As Long As You're Mine

Something to Keep

One year later

I tossed and turned in my bed. The bed sheets ruffled around as they started wrapping around my legs. My eyes were shut tight, but I wasn't asleep. I frowned hard. I kicked the bed sheets off my legs allowing them to get some air. I smiled to myself at my success and finally felt tired enough to go back to sleep because of my efforts. I let out a deep sigh but then, my alarm rang. One of my eyes opened to take a peek at my clock. I turned and read the time. 8 a.m. I stretched my arm over to stop the ringing and rolled my body off the bed, leaving my body to hang by one arm grasping the mattress; the remainder of my body sat sluggishly on my red carpet. 

I came down the stairs and ran my hand through my hair, rearranging my bangs. Breakfast smells filled the air. Everyone must've woken up much sooner than me. 
"Finally you woke up." Minhyuk uttered from the computer. I grumbled to myself at my brother's statement but waved it off. 
"Isn't it a little early to be on the computer?" My mom asked. 
"I'm looking for a job." Minhyuk said. 
"A job?" My family said in unison. Minhyuk hummed from the screen and nodded his head. 
"That's nice hun," my mom said. I guess it was good my brother was getting back into the working world. 

The rays from the warm sun came through the kitchen window and brightened the entire living room. I shielded my eyes for a moment. 
"Oh!" Minhyuk exclaimed. "It's a perfect time to run. Let's go Hyunji." He offered.
"Haha. No. You can go." I declined.
"Hyunji, you should go. You said you wanted to work out." My mom urged. 
"But I-" I admit I did say that. But you know when you say you're going to do something but you keep putting it off until you felt like doing it and getting it done. Yeah, exercise was one of those things for me. 
"Yeah, come Hyunji." Minhyuk insisted again. I rolled my eyes in the opposite direction. I got up from my comfortable couch seat and nearly trudged to my room to get ready. 

I came down the stairs in my track pants and a comfortable shirt to run in. My hair was in a ponytail. I had cut it shorter, a little over the shoulder length. I had long hair for more than a year and wanted to change it a bit. I dyed bits of my frame purple and parts of my bangs too. A little edgier style. 

"I'm waiting." Minhyuk said at the end of the staircase. 
"And I'm walking." I sneered. 
Our route went passed the grocery store, which was a few blocks from my house and around the neighborhood, which was about a mile. In all we jogged 
two miles.

"Aish oppa," I exhaled. I held my sides that were aching from my workout. "Sweating in the morning is so disgusting." I complained. Minhyuk walked ahead of me toward the front door of the house and swept his sweaty hair back. It fell almost gracefully back into place making me jealous of his undoubtedly good looks. 
"That was just a warm up. You're out of shape." I heard him click his tongue when he turned the key to the lock. Swiftly, I ran to my brother and climbed on his back. 

"Yah!" He yelled. I giggled at my enjoyment and held on tighter to my brother's neck, but careful not to choke him. "Lee Hyunji...” Minhyuk seethed. He held my legs with his hands under my thighs and pushed open the door. 
"Rawr!" I yelled and bit his shoulder playfully. When we walked in the house, eyes were all over my brother's and my childish act. My mouth released my brother but I still had my arms wrapped around Minhyuk's neck. 

"Hyung, can I borrow my girlfriend?" A familiar voice sang in my ears. Daehyun asked with one eyebrow raised. I desperately tried to suppress my smile. I haven't seen Daehyun face to face for about a year. If I knew he was coming by today, I wouldn't have bothered to go running with my brother.

Minhyuk let me down reluctantly but kept his arms around my shoulders. 
"She was mine first." 
"Oppa!" I whined. Suddenly Daehyun pulled me away and held me around my waist. My back was toward him and I was looking to Minhyuk with shocked eyes. 
"She's mine now." Daehyun nuzzled his nose into my hair, making me blush hard. I quickly made my escape and excused myself from the situation saying I would change into fresh clothing. 

