Their thoughts

The One You Love The Most


It was already getting late when Chanyeol decided to send Yeo Hee home. After a thirty minute drive from the restaurant, the two already reached the apartment.


“Why don’t you get in first?” Yeo Hee asked.


“It’s okay. D.O might be sleeping already.”




“Yes, I preferred calling him D.O than Kyungsoo…” he said with a grin.


“Aww, that’s so cute…” she giggled.


“Yes, I’m so cute…” he chuckled.


“You’re really funny…” and then they burst out with laughter.


All of sudden, Chanyeol stopped from laughing and just looked at Yeo Hee. He was completely amazed with the way she laughed.


“You’re so beautiful.” He suddenly uttered.


Yeo Hee’s laughter slowly faded too and she felt her cheeks burning with what he said. She looked at him too and there was sudden silence between them. She got conscious so she quickly looked away and cleared . What is this? She thought as she felt how her heart beat with the way he looked at her.


“Ahm, well, gomawo…”


“Thank you too. I really had a lot of fun. And I hope that this is not the last time we will see each other.” Chanyeol said.


“Of course, like what I’ve told you, we’re friends now. If you need some help or want someone to tour you around, don’t hesitate to call me. If Kyungsoo is busy, I’ll do my best to help you.” She sweetly said.


Chanyeol just smiled with her thoughtful words.


“Anyway, I have to go in now. It’s already getting late.”




Yeo Hee finally went out the car and bid good bye to Chanyeol as he drove away.




Yeo Hee slowly entered the dorm and made sure not to make any noise. When she reached her room, she still couldn’t put out the smile on her face. It’s been a while when she last smile like this. She took her laptop out and turned it on. She was excited to tell her diary about what happened today.


Dear diary,

            Today, I met Chanyeol again. At first, I thought going to this date would be a bad thing, but it wasn’t. Chanyeol is such a great guy. Handsome, pretty face with deep voice, fun to be with…and his tall. You know that I have a thing for tall guys, right? He almost has everything I’m looking for my ideal guy…

            Kyungsoo is already sleeping now. It seems like he doesn’t really care about my date at all. Anyway, I’m just gonna go with the flow. Let’s see what this has in store for me. Good night.


And she smiled as she saved the file.




Another day came and in university, Yeo Hee was talking to Eun Mi in the corridor. She told her about her date last night and how it went.


“OMO! So he has a handsome face with a deep voice, a gentleman, funny and tall?! Wow, that sounds like he’s your ideal man.” Eun Mi said.


“Well, yes.”


“Wow! I’m so happy for you. It seems like you’re finally going to move on from your feelings for Kyungsoo.”


“Mollayo~” she frowned when she heard his name again.


“Wae? Just be happy. Fate must be helping you out already. It’s a sign. The one you love, is the one who set you up to this guy, who happens to have everything you’re looking for.” She said.


Yeo Hee sighed and thought that Eun Mi could be really right.




Kyungsoo was quietly reading his notes in the corridor when a call from Chanyeol came. He quickly picked it up since he wanted to ask him a lot of questions about what happened last night.


“Hey, D.O!”  he excitedly greeted him.


“Hey Chanyeol! What’s up?”


“I’m good. Ahm, are you with Yeo Hee?”


“She’s not here. She’s on her class right now. Wae?”


“Nothing…  just asking.”


“Why don’t you call her?”


“I don’t know what to tell her…” then he giggled.


“Araseo. By the way, how was your date last night?”


“It was the best night of my life!” Chanyeol exclaimed. Kyungsoo furrowed his eye brows as he thought of something weird about Chanyeol’s reaction.


“Wae? What happened?” He suspiciously asked.


“It was the best night because Yeo Hee is such an amazing lady. You didn’t tell me that your best friend is so beautiful.”


With the tone of Chanyeol’s voice, Kyungsoo could sense that they really had a great time with their date last night.


“Yah! Park Chanyeol! I told you to take good care of my best friend, you just met her last night but don’t tell me you’re already hitting on her?”


“Here we go again, chill D.O! I told you, I have already changed. And I’m just saying the truth, Yeo Hee is so beautiful and sweet. I don’t believe in “love at first sight”, but I think I do now.”


“Mwo!?” Kyungsoo couldn’t take it anymore.


Chanyeol just laughed at how Kyungsoo reacted with every word he said. “Anyway, I have to do something, I’ll talk to you later. Bye!” then he hung up.



Kyungsoo walked his way home. He was still deeply thinking about his conversation with his cousin.


“Could it be possible that he’s already in love with her? But… but he just met her. But… so what if he’s already in love with Yeo Hee? Isn’t that great?” he said as he kept on walking.


