Valentine's Day Part III

The One You Love The Most






"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" The professor asked Kyungsoo as he declined to join the celebration.


"Ne, seonsaengnim." he said.


His professor and the performers went ahead and he just walked his way to the bus station alone. He nonchalantly strolled down the street while his mind was elsewhere.


I need to go home now because Yeo Hee might be waiting for me already. He told himself. But he knew better that he was just making it up. He was trying to avoid the possibility that Yeo Hee and Chanyeol were actually together now... that Yeo Hee finally chose to be with Chanyeol.



Chanyeol and Yeo Hee were enjoying the luscious dinner that the hotel's chef prepared for them. The big grand ball got filled with their laughter as Yeo Hee and Chanyeol shared what they felt for the whole day.


"You have no idea how nervous I was on my way here. I thought that the driver was going to kidnap me and the receptionist was going to lock me inside the room." She narrated.


"I think you're watching too much suspense movies, don't you think?" Chanyeol said while he couldn't stop laughing.


"I know right? But I was really scared not until you showed up. I felt relieved when I realized that it was you who did all of these." she suddenly confessed. Chanyeol's laughter seized when he heard her words. For some reason, he felt good about it. It really felt good. A little smile crept on his face as she watched Yeo Hee. He noticed the dress he chose for her and how perfectly it fit her.


"What?" She asked, feeling conscious about his stares.


"You're so beautiful...always beautiful." He uttered. Yeo Hee blushed with his random sweet words. She pursed her lips before she took a sip on her drink.


As they went on their conversation, a romantic song started playing in the background. It caught Yeo Hee’s attention and it made her stop suddenly. As she looked around to find where the music was coming, Chanyeol stood from his seat and went to her. As he stretched his hand to her, Yeo Hee furrowed her eyebrows, confused.


“May I have this dance?” Chanyeol asked, showing his signature smile.


Yeo Hee giggled with how he threw his question. He sure is being the most romantic tonight, huh? She thought. She slowly put her hands to his and let him lead to the dance floor.


“I’m not really good at this so you better lead me.” Yeo Hee muttered. Chanyeol smiled as a response and began to hold her hand. He gently put her arms to his neck and wrapped his to her waist. They slowly swayed to the rhythm of the music as Chanyeol lovingly stared at her.


“You’re doing it again.” She said.


“Doing what?”


“That…that look.” She pronounced, trying to look away.


“I can’t help it. You look so beautiful and I won’t get tired staring at you.”


Yeo Hee just chuckled with what he said because she didn’t have anything to say.




Kyungsoo stood at the bus station, still, staring at nothing. He couldn’t move on from the fact that Yeo Hee had really forgotten about the concert and didn’t even receive any call or message from her. She must be having fun right now.

As he waited for the next bus, a couple stood just beside him. He noticed how sweet they were as they held each other’s hand and talked about their date for this day. Kyungsoo tried to divert his attention to other things but he failed.


When the bus finally arrived, Kyungsoo hurriedly rode to escape the awkward environment. He chose to sit at the very back, next to the window so he could have more time to think. When he was already comfortably sitting, an old man suddenly caught his attention.


“May I sit here with you son?” He politely asked with his warm smile.


Kyungsoo looked up and smiled back as a response, “Ne halbae!” he said.


As the old man sat beside him, Kyungsoo noticed the red rose he was holding. He smiled with a thought that it must be present for his wife so he couldn’t help but ask.


“Is that for your wife?” He asked, looking at the red rose.


“Ah, this one. Yes. It’s a special day so I need to make her feel that she’s also special.” The old man replied.


“She will be happy once she receives that, for sure.” Kyungsoo commented.


“Yes. She loves roses. I actually give her one every day but today’s extra special so I also bought her favorite dish.” The old man happily said. “How about you? Do you have a present for your girl friend?”


Kyungsoo bitterly chuckled with the stranger’s question. “I don’t have a girl friend halbae. But I actually planned of confessing to her today. Unfortunately, things didn’t happen as planned.” He told.


