
Something to Keep


For the past few days, after the performance,  Daehyun and I started texting and messaging each other more often. I didn't bother asking how he got my number in the first place, since he probably got from Jonghyun. 
I logged into Facebook just to see what was going on. I didn't like Facebook too much since it was usually a bunch of people complaining about their lives. I checked facebook for possible kpop updates just like it did Twitter. Anyways, I scrolled down my news feed for a good two minutes, liking and chuckling at a few things, then I started getting bored already. In the middle of my process of scrolling back all the way to the top, a message popped up on the corner of my screen. 
"Herro," the message read. 
"Hai," I replied back to Daehyun with a pouty face emoticon. 
"What'cha doing?" 
"Talking to you"
"That's all?"
"Mhm," there was a short pause in our conversation so I took that time to turn on my stereo and play some music. Then my phone chirped (my text ringtone).
"Hi." What the heck?
A message pinged on my laptop screen. 
I put my phone down then walked back over to my desk chair and opened the message. 
"Did you get my message? ;)" I rolled my eyes at his game.
"Yes :P"
"Then why did you not reply? :(" I chuckled. I reached over to my dresser where I let my phone lay and typed in a message. 
"Are you serious?" I texted back. 
"Hehe yes" 
Our conversation went back and forth from messaging to texting for about an hour. We talked about random things and played twenty questions about ourselves. 
"This is so weird. I feel like one of those stereotypical teenagers who text people sitting right next to them >.<" I messaged Daehyun back. 
"Haha so? You're still kind of a teenager"
"I'm 20 years old!" 
"Ew what a grandma" He sent me pukey looking face.
"Yah, watch it. You're older than me grandpa"
"By like a few months..." 
A little red notification popped up in the globe icon on Facebook. I proceeded to check it and it redirected me to a status update I was tagged in. 
Texting and messaging this girl- Lee Hyunji..
It had me tagged to the post. I couldn't help but smile; I made sure to like it. I moved the cursor of my mouse to the status box and clicked my fingers to the keyboard. 
Jung Daehyun is a weirdo.
This time I tagged Daehyun to the post. A reply then came from the chat box. 
"Heyyyy...I saw that" 
"Okay, good for you"
"You liked my status :)"
"You should like mine :3"
"No! I'm not a weirdo"
"Yes you are~hehe"
A second later a notification came up that he liked my status. I laughed to myself in triumph. 
"There. Happy?"
"Yes, slave"
"Seriously? I'm not your slave"
"Don't talk back to your sensei!"
"What the heck?! You're the weirdo!"
It was already 8:30 and my eyes were starting to ache. I typed on my keyboard slowly to tell Daehyun I wanted to log off then leaned back on my chair. 
"Aww, don't leave.."
"Dae, my eyes are hurting.."
"Are you sleepy?" I yawned at the word "sleep" but I wasn't very tired. My eyes were. 
"No, they just hurt. I want to log off now"
"No... >.<" 
"Sorry. I'm gonna leave now"
"No! I miss you already!" I giggled a bit at the response. It sounded really cute especially for Daehyun. I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like behind his computer screen right now. 
"I haven't even left yet!" 
"So just stay!" 
"Nooooo" I let my finger rest on the letter "O" key.
"Okay, bye Dae~"
"Text me?" I blinked slowly, grinning with my reply. 
"Okay. Bye Hyunji" 
After that, I didn't reply and logged off. 
I changed into my pajama pants and put on a regular t-shirt before scooting into my fluffy bed. The time was 9 o'clock by now and Sunhee barely came in from her meeting. 
I threw the bed covers over me and rested my head on the pillow nearest my bedside drawer. My cell phone lit up in my pants' pocket leading me to pull it out. 
Our conversation started moving slower and slower. It was already close to 9:30. I guessed Daehyun was getting tired too. If he was tired he should've stopped replying. But I think he's the kind of person who didn't want to end the conversation without saying goodbye. 
"Tired yet?" I sent him. He replied almost instantly. 
"Uh, nope" 
"I'm sleepy now.. -.-"
"Okay. Then sleep."
"I will.."
"Me too :)"
"I thought you weren't tired?"
"I just said that :P" 
"Okay weirdo. Goodnight Dae :)" 
"Goodnight Hyunji. Sleep well :)" 
With that our conversation ended. I was really tired by now. Sunhee crashed in her bed right away after her shower, so I was lying in my bed in the dim light. I put my phone inside the bedside drawer next to me. My purple journal was placed inside staring at me, tempting me to record something in it. I pulled it out reluctantly and started to write. 
Dear Minhyuk oppa,
It's 9:33 right now. I finished my homework early and chatted with my friend almost all night. And now my eyes hurt >.<
I stopped for a moment and lay my head on my arm for a moment, with the pen to my lip. I didn't know if I should write what I was about to next but decided to do it. No one was going to even read this journal besides me anyway..
Oppa, I know you told me not to fall in love. But..I think my friend likes me. You would like him too because he's funny (and a weirdo hehe). Anyways, I don't know what it's like to be love. But ever since that performance when he looked at me the whole time, it feels different. 
I think I have a crush on him...
I scribbled the last few sentences out, reading how absurd they sounded. I don't know how that got on my journal entry. My hand just wrote it. I threw the journal in the drawer in frustration then turned around in my bed. I sighed deeply then let my eyes close into my dreams.

Hi readers! Um...I don't have anything really important to say except thank to all my new subscribers (because I got some over the weekend weeee!) thanks for the the time to read :D I hope you all are liking the updates. I plan on keeping this story going for a while ^.^

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~