What is love?

The One You Love The Most



"But you can't leave!" Eu Mi said abruptly, cutting off Baekhyun. Yeo Hee looked at her in confusion because of her friend’s sudden outburst. "I mean... you can't just leave us, your fans..." she lied. Eun Mi's mind screamed in regret when she wasn't able to control her emotions. But I just can't really let you go...not now. She thought.


"Eun Mi's right. Why do you have to leave so soon? You haven't even finished your promotion here in Seoul." Yeo Hee agreed.


"As much as I'd love to stay but I think this is the best for my career." Baekhyun responded. Yeo Hee just nodded her head while Eun Mi bit her lip, trying to control her tears.


After checking his watch, Baekhyun decided to leave Yeo Hee and Eun Mi. Right after he walked outside the bakeshop, Eun Mi wasn't able to hold back her tears anymore. As soon as she broke down, Yeo Hee quickly ran to her and asked her.


"Eun Mi, what's wrong?"


Yeo Hee guided Eun Mi to sit with her as she watched her friend sobbed uncontrollably.


"Baekhyun should not leave... he can't..." She said between her sobs. Yeo Hee was confused with what she was trying to say.


"Are you really this affected because he's leaving? Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that he will still come back for his fans." Yeo Hee said. Little did she know, it hurt Eun Mi more.


"But I love him..." Eun Mi confessed but Yeo Hee took it in a different way.


"I know. You said that before. I mean, all of his fans love him, right?"


"But this is different Yeo Hee. When I finally got to see him in person, spoke with him, stared at him -- I know this is not just a love of a fan." Eun Mi wiped her tears before she continued. "Everything stops when he's around. When he smiles at me or even just a glance, it makes my heart beat fast. Even though I know that he likes you, I still can't help myself from...falling for him."


Yeo Hee was surprised with her confession. She finally understood what she was trying to say. "So you're totally in love with him?"


Eun Mi nodded. "And I want him to know that. I don't care if he won't love me back, as long as he knows what I truly feel for him. But how would I do that if he's leaving now?"


Yeo Hee was speechless. Seeing her friend cry like this -- reminds of herself. She's been in love with someone but too afraid to admit it. She knows how much it hurts and she doesn't want her friend to have the same experience.


"I don't know. But all I know is, you have to follow your heart. Baekhyun is so lucky to be loved by someone like you and I believe that he'd realize it too." Yeo Hee said as she hugged Eun Mi tightly.






"How could you tell if you're in love with someone?" Kai and Kyungsoo were inside the music room and having their rehearsal for their school performance. Kai was practicing his dance number when Kyungsoo suddenly asked him a question,


"Huh?" Kai didn't quite hear what he said because of the loud music. He walked towards the stereo and turned it off for a while.


"I mean, how did you know that you're in love with Yoo Ara?" Kyungsoo rephrased the question.


"Well, at first I had troubles. I thought it was just a crush. But as the days passed by, I realized it's more than that." Kai explained as he sat on the floor beside him.


"Expound please..." Kyungsoo asked curiously.


"Well, when someone's happiness matters more than yours – then you're in love. You always think of this person, you always want to be with that person, and most especially, you love everything about that person – even their flaws." Kai said, sounding like a love expert. Kyungsoo dropped his jaw with how his friend defined love. "Kyungsoo-ah, are you listening?"


Kyungsoo finally budged and closed his mouth upon his call. "So that's it..." he muttered.


"Why did you ask by the way?" Kai asked but suddenly, he realized something." Wait a minute, could it be that you're --"


"Yes, I think I'm in love." He finally admitted. For the past few days, Kyungsoo had been going through a hard time of figuring out his own feelings. His mind and heart were in a war for a very long time, but finally, he recognized his true feelings for her.


"Omo! Do I know this person?" Kai asked excitedly.


"Don't worry, it's not Yoo Ara. It's --" He was about to say it, however someone cut him off.









"Kyungsoo-ah! Glad to see you here!" His cousin Chanyeol came.





Chanyeol invited Kyungsoo to the café just right in front of the university. He got too worried when he learnt about what happened to him last night so he decided to meet up with him and asked him personally how he was.


“I heard that you got sick. How are you feeling now?” Chanyeol quickly asked him as soon as they got inside the café.


“I’m feeling much better now. I had to run under the rain yesterday because I forgot to bring my umbrella.”Kyungsoo responded.


“Aish. How could you be so careless? I remember how you could easily catch a cold when we were little. It seems like nothing has changed.” He kid,


“I know. But I’m fine now. Good thing, Yeo Hee was there. I’m really thankful for her.” Kyungsoo said as he couldn’t take off the smile on his face.


“I see. Well, speaking of Yeo Hee, how is she?” Chanyeol asked. Admittedly, he hasn’t gotten enough time to call her like before. He has been spending time with his uncle and searching for the perfect heart donor for his condition. In short, he has been secretly spending his time in the hospital.


“She’s doing well.”Kyungsoo said. The two of them continued to catch up on things. But as they went on their conversation, Kyungsoo noticed something in Chanyeol’s appearance.


“Chanyeol, are you sick? You look so pale today?” Kyungsoo suddenly questioned.


Chanyeol swallowed hard when he heard his query. He knew that because of his weekly medication, his appearance got also affected. But he quickly thought of an excuse because he didn’t want Kyungsoo to be worried about his real condition.