“Aigoo. Is that the reason why you’re wearing this frown today?” The old man nodded his head with understanding and sighed with this young lad’s misfortune. “Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?”


“Yes, halbae.”


“Well, if you didn’t make it today, for sure there’s a reason behind it.” The old man said, trying to make him feel better.


“But I think I already know the reason. Maybe because, we’re not really meant for each other. Maybe because, she’s meant to be with someone else.” Kyungsoo muttered as he controlled his tears.


“How much do you love this girl?” The old man continued to ask.


“I love her…so much that I couldn’t explain it. We’ve been together since we were young. She was there when I needed someone to make me laugh, to share problems with, to cheer for me, to take care of me and I never left her side too.” Kyungsoo heaved a sighed before he continued. “I’m such a coward to admit it but I’ve been in love with her since the first time I met her. But I don’t want to lose her so I chose to be her “best friend” so I could always be there.” He confessed.


The old man carefully listened to him. “Just because you didn’t get the chance today – doesn’t mean you won’t get the chance anymore.”


“But what if she chose to be with someone else? It only means that I should stop right?”


“No. You should not stop.”


Kyungsoo looked at the old man and his warm smile made him feel better. “But halbae, when do you know if it’s the right time to stop?”


“When your heart stops from loving…” he said, “…that’s when you stop. If your heart keeps on loving this person, then you should keep fighting for her. But if you give up now, that’s the time that you could say that battle is over.” He encouraged him. Kyungsoo pondered upon his words and when he was about to ask one more question, the old man had to get off the bus.


“So son, my destination is here.” As the old man stood up, Kyungsoo stopped him.


“Halbae, I have one more question. Will you ever stop giving your wife a rose every day?”


“No. Never. I promised her that I will do this every day…even though, she already passed away.” The old man said and smiled at him again before he turned his back. Kyungsoo was stunned with what he just found out. As he looked outside the window, the old man was waving at him so he waved back.




“Kamsahamnida halbae…”




“Chanyeol, what time is it?” Yeo Hee asked him as they went back on their seats.


“It’s quarter to 10.” He said after checking his watch. “Time flies so fast.” He added.


“Omo! The Valentine concert!” She blurted out as she remembered the concert her best friend told her about.


“What concert?”


“We have this Valentine’s Day concert at school where Kyungsoo is one of the performers. Chanyeol, can I borrow your phone?” she asked him since her phone went dead. Chanyeol pulled out his phone and handed it to her. Yeo Hee quickly dialed Kyungsoo’s number but for some reason she couldn’t reach it. Chanyeol could see how worried she was as she kept on trying to dial Kyungsoo’s number.


“Don’t worry too much. I’m pretty sure he will understand.” He said.


“But I promised him…” she already gave up on dialing Kyungsoo’s number and frowned. Chanyeol walked up to her seat and bent over to touch her chin.


“I told you not to worry. I’ll let him know that you’re with me, okay? Please smile now.” He said. She slowly pursed her lips and formed a little smile.


“But Chanyeol, it’s already getting late. I think you should send me home now because Kyungsoo might be already waiting for me.” She said.




Kyungsoo already arrived in their apartment. As he walked inside, he lazily put down his bag on the couch and looked around the house. He noticed that Yeo Hee wasn’t home yet so he felt disheartened again. He went straight to the kitchen to grab a drink. He checked his phone again to see if he received any messages from Yeo Hee. But instead of Yeo Hee’s numbers, he saw three missed calls from Chanyeol.


“They must be really together.” He uttered. He thought of calling him for a confirmation but he was too scared to hear it. He went back to the living room and decided to turn the TV on. He mindlessly surfed on the channels, but the thought of Yeo Hee and Chanyeol didn’t leave his mind. He threw the remote control on his side and laid his back on the couch with his eyes shut. I can’t do this anymore. He thought.


Because of too much anxiety, Kyungsoo just thought of going to his room and sleep. However, when he was about get inside his room, he noticed Yeo Hee’s door slightly opened. I miss her. He thought as he stared blankly at her room’s door. He decided to check her room first and look around.


