

Yoseob open his eyes slowly… he sees the room around him and get the picture that he is in hospital now.. he close his eyes back due to the pain the he gets at his head.. soon, his eyes widen when she remembers seul rin..

“seul rin..” he almost scream and get up in half-lying position but hold his head..

“oh yoseob ah.. you are awake..” dujun said

Junhyung who is asleep on the chair beside his bed, raise up his head and try to open his eyes slowly.. “oh.. you are awake.. how do you feel??” he ask as he stretch up..

 “you cant really moves.. you have to get rest.. dujun said while gesturing yoseob to lay back down on the bed… yoseob follows what does he said.. he rest his head back, he looks at the couch to find dongwoon, hyungseung and gikwang sleeping over there..

“they don’t want to leave until you are awake..” Dujun who seems to understand his mind said

“hyung.. how is seul rin?? Where is she?” he ask while switching his sight to both dujun and junhyung

“I’m going to meet heechul hyung now..” junhyung said and went out

“hyung..” yoseob ask dujun..

“she will be fine..” dujun said while he sigh.. dujun then turn away to the couch and wake the other three up..

“what’s with the sigh? Is anything wrong?” yoseob ask bluntly..

Dujun stop from doing anything..


At seul rin’s room: 

Seul rin open her eyes when she heard the door open.. her sight caught junhyung who just come in, when she turn to her right, she spot heechul sleeping with his head lowered down on th bed and she soon noticed her hands in his.. she also spot yoochun over at the couch..

“did you just wake up?” junhyung ask

“oh oppa… where am I?” she ask

“you are in hospital.. how do you feel??”

“what happen.. the last thing that I remember..” she keep quiet after that when her mind rewind everything that happen..

“how did you guys manage to get me?” she ask curiously

“that is not important.. you need to rest..” junhyung assure her..

Heechul wake up soon..

“oh riin ah~~ you are awake.. how did you feel? Do you still feel pain anywhere?” he ask all that in one breath..

“yah.. heechul hyung! She’ll be fine..” junhyung said..

“oh seul rin ah.. I’m glad to see that you are awake…” yoochun said as he comes nearer to the bed, with his jacket in his hand..

“I’m feling.. fine..” seul rin said

“ehm, then, I shall make my way first.. my sis need me..” yoochun said, he walks to the door and stay for a while looking at her before going out..

“what’s wrong? What actually happen?” seul rin asked

“yah.. you are not in a condition to ask it all.. you need to rest..” heechul said

‘you too need to rest hyung.. you can get dehydrated.. you just donate your blood, you didn’t sleep for two days, you didn’t eat anything for like past one day..” junhyung reveals it all but heechul covered his mouth soon..

“yah.. hyung.!” Junhyung whinced

“donate blood? Is it for me? But it cant be..” seul rin said..

“why is it cant be.. yah! I did donate blood for you!” heechul exclaimed

“because you are not my brother..” seul rin said slowly.. heechul heart sink to hear that.. junhyung shocked to that

“yah.. what are you talking about?” heechul ask.. he got into his serious mood now..

“I knew all of it oppa.. dad did tell me everything..”

“what is it that he tell you??” heechul yell..

“that you are not my brother.. he’s not my father.. he told me that mom had an affair and I’m just and illegitimate child… is it true oppa? Huh?” seul rin ask with tears in her eyes.. pleading for the answer..

She does hope heechul is going to say no about it  although she know that truth will remain as the truth no matter what happen.. but, she did hope for something to happen… this great man over here, she cant bear it to take the fact that he’s not her brother..

Heechul; ruffles his hair then, frustrated..

“oppa please.. answer me.. I need to know the truth.. everything that he told me.. is it true??” seul rin plead for his answer..

 Heechul went to her and hug her then, tight…

“whatever happen.. even when the world end, you are stillmy sister no matter what.. no one can say anything about it.. huh..” heechul words struck her heart like lightning… tears which she bear in her eyes now streams down to her face..

Her heart crash and shattered.. how did she wish, she wont be hearing that..

