is it the world end???


In New York: (at hotel)

“oppa…” jin ra said as she went to yoochun’s side and hug him..

“yah.. don’t you miss us too??” junsu pout

“tch~ we let you be with junhoe and now, you are just being all lovey-dovey with yoochun huh?” jaejoong sulk

‘”yah.. oppa!! Grow up!! You know I love ALL of you!!” she emphasized on ALL

“jin ra ah.. I called you so many times, and you didn’t call me back.. did you know how worried I am?” yunho said with stern face.. everyone shocked.. yunho give that attitude to jin ra before..

“yah.. what’s wrong with you? You are the one who give her the permission to be with junhoe..” yoochun said

“yah.. you are the one who convinced all of us to let her go with him..” junsu add

“yah.. what’s wrong with you?” jaejoong puzzled

“jin ra! Mark my word! Don’t be with junhoe alone anymore! Got me? Get any one of us to be with you or else, don’t meet him!! Got it?” yunho raise his voice… jin ra shocked, he hold yoochun’s hand tighter.. yoochun hold her hand back..

“but.. oppa! Junhoe ask me to stay with you…always..” she stuttered.. afraid of yunho..

“where is he?” he asked sternly

“he said he got to back to korea now..”

“that fella..” yunho stormed out from the room…

“yah!! What’s wrong with him?” yoochun still hold jin ra’s hand tight in his

“did anything happen?” jun su said, all turning their attention to jin ra

“don’t tell me junhoe did something to you… cause I’m so gonna kill him if he did..” jaejoong got this serious tone in his voice

“no oppa.. he did nothing to me…” jin ra try to explained


In New York: (at heechul’s apartment)

Yoseob went out from his room to find the empty apartment.. he went to seul rin’s room and knock the door but no answer.. he turn the knob to find an empty room..

“where is she..? seul rin…hunzz!!” yoseob scratch the back of his head while making his way to the hall and keep on calling seul rin, but fail to hear any response… he then turn his way to the kitchen and open the fridge for drinks.. he stop at the moment his eye catch the stick note..


“seobie.. I found out something.. need to check it out…” he pull the stick note slowly..

“what is she up too?? aish this girl.. heechul will kill me if anything happen to her.. I promised him to utilize this time wisely..”


At a country side in New York:

Seul rin walk slowly so that no ones will realize her presence there..

She see the one who she really want to meet walk into the pension over there.. his men is everywhere at there.. she make her way slowly and try to figure out they way into the pension..

To her bad, she slip and fall, making all of the tong that line up in double falls too…

“yah!! Who is there??” one of men who wear jeans and white shirts run over to her… his other friend follows too..

They hold her up.. seul rin have a little fight with them, showing her punching and kicking skill that she got during her street fighter time.. but, it didn’t make any good when three more people come and hold her up… the two who came earlier coughs and doubled themselves, try to get up..

“let me go.. I wanna meet my father!!”

“shut up !” the men who came first earlier slap her face tight, leaving red mark on her fine cheek…

Seul rin spit at his face and send a deatht glare to him which turn him into an exploding mode..

“you so gonna regret this !” he punch her hard at her stomach

“you coward! Let me go if you really want to fight!” seul rin try to get herself out from the three men hands but fail

“bring her up..” the first men said with a smirk while wiping his bleeding nose..

Seul rin’s pov:

You were brought to one room at the highest floor of that pension.. you throw a tantrum as they drag you there…

When they open the door, you  see no others than your father in there, sitting on the couch in there, with an evil smirk..

The three men that hold you throw you onto the floor, your head hit the wooden table and soon you feel your father’s shoes in front of your face..

You feel dizzy but try your best to wake up.. you soon feel a hot liquid rolled down your head, you touch it and your finger drip with the red blood.. you whince but urn to your father

“dad.. daddy..” you called him but stuttered.. tears formed in your eyes, you just feel one kind of weird feeling inside your heart that stings

“don’t you ever called me that!” he yanked your hair..

“ahh..” you screams in pain


“I told you not to call me that !”

“but, you are my dad… my only parents…”

“no I’m not.. stop calling me dad..”  he slap your face hard and you fall onto the cold white marble…

“daddy.. why are you being like this with me?? What did I do wrong??”

“stop ing calling me daddy!!” he went closer to you and punch you in the face..

It hurts but its not his punch that make you startled, its his action that sting a pain in your heart.. you cant feel the purple bruise sting at your face, all that you feel is, your heart.. is in a deep pain

“I’ll keep on calling you daddy.. because you are my dad!” you fight for your right

“I told you that I am not your father! So stop ing calling me that!” he yell to your face.. teras rolled down to your cheek but you didn’t sob..

“I am your daughter..! Why did you hate me so much but you love heechul oppa! What is the different between the two of us?? The same blood flow in our vein and its yours!”

“no.. I am not! You are just one mistake done by your mother!! You’re ing illegitimate child..” his words freeze you..

You stunned in your position.. your heart which have been so fragile just shattered down… you feel like the whole world just turn upside down… you don’t want to believe what did you just heard… tears streams down your face like there is no end to it..

“but, heechul oppa..”

“he is not your brother!!! You should be thankful that he is so kind to you when he can just kill you !!”

“andwae! Heechul oppa is my brother..” your tears continue to streams down…

“no, he’s not! I don’t get it why is he being so kind to protect you who is not blood-related to him! Stupid fool!! His mom had an affair but he love his illegitimate sister…” he spit on your face and left

You who kneeled down from before, just fall to the ground… you didn’t cry but your tears couldn’t stop…

“andwae.. heechul oppa is my brother.. heechul is my brother..” you keep on repeating that phrase again and again… your mind don’t want to process that words that you just heard




heechul is not seul rin's brother??

"she is an illegitimate child??

omo... :3

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babanga #1
tsk tsk!!
kpop4u #2
to all readers and subscriber.. i made some correction at chapter 10.. i just realised that i posted chapter 9 twice and my real chapter 10 is resting safe and soundly in my folder... MIAN!! jeongmal mianhae!! SERIOUSLY SORRY~~~ my BAD!!! SORRY~~~ *bow* i updated it.. hope you guys are not angry with me..~~
@joycecute25: hahahahaha.... 5 kids belongs to 3 great couples, who wont get confused?? hahaha.... kamsahae!! seriously thank you!! you are my first commentor!! thanks for your support!!! *hugs*
joycecute25 #5
great ending but in the beginning i kinda got confuse<br />
of whose the children of seul rin and yoseob =)<br />
good job
@joycecute25:hahaha... ikr? sweet seobie! hahaha.... :D<br />
joycecute25 #7
yoeob is so sweet and i love the way he propose to her again hehehehe =)
@miss_afea:hahaha....i'll try my best to update soon.. haha.. yeah...YOU are getting married to him!! hahaa
miss_afea #9
yay! you update! YAY! *happy much? :D* i'll be marrying him. wohoo! HAHAHA. i mean, seulrin. update again soon! hwaiting *wink* <= replying your wink.
@miss_afea: hahaha.. lets see how thing going on next.. aww~ naughty me making you wondering!! *wink* haha