His eyes were surprised to see her room very neat and organized. He sat on her bed and noticed how the pillows were arranged. Kyungsoo smiled as he remembered how he used to pick her up from the bed when she was having a hard time to wake up.


“She has really changed. She’s starting to do things by herself now.” He said. His eyes continued to wander and found her laptop on the study table. He knows that Yeo Hee doesn’t like him going through her things – especially her laptop. He suddenly had a flashback of how she reacted one time when she saw him holding her laptop. He tried to refuse the idea that was starting to bug him but… I think she wouldn’t be so mad if I checked it just this time. He convinced himself.


He stood up from the bed and walked to the study table. He easily the laptop. Again, he found the folder that was entitled “Confidential” on her desktop. He knew that it was password-protected but he still wanted to try if he could open the folder.


He tried using Yeo Hee’s birthday but it did not accept it. For the second attempt, he used her mom’s full name but it still failed. Kyungsoo tried it again for third and the fourth time…and again, he still couldn’t get it. After several attempts, an error message popped up on the screen that he only had one last chance to try it again. He ran out of ideas so for his last attempt he just decided to type his name.


“Do Kyungsoo…” and as he clicked on the ENTER button, his eyes widened when he saw another pop-up message.









Chanyeol decided to send Yeo Hee home but as they walked along the hotel hallway, Chanyeol remembered to tell her one last thing.


“Yeo Hee…” he called.




“I know that I already told you this before but I want to say it again…






… I really love you.”


Yeo Hee paused from walking as she heard his words with sincerity. She looked up to him and couldn’t seem to find the “Happy Virus” in him at that moment.


“I really love you…”, he repeated, “…and because of that, I think you deserve to know everything about me.”


“What do you mean?” she asked.


“Yeo Hee… I’m sick. I was diagnosed with a heart disease since I was ten. I’m dying.” Chanyeol admitted. Yeo Hee’s eyes popped out after she heard what he said. She got utterly shocked with his revelation but she shook her head as she tried to deny it.


“You’re just kidding right?” she said, trying her best not to cry.


“I-I wish I was just kidding. I wish it’s not true. But it is… I’m sorry if I just told you about this.” Chanyeol bowed his head. His smile and laughter were changed with his sincere and remorseful look. Yeo Hee wasn’t able to hold her tears back and as she wept in front of him, Chanyeol embraced her.


“Please don’t cry. I’m not telling you this because I want you to be sad.” He gently whispered and rubbed her hair.


“B-But…why? Why did you have to be so nice to me? Why did you have to smile every time you see me? Why did you have to hide all of these?” she threw her question, still sobbing on his chest.


“Because that’s the only thing I could do.” He pulled away from hugging her and wiped her tears. “Listen to me, I need you. Tomorrow, I will have my bypass surgery. I’ve been thinking about it because I was too scared to see what would be the outcome. But if you’d be there, I know I’d be able to get through this.”


“Of course! Of course, I’ll be there! You’ll get through this! You’re going to live, araji?” She said putting back the smile on her face. She realized that she needed to be stronger to motivate and encourage Chanyeol.






Dear diary,


A lot of things happened lately. I just learnt about Eun Mi's feelings for Baekhyun. I didn't really expect that she would seriously fall in love with him. But Baekhyun already left last week and Eun Mi told she was able to confess to him.


At some point, I felt envious toward her bravery. I wish I had the same courage to admit my true feelings. Yes. Until now, I still can't get over him. I still can't get over Kyungsoo...


Kyungsoo was completely dazed with what he just read. He found out that this certain folder contained Yeoo Hee’s diary and everything about him. He browsed through the dates and looked for the month when Yeo Hee hadn’t met Chanyeol yet.



Dear Diary,


Today, Eun Mi told me about “sogeting” or blind date. She suggested it since I really want to get these feelings I have for him. But I’m not sure if it’s really a good idea. Does it make me look desperate? Don’t you think so? But Eun Mi could also be right – It’s about time for me to date some other guys.


 Kyungsoo-ah! Why can’t you feel it? Why can’t you see that I love you not just because you’re my best friend??


