I saw kris today!!!

People change....


Your pov 
"Wake up!!! Lazy daughter!!!!! You are gonna be late for school!!!!!" Dad shouted crossing his arms. Well.... Today is new... Dad is the one waking me up... Usually is umma... Ah... I don't care."Wh-what?! I don't.... Care Appa.... I'm tired.... I wanna sleep longer...." I replied half asleep. "Get up now!!!" Appa shouted angrily. Now, I'm scared. I'm always scared of him when he's angry. I raced to the toilet and washed up. After changing, I ran down the stairs in lighting speed and to find mother cooking breakfast. What the?!?! I'm about to be late or school and she is still cooking breakfast? "Oh! ____-ah! You are so early today! You still have 1 hour before school starts." Umma said. What?!?? 1 more hour?!?! Just then I heard someone laughing. Dad..... HE IS SOOOO DEAD!!!!! "You should have seen your face! Haha!!! I'm so good at acting!! I should become an actor!!!" My father joked. Haha very funny... "APPA!!!! I'm so damn tired your know?!?!" I screamed and went to him to hit his shoulder hardly. "It doesn't hurt you know?"He said and burst out laughing. "Honey.... I you should stop... She's really tired.... Don't do it again.... Ok?" Umma told Appa as she set out breakfast on the table. He made an 'ok' sign and turned to face me. I had this very blank expression. "I'm sorry my dear.... Forgive Appa ok?" Appa said putting his hands on my shoulder. "Ok!" I smiled. "But.... You know just now...when you wake up.... Your expression was priceless!!!" Appa burst out laughing again. I rolled my eyes and went to eat my breakfast. After I'm done I waved goodbye to my parents. Just then I saw something in the bushes the same red coloured eye was looking at me,once its saw me he disappeared. I was curious so... I walked towards the bushes..... I don't see anything... I continue walking. There is this small little road that leads into the forest. That road is located in between the bushes. I carefully walked into the forest.... This is my first time in the forest.... So I'm pretty scared. 
Kris pov
What the heck is she doing here?!? In the forest?!? She saw me.... But.... I didn't know she will come to find me.... What if she doesn't know how to go out? What if she meets Tao or xiumin? What if they bite her? What if... What if.... She finds me? Please don't find me... I may bite her too. I'm starting to panic. Just she turned her head and she saw me. Her lips curved into a smile. I miss her smile....
Your pov
I found it!! I found it!! I'm gonna catch it! I only can see the eyes... I always cannot see the body. I want to keep it as my pet! I smile. Then I went forward to it. It stayed frozen. Yes! Maybe I really can finally catch it! "Hi! I'm ____.... Erm... I don't know what you are so I'm just speaking Korean cause I don't speak dog or cat languages.... Can you please come out?" I said sweetly. What the heck! Talking to the animal.... Animals don't speak Korean. "Please leave...." That thing said. Did it just spoke?!? "Oh my gosh! You speak Korean?!? Wow you are the first animal that spoke to me!!" I shouted in amazement. " ..... Please leave...." It said again.
Kris pov.
Animal?!?! Oh ya.... I'm not a human... I'm a vampire... But still I feel insulted! Animal.... "Please leave..." I told her. Her face fell. I'm sorry ____. I don't want to hurt you.... "But.... I'm lost... I came here to find you.... This is the first time I'm in the forest... So... I don't know how to go out...." She said rubbing the back of her neck. She's so cute!!! "Can you come out? So you can lead me back?" She said fiddling with her fingers. She really knows how to melt my heart.... I'm full today so... I think I can control. I stepped out of my hiding place and stood in front of her.
Your pov
He is out of his hiding place!!! Woohoo!! Oh my gosh! He's so.... My heart is beating very fast now!! He's so handsome!!!! He's so charming!!! He look so perfect!!! He looks kinda familiar.... His so so familiar..... I got this feeling that we knew each other before. "What? You never seen such a handsome man before right?" He said smirking. That smirk is familiar.... "Wh-what!? No no! It's just that.... Never mind...." I said looking away. "Ok...." He said. "May I know your name?" I asked. "Er... Er... I'm.... I'm...." He stuttered. He's so cute when he stutter. He's gonna lie to me about his name I guess. "I'm Kevin! Nice too meet you!" He said awkwardly. "Really? You look like someone...." I said. I took out my phone and then went to check my pictures. My young pictures... Eh?!?! I looked at my phone and then at Kevin. He looks like kris!! "Are you sure you are Kevin?" I asked suspiciously. "Huh? Y-ya! Duh!" He said stuttering.Kris does that too.... When he's lying he stutter... "Liar.... Kris... Stop lying..." I said smirking. He's eyes want wide open. "W-what?! No!! I'm not kris!" He said laughing awkwardly. "Stop lying!!!" I said. I went forward to him and hugged him tightly." I miss you sooooooooooooooo much kris!!!!" I said squeezing him. He hugged me back and squeeze me back. "You are so smart....." He said. Duh!! I'm always smart.... 
