Too Far

Something to Keep


Daehyun stood beside me as the two of us walked down the streets together. It was still light out that afternoon and the sun was blaring in my face. I sidestepped under store roofs for some shade and Daehyun followed my action. He was being a bit quiet so I broke our silence. 
"So where are we eating?" I asked. 
"Hm..what are you craving?" He smiled at me. I pursed my lips at the thought.
"Something sweet." I said. Daehyun laughed and took my arm. 
"I know a place."
Daehyun led me to a bakery (which was seriously too big in my eyes.) It looked like there could be any baked good or pastry you could think of on their shelves and behind the glass display. I looked at all the different items-all of them tempting me. Daehyun pushed me away from the glass and over to a table. He sat me down. 
"Wait here." He told me.
"Okay?" I said feeling a bit controlled but I obeyed willingly. Daehyun was at the counter telling the cashier what to get him. He came back to the table with two slices of cheesecake. 
"Here you go." Daehyun placed the food in front of me and smiled. 
"Cheesecake?" I picked up my fork and asked. 
"Yeah. It's the best here." Daehyun's mouth was practically drooling from anticipation to take one bite. I laughed and took the first bite. 
"Omo! This is good!" I beamed. Daehyun was already half done with his when he looked up. 
"The best. Cheesecake is the best." He his lips in delight. I laughed at his cuteness and he smiled back. 
After dessert we started going back to the bar; my car was still there so I had to pick it up. Daehyun stopped me when we reached the parking garage. 
"Give me your keys." He demanded. 
"What?" I asked in confusion. Daehyun laughed realizing what he sounded like. 
"I'll drive you home." Daehyun was seriously acting different. He seemed like he was covering something up--and being careful for some reason. 
"Um, sure." I unlocked my car and got in before handing Daehyun the car keys. 
We started on the road heading to my house in a comfortable silence. I was already kind of tired so I was ready to go home and relax. Later I noticed that Daehyun kept driving straight after I told him to turn. I looked back at where my neighborhood was then to Daehyun. 
"You missed the turn." I told him. 
"I know." I raised an eyebrow. 
"What? Then where are going?" I poked his side making him squirm. 
"Yah. Don't do that. And we're going to a park." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why he was kidnapping me. 
"Why not?"
"Whoa, okay. Aren't you a smart guy." I teased. Daehyun laughed and pushed my head playfully. 
The park was small and peaceful. Definitely my kind of place. There weren't too many people there. There were huge trees shading over tables for picnics, different running and jogging paths, and even a playground for children. I sat on a bench under a shady tree and sighed in relaxation. 
"Who needs a/c when we have this," I said. Daehyun sat beside me and looked up at the tree, whose leaves draped over our faces swaying in content.
"What time is it?" I asked to no one in particular. I tried to pull out my phone but Daehyun took it. 
"Does it matter?" He asked seriously. I rolled my eyes at the silly question. 
"Well, yeah." 
"Why? Do you have somewhere else to be?" This time he didn't look at me. He put my phone on the opposite side of him. I sighed and pushed him. 
"Why are you being so weird today?"
"I'm being weird?" Daehyun faced me again. "How?" He tilted his head. 
"You keep changing your attitude." 
"Oh yeah?" He got close to my face and raised and eyebrow. His lips tugged into a smirk making me feel nervous. 
"Can you.." I started to push him away and he started laughing. 
"Hehe you need to relax more often Hyunji-ah." Daehyun said as he returned to his place. I rolled my eyes at his statement but didn't answer. 
"I don't have time to relax." I mumbled to myself. Daehyun caught it apparently because he turned to face me. 
"Why not?" He asked softly. 
"I just need to study."
"You can't study all the time." I sighed deeply. I knew what I had to do. The fact that Daehyun was prying kind of got me irritated. Even though I knew he wasn't doing it on purpose. 
"I just..have a lot of things on my mind." I got up all of a sudden and walked to the playground. Daehyun got up and followed after me. 
"Like what?" He asked me. I was sitting on the edge of the steps next to the slide. Daehyun sat beside me. 
"Nothing." I said blankly. 
"Why don't you tell me?" He asked. I sighed. Why did he want to know about what went on in my head? It didn't concern him. 
"Because I don't need to." I scooted further away from him because I started feeling uncomfortable again. This time Daehyun just watched. 
"I think...all I do is worry too much." I let the words float in the air. "I worry about school, studying, my parents, my future, Minhyuk..."
"Minhyuk?" Daehyun spoke up. I was practically talking to myself. I thought of Daehyun as just someone who was listening. 
"Why do worry so much?" Daehyun asked. I didn't respond and just stared at my feet as the swayed on the edge freely. I felt warmth around my body and found it was because Daehyun was by my side again. I didn't mind anymore, because a comforting feeling radiated over me by the fact he was sitting there. 
The two of us sat in silence for a while. I leaned my head against Daehyun's shoulder unconsciously and I felt him sort of tense up. I came off. 
"Oh sorry." I said with a small chuckle. He smiled at me cutely but said nothing. 
"Hyunji?" he asked looking into my eyes. I stared at him waiting for him to say something. "Do you trust me?" 
"Yeah," I answered him truthfully. My eyes didn't leave his as he leaned closer to me until our faces were only centimeters apart. His nose touched mine, the contact making me shiver. He let his lips softly touch mine waiting for a reaction. I stayed still and Daehyun pressed his lips softly against mine. I closed my eyes feeling a little scared but relaxed and safe at the same time too. Daehyun's hand came behind my back and he laced his fingers with mine on the opposite side. I felt at peace. My heart was steady for once as I started to kiss him back. Daehyun parted his lips and pulled away for a second. His face was still close to mine. I opened my eyes then reality hit me. 
I wasn't supposed to be doing this.
I backed away and stood up walking off the playground. 
"Hyunji!" Daehyun called. "Wait, what's wrong?" I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. 
"I have to go." I said. 
"What? Why? I'm sorry if I went too far. Just..don't leave yet. I'm sorry." He begged and caught my wrist. My chest started to hurt all of sudden when he touched me. I felt pure betrayal. I had broken my promise with my brother the moment I kissed Daehyun back and gave in. Those thoughts flooded my mind. 
"Daehyun, let go of me." I said coldly. He released his grip slowly but was ready to catch me if I ran. "Give me my phone please." I remembered that he still had it in his pocket. I turned around to face him. I tried to keep a blank expression. Daehyun took the phone out of his pocket and handed it  to me. I took it from him and started walking away to my car. 
"Hyunji.." Daehyun called. I didn't stop. I just needed to go home and get back on track. And to get back to my reality.

wow. I really didn't like how I wrote this chapter. Was it okay? Please give me your thoughts :/

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~