Donghae's complexity

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies



Sandara’s POV


It is now Friday and Bom is still acting weird.


Yoona and Taeyeon asked Top about Bom but he only told them not to worry and that she would be back to her usual self after a few days.


Until when? I sadly thought as I walked along our campus corridors. I am alone right now since Bom was called for a meeting regarding the upcoming university’s event.


Sigh. I’m feeling all weak and lonely right now.


It is a good thing that the Exo boys are somehow talking now in the house. If they were still on their silent mode, I would’ve gone crazy because of Bom


I wish that she would tell me what is wrong or if she has a problem. I can’t feel calm when she is being like this.


I was heading to my classroom when someone had suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me into an isolated corner behind the lockers


I stared at the culprit and my eyes widened in surprise as I saw the familiar figure of Lee Donghae


What is he doing?! I wondered as I felt some fear inside me


I yelped as he suddenly pushed me against the wall.


“What is wrong with you?!” I groaned while glaring at him. This bastard! Why is he always hurting me?!


He returned my glare equally


“You even dare ask what’s wrong, you stupid Ice Geek!” he exclaimed with anger evident on his voice.


I ignored him and struggled to escape. I’m getting tired of him man-handling me all the time.


We were glaring at each other and because I was determined to escape my dreaded situation, I thought of doing the same thing that I did the last time we met


I was about to kick him when he suddenly blocked my leg using his knee. He raised both my hands over my head. I gritted my teeth in frustration


“What do you want from me?!” I roared through gritted teeth. My mind thinking of ways on how to get out of his grip


I heard him hissed, “Let me tell you, Park. I told you that we need to talk about our project but you totally ignored me in the past three days!” he exclaimed angrily. I can see his face turning red from anger. “And your alien friend, Park Bom would not only drag you to some ing place when I approach you, she also literally blocks my way when I come closer!” he fumingly added


I noticed that too. But I know Bom is doing that only because she knows that Donghae is a bastard that bullies anyone. She only wanted to protect me


I chose to remain silent and gave up on struggling. It’s useless anyway


We were staring at each other for some time when he heaved a deep sigh and spoke again


“Do you know how pissed I am right now?! Ha! And to think you had even ignored my text message?!” he rattled on


“What text are you talking about?” I asked, totally clueless


He let out a long groan of frustration as he released my hands


“Don’t tell me you didn’t receive it last night? I texted you!” he exclaimed as he banged my shoulders on the wall. It hurt but I chose to hide it


What message is he talking about? I don’t remember having this bastard’s number and I didn’t receive any mess—I was cut off when I remembered the forgotten text message from last night


My eyes widened unconsciously


“That was you?” I muttered softly


He just grunted in response


So it was him. But really! Who in their right mind would text a person about their project at almost 2 am in the morning?! I thought as I stared at him


“Don’t tell that you’re mad because I didn’t reply when you texted me, once?” I muttered as I shoved his hands away from my shoulders


It was his turn to get surprised. He must be thinking that I won’t talk back


He recovered quickly and continued on with his angry state


“Of course, I should be mad! I am LEE DONGHAE and no one dares ignore me! I can’t believe that a girl like you had the guts to ignore me! ing unbelievable!” he massaged his temple and continuously glared at me


Truth be told, I don’t understand why he is so mad.


First, he is Lee Donghae and I am Sandara Park.


Everyone knows that he doesn’t care about his studies so why is he being so worked up on this project? Moreover, I can do this project alone. I don’t need his unnecessary help to make this project perfect


Second, his point is totally childish.


He’s mad because I didn’t reply to his text message last night.


Now I know that he is really an idiotic bastard. Who in their right mind would text a girl in the middle of the night? Yes, I was still awake when he texted but he doesn’t know that I’m working until that time. If I was like any other normal people, I would’ve been sleeping at that time. How could he not think about that?


Third, i guess he’s just bored and plain stupid


“I have no time for this” I exclaimed as I made my way pass him.


I think that it is better for me to work alone than to spend my weekends with this bastard. I don’t know the reason why he is so eager but I can only think that he wants us to work together to make my three weeks miserable, or worse, he made a bet with his friends again


I instantly felt mad when the thought of him betting with his friends again entered my mind. I remembered every emotion I felt when I knew that he just befriended me for a bet


I felt betrayed, angry...


And very disappointed


I snorted


How could I even let him touch and talk to me?


I quickened my steps away from him. But even before I completely leave him, he ran after me and blocked my way


“I’m still talking to you!” he roared angrily


“Too bad because I’m done talking to you” I coldly retorted


“To think that I did a lot just to contact you... I even had to bribe my father’s secretary just to get your number” he muttered while looking away. So that was how he got my number huh? Tsk. I’m sure that he used his great flirting ability just to obtain my number!


If I didn’t know about his true colors, I would’ve believed that he was really eager to work for this project


“Lee Donghae, there’s no need for us to work together. I can do the project alone and I’ll just tell Ms. Kim that we worked together” I stated. I’d rather do it alone than spend time with a bastard


I saw his face turning sour immediately


“I want us to work together. I don’t care if you hate me but we would work for this project together and that’s final” he declared as he turned away from me


I was about to complain but he cut me off instantly


“If you keep rattling on about working alone, I’ll prove to you how an I can be. I’m going to report you to Ms. Kim” he looked back and smirked then walked away


Aarrrgghhh! How dare he threaten me!