“so, its true that I’m an illegitimate child? I’m not dad’s daughter? I’m not your sister? Huh?” seul rin stuttered..

“no.. you are my sister.. whatever that happen between mom and dad is their problem, their past.. don’t let it affect us neh.. you are my sister no matter what.. I’ll always love you.. don’t give a damn about it anymore ok… you are my sis, I am you bro and no one can say anything about it.. ara..?” heechul looks straight into seul rin’s eyes.. he didn’t know what else he could do to assure her that everything will be ok.. he didn’t want to lose his sister.. they had been together for so long.. how can someone interfere now and he’s afraid if seul rin will back off from him now…

“yah! Did you hear me? YOU ARE MY SIS!!” heechul stress on his word..

Seul rin nod then but still crying.. she hug heechul tight and heechul kiss her head..

“thanks oppa.. jeongmal.. kamsahamnida…” she stuttered as she’s crying..

“I don’t care what happen back then with anyone.. what do I know is you are my sister and no matter what happen, no one can waver that down.. never ever…YOU!! If you back off after this and didn’t treat me as you did before, I’m going to kill you!! Ara?” heechul make his word firm..

“oh oppa…ara.. thanks oppa! Thanks..” heechul wipe her tears then..

“oppa.. you should go get some rest..look at your face.. you look horrible..” seul rin

“yah! Riin! How can you say that?! I am the gorgeous kim heechul!!” both of them laugh then.. junhyung is there watching, smile widely before making his way out..

Three hours after that:

seul rin puzzled as she didn’t see yoseob anywhere.. no one tells her about him… he looks to the door when she heard the knob is turned.. she shocked to find yoseob in hospital’s outfit and she got bandage over his head, he got scratch all around his body..

“seobie.. what happen?? Are you ok??” seul rin is about to run to him but she couldn’t move her leg.. she stunned for a while, looking at her leg.. she moves the blanket and look at her legs.. everyting is fine except for the bruises that she got there, she try again but still fail.. she’s getting scared.. she keep on trying to move her legs but she cant… yoseob make his way to her then..


“seobie.. I cant move my leg.. I cant…” seul rin smile but she got tears with her..

Yoseob’s heart sink.. he knows everything…

“seul rin ah.. your leg..”

“what’s wrong with with my leg.. huh?”

“don’t worry, from now on, I’ll be your leg huh..” yoseob kneeled down and wipe her tears.. seul rin cant believe what did she heard..

“are you telling me that I cant use my leg anymore?”

Yoseob keep quiet..

“life is just great..” seul rin said..

“now what.. I am one useless person..” she cry

“don’t be like that hunzz.. you are strong.. I know that.. I’ll help you.. the doctor said that it will take times for you to be able to move it back.. but still, there’s a chance.. and for that time.. I’ll be your leg..”

“no.. I don’t want your sympathy.. go away..go away from me!” seul rin push him away..

“hunzz..” yoseob went and hug her tight..

“stay away from me.. stay away!! Get away from me!! Yang yoseob!” sel rin yell as she keep on hitting yoseob.. but yoseob didn’t budge even a little..

“just cry hunzz.. just cry… let it all out…” yoseob said as he keep her tight in his embrace

“no.. go away from me seobie.. I don’t want to be your pain.. go.. away…” seul rin cry

“no I wont and you will never be my pain.. my life is a pain when you are not with me..” seul rin keep on crying

“why is it so hard seobie..? its too hard…” seul rin said..

“I’ll be with you..” yoseob stay with her.. seul rin soon falls asleep in his warm embrace..



After a week:

“hyung.. I want to bring her back..” yoseob said to heechul

“where would you take her? She’s my sister.. i’m going to take care of her..” heechul stands firm

“I want to bring her back to my house.. our house.. I promise you that I’ll take care of her..”

“but she’s my sis.. I’ll take care of her..”

“but hyung.. you got your show and everything.. you wont be able to be with her 24/7.. please hyung.. I beg you.. I promise to you that she’ll be happy… I wont let her be sad, or feeling down.. I’ll lit her up.. she will smile like before hyung.. please..” yoseob plead..

