the end

People change....
They took off after they bid goodbye to their friends. after they ran away, ______ suddenly stopped. "So what's the secret? "she asked coldly. "Erm.. erm.. I like Kris before.."luhan whispered looked down. Kris just rubbed the back of his back feeling awkward. Very awkward. "I see... do you still like him?"she asked and looked into his red eyes. "NO OMG WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!?! you are the one and only one in my heart." Lulu screamed and hugged ______. ______ can't help But smile. Yes!!! My deer and angel are back together! Yes, my angel is suppose to be mine. Yes, my deer is suppose to be mine But if they are happy together, I'm happy. Kris thought and smile and group hugged the two. "Yay!!!!" He spazz. They stop smiling at stared at the weirdo. He gave them a 'what' face. And burst into laughter together. "Gege can we Don't go Greenland? can we like go Canada? _____ asked. "Hmmm... OK! If I'm not wrong there is a vampire school there." Kristen said and back hugged her. Ligaments crossed his arms and gave Kris the 'excuse me? That's my property! 'face. Kris immediately let go of his angel and hugged lulu saying sorry. They ran and ran and ran for a few months and finally reached Canada. They entered Canada and joined the school. 10 years pass~ "We would like to Thank all vampires for joining this vampire school. Eat well and live forever!" Vampire head master exclaimed. We clapped our hands in the air and cheered. 10 years pass and I learnt many thing.... now my only worry is eating a human in Korea when I go back. ______ silently thought. I want to stay with Kris and _____ forever. Luhan thought and promised tl stay with them. Protecting my two Treasure is priority in my life. Kris thought. Yes... we love each other and will do something for each other. I promise to never turn my back on them. Kris,luhan and _____ swear and smile at each other. I love you was the only think that comes in their head when they stared at each other. Yay! Finished! I know it's not a good one But... I completed this fic!Thank you for supporting this fic!Pls continue to support me for my other upcoming fics! sarangaheyo
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Pretty unexpected that luhan and _____ went together right?


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Your story is awesome!! ^_^ I went crazy for Luhan hihi cuz he's my bias in Exo-m kyaaaah!! I can't believe the girl ended up with him in the end =D
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 39: wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont kill kris you crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because he does not love your going to kill him how unreasonable??????????????
Chapter 35: your bad... you make me cry.... kekek just kidding but i really cry... i love your story... and update soon...
Chapter 31: Oh my! I wanna cry T^T
Chapter 31: Update soon! ^^
KagayakuHoshi #6
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ^.^ I missed this story
Chapter 29: Oh why L.joe~?! why~?!
please dun kill her ..
smile_to_me #8
Chapter 24: Forgot to say ... Thank you and update soon can't wait.
smile_to_me #9
Chapter 24: I want her to end up with someone else other than L.joe, kris, Luhan ... I mean I want some manly vampire to end up with her !!! <3 I really like the story !!!
Chapter 11: nooo i want her to end up with ljoe please!!!!!