After replacing my sweaty clothes with clean, new fabrics, there was a knock on my door. 
"Yeah?" I allowed them in. It was Daehyun. He gave me a shy smile as he walked into my bedroom for the first time. He quickly scanned the walls and surroundings, including my messy desk. 
"What is all this?" He asked with a chuckle. 
"Shut up. Too lazy to move it." I retorted as I redid my messy pony tail. I pulled my bangs a bit to create a frame around my face. 
"You dyed your hair!" Daehyun exclaimed in a sort of delight.
"So did you. Numerous times." I giggled. Within the past year I witnessed Daehyun dye his hair at least four times, and the only colors he dyed them were blond and brown in different shades. Daehyun shrugged his shoulders at the truth and moved away from my desk. He came behind me and rested his arms on my shoulders and held me in a back hug as we both stared at the mirror. 

"Hmm," he hummed next to my ear, his eyes still not leaving the reflection. I smiled at what appeared in the mirror. The two of us together and being in Daehyun's arms. "Your smile is beautiful. I missed it." He said.
"I missed you."
"Yeah." All I could give Daehyun were one word answers. My brain was like gelatin. The thoughts of everything else swayed left and right along with Daehyun's and my motion. I wanted to stay like this: together enjoying the moment. There were no words to describe my happiness. I missed Daehyun so much. 

"Is that all you could say?" 
"At the moment." My head tilted in the reflection. Daehyun flashed his smile in the mirror and showed his eye smile. "Are you really here Dae?" I asked unconsciously. He picked his head up off my shoulder and turned me around to face him. 
"What are you talking about, Hyunji?" He laughed. I looked into his deep, brown eyes. He really was in front of me. I wasn't dreaming those dreams I dreamt for the first few months of our separation. When he and his group promoted everyday and had a comeback every few months. I would dream he was next to me, but wake up seeing him on TV. "Are you high?" He joked. This time I hit his shoulder, getting him to laugh even more. 
"No! It's just...I don't know." I pouted a little. One of hands came up to my cheek and it gently. 
"Just what? You missed me?" I rolled my eyes and kept control of the butterflies rising in my stomach at Daehyun's touch. 
"No. I didn't miss you...that much. I had BTOB to hang out with and Minhyuk oppa!" I declared. One of Daehyun's eyebrows rose and his hand left my face.
"Oh really? Did you have fun with them?" He asked without a trace of jealousy. 
"Yes I did." I tried to say strongly. 

Daehyun looked at me expressionless. His eyes looked into mine with that same intensity as when we first met. He moved closer to me, causing me to step back a bit. He slowly moved his arms towards my waist but kept his gaze on me. I was completely mesmerized. I didn't even realize that his thumbs were rubbing against my bare skin under my shirt just above my waist line. 

"Y-yah," I stuttered. I backed up against the wall and felt a tinge of fear start to creep up my spine. "Daehyun," I said. But he didn't respond; his eyes were locked on mine and I couldn't look away. I didn't even think about taking his arms off of me. "Stop it." I said. 
"Stop what?" Daehyun said blankly. He stared at me with emotionless eyes, I couldn't even respond. He moved his hands to let them rest on my hips then slowly wound them around my waist, locking his fingers, no longer under my shirt. He pulled me away from the wall and held me close, just centimeters away. "What did you want me to stop doing?" He tilted his head in innocence. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My eyes glanced passed his lips then back to his eyes. Daehyun smiled. A smile full of mischief. 
"Hm," Daehyun hummed again but it sounded more like a sigh. A sigh of relief. "You drive me crazy Lee Hyunji." He finished. I didn't know what to say and looked away from him shyly for letting him see my vulnerability towards him. My feelings of yearning for him were blatantly revealed in that one moment of weakness. 

"Grab a bathing suit and towel." Daehyun said. I gave him a look of confusion. "We're going to the beach!" He threw his hands in the air with joy and released me.
"We are?" 
"Yup! Now go pack I'll wait for you in the hallway." With that he disappeared. Quickly, I packed all the things I needed: swim suit, sunscreen, towel, lotion, and spare clothing. I was clearly excited because the weather was perfect and I was going to the beach with Daehyun. As soon as I finished, I changed my bottoms into board shorts for convenience sake. Just like he said, Daehyun was outside my door waiting for me. 
"About time." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him and came down the stairs carefully ahead of him. 

"Heading out now?" Minhyuk chimed from the living room. As I was about to respond, Daehyun pushed me ahead and interrupted. 
"Yes, finally hyung. See you in a while!" He called out and led us both out the door. 

