The castle

People change....


luhan grabbed hold of my hand and ran out the room. As soon as I got out of the room, everyone stared at me. What? Is there something on my face? I look around but everyone still stared at me. 
"Hi...?" I waved awkwardly.
Suddenly, they all rushed forward to me.
"My dear gal are u alright?" 
"Do you need to me to do some agyeo to cheer you up?"
"Do you need anything?"
"Do you want me to perform for you?" 
These was all the questions I heard and it was soon getting on my nerves.
"I'm fine." I shouted.
Everyone immediately shut up and stared at me.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you all. But, how am I suppose to answer you all if all of you ask me at the same time?" I responded politely.
"Sorry..." They all muttered. Together! 
"Where are you two going?" Xiumin pointed at our hands and gave as the pedo look.
"Haha! Very funny xiumin! We are going to the castle." Luhan said and smiled exceptionally wide at xiumin.
"Enjoy your private time and don't do so much lovey dovey stuff there or kris will get angry." Chen blurted out.
"Kris will not be angry. He say he would never be angry with me if I go with luhan." I smiled proudly.
"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?" Xiumin questioned.
"He appeared in her dream." Luhan said and pouted.
They burst out laughing when they saw luhan pout.
"Why luhan? Jealous?" Lay teased.
"No!!!" Luhan quickly defended himself. 
"Okok guys stop teasing my man and let us go." I said irritatedly.
"Woooo~ she said 'my man'" Tao teased and smiled cheekily.
Luhan blushed furiously.
I just pulled luhan away from the crazy people and exited the house.
"Luhan, so how do we go to the castle?" I asked once we go out.
"Come, follow me." He smiled and leaded me.
We walked for approximately 2 hours and we finally reach on gate. It looks heavenly. When I look at the gate, I feel like I have died cause it looks like the gate to heavens. *touch wood* Luhan pushed open the gate and we entered the place. It has many beautiful flowers. I smelled the air slowing, enjoying every bit of it. Suddenly, I felt that u has smelt this before. I breathed in harder to get a better smell. Then I look down to examine the flowers. Then a picture of my dream popped out in my mind, thus making me stop at my tracks.
"Is there something wrong?" Luhan asked worriedly.
"I seen these flowers in my dream before." I said massaging my head.
"The kris dream?" Luhan asked.
I nodded. He hugged me lightly and brought me into the castle. We opened the door. I immediately wanted to tear. All the dead body where displayed on a bed. Behind everybody, there is a sign indicating the name of the person. I see many vampires standing next to some bodies. But one thing about them is that... They don't cry.
"Luhan... Why are those vampires there not crying? " I whispered.
"Cause, I told you... The person will appear in the dream or come alive for a short period of time." He whispered back.
I nodded obediently and followed luhan. We walked along a long corridor finally we stop. I wondered why we stopped. I turn to look at the sign and it says: Kris wu, leader of exom. 
I turn to look at the lifeless body. Luhan let go of my hand and my body walked towards kris. I sat on the bed and slowing carcassed his beautiful face. 
"Hi kris. I came to visit! I saw you in my dreams yesterday! Thank you so much..." I said trying not to cry. 
*sniff* *sniff* I turn back and saw luhan tearing. Seems like someone is crying faster than me.... 
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Pretty unexpected that luhan and _____ went together right?


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Your story is awesome!! ^_^ I went crazy for Luhan hihi cuz he's my bias in Exo-m kyaaaah!! I can't believe the girl ended up with him in the end =D
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 39: wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont kill kris you crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because he does not love your going to kill him how unreasonable??????????????
Chapter 35: your bad... you make me cry.... kekek just kidding but i really cry... i love your story... and update soon...
Chapter 31: Oh my! I wanna cry T^T
Chapter 31: Update soon! ^^
KagayakuHoshi #6
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ^.^ I missed this story
Chapter 29: Oh why L.joe~?! why~?!
please dun kill her ..
smile_to_me #8
Chapter 24: Forgot to say ... Thank you and update soon can't wait.
smile_to_me #9
Chapter 24: I want her to end up with someone else other than L.joe, kris, Luhan ... I mean I want some manly vampire to end up with her !!! <3 I really like the story !!!
Chapter 11: nooo i want her to end up with ljoe please!!!!!