The Savior

The One You Love The Most



“Let go of her or else – you’re dead!” the familiar guy threatened.”


The two strangers turned their back when they heard the man spoke. However, Yeo Hee's widened when he saw the familiar man.




The other stranger slowly let go of Yeo Hee's arms and faced Baekhyun. He began to walk towards Baekhyun before as he spoke. "Hey pretty boy! If I were you, I'd just run and save my pretty face before it gets beaten." and the two strangers laughed evilly.


Baekhyun didn't budge and as he dropped the box of cake he bought on the ground, he quickly ran to the men and threw a punch to one of them. As the man fell on the ground, he hastily pushed the other one away from Yeo Hee. He quickly told Yeo Hee to stay at the corner and she complied.


"B-Baekhyun, at your back!" Yeo Hee screamed when she saw the man stood up from the ground. As Baekhyun turned back, the man was able to throw a punch at him and that made him fell on the ground. But he hastily got up and kicked the man who attempted to punch him.


The action took a couple of minutes and Baekhyun used all of his strength to make sure that the two strangers wouldn't be able to get up anymore. But the chasers panicked when they heard the police siren roaming around the street. They quickly ran to escape but when Baekhyun thought of follwing them, Yeo Hee stopped him.


"No Baekhyun, let's just go home. It might be more dangerous if we follow them." Yeo Hee said as she held tightly on Baekhyun's arm.


"Are you sure?" Yeo Hee just nodded but Baekhyun could sense the fear she was feeling. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked.


"I'm alright. But look, you got hurt. Let's go home so I can treat your wounds." She said and with that, they went straight to the apartment.




When the two of them reached the apartment, Yeo Hee went to the kitchen to get the medicine box. She felt thirsty so she decided to drink a glass of water first. She quickly emptied the glass of water but as she poured one more, she noticed her hands were shaking -- because of fear. Her knees weakened and that made her sat on the chair for a while. As she stared at the glass, she could still feel the tension that the incident brought to her. She was traumatized and was really scared. A tear suddenly fell from her eyes, but she tried her best to stop it.


Little did she know, Baekhyun was watching her. He hates seeing Yeo Hee cry the most. He walked towards her and just like before, Yeo Hee tried to hide her tears from him. When he was finally standing next to her, Yeo Hee looked up and faked a smile.


"Oh, sorry. Did I keep you waiting in the living room? One minute, I know the medicine box is just right here." She said, avoiding Baekhyun's stare. Baekhyun felt that she was just trying to be strong so when she tried to move away, Baekhyun pulled her into a hug. He gently caressed her back and whispered.


"It's alright. I know you got scared. But don't worry, I'm here now...and you're safe." Hearing these words, Yeo Hee wasn't able to stop her tears from falling. God only knows how scared she was. She really thought that something bad would happen to her that time. She couldn't thank him enough for saving her life.




"Ouch!" Baekhyun groaned in pain as Yeo Hee gently damped a cotton ball to the small wound next to his lip.


"I'm sorry!" she uttered as she blew to his face to alleviate the pain he felt. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was enjoying the closeness between their faces. He was staring at her beautiful face and observing her features -- from her eyes, nose and lips. He was really controlling his self but he couldn't help but adore her small lips. The next thing he knew, he already stole a kiss from her.


Yeo Hee was taken aback with his sudden action. She stood up with her eyes wide open.


"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to..." Baekhyun stuttered as he stood up from his seat. What did you do Baekhyun? His mind screamed. Yeo Hee was about to say something but suddenly, the door loudly opened.


"Yeo Hee!" Kyungsoo shouted as he looked for Yeo Hee inside the apartment. When his huge eyes saw her and Baekhyun, he immediately ran to her and hugged her. He was so worried when he received this call from Kai and that made him to rush to go home.


"How are you Yeo Hee? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked continuously, filled in concern.


"I'm okay Kyungsoo-ah. Don't worry." She muttered. Kyungsoo touched her cheeks and hugged her tightly once again. Meanwhile, Baehkyun felt a little awkwardness when he suddenly noticed that he was not in the picture anymore. Yeo Hee saw it so she pulled away from Kyungsoo's hug.


"Baekhyun suddenly came and saved me. If it weren't for him, something bad could've happened to me." she said. Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun and thanked him for saving Yeo Hee. Baekhyun just did a slight nod as a reponse.


"By the way, how did you know about what happened to me?" she asked Kyungsoo. Everything happened so fast, but she believed that it was only her and Baekhyun who knew about it.


"I received a call from Kai." Kyungsoo said.


"Kai? Who's Kai?" Baekhyun asked upon hearing the unfamiliar name.


"Kai is Kyungsoo's friend." Yeo Hee answered for him. "But how did Kai know about this?" she asked.


