Tao. I know that it is your dinner time but can I borrow Dara for a while?” she asked in a calm manner. It was unusual because they were used to her just entering the house nonchalantly


“No problem noona! You can talk inside. You could eat dinner with us too!” Tao exclaimed cheerfully


“Sorry, dongsaeng but I can’t join you for dinner today. Some other time, neh?” Bom bargained and Tao nodded his head in agreement.


“Arasso! I’ll leave you too so you could talk. Make it quick so you could still eat dinner with us Dara-noona!” Tao said as he left the two alone


Dara immediately turned her head towards Bom


“What brings you here at this time Bom-ah, what would you like to talk about?” Dara asked her calmly as he gestured for her to come in but Bom stopped her


“No, Dara. We need to talk privately. Just the two of us” Bom exclaimed seriously as she made her way outside


Dara was confused. Bom was so serious and she felt so distant.



I hope that this private talk would go well… she thought as she took away all her negative thoughts and followed Bom





Hello there! ^^

I tried updating as fast as I could~

Hoho~ it was actually my birthday last Monday and I was really happy on that day because I saw that I had  100+ subscribers for this story! >.<

Thank you very much! Really, thank you for supporting my fic from the start until now and hopefully, until it ends! :>

Please show me your love by commenting your thoghts on this chapter! <3

And guys, I'd like you to check out these two DARAEXO stories made by my chingu, --OhDee! (Hello, Chingu! ^^)


you'll surely love it!



i <3 you ALL! >//<



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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)