“A-ah, m-maybe it’s because of the weather.” He said. Kyungsoo easily bought it and nodded in understanding. They went on their meal not until Kyungsoo felt the need to go the restroom.  He excused himself and left Chanyeol for a while. Unaware of what his cousin was going through; Kyungsoo left Chanyeol who was hiding the pain on his chest the entire time.


The moment Kyungsoo exited, Chanyeol quickly rummaged his bag to get his medicine. But as he dug inside his bag, he couldn’t seem to find his bottle of capsules. He felt his chest tightening and made it harder for him to breathe.


Calm down Chanyeol. Breathe in. Breathe out. Chanyeol told himself as he felt that he was going to pass out anytime soon. This is not good, if Kyungsoo finds out about my sickness, he’ll be so worried and he’ll also tell Yeo Hee about it. Upon realizing these things, Chanyeol hastily stormed outside the café and got himself a cab.

As he entered the cab, he quickly told the driver to send him to Kyunghee Medical Center where his uncle is currently working.






Kyungsoo just came from the restroom when he noticed that Chanyeol was n not around anymore. His phone vibrated when he received a text message -- it was from Chanyeol.


From: Chanyeol

Kyungsoo-ah, mianhae. Something urgent happened so I had to leave immediately. I\'ll just call you later.


Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows after reading his cousin's message. But because he was left alone, Kyungsoo decided to go ahead and went back inside the university.





"I told you not to forget your medicine, especially in times like this!" His uncle stared nagging at him as soon as he got inside the hospital room and while he fed him with his medicine.


"S-sanhchom, I told you not to worry." Chanyeol managed to smile as he spoke with his uncle.


"Not to worry? Look at you! You look like you’re dying..." His uncle blurted out. Chanyeol chuckled when he realized what his uncle just said.


"Aren't I? I really am dying anyway, right sahnchom?" Chanyeol muttered. Dr. Park looked away and heaved a sigh.


"If you'd keep on being like this, I'd be forced to send you back in America." His uncle threatened. Upon hearing this, Chanyeol got up from the bed and tried to his best to stand.


"I-I  don't want to go back to states anymore." Chanyeol retorted. He knows very well that once he comes back in America, he'd be spending the rest of his life in the hospital – and he doesn't want that.


As he tried to get up, Chanyeol clenched on his chest as he felt the excruciating pain again.


"Chanyeol, what's wrong? Is it hurting again?" Dr. Park asked his niece who was suffering from unbearable pain again. Chanyeol tried to respond but everything went black around him before he completely passed out on his uncle's arms.






"His condition is not getting any better." Dr. Jung, Dr. Park's collegue, said. Dr. Park stared at his niece who was unconscious on his bed. He remembered that he used to be the in the same position five years ago where he was watching his niece sleeping on the hospital bed. It was not a good memory especially when he remembers the way his brother, Chanyeol's dad, cried in this situation. He promised her that he would do everything to take good care of Chanyeol while they're both living in Seoul.


"Yoochun, he really needs to undergo a bypass surgery as soon as possible. This could be the best thing we could do while we wait for the perfect heart donor for him." Dr. Jung added.


"But I need to ask for his permission first. I promised him that I'd tell him every single that procedure we have to go through." Dr. Park responded. Dr. Jung just nodded in understanding. He knows how worried as a doctor and an uncle Dr. Park to Chanyeol is.


"Well, just let me know once you already have a decision." Dr. Jung said before he walked outside the room.Dr. Park looked at Chanyeol once again and thought deeply.


"Please Chanyeol, we have to do this. This is the only way." He muttered as he watched him sleep.



Author's note:

Surprise!! Double update for everyone because I love you that much. :p

Well, I feel like I really need to make it up with you guys since I really missed a lot in updating this story so here I go. But this might not happen often but I'll make sure to work hard so I can update as quick as before. ^^~


Again, thanks for all of your patience.

Please let me know what you think.


Can you help Yoochun convince Chanyeol to undergo the surgery?

How about helping Eun Mi in confessing to Baekhyun?

But Kyungsoo has finally admitted it, so what could be the best thing he should do next?

A lot of questions... well, I just really want to know your thoughts. ^^~


See you 'til my next updates! And I'll make sure to bring the three dorks with me. ^^~


*credits to the owners of these photos and gifs.

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I will continue to work on the other chappies. For the meantime, please continue to wait for my updates! Thanks u so much guys!


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exominyeo #1
Hi unnie :) I really like this fanfic since 2013, its been 5 years. All of a sudden, I just remembered this fanfic so I immediately logged in to my account (thankfully I still remember my password) to check if its already completed, unfortunately, it was not. We all want to know the end of this fanfic. Im not pressuring u or something but , if u finally have the time to update please do so. Thank you :) <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Unnieeee come back :'(
we miss youuuuu~~~
exominyeo #3
Please update soon its been a year since you had last updated i really like this fanfic please :( im still waiting for your update :)
Chapter 42: Unnie, we miss you TT. TT
Chapter 42: Unnie, take your time! don't worry! We will wait for you patiently. :)
pinkyway #6
Chapter 41: chanyeol told yeohee bt his sickness ah i smell something drama here
kyungsoo finally know her diary omggg what will happen if yeohee find out O.O
Chapter 41: Finally kyungsoo read her diary! Aaa so excited,can't wait for next chap
Chapter 41: The hairstyles are.. random. I didn't recognise Chanyeol at all first. >///<

I felt really really sad for the old man. But he really loved his wife! ;_; And DO found her diary! I was so shocked! what will be the plot twist? I am dying to know unnie!