Bad Parenting, Bad Ideas.

Breaking Boundaries
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Everything was finally out. After months of keeping everything jumbled up inside, it felt good to reveal my deepest, and darkest secret. But then again, it hurt me to see the outcome of the truth Kris and I had hid for so long. Was it the right thing to let out the truth? Or did it just ruin everything...

Obviously it ruined everything, I don't even know why I had to ask myself that question.

"Miku, hey are you okay?" Kris asked me as he slightly my cheek. He gave me a reassuring smile, trying to tell me everything would be okay. I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears but failed. One tear escaped my eye, and Kris' smile soon disappeared. His brought me in for a hug and began the back of my head.

"It's going to okay, I promise." Kris said. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but I could tell from the tone of his voice he didn't even know if it was going to be okay or not.

I pushed myself away from Kris' arms, and stared deep into his eyes.

"Tell me you love me." I said in a stern, strong voice.

"I love you." He said without hesitation.

"And tell me you won't ever leave me. You will never leave my side, and we'll be together as long as we live. Tell me that!" I cried, as more tears began escaping, and strolling down my cheeks.

Kris stared into my eyes, and I could tell he was hurting more then I was. But at the moment, those were the words I needed to hear escape Kris' lips.

"I will never leave you, Miku. I will never leave your side, even if you wanted me too, and I know we'll be together as long as we live. I promise you that." Kris said as he leaned in and gently kissed my forehead. I started weeping in my hands, and Kris brought me in for another hug again.

"I love you too much to leave you. Our story is only beginning...Why leave now?" He asked.


-Narrator's POV-

From a distance, Jihyun was watching as her daughter was weeping fragile tears into Kris' arm's. Jihyun clutched onto her shirt, as if she was trying to grab hold of her heart.

"This hurts me, more then it hurts you Miku. I don't want to lose someone important, and precious to me again...I can't bare the thought of losing you." Jihyun mumbled to her self as she slightly choked on small tears.

Jihyun had told Han everything that had happened while he was at work. Han didn't say a word to Jihyun, and went straight to his room without a word. 

Jihyun didn't know what to do. Should she cancel the wedding? Fled from Korea with her daughter? Leave Han? Or leave all of them? Or just seperate Miku from Kris? But how?


True love can't be broken...

-Wedding Day-

-Miku's POV-

The next morning was awkward, and quiet. Suki and Melony both helped out on preparing breakfast. Han and my mother were drinking there morning coffee in complete silence, and Kris and I decided to eat breakfast seperately.

"Well, it's finally the wedding day." Melonie said trying to brighten up everyones mood, but made things worse.

"Not. Helping." Suki said as she placed all the dirty plates in the sink.

"Everyone, can you all please leave the kitchen for a moment? I want to speak to Han in privacy." My mother said. Melonie and Suki both nodded, and left the kitchen without a word. I stared at my mother, and she motioned me to leave as well. I sat quietly for a moment, then finally nodded. I left the kitchen, but still heard every single word they said from behind the kitchen walls.

"Han, what are we going to do?" My mother asked.

"We're doing what we discussed last night, Jihyun. It's the only way for everything to work out." Han said. 

"But, our kids won't be happy! Han, that'll probably only please us. I can't do that to Miku..." My mother said.

"Well then Jihyun, what other option do we have?! That's the only way of us being together.." Han said. It was quiet for a good two minutes when my mother spoke up.

"Never in my lifetime have I met someone as selfish as you. Is your happiness the only thing that counts? Think of Kris for crying out loud! How do you think he'll feel! He'll most likely head to depressed mode his whole life! Do you want that Han? And not only Kris, but Miku! She'll hate the both of us as long as we live." My mother said.

I heard Han stand up fro

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jjbapkpop #1
Chapter 54: Chapter 54: update please it's almost a year that you haven't update. (4 more days to a year) Don't forget about this story it's too good to be left out with an exciting cliff hanger. *fighting* I hope you get back to this story soon.
jessi828 #2
Chapter 54: update soon
koolstorykpop #3
Chapter 54: lmfao i totally forgot about this story.
How many chaps left if you dont mind me asking?
ombre_unicorn #4
Chapter 54: kumi is by far my favorite character, she's so sweet and down to earth and
she is always there for miku! I would love a friend like that OTL T__T
Princess_Peach #5
Chapter 54: THEY DID IT? OMG.
i can't get over that lmfao
Chapter 54: I have no words. SHES PREGGOO?? Wow, thats a big surprise. I can't believe she did it with wu o;
Chapter 54: finally~ you updated . *O* but when did Kris and Miku did it ?? OTL. i guess i should read it from the start again . haha :3 update soon autgor-nim~!! :)
bap_lovaa #8
Chapter 54: FINALLLYYY
i hate myungsoo -_-
Chapter 21: MIKU AND BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!
kgrl123 #10
Chapter 55: please update soon... I don't think my heart can take this anymore