A day with Luhan

The bad boy, the omma, and her 12 babies




That afternoon, Sandara went to the place where she meets her 3 tutees


She works as a tutor for three middle schoolers, Lee Hayi, Bae Suzy and Gong Minji


Her three students are quick learners and very respectful. They listen well and all of them are cute kids


They reminded her very much of the boys she lives with when they were of the same age.


She also gets along well with their parents and they give her a good amount of money even if she only tutors them every Saturday afternoon




As soon as she entered Hayi’s house, three cute girls welcomed her


“Good afternoon Teacher Dara!” The three greeted her in chorus while giving her a bow


“Good afternoon Hayi, Suzy and Minzy!” Dara greeted them back with a smile. “Shall we start our lesson for today?”


“Okay! We’re ready now!”


“Good! Let’s go study now so we could finish early”


 The three of them went to the living room and they started immediately


Two hours had passed since they started the tutoring lessons. They were all studying hard when someone suddenly showed up


“Hello cuties! Time for snacks!” Chaerin exclaimed as she entered the living room bringing a plate of sandwiches and 4 glasses of juice.

“Studying with an empty stomach is like going to war without a gun, am I right Miss Dara?” Chaerin teasingly looked at Sandara


“Chaerin is right. Let’s take a 30-minute break then let’s resume our lessons okay?”


“Okay!” The three girls answered cheerfully


Lee Chaerin or CL is Lee Hayi’s older sister. CL is one year younger than Sandara. She has a cool personality and she is easy to get along with. Ever since

Dara started tutoring the three, CL would bring them snacks and chat with them during their break. She was nice and smart. Dara liked her and they

became friends


They were busy eating their snacks but Sandara was in deep thought. She was thinking of the perfect gift for Sehun




No response






“Yah! Sandara Park!” CL shouted at Dara while waving her hands infront of her


“What is it Chaerin-ah? Suddenly shouting like that!”


“Well, I was talking to you but you were spacing out!”


“I was? I’m sorry! What were you saying again?”


“Nevermind! But really, what’s bothering you unnie?” CL asked her with concern


“It’s nothing really serious. It’s just that a friend of mine, a younger guy, will be celebrating his birthday next week. I was thinking of what I could get him” Dara

carefully explained. CL didn’t know that she’s living with 12 guys.


“Oh! How old will he be?”




“Then get him game consoles or gadgets! I think guys at that age would like that” CL suggested


“You think? It’s really hard to think about what I should get for him. He’s turning 15 but he acts like a toddler!”


“Haha! Really? But still, I know that techie stuffs will do the trick” CL said confidently


“You think so?”


“Hundred percent sure, unnie!”


“Okay! Thank you for your suggestion Chaerin-ah!” She sincerely thanked CL.


“No problem! Oooopppss! 30 minutes had passed already! Break time’s over” CL stood up from her sit and approached the kids. “Time to study again”


They started again but Sandara’s mind was drifting somewhere else.


But I don’t think Sehun likes gadgets... hmmm... this is really hard




The next day


Sandara woke up early to help D.O and Lay prepare breakfast.


This is the day that she will accompany Luhan to the mall to search for the perfect gift for Sehun.


After their sumptuous meal, Dara hurriedly went to her room to prepare. Luhan did the same


She just wore jeans and t-shirt plus her glasses. She never liked dressing up.


After 30 minutes, she was ready. She went down and saw Luhan ready as well. He was currently in the living room with the other boys except for Kris, who

left the house earlier.


“Are you going somewhere noona?” Baekhyun asked


“I’ll be doing some grocery shopping” She replied and went over to Luhan. “And I’m taking Luhan with me!” She said as linked her arms with Luhan


Luhan blushed with the sudden contact


“Noona! Why go with Luhan?! You should have asked me!” Chanyeol angrily complained.


“Next time Chan-chan”


“You’re really lucky that the two maknaes are still asleep noona. Or else, you may not be able to leave the house” D.O explained.


“Yes, they will be very jealous and they won’t stop unless you bring them with you too” Chen added and the others agreed.