I shot glares at his back when he suddenly stopped


“One more thing, your place or my place?” he asked me.


I stood dumbfounded when a realization hit me


If he was able to get my number, did he ask his father’s secretary to show him my student profile?!


Oh my God! What if he saw my address?


“Ah—uhm, we can’t at my house! Let’s ju-- just do the project at, at your pla-- place!” I stuttered stupidly. I need to be careful! I can’t let him go to my house and make him know that I’m living with the Exo boys! I panicked


“Okay. Let’s meet here tomorrow then at 9 am” he dismissively stated and walked away for real


I was not able to retort


I stood frozen as I remembered Bom. She will surely get mad if she knew about this.


I’m really sorry Bom-ah... I’ve been keeping a lot of things from you... But I just don’t want you to worry for me... I wondered sadly as I made my way towards my classroom






Donghae’s POV


I can’t wait for tomorrow!I grinned unconsciously


I am now at the school cafeteria with my friend and Krystal with her clique. They were all looking at me curiously since a while ago but I didn’t care


I can finally get my revenge on Sandara Park! I excitedly thought


I had planned many things for our three weeks of working together. I will really make sure that Ice Geek would never forget this whole three weeks with me


I was lost in my thought when Eunhyuk who was sitting beside me nudged my arm


“Why are you so happy, Donghae? You’ve been grinning like a fool for quite some time now”


I responded with my mischievous smirk


Kyuhyun instantly got the message behind it


“Yah! Don’t tell me that you’ll be meeting Ms. Ica Geek tomorrow?” he exclaimed


All eyes fell on me


“Well, who couldn’t resist me anyway?” I stated proudly earning groans from my friends. Krystal, the one sitting on my other side shot me a deadly glare


“How come I didn’t knew about this?!” she angrily exclaimed


I sighed. Krystal is the type of woman who gets overly jealous most of the time. Also, I believe that she thinks that I am her possession. Heck! I don’t belong to anyone, even her. I can’t think of how I was able to put up with her attitude. Maybe her face and body suffices but I think her attitude will make me lose interest in her very soon.


I chose to ignore her and just continued eating. My friends did the same. They would always complain about Krystal but I would always tell them to bear with her.


I could still feel her glaring at me but I just ignored her. Our table was now quiet because the mood changed


Suddenly, Uee, one of Krystal’s friends screamed


“Omo! Isn’t that the freshman, Kris Kim?!” she screamed excitedly at the guy who entered the cafeteria


I immediately felt my blood boil when I saw his face.



Kris Kim is a Chinese-Canadian with a Korean surname. According to others, he was adopted when he was still very young. He is only a  freshman but he is already famous even with the seniors. He gets a lot of attention from girls and from the professors as well. He was third in his batch during the entrance examination and he was really doing well in his studies


He had not done anything to me but I can’t help but get annoyed with him. Other students look up to him as if he was a God or something and they would always tag him as an almost perfect person.


He would’ve been perfect according to others if not for his very cold character


He was known so well for being emotionless, cold and scary


Upperclassmen would always say that he is Sandara Park’s counterpart. Except that Kris is gorgeous while Sandara is not. He is called, Ice King


He had that reputation but all the girls are still swooning over him


I grunted as I stared at the girls inside the cafeteria. I think that I’ m starting to hate this guy because he unconsciously attracts great attention.


Because of him, my title of being number 1 is threatened



As soon as he entered, all girls turned and shamelessly stared at him. Other girls even had the guts to smile and wink at him but were ignored terribly


 The girls in our table were no better. They started fixing themselves when they realized that he would be passing by our table


My boys groaned at them. We all had the same thing in mind. es


Krystal smirked at me. Maybe she thought that this was the chance to get back at me


Kim was about to pass by. The girls on our table shamelessly threw him with flirtacious looks and smiles


Krystal stood up from her seat and confidently walked towards him, blocking his way


“Hi! I’m Krystal Jung and I’m Dongguk’s University’s Queen. I want to know if y—“she was cut off when Kris ignored her and walked pass her as if he didn’t hear anything


Krystal turned red in embarrassment as her friends gasped in shock. I smirked at her because of her total fail and my friends burst in laughter


Kris was near my seat when I abruptly stood up making sure I bumped his shoulder hard. He glared at me with a very cold glare that reminded me of Sandara’s


I smirked at him and walked towards Krystal who was still standing at exact same spot


“Try harder next time, babe” I whispered as I made my way towards the exit. My friends following behind


Every girl is the same. It is a good thing that Sandara exists to break this boring cycle of cutesy girls


I grinned as I thought of her and tomorrow



“I can’t wait for tomorrow Dara-ah” I murmured while grinning evilly.




Hello everyone! I have a bad news...

Since my classes had officially started, I won't be able to update as regularly like before :(

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)