Next Time

Something to Keep


You know that urge you get when you have to pour all your ideas and feelings about something to someone or on something right away? Like you have to release all of this energy right away before it goes to waste and dies out? That’s exactly how I felt once Sunhee and I returned from our trip to the park. My mind was flowing with ideas and possible lyrics I could include in my song.

I tossed my keys onto the dresser and frantically opened my notebook and searched for a pencil within the area. Sunhee shuffled into the room looking at me worriedly. “What’s got you all worked up all of a sudden?” She asked. I ignored for the time being as I found my pencil and started writing all over the piece of paper, jotting down my ideas. Sunhee chuckled in the distance and let me be. For the next four hours or so, I would be sitting in this desk doing my homework.

I finished at around ten o’clock at night. I lifted the notebook in my hands marveling at its beauty, but not literally. The sheet was full of chicken scratch. One side contained my ideas scribbled in different parts of the paper and the other had the actually lyrics for my song written on it. I dropped the notebook on the desk and sighed heavily, barely realizing how tired I was. I massaged my hand and cracked my wrists.

“Ew Hyunji. That’s gross.” Sunhee said referring to my wrist cracking technique. I chuckled in a devilish kind of way just to scare her and she pretended to shiver in fright. “Well, you should get some sleep now. You’re been sitting in that desk almost all day.” She said as she turned off the lamp on her side of the room. I stretched my arms in the air making a weird sound.

“Sounds good. Now I just have to turn it into actually sheet music. I’ll ask Daehyun.” I said as I crawled under my bed sheets. Sunhee didn’t say anything else so I assumed she went to sleep, and I turned off the lamp next to me.




The next day I walked into music composition class with a skip in my step. I was extremely excited to present my work to my teacher (the lyrics). Before the bell rang, I went up to his desk and had him take a look at it.

“Whoa. So this is the kind of song you were working on. It’s nice.” He said the bell rang and I had to sit in my assigned seat. I sat next to Daehyun giving him a bright smile. He looked at me weirdly and asked, “Why are you so chipper today?” I laughed at his choice of words, his deep voice made it sound really strange. “I can’t be happy?” I tilted my head at him keeping the smile on my face. He chuckled at my act and looked toward the front of the class. I was even giddier now that I got a smile out of Jung Daehyun for the first time in a while.

As we did our usual exercises for the day, my teacher clapped his hands together loudly, gathering everyone’s attention.

“Good news everyone. I forgot that right now is mid-terms season, and I don’t have a test prepared for you.” The small class started giving the forgetful teacher a round of applause. The teacher in return immersed himself with the applause and started thanking everyone like he was winning an award. I rolled my eyes at first before joining the crowd’s act. After a few seconds he lowered his arms and quieted the class. “Yes, thank you for believing in my procrastination skills. So since I don’t have a test for you, that composition project of yours has been doubled in the points and will be your final project.” The class nodded in agreement to the teacher’s terms then the bell soon rang after the announcement.

“Goodbye everyone. Enjoy your weekend. Don’t make you hands bleed during this project.” My teacher said sadistically as he waved us all off. “Lee Hyunji!” His voice boomed around the small classroom when he called my name. I flinched at the sudden call and stopped in my tracks to face the teacher. “I’m expecting highly of your project.” He waved his finger at me. I gave him a small grin and nodded before walking out of the classroom with everyone else.

“What was that about?” Daehyun asked leaning against the frame of the door waiting for me. I blinked once startled at his sudden appearance.

“Oh. I spent like four to five hours working on a song and showed it to him this morning before class.” I said. “Ah,” was all he said.

“So are you busy right now?” I asked him. Daehyun looked at me for a moment then up at the ceiling like he was thinking about his schedule for the day. His eyes looked back into mine to answer me. “Nope. Not that I know of. I can check out your song.” He replied.

“Cool. Should we go to library?” I asked him. Daehyun nodded in agreement and we went on our way.



The library was quiet of course, but only because usually no one really came here. The tables were barely even filled and I even saw some people sleeping and taking naps inside the aisles. Daehyun and I took a seat at an empty table and put our bags next to us. We pulled out our notebooks silently trying not to disturb the people around us.

“What are you writing about?” I asked Daehyun trying to make conversation. He looked up at me with his head down flipping through pages and didn’t answer. I frowned at him for not answering but quickly let it go. Daehyun slide his notebook over to me to take a peek at his project. I brought it closer to me so I could read it. My eyes widened at the quality and content. It was really…angry. That’s what is sounded like anyway. It made me wonder how he created a piece like this. I looked at Daehyun with surprise and he looked back at me in curiosity.

“You wrote this?” I asked. He nodded slowly for a bit then leaned in closer to speak.

“I had some help. From Yongguk hyung.” He said. I nodded at his explanation then looked at the lyrics and composition again in wonder. The lyrics were angry but passionate. You can even sense the sadness and regret of the person within the song. It was definitely dynamic, exactly Daehyun’s taste. I could just imagine Daehyun singing it with that passion. I handed the notebook back to him and nodded for no particular reason.

“Does it have a name?” I asked. Daehyun took the notebook and looked at the song for a bit to ponder about a possible title.

“Not too sure yet. It’ll come to me. Eventually.” He laughed a little revealing his pearly whites. I smiled back at the sight but didn’t say anything.


“Show me your project.” He told me. My eyes widened for a moment when I remembered that was why we came here. I gave Daehyun my notebook opened up to the page of my song. As soon as it reached his hands I lunged over in panic.


“Wait, don’t read this side,” I was gesturing to the side full of my chicken scratch, covering it with my hands. “Don’t read that part.” I circled my hands around it so he knew exactly which one I was talking about. Daehyun looked at me skeptically and cracked a small grin.

“You’re really weird Hyunji. Did you know that?” He asked raising an eyebrow. I narrowed my eyes at him in disbelief and sat back in my seat.

“You’re one to talk Jung Daehyun.” I said back to him. He scoffed at my answer as if it were weak. “I have a lot I can use against you Hyunji, so don’t start.” Daehyun didn’t look at me when he said that last part. He kept his eyes on my notebook reading my song. I remained silent knowing I lost that argument and exactly what Daehyun was referring to. Once he finished reading, he put the book down. He stayed silent for a while looking like he was pondering about something. He stared in a different direction toward one of the aisles. I watched and waited for him for a while before knocking on the table to grab his attention.

“Hey, were you spacing out or something?” I asked him. Daehyun looked back at me and shook his head.

“No sorry. I was thinking about what made you write a song like this.” He said bluntly. I pursed my lips and nodded at him. “Will you tell me how you wrote it?” he asked. I tilted my head, thinking about his offer.

“If you tell me about how you wrote yours.” I bargained. Daehyun straitened up in his seat eyeing me carefully. Our eyes met and we stayed in this position for a while.


“Next time.” Daehyun finally answered. I smirked at his answer and he returned the smile.

“Next time.”


I was really happy this morning when I logged in because....SOMEONE UPVOTED MY STORY!!!! Goodness, I just felt so good because even though it was only one vote, I was surprised that someone even voted for my story. Thank you so much btobmelodyokay for the vote. I had to mention you and recognize you for doing such a thing. 

I didn't mention that person to encourage all of you to upvote or anything I was just really happy. If you guys want to vote for my story, thinking it's worthy of a vote, then do it! I'd be happy still if you didn't. I'm just glad to have all you readers and subscribers by my side. Thank you for liking my story <3

I love reading all your comments too! They make me all happy inside ^____^ Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter as well. It was all talk but Hyunji adn Daehyun need to build their friendship all over again :3

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~