Daehyun sighed again. His eyes squinted at the sun's brightness and he moved his hand over his face.
"You couldn't move any slower Hyunji." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him then turned around. There was a black van parked at my driveway, making me curious. The door opened slowly and a person stepped off. 
"Surprise!" The boys yelled. In the van was all of B.A.P. dressed ready for the beach: sunglasses and all. My mouth was ajar at my surprise but I smiled. 
"Wha? We're all going together?" I asked. Everyone nodded except for Daehyun who took my bag out of my hands and proceeded into putting it into the trunk. 

We each had a friendly chat with one another while in the car. Talk about performing, touring, and such filled up most of the conservation. 

The beach was empty. Literally empty. No people at all. I asked why and turns out B.A.P's entertainment company booked the whole beach for the day. Honestly, I felt a bit guilty about it. 
"Hey," Daehyun touched my shoulder. He bit his bottom lip when he looked at me. "We kind of have to take shots for a photo book." He admitted. My eyebrows rose in shock. That was why they rented out the whole beach. "Is that okay?" I laughed at his question. 
"Why wouldn't it be? It's work." I said with a sincere smile. Daehyun looked up at the sky and sighed for the nth time today. 
"But it was going to be our day. My boss thought it'd be good to just take shots for the book." I giggled at his thoughtfulness and pat cheek, telling him I was fine with it, telling him as long as we get some time together. "We will." Daehyun smiled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before running off ahead with B.A.P. 


The boys took pictures for about an hour and a half. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch from the sidelines. Although, all the shots were meant to be candid, you knew they were posing for the camera at times. From all the pictures taken, I was assuming this photo book would be a big deal. I stood behind the equipment set up further by the road. There was a tiny camera next to me. It was so cute how small it was, like a tiny box that can be held with two fingers. I asked one of photographers if I can use it and he said it was fine. It was to be a free product for the boys to use to take shots for themselves on their own time. I thanked the man kindly and turned the cute invention on. I caught a few scenes of the boys running around and throwing poor baby Zelo in the water. I laughed at the sight and directed the camera’s focus to Youngjae and Daehyun who were busy laughing their heads off. *click*


Soon later, it was time for lunch. The managers set up a humble barbeque for everyone. It really felt like a vacation despite the boys having to work while having their fun. We had delicious meat and made our own spring rolls. I took my time and looked through my pictures as I put food in my mouth.


“When did you take those, noona?” Zelo asked next to me. My mouth was full so I motioned over to the beach to explain that I took them earlier. “Yah!” He yelled when he saw the picture of him coming out of the water after being thrown in. His face and hair were soaked and he looked like he was crying when he complained. Everyone gathered around me to take a look at my snapshots themselves. Each of them had their own complaints and laughs. I would end up having to send the photos to them eventually.

“Why not just make our own photo book?” Youngjae suggested.

“That’s a great idea!” I agreed with him. “But you guys need to stay in one place more often.” I stuck my tongue out. The managers laughed behind us and nodded. I forgot that they had to follow B.A.P. around wherever they went; they must be exhausted as well.


“Let’s walk together?” Daehyun touched my shoulder. I nodded happily but noticed my plate still had food on it. Daehyun groaned and took the piece of meat and put it in his mouth. My mouth gaped when he stole my food but Daehyun ignored me and pulled me by the hand.


“You meanie. You ate my food.” I pouted.
“You were taking too long.” He muffled. He attempted to slip his hand into mine but I quickly moved away.

“No.” I played. Daehyun whined and persistently tried to catch me.

“Hyunji...” I laughed at his begging and started walking faster ahead of him. Daehyun picked up his pace to catch up to me and we ended up running. He caught up to me and picked me bridal style. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to carry me to the shore and dump me there just like he did to Zelo.

“Daehyun you better not.” I warned him. He looked down at me with a smirk and started jogging. I yelled for him to stop but he continuously teased me by walking faster and slower. By now Daehyun was already standing in the water preparing to drop me. He began to count.

“1, 2, 3...” He said as he swung me.

“Dae! No!” I yelled and tugged on his upper body.

“Hey, stop we’re both going to-” He lost his balance and we both toppled into the sea water.


I hurriedly stood up before salt got into my eyes. Daehyun came up as well and swept his hair back. We started bickering about whose fault it was that we fell in.


