
Something to Keep


Sunhee and I walked out of the elevator and entered the lobby looking around for the boys waiting for us. Sunhee spotted the two outside sitting nearby one of the random trees placed about the campus. The two males looked like they were excited—giggling to themselves. I narrowed my eyes at the two of them as we walked through the door, slowly. I held Sunhee with the back of my arm to get her to walk slower.

“Bromance.” I giggled at the sight. Sunhee shook her head in a sort of frustration, putting her head in her hands.

“Don’t start Hyunji-ah. I read too much manga.” She complained. I shoved her with my arm, making her stumble over a bit. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and that subject annoyed me every time she brought it up to talk with me about. I think the two boys finally heard mine and Sunhee’s small quarrel because they started calling us over. Sunhee and I moved in unison toward the boys and stood before them.


“So what’s up?” I asked curiously. Daehyun and Youngjae looked at us in silence with their lips tightly pressed in a line. I stared at Daehyun in confusion. His eyes started to curl up, looking like crescent moons as he tried to suppress his smile and snigger. I laughed a little to myself at how cute he looked. The way his eyes disappeared when he smiled was really adorable, making me smile as well. Daehyun had one of the brightest smiles I’d ever seen.


“Why are you guys laughing?” Sunhee broke the silence. Youngjae waved one of his hands around in excitement and had the other covering his mouth.

“We’ll tell you two later over lunch.” Daehyun finally spoke up, his expression more normal than giddy. I gave Daehyun a funny look considering the time of day it was. It was only 10 o’clock in the morning and he had already mentioned lunch.

“Lunch? It’s still so early.” Sunhee spoke my exact thoughts. Youngjae shrugged his shoulders with indifference.

“Then we’ll have a little double date first.” He suggested coolly with a smile on his face. It was funny how our situation was. Even though we directed all out statements for the whole group, Daehyun and I faced each other, while Youngjae and Sunhee did the same—as if we were having separate conversations.


“Great idea, Youngjae-ah.” Daehyun replied.

“Thank you Daehyun-ah.” Youngjae responded. Sunhee and I looked at each other puzzled by the robotic conversation between the two. The two boys laughed together then told us to go back up and dress up for the “date,” which we did not formally agree to. We were shooed away; the two of us reaching the inside of our dorm. A text appeared on my phone as soon as I opened the door, causing it to vibrate.


We’ll meet you guys down again in half an hour :) –Daehyun

I finished preparing myself rather quickly- in a matter of ten minutes as I tried to find something suitable to wear. It took me a few minutes to apply my bb cream and fix my hair into a side French braid and fix the fringe of my bangs. Sunhee on the other hand, seemed like she was taking ages to get ready. She noisily shifted her hangers back and forth in the closet, looking for an outfit. When she had found something she was satisfied with, she retreated to the bathroom to…do her hair? I don’t know, but she took well over ten minutes. When she came out, her hair was in casual curls. Sunhee approached the mirror, completely ignoring me as I sat in the seat in front of it.


“What are you getting all dolled up for? We’re just going to lunch.” I mused. Sunhee stared into the mirror to examine herself, then whipped her head toward me. I eyed her carefully, sensing how anxious she was about this “date” thing, regardless it was with Daehyun and me too. She didn’t have to say anything to let me know that this was no small matter. She had been waiting for Youngjae to ask her out since…forever. I giggled to break the staring contest, but Sunhee only scoffed at how I didn’t take her seriously.

“Haha, sorry Sunhee. Let’s go already! You look great. Too great. Now go.” I rushed my friend practically kicking her out the door as she struggled to fix her hair one last time. I grabbed the keys to the dorm at the last second and closed the door.




At the front of the building, the two boys were already waiting for us patiently- making me feel slightly guilty.

“Sorry you had to wait long.” I apologized to the latter. They sent me warm smiles to assure they didn’t mind.

“Shall we go then?” Youngjae asked formally (to only Sunhee) making me want to laugh at his chivalrous act. Daehyun slipped his hand into mine while I was distracted. I looked up at Daehyun who only smiled at me brightly. I gave it a small squeeze, feeling glad were comfortable enough to do so.


We went to the usual café, causing me to think it was our café. My friends and I had made this quaint café our little hang out, where we’d tell each other our secrets, have a good time, and it was where we all started acquainting each other at.


The four of us sat at a booth close by the door and waited for someone to serve us. Just to tease Sunhee, I sat by Youngjae while she sat by Daehyun. I gave Youngjae a friendly shove when we took our seats, causing him to send me a playful smile. I saw Sunhee tense up a bit at the corner of my eye; I was sure Youngjae caught her as well. A waiter soon came with menus and placed them in front of us. The waiter looked slightly familiar; his pink tinted hair was the only factor that threw me off.


“Chanhee?” I said the name cautiously. The boy looked at me at the sound of his name; he looked at me with wide eyes when he recognized me. I beamed when it indeed was him.

“Hyunji?” He smiled.

“Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?” I smiled back.

“I work here now. The crowd is more adaptable and the business is better. How have you been?” “Great. I was here like an hour or so ago. Why didn’t I see you?”

“Because the lunch shift is about to start. Which is mine.” I nodded at his explanation, happy that I got to see Chanhee again. We had a small chat between each other before he actually remembered he had a job to do and take our orders.

“Okay cool. I’ll get back to you guys soon.” He left us with a smile and snuck in a wink to me, making me roll my eyes.


Our group engaged in a small conversation while we waited for our food.

“How do you know that guy Hyunji?” Sunhee asked me. I let a small grin come along my face at her question.

“We met during that vacation. He used to work at a restaurant the first time I met him.” I told her. Thankfully, there was no weird or awkward atmosphere among us. Especially between Daehyun and I. I let my eyes glance in his direction and caught his eye. He gave me a playful smirk and a small wink, making me blush slightly. I turned quickly and went back to talking to Youngjae.

“What’s so funny?” He asked. I tilted my head at his question, because no one was laughing. “You were smiling earlier.” He said. I frowned and pouted just to contradict his point.

“You want me to frown, Youngjae-ah?” I joked. Youngjae grimaced at my expression and pushed my face away.


Chanhee soon came back with our food and diligently placed each order in front of us. We all thanked him for the food and said a small prayer together before digging in. We ate contently for a while before I started stealing food from Sunhee and Youngjae. Daehyun sat quietly in his seat eating his own food, trying to play the innocent act. In reality, I was trying to play matchmaker for Sunhee and Youngjae but it was harder than I thought. I decided to give up and leave the two be. They haven’t spoken to each other all morning, so I decided to push a familiar subject into the conversation.


“So what was it you were going to tell us?” I asked. The two boys looked up from their plates with wide eyes. They obviously forgot they were supposed to tell us something, which is the reason for this whole brunch set up.


Sunhee and I waited for a bit in silence as Daehyun and Youngjae exchanged mental messages to each other, which was pretty interesting because they even had facial expressions to match. Finally they switched their attention back to us.


“We’re going to debut!” 

Hello. I'm sorry this was a really boring chapter, and I had to make you wait a whole week for it. No fear, I will come back later today and update to make it up to you :) 


Okay, so I was recently asked when that journal of Hyunji's will finally play in. The answer is soon. Because that factor comes closer to the end of the story. I have the last few chapters already arranged in my head so please wait for it. Those will be interesting ;) 

BTOB'S COMEBACK!! 2nd Confession! If you have seen this already: it is the cutest thing ever omg. Ilhoon is so hot Everyone is cute and handsome blahh watch ^^

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~