Kris pov
This is the first time she's hugging me. I miss her sooooooo much too... She's so smart to know who am i.... I love her warmth.... I wish this moment will never end.... Just then her phone rang "Hello? .... Hey l.joe! .... Where am I? At my secret hideout! ..... You can't find me.... ..... Don't find me! ..... Go to school! .... I will meet you there k? Bye!" She said.
Your pov
 Kris stared at me with his blood shot eyes. "Kris.... Why are you always in the bushes?" I asked. "Hey I think you need to go to school I will lead you out of the forest k? Come on." He ignored my question. Why is he avoiding my question? I walked behind him then we reached back to the bushes. "Hey.... When can I meet you again?" I asked. "Maybe.... Never.... I don't know...." He muttered but I heard everything. I went up to him and hugged him again. "Please don't go again.... At least tell me where I can meet you... Please?" I said and quietly sobbed. Immediately he looked down at me and said"Don't cry ok? Erm... We will meet again... If you can find me ok? Now stop crying...." He said sweetly while my hair. Please don't leave me again.... Kris please don't.... "I won't leave you! Ok? I'm always there for you.... Wherever you go... Wherever you are.... I'm there even if you can't see me. Ok? I'm always here for you my friend... And... Follow your heart and be yourself... That way you will be happier.... So be happy and live your life to the fullest! Whatever you do... I will support you! Fighting! Be happy! And be yourself!" Kris said calmly and hugged me tighter.Thank you my friend.... "I guess you need to go...." Kris said breaking the hug. "Oh ya! I will be going now! Bye!" I told him and waved at him. 
L.joe pov
Where is she?!? She said that she's at school.... Well.... i guess...Where the heck is she?!? Class gonna start!!! Then I saw her running into the school. She panting and tried to catch her breath but then smiled. I ran up to her and shouted"Where have you been?!? I have been searching for you like.... For half and hour?!?" "Chill man!" She said smiling. And walked towards our classroom. When i sat down beside her, she is still smiling. She's really smiling like a fool!!! Like seriously? Have she gone nuts? Or is she just damn happy today? Although she's smiling like a weirdo.... Her smile is beautiful.... I love It..... "What's wrong with you today?"I asked curiously. "I met my best friend today!!" She shouted excitedly. Everyone looked at her weirdly. 
Your pov.
 I stood up and apologized. They smiled and looked away. I sat down and smile again thinking about kris.... Why does kris have red eyes? It's creepy.... As i was thinking....I didn't realize that l.joe was staring at me. 
L.joe pov
She must be thinking about her best friend.... He/she must be a nice person to be ____'s best friend.... I'm jealous of him/her....
Hi!! This is kyuhae4ever :) Thank you all for reading and commenting :D please continue to read and comment!! And feel free to point out my mistakes :) I will check the results of the poll on 31 December 2012. I hope you enjoy the fanfic. :) please continue to support this fanfic!! Thank you! Xie xie!! Kamsahamnida!
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Pretty unexpected that luhan and _____ went together right?


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Your story is awesome!! ^_^ I went crazy for Luhan hihi cuz he's my bias in Exo-m kyaaaah!! I can't believe the girl ended up with him in the end =D
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 39: wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont kill kris you crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because he does not love your going to kill him how unreasonable??????????????
Chapter 35: your bad... you make me cry.... kekek just kidding but i really cry... i love your story... and update soon...
Chapter 31: Oh my! I wanna cry T^T
Chapter 31: Update soon! ^^
KagayakuHoshi #6
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ^.^ I missed this story
Chapter 29: Oh why L.joe~?! why~?!
please dun kill her ..
smile_to_me #8
Chapter 24: Forgot to say ... Thank you and update soon can't wait.
smile_to_me #9
Chapter 24: I want her to end up with someone else other than L.joe, kris, Luhan ... I mean I want some manly vampire to end up with her !!! <3 I really like the story !!!
Chapter 11: nooo i want her to end up with ljoe please!!!!!