
Something to Keep


The next day I had decided not to think too much about last night. I got my answer as to why Daehyun was there (sort of) so there is no reason for me to pry. Plus, it's none of my business. 
"Where were you last night missy?" I was greeted with Sunhee blocking my way out of the bathroom with her arms crossed. 
"I told you I was going out for dinner without you." I explained as I dried my hair with a towel. 
"Until 10 o'clock at night?" She questioned skeptically. Oh. I guess she noticed. Last night I came back late from the hospital and found Sunhee in bed already. Apparently, she was a light sleeper.
"Well, I had stuff to do along the way." I covered up. I stepped around her and started getting dressed. 
"Like what? Something scandalous?" Sunhee teased me. I rolled my eyes even though she was facing my back. 
"No. Do I look like that kind of girl?"
"You never know," she paused and smirked, "it's always the innocent looking ones." This time she saw my eyes roll and laughed. 
"Tell me later yeah?" She insisted. 
"Whatever." I responded. Maybe I will tell her..
We walked to history class, arms linked, and greeted the teacher. 
"Good morning girls." 
"Good morning sunsaengnim." We bowed then took our seats. The teacher suddenly exclaimed, 
"What? The notorious five are in class on time? The world must be ending!" He said with a sarcastic tone. I giggled to myself and saw that the five boys up front were as well. 
"Appreciate it sunsaengnim. It's probably a one time thing." Yongguk said to the teacher. Daehyun covered his mouth to snicker then returned it back into his pocket. 
"Oh I will treasure this moment forever," the teacher held a hand to his heart with a sympathetic smile, "now take your seats before the bell rings." 
They bowed slightly then walked up the steps to their seats. A note landed on my desk quietly. 
Come to music comp. class early.
Was all it said. I looked back at Daehyun but he was staring at the front of the class, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. I turned back around and shoved the note in my backpack. 
I bought a quick bento lunch from the school cafeteria and walked to my music composition class to make it there earlier than usual. No one was in there, of course. My teacher was eating his lunch and gave me a weird look when I walked in. 
"What are you doing here so early?" 
"Um, I just wanted to eat lunch here." I said nervously. 
"This is my secret lunch place girl!" He exclaimed. I chuckled a bit thinking that he probably never leaves this room except to go home. 
"I'm just kidding, go and eat." I bowed to him politely and smiled. I opened up my bento and split up my chopsticks. 
He tells me to come early and he isn't even here yet
About five minutes later, Daehyun walked in. He didn't greet the teacher and just took a seat next me. He looked at me with his sharp eyes, trying read mine. 
"Why did you storm off last night?" He asked me. I broke the gaze and took a drink out of my soda bottle. 
"I had a place to be." I said. Daehyun leaned back in his seat at my vague answer. I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow. I returned the look and made him chuckle. 
"Okay, whatever."
"Why were you there?" I asked him. 
"To sing obviously." I scoffed playfully at his answer.
"I figured that. But why?" He picked himself up. 
"I..practice. Yeah, I practice there." Daehyun nodded in satisfaction. I raised an eyebrow not convinced. 
"You sure about that? You don't sound too sure." He laughed at me.
"No, no seriously. I say it's practice because I do it for free. And just to get the feel of being on stage." Daehyun explained. I shook my head. 
"Okay," I said jokingly. He chuckled and took a piece of food out of my box. 
"Yah!" I yelled. Daehyun giggled at my frustration as he chewed. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, do me a favor and don't tell anyone about it okay?" He told me. 
"Why?" I put a piece of sushi in my mouth. 
"Cuz, it's kind of embarrassing you know?" 
"Um, not really." 
"Ah whatever just don't okay?" I nodded. 
"But aren't you talking a little too loud about it then? The teacher heard everything you said." I said in a quieter tone. Daehyun blinked once,  looked over at the teacher, then back to me. 
"He's my uncle." I looked at Daehyun with wide eyes. 
"Bwo? Seriously?" Daehyun was definitely enjoying all my reactions today because he was really smiling from ear to ear in amusement. 
"Hehe yeah. I'm pretty sure I can trust him." He joked. I pursed my lips and nodded. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the start of passing period. Soon enough the students started coming in and Daehyun and I prepared for class.
"So, do you practice everyday?" I asked Daehyun as we jotted down notes from our book. 
"Um," he started as he wrote, "not everyday. Only three times a week."
I turned a page. 
"Oh I see. When?"
"Haha. Why? You going to come watch me?" He laughed. I scoffed even though he was right on the ball. 
"No. That Jonghyun guy is super cute." I half lied. This time he burst into laughter. 
"You like my hyung? Just wait until I tell him." 
"No no! I lied. Please don't tell him that." I stopped writing notes for a second and pleaded to Daehyun with my best puppy dog eyes. 
"Haha calm down I won't. Hehe." I shoved his arm playfully, causing him to mess up his writing. Now I started laughing insanely. Daehyun gaped at me in shock and scribbled all over my notebook. 
"Yah!" I whined. He laughed in triumph then the teacher stood up. 
"Jung Daehyun. Lee Hyunji. Is taking notes that fun? Maybe I should give you two more?" He stared us down seriously. 
"No sunsaengnim. Mianhamnida." We said together with our heads low. The teacher nodded then turned back to his computer. Daehyun and I laughed quietly to ourselves as we finished  the notes before class ended. 
I laid on my bed in the dorm room waiting for Sunhee to finish class. The door opened and a bag hit the side of the bed next to me. 
"Yo." I greeted Sunhee.
"Hi. Let's get some dinner." She suggested. I agreed and got up towards the door. 
We went to a restaurant near the bar Daehyun "practiced" at. I couldn't help but glance at it as we passed by--watching as people walked in. 
We were escorted to a table near the window and a waiter took our order. Sunhee put down her menu when the man left. 
"So," she started.
"You were supposed to tell me why you were late last night?" She reminded me. 
"Oh yeah huh omma?" I joked. She narrowed her eyes at me, growing impatient. 
"Okay fine. Yesterday.."
"Don't tell anyone about it okay?" Daehyun's voice rang in my head. "I..went to the hospital.." I sighed deeply for the excuse. Sunhee gave me a shocked expression. 
"Wh-what? Why? Are you okay?" She bombarded me with questions. 
"I'm fine!" I shook my hands. "I went because...Minhyuk," Sunhee looked at me confused but remained silent. "He's the one in the hospital." I finally admitted. 
"What?" She said almost incoherently. I bit my lip and continued. 
"He's been in the hospital for three months now." 
"What's wrong with him?" Sunhee asked cautiously. 
"He...has a different disease. It's not something the doctors can cure right away." I started. Sunhee gave me a blank expression, trying to comprehend what I was talking about. Honestly, I didn't even know what it was that happened to Minhyuk. 
"Minhyuk used to travel a lot for his job..."
"It's okay. I get it. You don't have to tell me everything." Sunhee stopped me. She looked at me softly and I didn't know why. I decided to let it go and she changed the subject for the night. 
"Do you want to meet Minhyuk?" I asked Sunhee comfortably. She looked up stunned. 
"Is that okay?" I laughed a little at her reaction. 
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I knew she felt sorry for me. And I didn't want that. I had faith in my brother. Which was probably one of my greatness weaknesses..
"I'm sure he's eager to finally meet one of my friends." I said with a sincere smile. Sunhee face lit up and she smiled back in agreement. We left the restaurant and made our way to see Minhyuk. 

Whoa hoho that's why Minhyuk's in the hospital! haha my friend was eager to know why :P 

This was a longer chapter. Hopefully you weren't bored :)

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~