“what did she said about it? Did she agree?”

“yeah..” heechul sigh then

“fine…but remember yang yoseob.. mess up with her means you mess up with me.. if I ever heard she complain about anything..”

“you wont hear it hyung.. I’ll take care of her so well that she’ll forget what sad is.. I don’t want her to be sad anymore.. she had go through so much… she had enough of it..” yoseob said..

Heechul is taken aback with is words.. he inhale deeply..

“ok.. when is your flight?” heechul

“in 2 days time hyung.. thanks hyung…”


At airport:

“got everything with you sis?” heechul kneeled down to you who sits on the wheel chair..

“I got it.. oppa.. take care.. I love you..” seul rin said as she hug him

“oppa.. don’t you have to be at your show now?” seul rin

“late for 10 minutes wont kill..” he smirks..

“yah oppa!!” both of them laugh..

“you really have to take care huh.. promise me.. I’ll be back in korea soon..” heechul said

“neh oppa.. I’m going to be fine.. no worries.. you are the one who have to take care.. don’t get dehydrated.. or I’ll kill you!!” you hit his arm hard

“yah!! It hurts!! I’m going to tell petals about it!!” he whinced which make you laugh

“seul rin.. its about time now.. we got to move on..” yoseob said as he holds two passport and tickets in his hand..

“yah! Yang yoseob.. mark my words.. I hold on to your promise..” heechul said..

“oh ara.. don’t worry hyung..” he said..

“aww~ I’m going to miss my riin..” heechul said as he hugs you tight.. you giggled then..

“I’m going to miss you too oppa.. yah oppa.. bring home a sister in law for me soon..” seul rin said

“yah.. ! still want to tease me huh?” he laugh then.. soon you guys heard the final announcement asking you to go now..

“bye oppa..” you said as you try to move your wheelchair but yosoeb stop you..

 He shook his head then.. you puzzled then

“I told you that I am your leg..” he said before bending and take you in his arm then, bridal style..

You shocked then..

“yah.. oppa.. what will people say..” you flinched

“they will say.. aww~~ they are so cute.. they are so sweet…” he laugh then.. you smile widely…

He then moves then, leaving heechul back there..

Heechul stare at both of them and smile..

“I wish happiness for you two..” he monologue


aww~~~ sweet yoseob!!!

comment guys!!! your comment are loved!!!

you guysmust sense that this story is going to end soon rite? *cries*

i love you all so much.. keep on supporting me.. from now on.. there wiill be sweet things all around the two!! ^^


i'll update soon....

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babanga #1
tsk tsk!!
kpop4u #2
to all readers and subscriber.. i made some correction at chapter 10.. i just realised that i posted chapter 9 twice and my real chapter 10 is resting safe and soundly in my folder... MIAN!! jeongmal mianhae!! SERIOUSLY SORRY~~~ my BAD!!! SORRY~~~ *bow* i updated it.. hope you guys are not angry with me..~~
@joycecute25: hahahahaha.... 5 kids belongs to 3 great couples, who wont get confused?? hahaha.... kamsahae!! seriously thank you!! you are my first commentor!! thanks for your support!!! *hugs*
joycecute25 #5
great ending but in the beginning i kinda got confuse<br />
of whose the children of seul rin and yoseob =)<br />
good job
@joycecute25:hahaha... ikr? sweet seobie! hahaha.... :D<br />
joycecute25 #7
yoeob is so sweet and i love the way he propose to her again hehehehe =)
@miss_afea:hahaha....i'll try my best to update soon.. haha.. yeah...YOU are getting married to him!! hahaa
miss_afea #9
yay! you update! YAY! *happy much? :D* i'll be marrying him. wohoo! HAHAHA. i mean, seulrin. update again soon! hwaiting *wink* <= replying your wink.
@miss_afea: hahaha.. lets see how thing going on next.. aww~ naughty me making you wondering!! *wink* haha