“But this is really rare” Kai stated as he stared at Dara and then at Luhan


“Noona and Luhan-hyung together is a rare sight to see” He explained as he looked at Dara’s linked arm with Luhan’s


“Kai is right. You even seldom talk to each other too” Xiumin added. “Don’t tell me—Oh! Maybe you two are in a secret relationship!” Xiumin exclaimed as he pointed at the two


Sandara scowled at him while Luhan hung his head low, he was really embarrassed.


Suddenly, a fist landed on Xiumin’s head


“Yah! Don’t assume things Xiumin-hyung! My Dara-noona is not yet allowed to date anyone anytime soon! And if there is, he should face me first!” Chanyeol angrily declared


“That hurts Chanyeol! I was just joking! And you are not supposed to hit someone older than you!” Xiumin exclaimed as he caressed the part where

Chanyeol hit him


“But you shouldn’t joke about those kinds of things too, hyung!” Chanyeol retorted


“Aisshhtt this kid! You need to learn a lesson! Come with me to the—“


Xiumin was cut off when Suho interrupted him.


“Alright, time to stop this pointless argument” Suho calmly stated. “Dara-noona and Luhan may go now” He said as he gave Dara and Luhan a smile. “And for the two of you, we shall have a talk upstairs alright?” Suho was smiling but his voice sounded differently


Suho may be calm but once he notices someone acting wrongly, he gives them a piece of his mind and scolds them until they reflect from what they did.


Sandara gave Suho a smile and darted off dragging Luhan with her.


Phew, even leaving the house is a hassle, she thought




At the mall


Sandara’s POV


After 40 minutes, we had reached the mall


During our 40-minute ride, we didn’t talk about anything at all


We were awkward like that. Or maybe he’s just really too silent and I am too


I looked at Luhan who was quietly walking beside me


I remembered how I met him and Sehun,


Luhan and Sehun have a very similar story with me and Chanyeol.


 I met them 2 years after Grandma Tae Hee had taken us into her care. Their parents also died when they were very young however, no one from their relatives wanted to adopt them. Because of this, their relatives searched for an orphanage where they could stay.


Their relatives found an orphanage for young boys. However, Luhan didn’t want to stay on the orphanage. He wanted to stay at their home but he had no choice but to follow his relatives


They were brought there despite their protests and luckily, on that same day, Grandma Tae Hee and I were there to bring some donations for the orphans.


When we saw them, both Luhan and Sehun were resisting and crying frantically.


Grandma decided to approach and talk to them. They were hesitant to talk to her at first but after a few moments of convincing, Luhan finally talked


“We don’t want to stay in this orphanage because if we did, we won’t be able to see our home anymore. That’s only place where our memories with our parents are” He continued while crying “And we might be separated once someone decides to adopt one of us” He added as held his brothers hand


I thought that Luhan and I were similar. He wanted to protect his brother too.


Grandma patted him on the head and praised him for being a good brother.


She then talked to their relatives and after a few minutes, they agreed that Grandma would take both of them home


Grandma saw the fear on their eyes since she was just a stranger to them and Sehun still kept crying because he was afraid. But she promised them that she will take good care of them and she would allow them to visit their old house


They still looked reluctant so I decided to approach them


“Don’t worry! I promise that you would be able to visit your old house!” I assured them. “I promise that I will remind Grandma if she forgets to bring you there!” I promised as I brought out my pinky to seal the promise


Luhan looked at Sehun before he sealed the promise. “Okay” he said in a soft voice


I then went to Sehun and hugged him. He was really like Chanyeol. I felt the need to protect him


“Don’t worry! I’ll be your noona! I am Sandara Park but you can call me Dara-noona!” I cheerfully told him. “I promise you that I would protect you forever, like your brother. So please stop crying, okay?”


He looked at me and tried hard to stop crying.


When he calmed down, he hugged me back and said,


“Okay noona. Please let me be your dongsaeng forever”



And that’s how I met them. I just don’t remember how and why Luhan and I became awkward with one another.


“Luhan, what kind of gift would you want to give Sehun?” I asked him to break the silence


“Uhm, I was thinking of giving him something that suits a man more than a boy” Luhan honeslty replied


“That’s a great idea! How about we go to the men’s section and check out the items there?”


