Start of a change

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies




Bom’s POV


After Dara and I parted ways, I immediately went to the diner place where I usually meet Tabi after class.


Once I arrived, I saw my Tabi sitting alone while sipping some milkshake. He would always wait for my class to end even if it takes him an hour or more.


I stopped walking and stared at him for a while. He was really handsome and his fashion sense is superb.


I blushed. He’s really perfect


I never thought that I would be falling in love with someone so deeply like this. Seunghyun, my Tabi was the only guy who made me fall for the idea of falling in love. He is my first boyfriend and I hope that he will be my last.


I’m being so cheesy right now.


Totally out of my character, I chuckled as I approached his table


“Hello there, Mr. Handsome” I winked at him and he stopped what he was doing.


He gave me a y grin in return


“Hey there, gorgeous” he replied with his usual deep baritone voice.


I blushed upon hearing his y voice. Argh! Seunghyun effect is still greatly affecting me! I snickered as I sat across him. “You’re no fair… Always making me blush…” I muttered softly but he heard me


“I’m sorry jagiya. I can’t help wanting to see your adorable face when you blush” he added as he stared at me. I felt myself blushing more. Aigoo, this guy…


I chose to ignore his remark and diverted the conversation to something else.


And that something is no other than the life of my best friend, Sandara Park


“I’m really worried about her Tabi-ah. I could really feel that there is something between her and Lee Donghae” I said as I swirl some spaghetti on my fork “I could sense great tension between them…”


“Bom, you shouldn’t worry too much. Dara is a strong girl” he said. “I know that you’re one of the few people who really know how strong she is” he added


I stared at him.


He’s right.


But I can’t help it.


Dara may look serious and nonchalant on the outside but I know that she is really sensitive and emotional inside. I’ve always seen her acting strong when she is in front of the boys and me but I know that she’s really having a hard time especially now that she stands as the breadwinner of her family.


It’s a good thing that Kris and Suho are responsible enough to help her when they reached the legal age. I am totally grateful that they were willing to help Dara. At least her burdened lessen now


I suddenly remembered the chaos that happened on Sehun’s birthday. Truth be told, I’m actually hoping that Dara would end up with one of them. And in my opinion, I’m hoping that she would be with Kris in the end.


Dara and I have been friends for more than 10 years now and during that time, I noticed how Kris would do things that showed his concern for her. Even though he looks stoic and is silent most of the time, I know that he really cares for her, maybe more than me or even Chanyeol. I know that he is capable of taking care of her in the future. However, knowing Dara, it would probably take a long time before she realizes the need of having a partner


I sighed as I shoved some spaghetti on my mouth


I could feel that Top was staring at me but I am really bothered about Dara right now. Knowing that she’s partnered with Lee Donghae for three whole weeks is enough for me to go nuts.


Lee Donghae is currently the most popular guy in the university. He is really handsome, he has a gorgeous body and he is filthy rich. He is even the son of one of the board members of our university.


However, he is not only popular for his looks and status. He is also known for his cockiness and jerkiness.


He plays around with girls and flaunts his wealthiness all the time.


Sometimes, I feel bad for Krystal Jung, our school’s Queen Bee and Donghae's so-called girlfriend. It doesn’t seem like to me that she knows that Donghae just hooked up with her because she is the ‘it’ girl and she is so willing to give herself to him anytime and anywhere.


But Dumb Queen deserves it. She is a resident and acts like she’s the top female in the whole universe. Don’t get me started with how she bullies Dara. There are times that I really want to slap my 7-inch stilettos on her face. She deserve that much


Back to Donghae, I really feel that Dara and that guy had gone through something while I was away last year. She stares at Donghae with eyes that are high above the level of her usual cold glares.


I want to know if something really happened between them.






Top and I continued to eat in silence. It is unusual but I was really not in the mood to talk.


I really appreciate Top during times like this. He knows when he should speak and when he should be silent.


I was finishing my plate when I heard loud chuckling sounds coming from the girls who just entered the diner.


I stared at their faces and I recognized that they attend the same school as me.


They are familiar but I don’t personally know them. Maybe they are thinking the same thing because we didn't greet each other


I chose to ignore them as they sat on the table opposite ours.


After a few minutes, I excused myself as I felt the need to go to the bathroom.


When I entered the cubicle, I heard the familiar voices of two girls entering the bathroom


They were talking loudly as if they were miles away from each other


Aisht… how noisy! I muttered


They were talking loudly until their conversation suddenly turned subtle


I got curious so I eavesdropped


“Hey, do you still remember what happened last year?” I heard one of the girls asking


“What exactly?” the other girl replied


What are they talking about?


“Aigoo! The thing that happened between Lee Donghae and Sandara Park!”


Dara and Donghae? What are they talking about?


