Happy Pill

Something to Keep


It was that time of the month again: Minhyuk's checkup. Because he wasn't staying at the hospital everyday, he had to come in once a month for a physical. I skipped school that day (I gave an excuse slip. Lee Hyunji isn't a ditcher[?]) and took the bus to my house. 
It was really early in the morning when I arrived: 6 a.m. To me it's early since school didn't usually start until 8 and I usually woke up at 7. I rang the doorbell twice. Of course, no one in my home was awake and my dad had already left for work. I dug my keys out of my small purse and opened the door. The lights were all off except for the dim living room light that sensed my presence. I made my way to the main hallway and the light. Now I could see Minhyuk was lying on the couch, his hand pulled his shirt up and laid on his flat stomach. He must've crashed there last night.
"Psst," I poked my brother, "hey oppa," I tried again. Minhyuk stirred a little and his eyes twitched. I pouted at my failed attempts; then a devious idea came to my head. I grabbed the edge of Minhyuk's blanket that was draped over his lower body and scrunched up one corner. I gently started stoking the corner of the blanket across Minhyuk's face. He crinkled his nose, shaking his head slightly. I pressed my lips into a firm line to suppress my laughter. My squirrel of a brother was too good to tease. I tickled him again, this time running the blanket on different parts of his face. His hand jerked and came over my back, wrapping me in his arm in the blink of an eye. 
"Oof!" My face was buried in between Minhyuk's neck and the couch cushion. 
"Don't mess with me Lee Hyunji," I heard my brother say. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was smiling by the smug tone in his voice. I took my free hand and jabbed Minhyuk's side. He jolted up and released me by reflex. 
"Ha! Don't mess with me Lee Minhyuk," I huffed blowing my scattered bangs out of my face. Minhyuk kicked the blanket off his body swiftly, startling me. He sat up and challenged me, which I did not accept. My brother will beat me up. I bit my lip nervously and ran to the kitchen. 
"I'll make breakfast for you, oppa!" I called from the kitchen to escape his wrath. I heard him "tsk" from the living room and sighed in relief. 
I turned off the stove and put the slices of spam I fried into three bowls of rice. I called Minhyuk from the kitchen, "Breakfast!" My brother strolled in and took a seat at the table. I handed him a pair of chopsticks and a glass of water. 
"Thank you, I'll eat well." He said bringing his hands together for a before-meal prayer. I nodded at him then went upstairs to get my mom. 
"Omma," I knocked on her bedroom door, "I made breakfast." She opened her door with her hair blow-dried and in her bathrobe. 
"Ah, thank you Hyunji-ah. I'll be down soon," She smile at me and shut her door gently. I skipped down the stairs to join my brother in our meal. 
The three of us ate contently in silence for a while. Minhyuk and I picked up our water glass at the same time to drink and put it down together. 
"Aish, can you not copy me?" I teased my brother. 
"Bwo? Who am I copying? Don't copy my last name." I gave him a weird look at his argument.
"We're related, stupid!" Minhyuk scowled at me and chuckled to himself. I scoffed and put a portion of food in my mouth. 
"Why are you home today, hun?" My mom asked completely ignoring mine and Minhyuk's bickering. I swallowed. 
"Mm. I wanted to come with you guys to Minhyuk's physical," I explained. 
"Wae? You're missing school." Minhyuk interjected. 
"I had Sunhee give the principal an excuse slip to explain to my teachers," 
"Oh, okay then. More Hyunji for me," My brother shrugged his shoulders while stuffing his face with rice. Geez, this guy and his mood swings...
When we arrived at the hospital, my mom checked Minhyuk in for his appointment. We waited in the waiting room for a ten minutes before my brother was called. His inspection took about thirty minutes. 
"Minhyuk is doing great Mrs. Lee," the doctor started with Minhyuk by his side. "His internal tissues are patching up quite well and the virus is multiplying at an even lower rate compared to his last visit." I gave a thumbs up to Minhyuk and he winked at me. "He's healthier but not cured. I'm afraid he cannot be to be honest," the doctor continued. My mood started feeling sour after his words. There's always a bad side.
"However, because he is healthier, he is able to do more physical activity. Which I highly recommended for a stronger body," Minhyuk started jumping up and down pretending to be in training, giving the doctor a laugh. "A balanced diet as well is called for, to build a stronger immune system." 
"No more instant ramen for you," my mom pointed a finger at Minhyuk. I giggled because I knew that was Minhyuk's favorite late night snack. 
"Corre, that's all for now. I'll see you again in a month." The doctor gave Minhyuk a pat on the back and bowed slightly to my mother and I before leaving. 
Before leaving, we stopped by the hospital's pharmacy to refill Minhyuk's medicine prescription. After that, we made our way out the building. On our way out, the lady from the front counter called us. 
"Excuse me, Lee Minhyuk!" She called. My brother turned around and jogged over to the desk. He smiled, after receiving something, at the young woman who bowed and came back smiling still. 
"What's that?" My mom asked Minhyuk. Minhyuk was holding a dark violet colored journal with a black ribbon hanging off the spine. He held it up. 
"It's a present," he turned and presented it to me, "for my Hyunji," I blinked at the item then looked at Minhyuk curiously. He pushed it toward me, urging me to take it. 
"What's this?" I asked as I took it. 
"Hehe, it was birthday present. But I forgot to give it to you," I flipped through the blank pages and smiled unconsciously. The back of the book was signed by my brother's friends, BTOB, and Minhyuk himself. They wrote ridiculous messages about me turning 20 years old. I laughed at Ilhoon's message which I could barely make out because of the scribbles. 
"'Wait for me noona ^.^'" (Just so you know, Ilhoon is only one year younger than me). I read the message aloud and laughed to Minhyuk, which he responded by snatching the journal from me. He glared hard at message. 
"That kid," he grit his teeth. I pulled my new precious book from my brother's arms. 
"Don't worry oppa. Geez," I tried to ease him. 
During the car rode home, Minhyuk tapped the notebook in my hands, snapping me out of my trance. "What were you thinking about?" He giggled at my reaction. 
"My future husband Jung Ilhoon," I decided to further. Minhyuk didn't take the joke lightly and hit my head. 
"No. I forbid." He scolded me. I rubbed my head in slight irritation. 
"Tch, didn't have to hit me.." I hissed under breath. 
"What was that?" I replied by sticking my tongue out at him. 
"Anyways," he brushed me off, "that book, I meant to give it to you so you'd write letters to me while I was in the hospital. But seeing as I'm not in the hospital anymore, you can do whatever you want with it." He grinned at me revealing his precious eye smile.
"I'll write love letters to Ilhoon then," I was never going to let this joke down. It was the cutest message I'd ever received coming from the cutest little boy I knew. (Yeah, Ilhoon is a baby boy to me and nothing more). Ilhoon has so much aegyo it's not even funny, almost as much as Minhyuk. Ew. 
"Yah. Stop it already." Minhyuk demanded. I laughed at him harder. 
The first thing I wrote in that precious book of mine was my autograph. 

THANK YOU THANK YOU to all my readers and to subscribers new and old. I love you all for reading my story. A lot of stuff is going to happen because of that precious book, so stay tuned ;D 
Thank you all again for supporting the story and don't be afraid to comment. Please comment and talk to me..
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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~