The Christmas Concert

The One You Love The Most


A couple of days had passed, Yeo Heen looked for Eun Mi and immediately told her what just happened on her birthday celebration with Kyungsoo.


“So Kyungsoo has two points now?”  Eun Mi said, rubbing her chin. “Maybe you told him about it. Yah! Kim Yeo Hee, no cheating!” she yelled.


“I didn’t! I swear!” Yeo Hee said, waving her hands. “He really knows that Namsan Park is one of my favorite places but as for the pink tulips – I didn’t really expect that.”


Eun Mi narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but she also thought that it might be just really a coincident. They were not clear about that certain sign – if Yeo Hee should receive an actual flower or anything that has a flower in it. Anyhow, they still considered it.


“Anyway, we still have few signs left…and Yeo Hee, no cheating please. We’re doing this for you, remember?” Eun Mi reminded her.


“Araseo!” she puffed her cheeks. As she stared back at her book, Eun Mi suddenly scooted next to her with a huge grin on her face.


“I’m so excited!” she blurted out.


“Wae?” Yeo Hee asked, still reading her book.


“Because he’s coming here!” Eun Mi exclaimed.




“Bryan Byun! He’s going to be part of the Christmas concert and that’s going to be tonight!” Eun Mi excitedly said.


“Wow! That’s great! You’re going to meet your boyfriend now.” Yeo Hee kid.


“I know right!?” and Eun Mi joined in.




Yeo Hee dropped by the rehearsal room to check on Kyungsoo. She wanted to cheer for him since the concert would be tonight. As she entered the room, she saw Kyungsoo with Ara, practicing their piece. After they finished rehearsing – Kyungsoo and Ara walked towards her. He was walking casually but suddenly Ara, clung her arms again to his.


“Eonni! You’re so sweet to drop by and check on us.” Ara said, wearing this mocking smile.


I’m not actually here for you. Yeo Hee thought as she glared at Ara. She turned quickly to Kyungsoo and asked.


“How’s your rehearsal going? Are you ready for the concert tonight?”


“Yes. Everything’s ready.” He said.


“Why don’t you invite your boyfriend eonni? Kyungsoo told me that you’re actually dating his cousin.” Ara butted in again.


Yeo Hee hastily turned her head to Kyungsoo and gave him a look. Kyungsoo already knew that she didn’t like it, so he bowed his head apologetically. Yeo Hee tried to smile again to answer Ara.


“He’s not my boyfriend, but it’s true we’re going out. Anyway, it’s none of your concern anymore.” She scorned. She bowed at them and completely left.



The evening quickly came and Kyungsoo was already preparing for the concert. He saw Yeo Hee quietly preparing too. He slowly walked towards and bit his bottom lip. He knew that she didn’t like that he told Ara about her and Chanyeol – she just doesn’t like other people knowing about her personal life except from him and other closest friends. After stepping back and forth, Kyungsoo finally had the guts to approach her.


“Yeo Hee, are you ready to go?” he muttered. She turned around and looked at him blankly. She nodded her a little and walked towards him. She noticed he was wearing the beige, long sleeve shirt she gave to him.



She smiled at him, “This is really your favorite shirt, isn’t?”


“Of course! You gave this to me.” He responded, feeling a relief.


“But you still don’t know how to wear it…” she moved hastily closer to him as she ed the top part of this shirt, “…I told you not to button it way up to your neck. It doesn’t look good.” She chuckled.


He smiled as she fixed his outfit. She was so close to him that he could smell her hair. She smells so good. He thought. Realizing what he just thought, Kyungsoo shook his head and cleared his throat, pulling away from her.


“I think it’s okay now.” He said. Yeo Hee pursed her lips. Before they completely left the apartment, Kyungsoo held her arm.


“I’m sorry. I know you didn’t like what I did – that I told Ara about you and Chanyeol.” He said.


“It’s alright. But I want to be honest with you Kyungsoo-ah. I don’t like her, I feel like we’re not going to be close friends anytime soon. You know me – if I don’t like the person, I don’t really force myself befriend with them. So I’m sorry if I acted that way earlier.” She uttered. He tapped her shoulders, smiling at her.


“I understand. But I promise, I won’t do that again.” He assured her. With that, the two left the apartment and headed to the concert.




The moment they arrived in the university, Kyungsoo headed to the backstage to prepare. Meanwhile, Yeo Hee saw Eun Mi and sat with her. She dialed Chanyeol’s number and thought that maybe she could invite him to the concert.




In Chanyeol’s room, he was panting heavily. He reached out for his medicine bottle on the table next to his bed. He quickly slid a capsule and drank a glass of water for relief but he could still feel the excruciating pain on his chest.  Again, he was having a sudden attack of his illness.