“Oh yeah! It is about Donghae’s friends making a bet with him to make Ice Geek fall for him in a month right?”


I stood frozen. Donghae made a bet with his friends to make Dara fall for him? Why didn’t I know about this? Is this the reason why I feel a heavy tension between them?


I felt weak but I still continued to listen. I don’t care if I’m being a nosy chic. Dara is my best friend and I must know what happened to her and Donghae


I felt my temper rising as they continued blabbering on until one of the girls said something that made me lose my control


“It was really funny! But I kind of pity her though… Donghae just had to embarrass her in front of the whole university, saying something about a being a cyborg and no people would ever want to be friends with a—“


I instantly felt my body heating up from anger.


I banged the door hard making the two girls yelp in surprise


I stared at them hard and they looked scared


“Hey, do you mind telling me more about this Dongahe-Dara thing?” I stared at them menacingly with a dead-serious tone






Sandara’s POV


I heaved a deep sigh as I mopped the floor of Blackstar


It is already 1 am in the morning and the bar is now closed


I am feeling tired but Bom is adding up to my weariness


What’s wrong with her? I wondered


Ever since the day after she saw me with Donghae, she started acting weird


She was unusually quiet and I would sometimes catch her staring blankly at me


Every time I ask her if there was something wrong, she would only say no and tell me not to worry about it


Moreover, every time Donghae will approach me, she would glare at him and drag me somewhere else. It was like she is purposely making me avoid any contact with Lee Donghae. the talk about where we would meet on Saturday was not continued yet. Bom even approached Ms. Kim and begged her to change my partner but as expected, Ms. Kim refused.


I stopped as a thought came to me.


Is it possible that Bom had learned of what happened between Donghae and me last year?


I shivered at the thought


It is impossible. There is nobody in that school who would tell her about it. Although she has other friends in school, I know that they won’t tell her about stupid things like that.


I was lost in deep thought that I didn’t notice Yoona throwing a crumpled paper at me.


“Yah!” I exclaimed as I faced her “What was that for Yoonie?!”


“Well, you were spacing out and you’ve been mopping the same area for 30 minutes already” she explained nonchalantly


“Darongie, what is wrong with you? You’ve been spacing out these past few days. Is there a problem in school? Or with the boys perhaps?” Taeyeon stared at me with worry in her eyes. I looked at Yoona and she was staring at me worriedly as well




“Nothing’s wrong, really… It’s just Bom is acting strange these past few days…” I explained


“Bommie? Why? Did you two fought or something?” Yoona asked, she was now standing in front of me


“No. It is really weird. We didn’t even have had any arguments lately” I said weakly


“Why not talk to her about it? She probably has a reason why she is acting like that” Taeyeon suggested


“I did. But she always say that nothing’s wrong and not to worry about it”


“Bom is really hard to read sometimes. How about Yoona and I will ask Top about Bom tomorrow? I’m sure he knows why she is acting like that” Taeyeon added and Yoona nodded in agreement


I think they’re right. If Bom doesn’t want to tell me, then I need to make a way to know…


“Okay. Please ask Top. I’m really worried about Bom. I hope that she’s really okay” I bowed at them in gratitude


“Hey, no need to be formal! We’re all friends so no need to make a big deal out of this. Plus, we’re worried about her too. We aren’t use to hearing Bommie being silent” Yoona chuckled


I gave both of them a sincere smile in return. Having Yoona and Taeyeon as friends makes me a really lucky person I guess…


After a few minutes, we left the bar and we three parted ways.


The night was chilly so and I felt really cold. I thought of Bom and I even felt colder


I was walking aimlessly thinking about what was wrong with Bom when I felt my phone beeped


“Sandara Park” I read out loud the content of the message. It came from an unknown number


Who could this be? I wondered as I stared at my phone, thinking of possible people who would text me in this time


I was standing in wonder when suddenly someone placed a warm sweater on my back


I gasped in shock and when I looked behind me, I saw Kris standing with his usual expressionless face


I stared at him and he stared back


“Kris, what are y—“


“It is not good to space out in the middle of nowhere especially at a time like this Sandara” he cut me off and walked ahead of me


My eyes widened. He scolded me again.


I don’t feel bad about his oppa-like-donsaeng attitude


I’m actually amused


He is really like an appa, I chuckled as I followed him


A lot of things were running in my mind that I forgot something that is supposed to be important


The text message...




Hello everyone!

Thank you very much for all your comments on the previous chapter!

I read every comment and I considered them for the next chapters >.<

I'd like to show my gratitude to you by working harder on the next chapters so please be more patient with me ^^

Please continue guiding me! ^^ 

*bows deeply

And yey! I have 64 subscribers already! :>

I'm really happy! Please continue loving my story~

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I hope that I could reach 100 subscribers in this story! Hohoho :3

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Thank you vey much! ^^



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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)