-Chapter 14-

Shadows of Infinity

-Chapter 14-

"Sunggyu hyung don't you think we should stop soon and rest for the night?" Sungjong said in a tired voice. 

"I am not tried so we are going to keep moving. We want to cover the most ground today.  It is better to be ahead then far behind" Sunggyu said in a cold voice. Part of him wanted to stop, but that will only show weakness in Woohyun's eyes, "Where is Sungyeol?"

"He is probably swinging from trees!" Sungjong said with chuckled.

"Such a childish fool." Myungsoo said with his arms crossed.  He looked at Sunggyu and sighed.  Myungsoo could see the dark circles under his eyes.  He knew that the older man wasn't sleeping.  Myungsoo wondered where Sunggyu went after they talked last night.

"Do you want me to find him Gyuzizi?" Dongwoo asked.

"No, I need you here Dongwoo." Sunggyu said trying not to yawn. "L go find Sungyeol and bring him back here this instant."

"Nehh hyung." Myungsoo said as he rode off into the woods.   He wondered where that fool was.  Myungsoo hoped that Sungyeol was not causing any trouble like he normally does.

"Hyung I think we should stop and rest for the night.  It is already getting late." Dongwoo said as he caught up to Sunggyu.

"We need to keep moving." Sunggyu said in a grumpy voice. 

"HYUNG!" Dongwoo raised his voice, "You look like crap and you need some rest.  You were up all night last night doing who knows what.  You may be my hyung, but you need to know you limit."

"Dongwoo..." Sunggyu glared at him.

"You're an idiot." Dongwoo said as he motioned his horse to go in front of Sunggyu's, "You're judgment is clouded."

"Wow, this is the first time you are seeing what I am seeing Dongwoo hyung." Woohyun smirked as he looked at the older man.

Dongwoo's eyes darted towards Woohyun, "This is partly your fault.  If you keep picking fights with people and running your mouth then this team is going to..."

"Jang Dongwoo shut up." Sunggyu said in a tired voice, "I am sick of everyone arguing.  We will stop soon.  We just need to find the right location to set up camp."

"Will you rest when we find the campsite?" Dongwoo asked.

"I will..." Sunggyu lied.


Miyoung looked at Hoya, "Tell me why you are always getting in a fight with Woohyun?" She sighed when Hoya would not look at her.  Miyoung stood up from her seat and sat down next to Hoya who was opposite of her. 

Hoya slide over and continued to try to ignore Miyoung.  He did not want the princess to see his weak side.  Hoya flinched when he felt Miyoung's hand on his cheek.  She turned his head and sighed, "Someone needs to teach Woohyun a lesson."

"Sunggyu hyung already yelled at him." Hoya said, "I should have controlled my angry."

"Howon, you are only human.  It is alright to get angry, but you should not resort to violence."  Miyoung smiled weakly and looked at Hoya's eye.  "That look like it hurts."

"Noona I'm fine." Hoya said as he removed her hand from his face.  "It will heal in time.  We are ninja's and have many battle wounds."

Miyoung sighed, "Are you keeping things from me? Why is Sunggyu having all of you watch me like I am some sort of prisoner?"

"He is scared that you are going to be attacked again.  We all are, noona." Hoya said with a weak smile.  "We are just taking precautions."

"Sunggyu is worried? You got to be joking!" Miyoung stood up and returned to her side of the carriage.  She sat down and crossed his arms. 

"He has not been sleeping well lately.  I don't even think he has been sleeping at all.  I think there is something on his mind.  Please don't be angry with him noona. He is just doing his job and hyung has a lot of responsibilities since he is the leader."

Miyoung's eyes narrowed as she looked at Hoya.  It worried her that Sunggyu was not sleeping.  She sighed and decided not to talk to Hoya anymore.  She decided to close her eyes for a bit.


"Sungyeol..." Myungsoo called out as he rode through the woods.  He came to a stop when he heard a noise.  Myungsoo placed a hand on his sword.

Myungsoo heard another noise and felt someone land on the back of his horse, hugging him. Myungsoo looked back and sighed when he saw Sungyeol. "..."

"Myunggie what are you doing here? Did you miss me?" Sungyeol said as he continued to hug Myungsoo.

"I was asked to find you! Now let go of me." Myungsoo said in an annoyed voice.  He could not believe that they made him find Sungyeol.  Myungsoo knew that this was going to happen.  Sungyeol was always looking for attention.

"My horse is leading the carriage.  I don't have any way to get back." Sungyeol said cutely.

"FINE!" Myungsoo said in an annoyed tone.  He started to ride back to where the others were.  He did not like the feeling her was getting.  Myungsoo was not going to ignore it.


Dongwoo ordered the boys to set up camp, "Yahhh Kim Sunggyu.  I told you not to do anything. Sit down hyungnim."

"Dongwoo I need to do something I cannot just sit around and do nothing!" Sunggyu looked at the younger man.

"You should listen to him Sunggyu." Miyoung said as she walked over to him with her arms crossed.  Miyoung studied Sunggyu and could tell that he was really tired.  "Stop acting all high and mighty you stupid hamster."

"Is this anyway a princess should talk?" Sunggyu said as he looked at Miyoung, "Don't call me a hamster."

"If you will not listen to Dongwoo then I order you to rest." Miyoung said in an annoyed voice.  "We need to talk."

"Now you want to talk? I thought you wanted to have nothing to do with me." Sunggyu said in a grumpy voice.

"It is better to talk things out then be mad at someone, and ignore them." Miyoung smiled weakly. "How about we go on a walk?"

an - hey everyone here is another update.  I hope you like it. *throws hearts* A few more chapters in the woods.  Who do you want to be the person that Miyoung is meeting? ENJOY!

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Shadows of Infinite = My update should be coming soon. It accidently got deleated so I have to reweite it T^T


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Chapter 33: kyaaaa~ I love this story so much the genre and everything >.< the character is very suitable, just like it so much >.<
naznew #2
Chapter 32: kya...i like this ending...
i can't stop smile...^_________^
i like how henry defeated..
sungjong lost control..

chukhae for finished this awesome story...
kamsahamnida *bow*
naznew #3
Chapter 29: kya~they kissed...
omo..who that man?
naznew #4
Chapter 28: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..
Sunggyu and minyoung so stuborn..
Please update again..
Chapter 27: Hope that the voices weren't the stupid evil guys. I like Woohyun like this.