All of a sudden, his phone rang. When he saw that it was Yeo Hee calling, he tried his best to hide the pain he was feeling. He cleared his throat before picking up the phone.




“Hey Chanyeol!”


“Hi Yeo Hee!”


“Are you busy tonight?”




“Tonight is the Christmas concert where Kyungsoo will be singing. Can you come over?”


Chanyeol felt bad as he realized that he couldn’t go out with his condition. He breathed in and made an excuse.


“I’m sorry Yeo Hee, I’d really love to go but I have to work on something tonight.”


“Is that so? It’s alright! I understand and I’m sure Kyungsoo will do too. Take care!”


“Bye!” he said. As he hung up the phone, he weakly laid his body on the bed. He closed his eyes tightly as he waited for the medicine to take effect.




In Yonsei University, the concert had finally begun. Cheers and claps could be heard all over the concert hall. As the emcee started his speech, Yeo Hee couldn’t wait for Kyungsoo’s number to start. Just like her, Eun Mi couldn’t also wait to see her favorite artist and so-called “future boyfriend” – Bryan Byun.


“I don’t want to prolong your agony, let’s this year’s Christmas concert begin. For our first performance, let’s call on the popular “singing couple” – the talented students of College of Music, Do Kyungsoo and Yoo Ara.” Everyone applauded as they welcomed them.



Like Snow (4men)


The audience was enjoying the song as they swayed their heads along with it. Yeo Hee was completely mesmerized with Kyungsoo’s voice. And admittedly, she was also impressed with Yoo Ara’s voice. They truly looked good together. This thought hit her again but tried not to be sad because she knew that Kyungsoo would be looking at her once they were done singing.


After finishing the song, the two bowed politely in front of the audience and everyone just clapped with their awesome number.


“Thank you Kyungsoo-ssi and Ara-ssi! Now, I know that the other reason why you’re here is because of our special performer tonight. This artist suddenly became famous because of his amazing talent in singing. He got discovered in Youtube and his video became a hit. I know you already know who I am talking about. So let’s call on the stage, the newest Youtube sensation – BRYAN BYUN!”


Eun Mi wasn’t able to stop herself as she stood up and started screaming like a mad fangirl. Yeo Hee just let friend expressed her excitement and just waited for the artist to walk on stage. When the dark-haired man stood on stage, the pianist started touching the keys. When the spotlight focused on the man on the stage, Yeo Hee’s eyes widened in surprise.



(imagine him singing this song)












“B-Baekhyun?” she stuttered when she saw the very familiar guy.


Author's note:


Hello everyone! I'm back again! I'm glad that you liked the previous chapter.  What can you say about this one? I know you're excited to see him, but he won't be with us for today.

Or you can have me for while.

Or have me instead?

Ohh, you guys are starting to work on getting our readers' heart, aren't you? Well, Baekhyun isn't completely with us so I think you guys should relax a bit. ^^~



Anyway, I know you guys already know what might happen once Baekhyun starts joining us here. Hahaha! Having these three dorks will be definitely fun. I hope you'll continue to support and anticipate more for this story. :D

That's all for today! Take care everyone! :D

Saranghae~ <3

Kyungsoo-ah, some love to our readers. ^^~


*credits to all the owners of these gifs.



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I will continue to work on the other chappies. For the meantime, please continue to wait for my updates! Thanks u so much guys!


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exominyeo #1
Hi unnie :) I really like this fanfic since 2013, its been 5 years. All of a sudden, I just remembered this fanfic so I immediately logged in to my account (thankfully I still remember my password) to check if its already completed, unfortunately, it was not. We all want to know the end of this fanfic. Im not pressuring u or something but , if u finally have the time to update please do so. Thank you :) <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Unnieeee come back :'(
we miss youuuuu~~~
exominyeo #3
Please update soon its been a year since you had last updated i really like this fanfic please :( im still waiting for your update :)
Chapter 42: Unnie, we miss you TT. TT
Chapter 42: Unnie, take your time! don't worry! We will wait for you patiently. :)
pinkyway #6
Chapter 41: chanyeol told yeohee bt his sickness ah i smell something drama here
kyungsoo finally know her diary omggg what will happen if yeohee find out O.O
Chapter 41: Finally kyungsoo read her diary! Aaa so excited,can't wait for next chap
Chapter 41: The hairstyles are.. random. I didn't recognise Chanyeol at all first. >///<

I felt really really sad for the old man. But he really loved his wife! ;_; And DO found her diary! I was so shocked! what will be the plot twist? I am dying to know unnie!