"Kai called me this afternoon to tell me about what he heard. He heard Yoo Ara talking to someone over the phone and he heard that she was planning something bad to you. He tried to stop her but he failed so he immediately called me up. He also made sure to call the police station near to our apartment and asked them to roam around the street." Kyungsoo explained.


"Y-Yoo Ara? She planned all of these?" Yeo Hee stuttered in disbelief.


"Your girlfriend planned all of these?" Baekhyun also blurted out.


"Girlfriend? She's not my girlfriend?" Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes with Baekhyun's sudden assumption. But he suddenly remembered that Yeo Hee thought of the same exact thing. Because of that, he cleared his throat before he cleared everything. "Yoo Ara is not my girlfriend."


"B-But, that night... she confessed to you that night..." Yeo Hee tried to speak.


"She did. But that night I also told her the truth – that she's just like a sister to me." He said, staring deeply at Yeo Hee's eyes. Inexplicable but Yeo Hee felt relieved with what he said. She has been convincing herself to cease from hoping that Kyungsoo would notice her feelings someday. But upon hearing these words, Yeo Hee wouldn't deny that this hope inside her began to rise up again. Baekhyun didn't fail to notice it too – that glow on her face when Kyungsoo said those words. And in a spur of moment, the time that he thought was his, immediately faded because of Kyungsoo's presence.




Kyungsoo decided to send Yeo Hee to bed and when she finally fell asleep, he walked Baekhyun to the door.


"Thanks a lot Baekhyun! I owe you a lot for saving Yeo Hee." he said, patting Baekhyun’s shoulder.


"No problem. I would do everything for Yeo Hee, you know that right?" Baekhyun replied.


"I know. But as her best friend, I'm also willing to do the same thing for her."


"Alright. Well, just make sure that this will never happen again. Because if it will – you're dead!" Baekhyun threatened jokingly. Kyungsoo chuckled but with how Baekhyun looked at him, he felt nervous.


"I will never let that happen again. So don't worry." and Kyungsoo responded. They exchanged goodbyes before Baekhyun finally drove off.



Author's note:

Hello guys! OMG! I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to forget slowly these past few days. It's just that I got really busy...SPAZZING!!!

So yeah, I'm pretty sure that some of you have heard of Dream Kpop Fantasy Concert that happened last Saturday (January 19, 2013). Well, I, Mrs. Sarang, was able to attend the concert and watched EXO (along with Tasty, Tahiti, U-Kiss, Infinite and SNSD) with my two eyes!!! ASDFGHJKL!

One word to describe them -- PERFECT! They're very PERFECT!

Okay, I actually have written a fan account about it so you can check it out HERE.

Anyway, who voted for BAEKHYUN in our last poll?? YAY! Congratulations. It was him!

Yes, it's me!

Haha! You did a great job on that one Baek! 

*note: I love Baekhyun's part when EXO sang "Hawak Kamay" (holding hands) an OPM song! He hit the high notes effortlessly and he was just standing on right side where I could clearly hear his lovely voice. He really has a good voice.

Anyway, Baekhyun! It's your turn to close the chapter today. Is there anything you want to say?

I have a secret!

I love stealing kisses...

Omo! Jinjja??

*throws kisses*

O_O Yah! Baekhyunie~ Hajima~~~ *blushes*

I love you guys!

We love you too! <3


Alright, that's all for today! I promise to work harder and be consistent this time. Thank you so much for all of your patience. And welcome to my new subbies! <3


*credits to all the owners of these photos and gifs.

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I will continue to work on the other chappies. For the meantime, please continue to wait for my updates! Thanks u so much guys!


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exominyeo #1
Hi unnie :) I really like this fanfic since 2013, its been 5 years. All of a sudden, I just remembered this fanfic so I immediately logged in to my account (thankfully I still remember my password) to check if its already completed, unfortunately, it was not. We all want to know the end of this fanfic. Im not pressuring u or something but , if u finally have the time to update please do so. Thank you :) <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Unnieeee come back :'(
we miss youuuuu~~~
exominyeo #3
Please update soon its been a year since you had last updated i really like this fanfic please :( im still waiting for your update :)
Chapter 42: Unnie, we miss you TT. TT
Chapter 42: Unnie, take your time! don't worry! We will wait for you patiently. :)
pinkyway #6
Chapter 41: chanyeol told yeohee bt his sickness ah i smell something drama here
kyungsoo finally know her diary omggg what will happen if yeohee find out O.O
Chapter 41: Finally kyungsoo read her diary! Aaa so excited,can't wait for next chap
Chapter 41: The hairstyles are.. random. I didn't recognise Chanyeol at all first. >///<

I felt really really sad for the old man. But he really loved his wife! ;_; And DO found her diary! I was so shocked! what will be the plot twist? I am dying to know unnie!