“Okay noona!” He replied while smiling


We went to the men’s section at the department store and checked the items


We saw lots of possible items. Belts, boxers, wallets and shirts and many more


“Hmmm... what do you think Luhan?” I asked him as I checked the rack of shirts


“I don’t know noona, I haven’t seen anything that suits Sehun” He said as he raised some shirts


“Okay! Let’s check over there” I pointed out the accessories for men section


While checking the items, I saw a pair of dorky glasses. I thought that it was really funny looking.


I looked at Luhan who was busy checking out some items. I suddenly thought of doing something


I removed my glasses and wore the dorky one


I sneakily went behind Luhan then I peeked in from his right side


“Annyeonghaseyo! I’m dorky Dara at your service! What can I do for you sir?” I asked him in a high-pitched, overly friendly tone while scrunching my nose in the process


He just stared at me blankly. He didn’t have a reaction


I suddenly felt ashamed. What am I doing! I thought, this is Luhan I am with!


I turned around and was about to return the glasses when I heard a giggling sound from the back


When I looked back, I saw Luhan covering his mouth with his right hand and he was holding his stomach with his left hand


Oh my God, I heard him say


I decided to go near him.


I stared at him and he stared back


And that’s when hell erupted.


Luhan was sitting on the floor laughing very hard. He was pointing at me while murmuring incoherent words


It was my turn to get shocked.


It’s the first time I saw Luhan like this.


I joined him as I laughed a loud too. We didn’t care if people were staring at us. We were happy and that’s what matters




The next hours was really fun because the awkwardness between the two of us was gone


After a few hours of goofing around, he was able to buy a gift for Sehun


A watch with a star design


It looked manly enough and we both agreed that it would suit Sehun and his personality


Unfortunately for me, I didn’t see anything for Sehun


I’ll just get back one of these days, I thought


After we had the gift wrapped, I felt my stomach grumbling


“How about we eat first? It’s already 2 pm and we have not yet eaten lunch” I asked him


“Now that you mention it, I’m really hungry”


We decided to get burgers for lunch. We were walking when we passed by a shop full of accessories.


One bracelet on display caught my attention. I went near it and I saw how pretty it was


“So pretty...” I mumbled


“Do you want it?” Luhan asked me


“Aniyo! I just went closer to take a look!” I exclaimed. “Come on! Let’s go eat!”


I dragged him and we ate at a fast food chain. After a while, Luhan excused himself and told me that he was going to the toilet. I just gave him a nod and told

him that I’ll be waiting for him


After 15 minutes, Luhan still has not returned


Where could he be? I wondered


I decided to look for him. I started walking while searching my bag for my cellphone to call him when I accidentally bumped into someone


“Watch where you are going!” the girl I bumped with shouted


I was about to apologize but when I looked up, I instantly felt my blood boil


I just bumped into Krystal Jung


And she was with Lee Donghae and his bastard friends


Great. Really great. I thought as I stared coldly at them




Yoohoo~ Chapter 6 is here!

I'm really happy because of the lovely people who commented and subscribed in this story ^^

Please continue sharing your feelings for every chapter~

It makes me motivated to write the next chapters

Also, Kris is such a lovely person isn't he?~

Aigoo~ he's making me have a hard time (if you know what I mean [; )

I hope that you still like the flow of my story. :) And maybe I could get un upvote? hihihi ^^

Please Comment and Subscribe!~

Thank you very much!





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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Still waiting for HAELlo Lotte 3
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Please update your story... Waiting🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michiamojen #3
Chapter 28: Im back after 3 years. Ive been very busy with work so i wasn't able to go through ny subscriptions lately. Even if there aren't any interactions between dara and exo recently, i wish you'd still update this. I really love this story line.
Abakada #4
Chapter 27: I'm sorry of i kept on leaving comments. I just can't move on from this. .....
Abakada #5
Chapter 28: im here again,
Abakada #6
Chapter 28: i hope you update soon, and I'm excited to know donghae's reaction.
I hope you haven't given up on this amazing story. Still rooting for your comeback T.T
Chapter 22: i want krisdara ending.
betchay1131 #9
Chapter 28: when when when is the update TT............please update soon..and i hope many chapters update^^thank u for the nice story....
bakedpuffpastry #10
Chapter 28: Hello Author! Still waiting patiently for your updates. :)