Some Friendly Advice

Something to Keep


Wednesday came around soon enough and I decided to take a shower before going out to the bar. I made sure to be quick about it because I could feel my stomach about to grumble. 
I changed into some black skinny jeans and a navy blue button blouse. I put on my leather jacket to keep warm and slipped on my black wedges. I left a little sticky note on mine and Sunhee's television telling her I'd bring her some dinner. I took the dorm key from the top of the dresser, grabbed my tiny purse, then left the room. 
The dorm lounge on the first floor was pretty empty. Maybe about twenty people were there. Either doing homework/projects or just hanging out. 
On my way out, I saw a hooded figure leaning on the threshold of the entrance. I opened the door slowly to make sure I didn't hit the guy. He turned around at the motion and I caught sight of his face. It was Daehyun. 
"Why are you standing out here looking like a stalker?" I asked him jokingly. But I wouldn't be surprised if someone did mistake him for that idea. I wondered how long he stood there. 
"I don't look like a stalker? Do I?" He checked himself out. I nodded while trying to cover the smile on my face with the back of my hand. 
"Dae, you're wearing all black with a hoodie on. How can you not look creepy? Especially with you standing outside a girls' dorm building like that," I pointed out. Daehyun pouted cutely, which kind of made me want to mess up his face. So I did, pushing his face with my palm, causing him to stagger back. I laughed as I walked ahead with him shuffling behind me toward the direction of the bar. 
When we reached, a rush of warm air hit our faces. I skipped over to my usual seat waiting for Jonghyun to come.
"Jonghyun-ah!" I sang. The bartender came out at my call dressed in a white collared shirt and black apron around his waist. 
"Oh, Hyunji-ah. Haven't-" he stopped midway when Daehyun took a seat next to me. Jonghyun cleared his throat before speaking up. "So, yeah. What can I do for you today princess?" He winked at me. I suppressed my urge to giggle like an idiot. Because Jonghyun is one of most beautiful humans I have ever seen. And that wink would make any girl's heart flutter. Damn that guy. 
"Some food my servant." I demanded him. Jonghyun poked my forehead as a punishment. 
"Watch it." He warned. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully and stuck my tongue out. 
After Youngjae's set, I had to use the restroom after feeling bloated all of a sudden. I excused myself from the three boys and went on my way. 
(A/N: this is in omniscient view)
The three boys watched Hyunji leave on the way to the restroom, waiting for her to disappear from their sight. 
Youngjae turned to Daehyun and nudged him with his shoulder. 
"Yah, so how did your 'date' go?" He asked. Daehyun sighed deeply as if he'd been holding in it the whole night. He put his forearms on the table and hung his head low. "Hm?" Youngjae continued to pester. 
"I think she hates me." Daehyun mumbled. Jonghyun was watching the two younger boys while drying the inside of a glass cup. 
"What? Why? It doesn't look like it,"
"Because...I kissed her on that night." Daehyun shook his head as he recalled the memory. How he felt when their lips touched, the way she kissed him back with such comfort, then how she ran away. Jonghyun and Youngjae in a breathe anxiously after comprehending what Daehyun had said. "She hates me. Deep down inside, she does." Daehyun brought his head up and swept his hair back in frustration. 
"Dude, why would even do that? Were trying to make her fall for you like that?" Youngjae asked. Daehyun groaned. 
"Ugh, I don't know okay! But.."
"But what?" Jonghyun finally chimed in. 
"But, she kissed me back. And it was..." Daehyun bit his lip smiling to himself. "Forget it. But she said she trusted me. Which, I guess, is why I did it. But then...she ran away all of a sudden. She looked like she was going cry. Like she regretted kissing me, or me kissing her." Daehyun's thoughts were all over the place as he tried to figure Hyunji out. He wanted answers. The problem was: he didn't know how to get any without pushing Hyunji's limit. He wanted to keep her by his side. 
"You just need to ease into her. Don't rush anything next time. She may have said she trusted you, but it's a bit iffy now. You need her full trust. Then she'll tell you everything." Jonghyun explained to Daehyun. Daehyun nodded at his hyung, taking his advice into consideration. 
"Yeah. Maybe she has some emotional backstory, like she's been heartbroken by some guy who damaged her view of love forever." Youngjae mused clutching his heart and reaching his arm out toward Jonghyun dramatically. Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at him and pushed Youngjae's hand out of his face. 
"My life isn't a kdrama you idiot," Daehyun pushed Youngjae's head over, making everyone laugh. 
In the bathroom I found out why I was feeling bloated. My stupid period came. I hate that sometimes it doesn't follow that pattern it usually does. being a girl sometimes. I took care of my business then washed my hands before going back out. 
When I caught sight of the bar, the three boys I left there were laughing. It looked like Youngjae was about to hit Daehyun or something so I came over. 
"What did I miss?" I asked curiously. 
"Daehyun hit me noona," Youngjae tried to use aegyo and pouted at me cutely. I raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. 
"With that aegyo? No wonder," My snide remark made everyone but Youngjae laugh. 
"Aish, you were supposed to be on my side," Youngjae whined. 
I left after Daehyun's performance since Jonghyun wasn't going to play. He never really was a permanent performer for the bar. He was more like an extra treat for all the people who came out for the show. Daehyun walked with me to a bakery near by so I can buy Sunhee some sandwiches. Daehyun stood away from the cashier while I ordered. 
"Hello. What can I get for you?" The young female cashier asked me with a bright smile. It really makes me glad to see people enjoying their job. 
"Hi, can I get two ham and cheese croissant sandwiches please?" 
"Sure, no problem. Anything else?" 
"Nope. That's it," 
"Alrighty then. That'll be $8.50. I'll be back with your sandwiches in a second." She told me as she walked to the back to get the warm foods I ordered. I smiled to her with I nod when she went away. I glanced over at Daehyun who was swaying around not knowing what to do by himself. I couldn't help but smile, because he looked like a cute little kid. 
A moment later the woman came back with my sandwiches and I payed for them. 
"Thank you for coming. Have a good night." She said. 
"Thank you," I left taking the bag and walked out of the small shop with Daehyun. 
Daehyun walked me to the dorm building but didn't enter this time. We waved goodbye to each other casually before separating ways and I made my way up to the dorm room by myself, feeling a lot more lighthearted then I did in the beginning of the week.

Haha. Daejae is so cute ^.^

Thank you to my new readers and subscribers. I love you for staying with my story *throws hearts*
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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~