
Something to Keep


The four of us head to the bus stop nearby the university to go to this arcade Youngjae was talking about. When the bus came, Daehyun stopped right in front of me so I'd run into his back. 
"Yah! Stupid Daehyun," I hissed pushing him ahead of me. I heard him laughing in front me when he barely staggered forward from my push. 
Everyone in line paid the bus fair. But when I went up, about to put my money into the machine, the driver stopped me. 
"You've been paid for already missy." Was all he said but I saw his eyes motion straight to Daehyun. He motioned for me to get in the bus. I pouted but shrugged the whole thing off and decided to scold Daehyun later. 
To tease Daehyun I had Sunhee sit next to him on the bus with me next to Youngjae. I grinned at my bus buddy and ignored Daehyun across the aisle. I could feel his eyes on me and sense his annoyance. Hehe what now Jung Daehyun I thought with a triumphant smirk to myself. 
"What are you smiling about?" Youngjae asked next to me. I turned to face him. 
"Did Daehyun pay for me earlier?" I titled my head. 
"Did he? I guess," he shrugged. 
"Jinjja," I sighed, "He shouldn't have though. Now I owe him," I blew raspberry. Youngjae chuckled next to me as if he knew something I didn't. Whatever.
All of us stepped off the bus one by when we reached the stop near the arcade. Sunhee and I followed behind Daehyun and Youngjae since we didn't know the way and stayed close to prevent from getting lost. The area we were in looked like it was a common hang-out joint, seeing as there were a number of teenagers there, most likely high schoolers. I saw two tall boys walk into an arcade, which I assumed was the one we were going to, and followed them. 
Daehyun went over to the cashier and came back with four red cards. 
"Fill this up with however amount of money you want, then play." He explained as he handed each of us a card. Sunhee and I left together first going to the racing games. Those were my favorite and I wasn't too bad at playing either. There were four seats available at one version so Sunhee, Youngjae, Daehyun, and I were all racing against each other. 
Within a few hours, we started getting hungry. We halted our gaming and took a seat at a booth while Daehyun ordered all of us pizza. He was our errand boy for the day. I sat next to Youngjae across from Sunhee while Daehyun would be beside her. Daehyun came back to the booth and slid next my friend. 
"Hand over the money guys," he held his hand out to collect. We handed our money over and put it on the table, waiting for our food to come. 
While we were eating, the two boys I saw walk in earlier were coming towards our table. I had cheese hanging off my mouth as I wondered why they were coming. 
"Ew, Hyunji. At least try to look like a girl." Daehyun said pulling the cheese off and putting it on my plate. I stuck my tongue out at him then continued to eat. 
"Hyung, what are you guys doing here?" A freakishly tall kid asked Youngjae.  
"Are you guys on a date?" The other guy with fiery hair wiggled his eyebrows looking at Sunhee and I, to which I returned with a disapproving stare. 
"Haha no. But you guys should be studying right?" Youngjae got up and noogied the tall kid. The kid yelped in pain at the actions of his hyung. 
"This is Junhong and Jongup," Youngjae introduced them after he finished bullying the poor boy. 
"I'm Hyunji,"
"I'm Sunhee," Us girls introduced. Daehyun acknowledged the two boys since he knew them I guessed. The two younger boys bowed politely and excused themselves claiming they were going to leave and study. As if. 
"How do you know those guys?" Sunhee asked.
"They're our dongsaengs," Youngjae explained. Sunhee and I both nodded in understanding then we all returned to our conversations and food. 
We left the arcade when it was close to dark. I guess the saying was right: time flies when you're having fun. And we did. I thanked Youngjae for inviting Sunhee and I along. Now we were pretty tired. 
The two boys walked Sunhee and I to the dorm. I watching Sunhee like a hawk as she was being comfortable with Youngjae. It seriously was the cutest thing ever. Sunhee was so bright around Youngjae; and Youngjae was normal, which was kind of funny. His nonchalant attitude was his charm. 
"They hit it off pretty well," I said quietly. 
"Will we ever hit it off?" I heard a small incoherent mumble from Daehyun.
"Oh nothing. Did you have fun?" Daehyun covered up. 
"Yeah, I did. Thanks for inviting us," I smiled brightly at Daehyun, who returned the smile back to me. 
"I'm glad I did." 

To my friend, I hope you appreciated that Jongup cameo >.<
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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~