Good Morning

Something to Keep


"Hurry it up, Hyunji!" My mom called me from down the stairs. I ruffled my hair and hurried down the stairs to avoid any more delay. "In the car. You only have an hour." I nodded to my mother and rushed out the door and into the car. 
My father drove into the parking garage of the familiar building. I grabbed the white teddy bear I had prepared wrapped in cellophane wrap, stepped out the car and into the building. The doors opened automatically for me and my family who trailed closely behind. I stood next to the elevator as I waited.
I exited to the my destination and scanned the rooms. As I looked left and right, I saw numerous doors opened with different people dressed in different colored scrubs. My mood instantly dampened at least a tinge. I honestly hated this place with a passion. The smell is so dangerously sterile it sickened me. I used to think the hospital was a safe place. A place where you can get another chance to live, until they took in my brother with warm hospitality.
I arrived  at room 1129 and knocked on the windows quietly. The figure inside looked at me and smiled, motioning for me to come in. 
"Hi Hyunji," he greeted me with an enthusiastic smile. He was lying in his bed upright with the T.V. remote in his hand. "Happy birthday oppa!" I waved the teddy bear playfully in his face then set it on the chair next to the small table with different medications on top of it. I felt myself tense up a bit at the sight but shook it off and placed my gift down. 
"Thank you Hyunji," he extended his arms out to me and I happily obliged and wrapped myself in them, enjoying his warmth.
Soon, my parents walked into the room and interrupted our moment. 
"Happy birthday hun," my mom came over to my brother and hugged him as well. My dad ruffled his hair and gave him a manly rub on the back. 
"Aish, Lee Minhyuk,"
"Didn't I teach you how to clean up after yourself?" My mother scolded my brother and motioned to the mess he had made after his breakfast on the tray next to him. 
"Tch. Someone comes and cleans it for me." Minhyuk scoffed. My mom shot him a disapproving glare, causing him to rearrange the tray neatly for his nurse to pick it up. 
"I'll do it you lazy . You act like your legs don't work." My mom said annoyed and walked out into the hallway with my dad to leave me alone with Minhyuk.
"So," I cooed to him as I turned my heels on the floor. "You're even older now oppa!" I .  Minhyuk gave me a weird stare, but it was one of his deadly handsome ones he used to use when he would want to get dates. His stare fell quickly as he began to speak. "Sit here yeah?" He patted his bed and shuffled over. I sat down next to him and eyed him curiously.
"I want to talk to you about something." Minhyuk spoke to me gently but he sounded a little serious. It started to scare me. "Sure oppa," I said calmly. He eye-smiled me for reassurance. 
"You're a freshman at university now?" He asked. I nodded excitedly. "Wow, then I really must be old now then," Minhyuk joked and I stuck my tongue out at him. "Told ya." He laughed that angelic laugh of his with a smile that made my heart hurt. I just wanted to see him smile like that everyday. 
"Hyunji, as a freshman, you need to make sure you stay on top of things. Your future career depends on academics." Minhyuk lectured me. I nodded in understanding but I was seriously trying hard not to tune him out. "Hey listen!" He suddenly yelled at me. "Sorry! Sorry!" I apologized and giggled a bit at his frustration. He sighed deeply and continued.
"Listen Hyunji, my main point is that I can't be supporting mom and dad anymore, especially in this condition," he motioned up and down his body as it lay on the bed. My eyes didn't leave his, not wanting to accept the fact he wasn't in my house everyday like he used to be. And up and working. And having fun. 
"Focus on your studies. That's what I'm getting at. And please.." Minhyuk paused as I scratched his bed sheets not looking him in the eye. "Don't be naïve and fall in love." I looked up at him in confusion wondering how that played into the subject. He saw right through me and rubbed my head soothingly.
"I know that's a lot of me to ask, because you're young and finally free. But I don't want any distractions for you. You need to study hard and get a stable job. That way when I'm gone-"
"Stop." I said sternly. I admit, I kind of sounded angry, but I couldn't help it. I hate it when Minhyuk mentions that stuff to me. About him leaving and never coming back. I absolutely hate it. Minhyuk's hand moved from my head to my face and he used his palm to lift my head up to face him.
"I'm sorry. Just promise me okay?" I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and held his hand that still rested on my cheek.
"I promise oppa."
"I-I lo-" 
"Aish, I know you love me, Hyunji. Geez!" He said jokingly and let me go. I hit his chest playfully as he successfully lightened the mood. 
My parents arrived back and told me it was almost time to leave. 
"C'mon Hyunji. Don't want to be late on the first day of school." My dad told me as he stood next to Minhyuk to give him a pat on the back. I nodded and hugged my brother before leaving. 

"Have fun okay?" Minhyuk told me and kissed the top of my head sweetly. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up before backing away. After all our goodbyes, we left the room and proceeded out of the hospital and on the way to my new school.

hii everyone! First chapter is out! Hopefully this wasn't too boring :P

DID YOU GUYS WATCH B.A.P's teaser "One Shot"?! GO WATCH IT!! intense feels...

my Ilhoonie is in the background of the gif :3

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Can I just say a quick thank you to all my LOVELY subscribers?! This story actually reached 100 and as of now it's 102. You are all amazing. Thanks so much!!


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Chapter 44: love it!!! it's so fluffy and daehyun is really sweet in here :D I'm looking forward for ur next daehyun's story author-nim! :)
Chapter 44: This is an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: This is such an amazing story!
Love it! :)
Chapter 44: awwweee
it's the end
i'm gonna miss this. i love this
author-nim jjang
Wow! I'm so surprised you guys would've been okay with Minhyuk's death! XD But he story would've been shorter :P Oh well, thank you for the comments. I loved reading them <3
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 44: Yeah... You should have minhyuk die. Sorry melodies...
Chapter 44: Beautiful as always-some typos here & there but whatever-sad this fic has ended but hey, all good things must come to an end some time right?
Before I read your upcoming Jinyoung fic, I gotta expand my knowledge on B1A4 more. :P
Anyway, amazing and great job nyangseob!
Chapter 44: THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm sad it's over, but I'll get over it xD
This is seriously one of my favorite fanfics~