“But seriously, what’s wrong with me? What is this?” he let out a heavy sigh.


As he entered the apartment, he saw Yeo Hee reading her book in the living room. She immediately felt his presence so as she turned to face him, she greeted him with a smile.


“You’re home! How’s school?” she asked, still smiling. She looks so happy today, perhaps it because of their date last night. He thought as he noticed the huge smile on her face.


“It’s fine. The semester break is coming so we haven’t done anything much today. How about you?” he asked, returning the question.


“Everything’s fine too.” She simply answered as she focused back on her book.


Kyungsoo just nodded. He suddenly remembered the question he would want to ask her.


“So, how was your date last night? I’m so sorry, I got really sleepy so I went to bed early.” He excused.


“I thought you wouldn’t ask. I had a fun time. Chanyeol is such a fun person to be with. There were no dull moments while we were having our dinner and even on our way home.” She said.


“So, he drove you home? That’s good to hear.” Kyungsoo said, smiling.


It seems like he really likes this idea of me dating his cousin. Yeo Hee thought. Suddenly her phone rang and she quickly picked it up.




“Hey Yeo Hee!”


“Oh! Chanyeol!” she could easily tell the person on the other line because of his distinctive voice.


“Yes, it’s me! Are you free today?” he quickly asked.


“Ahm. Pretty much. Wae?”


“Let’s meet! There’s a movie I want to see, but I’m not really sure where I should go. You know, I’m not really familiar with some places here now.” He said with a huge grin on his face.


“Araseo! Let’s just meet up next to this café near the hotel you’re living in.” she said.


“Alright! See yah!” With that, they hang up.


“Are you meeting up with Chanyeol again?” Kyungsoo suddenly spoke up as he watched her looked at her phone.


“Ne.” and she pursed her lips.


“I see. Well, you enjoy and just let me know if you’ll have your dinner here or not.” He casually reminded her before standing up and walking to his room.


When he was finally inside his room, Yeo Hee’s smile faded as she felt that Kyungsoo just completely let her to meet Chanyeol again – without any protest.


“He’s right Yeo Hee. Just enjoy it. Eventually, you’ll forget these feelings you have for him.” She uttered, talking to herself again.




Author's note:

Annyeonghaseyo! I'm going to make this short since I just got home and it's already late. Hahaha! I just really want to keep my promise to you guys. Another chapter is here! ^^

So, have you been in this kind of situation where you're happy and sad at the same time? I've had that a lot. And it's really tough... OTL

Anyway, one more thing before I go, I just turned 22 this month, so if you're younger than me... feel free to call me "unnie"/ "eonni" (if you prefer to). I have no problems with that because I also love being called "unnie"/"eonni". :D

How about us? Can we also call you "unnie"?

Hello READERS! <3

Aish Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and wait,'re not supposed to be here yet? And no, you can't call me that! >_< It's just like how you screamed "oppa" to Donghae and Eunhyuk in their showcase. OTL




Alright, don't mind these boys. But even though how dorky they are -- I really love them. They're like my vitamins. Hahaha!

So what do you think about this chapter? This might be too early to ask but...

Do you like Kyungsoo's character?

Or is it Chanyeol who's getting your attention right now? 

Please let me know.

Saranghaeyo! <3

*credits to all the owners of these gifs.


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Thank you!
I will continue to work on the other chappies. For the meantime, please continue to wait for my updates! Thanks u so much guys!


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exominyeo #1
Hi unnie :) I really like this fanfic since 2013, its been 5 years. All of a sudden, I just remembered this fanfic so I immediately logged in to my account (thankfully I still remember my password) to check if its already completed, unfortunately, it was not. We all want to know the end of this fanfic. Im not pressuring u or something but , if u finally have the time to update please do so. Thank you :) <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Unnieeee come back :'(
we miss youuuuu~~~
exominyeo #3
Please update soon its been a year since you had last updated i really like this fanfic please :( im still waiting for your update :)
Chapter 42: Unnie, we miss you TT. TT
Chapter 42: Unnie, take your time! don't worry! We will wait for you patiently. :)
pinkyway #6
Chapter 41: chanyeol told yeohee bt his sickness ah i smell something drama here
kyungsoo finally know her diary omggg what will happen if yeohee find out O.O
Chapter 41: Finally kyungsoo read her diary! Aaa so excited,can't wait for next chap
Chapter 41: The hairstyles are.. random. I didn't recognise Chanyeol at all first. >///<

I felt really really sad for the old man. But he really loved his wife! ;_; And DO found her diary! I was so shocked! what will be the plot twist? I am dying to know unnie!