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Breaking Boundaries
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I turned and looked at Tabitha and my father's expression, and it was honestly priceless. They looked so shocked to see sibiling love like that I guess. How would they react if they found out that i've kissed him, and that I love him? They would've probably sent me off to military school in some unknown island, or tell me to visit a therapist.

"Aish." Kris groaned as he clutched his side. His face twisted up in a pain and he was shutting his eyes closed.

"Omo, are you okay?" I asked, and he slightly nodded with his eyes still closed.

"...M-most importantly, are you okay?" Kris asked, and I felt my eyes water knowing that he was in even more pain then I was, and he was still worried about my safety and health. So, so sweet. I pushed my hair back behind my ear, and bit my lip and smiled.

"I'm o-okay." I said. My father and Tabitha looked at each other with confused expressions. 

"Well, Kris we're really glad your okay." Tabitha said as she tried to break the weird atmosphere.

"Thanks." Kris said with a heart-warming smile. He looked at his broken left arm and he frowned.

"This seriously ." Kris said as he leaned his head against the bed-board. I felt bad seeing him in the condition he was. I still felt like it was all my fault. I shouldn't have been that stupid, and drop so much blame on him.

I turned and looked at Tabitha and my father who were just awkwardly standing around looking at Kris and I.

"Um, guys? Can Kris and I have a little time...Alone?" I asked, and my father's eyes widened.


"Terrance! Let the kids talk. Jeez." Tabitha said as she grabbed my father's arm and left the room. Kris and I laughed a little and then our eyes met. We stared at each other for a good 10 seconds, until I leaned in and crushed my lips against him. Kris was surprised by the sudden move, but I felt him smile against my lips. He then began kissing back, and I put my arms around his neck. Our kiss began getting deeper, and deeper. Kris and I finally moved away and we were both smiling and laughing.

"I'm so sorry. I really am." I said, and Kris gave off a confused expression.

"For what? For almost taking my breath away? It's fine, I enjoyed it." Kris said with a smirk, and I playfully smacked his head.

"Baka, no! For making you over think. You know? The small little fight?" I said with a frown, and Kris began nodding.

"Ohh, that? It's fine, don't worry. If you think you caused the crash then your wrong. The stupid truck driver was probably just a drunk driver, or crazy. It was most certainly not your fault, okay?" Kris said, and he leaned in and kissed my forehead. I bit my lip, and I felt my cheeks began blushing. He's just the sweetest thing. 

"That's honestly really sweet. I love you." I said with a smile. Kris smiled, but then he began to frown as he saw my forehead covered with a large band-aid, and cratches and bruises all over me, and my cast.

"It seriously kills me inside seeing you look like this..." Kris said as he grabbed my hand. I looked up at him, and he seemed sad, angry, and in pain. No Kris, your wrong. It kills me inside seeing you like this...

"I'm fine trust me." I said with a smile, as I got up on my crutches and went over to my seat. Kris looked at the time next to his bed, and he shot me a look.

"You need to get to your room, and rest. It's way past midnight." Kris said and I smiled.

"Your right, goodnight!" I said as I got comfartable in the chair and wrapped myself in my blanket.

"No, go to your room, I'll be fine." Kris said, and I smiled to myself.

"I gave up my room to be with you." 

Kris's eyes grew wide open hearing those words, and he blushed. He scratched the back of his head and he was completely speechless.

"...Y-you didn't have to-"

"I know, but I wanted to. You've had three days of sleep, let Miku have her sleep." I said with a smile, and Kris smiled back.

"Good night beautiful." He said. Hearing those words made me feel so warm and fuzzy. Aish Kris. 

I slowly slid my whole body under my blank

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jjbapkpop #1
Chapter 54: Chapter 54: update please it's almost a year that you haven't update. (4 more days to a year) Don't forget about this story it's too good to be left out with an exciting cliff hanger. *fighting* I hope you get back to this story soon.
jessi828 #2
Chapter 54: update soon
koolstorykpop #3
Chapter 54: lmfao i totally forgot about this story.
How many chaps left if you dont mind me asking?
ombre_unicorn #4
Chapter 54: kumi is by far my favorite character, she's so sweet and down to earth and
she is always there for miku! I would love a friend like that OTL T__T
Princess_Peach #5
Chapter 54: THEY DID IT? OMG.
i can't get over that lmfao
Chapter 54: I have no words. SHES PREGGOO?? Wow, thats a big surprise. I can't believe she did it with wu o;
Chapter 54: finally~ you updated . *O* but when did Kris and Miku did it ?? OTL. i guess i should read it from the start again . haha :3 update soon autgor-nim~!! :)
bap_lovaa #8
Chapter 54: FINALLLYYY
i hate myungsoo -_-
Chapter 21: MIKU AND BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!
kgrl123 #10
Chapter 55: please update soon... I don't think my heart can take this anymore