“I’m going to punish you.” Daehyun threatened me. I laughed at his threat and got a head start out of the water. Daehyun quickly followed behind me and caught me from the back, wrapping his arms around me. He spun me around and cupped my face. I wiggled.

“Don’t kiss me! You’re salty!” I complained. Daehyun laughed at my expression. My eyes were shut and my face was puffed up like a puffer fish because of his hold. He spun me around but kept his hands wrapped around me in a back hug.

“Walk.” He told me. I pouted but nonetheless did as I was told.


We walked along the beach at an even pace. Speedy and first then slowly into a calm, leisurely stroll. Our footsteps were in sync, and we remained silent the whole time. Daehyun would sigh every now and then and so would I. It was very peaceful and relaxing. I didn’t think about what time it was or how far away we were from the rest of the group.


 “Did you really not miss me?” Daehyun asked behind me. I thought a bit before answering, even though there was nothing to think about. I missed him immensely.

“Of course I missed you.” I answered. We swayed slowly to the end of the beach. The site where we set up was completely out of sight. I only saw the faint color of the smoke from the barbeque.


“Hyunji, if I asked you to marry me, would you?” I felt him right next to my ear. His heartbeat was starting to speed up. It was cute, because now he was nervous and I wasn’t for once.

“No.” I said clearly. Daehyun tensed up behind me and slowly released me. I turned around.

“O-oh. Sorry.” He apologized to me. His expression turned sad quickly making me want to hug him right then and there. So I did. He stayed still, shocked. He didn’t try to hug me back, but just stood still and let me hold him. I looked up into his eyes, sparkling.

“Sing for me first.” I smiled brightly. Daehyun blinked causing a small tear to escape from his eyes. I laughed and wiped it away. “Sing.” I repeated. His smile came back and lit up his face. He prepared his throat before starting his song.


Daehyun slowly wound his arms around me again and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head in his chest and smiled into his shirt. His voice could lull me to sleep. He pressed his lips softly on my head and swayed us back and forth. We remained like this for what seemed like forever. However, I moment had to come to an end and we started heading back. Our hands were intertwined and I remained close to Daehyun, snuggling his arm.


When we reached the site of the gathering everyone was staring at us with anxious eyes. They began to cheer when we stood in front of them, close to each other. I raised an eyebrow and Daehyun and I both began to laugh. No one suspected anything. Daehyun looked down to me and I smiled. He kissed my lips gently and brought his arm around my waist then winked.


“As long as you’re mine.” 






3268<-- dat word count omg...

FINALLY. I am done with this fic! :D

First off I'm going to thank everyone for reading, subscribing, commenting, and even upvoting for my story. It really is an honor to have such great readers like yourselves. I am truly grateful to you all for sticking by. I promised I will reveal the secrets of this story and last thoughts, so here you go!

1.) This was supposed to be a short story: 

About 20 chapters or so. A friend of mine wanted me to keep the story going longer so I granted her wish. She better be happy. Hopefully you all weren't too bored. Because I know there are boring chapters.

2.) Minhyuk was supposed to die:

Which was going to be after the chapter at the park where Daehyun and Hyunji first kissed. He was going to die the next day and Hyunji was going to go into a depression, to which Daehyun was to save her. Luckily for the BTOB and Minhyuk fans, I didn't have the heart to do that either T-T. But I could've...

3.) Daehyun and Hyunji were going to work together:

The two of them majored in music so the story was supposed to end with them dating all throughout college years and end up working side by side (manager x group) in TS Ent. But obviously that didn't happen so poop.

Those are the only secrets to tell, other than because I was extending the story, my whole plot got messed up and I had to change everything as I wrote. That explains why it was a bit difficult for me to update rather quickly. I'm sorry for making you all wait. The story was supposed to be more dramatic as well. Almost depressing, because of Hyunji's crushing guilt of Minhyuk's death. But it ended up being more fluffy LOL which I hope you liked. 

Any more questions or comments? I'll be glad to answer and read ALL of them! Again, I thank you all for following this story. I have another one ready in store: a Jinyoung/you fic that is very short. I have more ideas but if there are any ideas you'd like to pitch in, feel free. Writing is fun haha. 

Until next time. BYE.


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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~