Irritating l.joe

People change....


The awkward silence didn't end.... It's so... So... Awkward... Suddenly out of no where l.joe appeared.
"______?!? What are you doing here?" L.joe asked completely shocked that you were there. 
"What are you doing here?" You answered back, not bothering about his previous question.
"You answer me first." I.joe said.
You rolled your eyes and asked" why should I? You are not my boss." 
Then you two started bickering with each other. And the argument doesn't seem to end.... Out of the blue....
"Would you both STUP UP?!?!" Kris screamed. 
Both of you stared at him. Looking so fierce, you two obediently keep quiet and looked down. You two looked like children that has just been scolded by their father. 
"Kris.... You don't have to be so fierce on them." Luhan told kris in Chinese.
"Gege! They were so noisy!! And how did you know ___?" Kris asked in chinese,totally irritated by you two.
"We met in the forest. _____ said she wanted to know how you were doing. So I'm just helping her to find out. That's how we knew each other. And can you chill? You scaring them." Luhan replied in Chinese.
"Kay.... I should chill... I'm overreacting...." Kris muttered looking down.
"Erm.... Sorry to interrupt your conversation. I just want to ask you two to speak Korean. Cause I don't understand." L.joe said putting a hand on his hips.
"Only girls put their hands on their hips..." You whispered.
"I heard that! Please keep your comments to yourself!" L.joe exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes and sticked out your tongue at him.
"Can you please act your age?" L.joe asked, putting a hand on his hips again, tapping his fingers against his hips at the same time. 
"Can you please act more manly?" You retaliated. 
"You-" l.joe shouted and pointed a finger accusingly at you. But then someone stopped him.
"Ok. Will you both stop? I don't want you to start bickering again." Luhan commanded.
Kris looked at Luhan and smiled gratefully.
Luhan returned him a wide smile. And they stood there staring and smiling at each other for "what seems like forever"....
"You two look like gays...." L.joe muttered in disgust. 
"WHAT?!?" Luhan and kris screamed. 
"Nothing!!! Chill bros!" L.joe tried to calm them down.
They sent him death-glares, while l.joe tried to avoid them. You were just uncomfortably standing there, and you were wondering if they knew that you were there. 
"Guys... Do you know I'm here?" You asked, titling your head cutely.
No answer.... 
You pouted and looked away. 
No reaction....
"Yah! All of you! Can you all don't ignore me?!?" You screamed at their faces.
"Yah! Can you be more polite?!?" All three of them screamed in your face. 
You took three steps back, cause you were flabbergasted. All three of them turned and giggled. 
"Hey l.joe. What are you doing here?" Kris asked. 
"Me? I want to look for my friend, lay. He lives in the forest here so I want to talk to him." L.joe replied.
"Lay? He's my buddy!!" Luhan and kris exclaimed together. 
They looked and each other and smiled. 
"So where does lay live?" L.joe asked. 
"Oh. He lives with us." Luhan and kris said together.
They looked at each other and smiled genuinely. You looked at them and thought they were gay or something, but you shrugged that thoughts off as they can't possibly like each other. They keep ignoring you and that's making you very sad. You felt really extra there while l.joe, kris and luhan were bonding with each other. Finally someone talked to you.
"_____. We are going to go to luhan's house now. You want to come along?" L.joe asked.
You thought a while and looked down.
"If you feel insecure, then don't come." L.joe said coolly.
"Who says I feel insecure?" You crossed your arms and walked beside kris.
Kris lips curved into a wide smile and luhan saw it. He instantly knew that kris like you. He's slightly disappointed, cause he somehow has some weird feelings for both you and kris. 
Hello! Is the story weird? I hope it's not. I hope all of you will enjoy it! Please comment and subscribe! Check out my second fanfic! 
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Pretty unexpected that luhan and _____ went together right?


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Your story is awesome!! ^_^ I went crazy for Luhan hihi cuz he's my bias in Exo-m kyaaaah!! I can't believe the girl ended up with him in the end =D
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 39: wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont kill kris you crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because he does not love your going to kill him how unreasonable??????????????
Chapter 35: your bad... you make me cry.... kekek just kidding but i really cry... i love your story... and update soon...
Chapter 31: Oh my! I wanna cry T^T
Chapter 31: Update soon! ^^
KagayakuHoshi #6
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ^.^ I missed this story
Chapter 29: Oh why L.joe~?! why~?!
please dun kill her ..
smile_to_me #8
Chapter 24: Forgot to say ... Thank you and update soon can't wait.
smile_to_me #9
Chapter 24: I want her to end up with someone else other than L.joe, kris, Luhan ... I mean I want some manly vampire to end up with her !!! <3 I really like the story !!!
Chapter 11: nooo i want her to end up with ljoe please!!!!!