Neol saranghae… jeongmal neol saranghae Kyungsoo-ah….




“S-She loves me…ever since.  She’s been in love with me.” He uttered. “How come I didn’t even notice it?” Kyungsoo began to get filled with regrets with what he just discovered. Tears ran down his eyes as he realized the chances he missed.


All of a sudden, he remembered what the old man told him earlier.


 “ If your heart keeps on loving this person, then you should keep fighting for her. But if you give up now, that’s the time that you could say that battle is over.”


That’s right! I should not stop! I’ll wait for her and tell her that I love her too.




Author's note:

And there you have it! Gaaah! So far, the last two chapters I posted were the longest chapters I've ever written. 

Again, thank you so much for patiently waiting for my updates. As I checked my subbies, I'm actually grateful to see that I'm gaining more readers (because I actually thought that I'd lose you guys... OTL)

Anyway, a lot of things happened here. So let us take a break for a moment.

Chanyeol already did it!

Kyungsoo found Yeo Hee's diary!

Yeo Hee, what are you going to do now?

I know you guys have the same question, especially this one..




*nods nods* That's my question too. Because, I haven't written the next chapter yet. Haha! But don't worry, I have everything planned inside my head. *winks*


As you noticed, we have reached the 40th chapter, so we are opening another part of this story. Like what I've said in my previous chapters, I'd give you REVELATIONS. For this new part, I'd give you a PLOT TWIST. *winks*

I hope you guys are excited...because I am! ^_^





Let's talk about something else...where are my boys? Have you seen them and their latest hairstyles?!

Chanyeol -- OTL Your hair! Okay, I didn't like it at first but it's just hair and eventually will grow so that doesn't make me love you less, my Happy Virus! ^_^

Baekhyun -- Curls, curls, curls... I want to see more of that! ;)

Lu Han  -- ASDFGHJKL! New gramps of the group. Haha! JK! But seriously, the silver color made him look like a gramps (with a baby face) Aish! That doesn't make sense! Haha! But yes, he looks like a Final Fantasy character.

Sehun -- Ooh! One of my favorites! Look at how the color compliments his skin!

D.O -- Kyungsoo-ah! I missed you! Anyway, I can't wait to see your new haircolor. But I'd definitely miss you short, black hair!

Kai -- Well, I can't see any difference with his and D.O's hair. I smell KAISOO over here.

Chen -- They said it's shorter.. let's see!

Kris -- I really loved it! Yes, I do! No sarcasm. But it really fits him...IMO!

Suho -- Come on, Suho it off! 


Alright, I'm done. Haha! I'm so excited for their comeback. My goal is to finish this story before their comeback. What do you think?

Anyway, thank you so much everyone! Please keep your comments coming!


*credits to all the photos and gifs used above.

*credits to for the EXO'shairstyle

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I will continue to work on the other chappies. For the meantime, please continue to wait for my updates! Thanks u so much guys!


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exominyeo #1
Hi unnie :) I really like this fanfic since 2013, its been 5 years. All of a sudden, I just remembered this fanfic so I immediately logged in to my account (thankfully I still remember my password) to check if its already completed, unfortunately, it was not. We all want to know the end of this fanfic. Im not pressuring u or something but , if u finally have the time to update please do so. Thank you :) <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Unnieeee come back :'(
we miss youuuuu~~~
exominyeo #3
Please update soon its been a year since you had last updated i really like this fanfic please :( im still waiting for your update :)
Chapter 42: Unnie, we miss you TT. TT
Chapter 42: Unnie, take your time! don't worry! We will wait for you patiently. :)
pinkyway #6
Chapter 41: chanyeol told yeohee bt his sickness ah i smell something drama here
kyungsoo finally know her diary omggg what will happen if yeohee find out O.O
Chapter 41: Finally kyungsoo read her diary! Aaa so excited,can't wait for next chap
Chapter 41: The hairstyles are.. random. I didn't recognise Chanyeol at all first. >///<

I felt really really sad for the old man. But he really loved his wife! ;_; And DO found her diary! I was so shocked! what will be the plot twist? I am dying to know unnie!