galaxies {WU BROTHERS}

EXO’s children short story collection

Due to BIG THREE’s major changes, the company decided to debut a 9 membered group, looking at the trainees under group A, group B, and group C.

The youngest trainee under group C, Wu Huangjin Long, aka Jin, finds it difficult to befriend any of the much older and longed-trained trainees, due to who his parents are, and who is older sibling is. None of the other trainees find him worthy enough to be in BIG THREE, thinking that he made it in just because his parents are Wu Yifan and Huang Zitao, and his older brother is Wu Yitao. With big connections like that, it looked like it would be an easy access.

With his fellow trainees disliking him, he also misses seeing his older brother.

Baby Wu is stressed.

** N O T E **
the way that i made BIG THREE run their company is obviously different than what i think YG, JYP, CUBE etc. run their companies. i decided to make it my own spin of it.

*part 2 of 2 update*

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

“Congratulations to this week’s winner...XII!!”

Cheers could be heard as the current male trainees of BIG THREE  in their dorm rooms started to jump around in excitement as the watched their seniors won 1st place of the week in the music broadcast program, Triple Crown.

The leader of XII, Oh Sehan, bowed towards the MCs and even bowed towards the audience. “Thank you so much! We are very happy that you all enjoyed our song,” the rest of XII bowed in sync, “we will continue to work hard! Thank you!!”

“We are?!” Jongsoo, the main dynamite dancer of the group, said.

“XII!” The rest of the members said in unison.

“Well you have it,” the MC smiled brightly at the camera, “thank you for join us here at Triple Crown! We will see you all next time! Take care!”

As the camera started to pan at the artists, one of the trainees, Yoogun, started to praise his seniors for doing a great job in their performance. “I just can’t wait till I get to be on stage like them! I swear I can just feel it! This is definitely my year.”

“Hm, sure. You’ve been just in the middle of the pack,” Hyeongmin rolled his eyes, as he got up from the couch; he pushed up his glasses with his index finger, “unlike the others.”

Early this year, the CEO of BIG THREE, assembled his trainees from group A, group B, and group C, in a meeting. He informed the three groups that he would be forming a 9 membered boy group after the departure of 3 of his artists. He notified the trainees that upon reviewing the feedback he gets from the instructors, he believed that they were ready to debut. He would personally take members from each group and place them together to create the 9 membered boy group after their 3rd evaluation.

“As well, I will be creating a special, hip-hop unit. This unit is quite will be a duo...and one of those spots is already filled by another. I’m not going to say who it is, but it is from someone in Hurricane or XII. The instructors will be my eyes and give be reviews on your practice.”

“You know,” Sangchul started, as he glanced over at one of the quietest and youngest member in their group C, “some people have all the luck. And they might even get ahead up because of connections that they have.”

The so called ‘luckiest’ member was none other than Wu Huangjin Long, the youngest son of Wu Yifan and Huang Zitao, the rappers of their unit, EXO-M, and the younger brother of Wu Yitao, the main rapper of his group, XII. Huangjin Long, or Jin as he liked people to call him, also had a passion for music and hopes to be like his parents and older brother. With a talent for rapping, he auditioned, just the same as any other person would, and made it into BIG THREE. However, other trainees knew about his parents and his older brother. They started thinking that it was pure connections that got him in, and not even talent.

Jin knew that it wasn’t true, and kept on ignoring his fellow trainees as much as he can. He did work hard in his audition, and he made it without the help of his parents or his older brother. Not even the CEO helped him. However, their constant comments about him started to recently get to him.

“That's not true, and you know it, Sangchul,” Jin looked up, seeing his one and only best friend that he made during his training period, Kang Byeonghun, defending him from the other. He placed his arm over Jin’s shoulder, bringing him close, “he is talented, and he has every right to be here. You’re just sour because he is on the top in the rapping division of our group. It’s not his fault that he is that good and that he raps like 17 to 21 syllables per second. He was freakin’ born with it.”

Sangchul rolled his eyes. “Whatever man, I still think that he made it with help. Unlike us. Just you wait...he is going to debut before all of us in this group.”

The rest of trainees kept their mouths closed. It wasn’t long until they got up couch and exited from the living room area, heading towards their rooms.

Byeonghun glanced down at the younger. “You are always so quiet...why didn’t you defend yourself?”

Jin stood up, dusting his sweatshirt. “They can say whatever they want about me, but I don’t care,” he said, knowing well he was lying, “I know how I got in here. And that is all it matters.”

His best friend shrugged. “Well, alright,” he stood up from the couch, “you are know that. They are just being es.”

The younger gave a weak smile, before turning his heel, heading to his room.

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

“Good morning, group C,” the instructors for the group, Song Yunhyeong, Kim Hanbin, and Kim Donghyuk - 3 of the 7 membered, YG group, iKON, entered in the dance room, nodding their heads to the 8 trainees in front of them, “I do hope you are all ready for practice.” Hanbin said, placing his hands behind his own back, “as the CEO said he will pick specific people from each group for the 9 membered group that he hopes to debut. We will make sure that you guys are ready,” he gestured towards Donghyuk, “Donghyuk will be filling in for Jinhwan...and since this is first time meeting you all...please introduce yourselves...and what position you are in.”

Going from left to right, each trainee introduced themselves.

“I am Shin Yoogun, 17, vocalist and dancer.”

“Joo Hyeongmin, 20, vocals.”

“I’m Yoon Sangchul, 16, and I rap.”

“The 17 year old, vocalist...Kang Byeonghun!” He said, giving peace signs to the instructors.

“Erm, Qiang Weiyuan...17, and I rap.”

“Cho english name is Ryan...and I am 16 years, vocals and dance.”

“Ryu Younghwan, 22, and I do vocals.”

“U-Um, Wu Huangjin Long...please call me Jin...13 years old and I rap.”

Donghyuk’s eyes perked up, amazed. “Did you say ‘13 years old’?”

“Yes.” Jin nodded his head, “I’m the youngest in all the groups combined.”

“Wow,” Donghyuk smiled, “I’m very interested in listening to your rap.”

Sangchul bit the inside of this cheek, rolling his eyes at the compliment given to the younger. Yunhyeong started to notice the trainee’s attitude, that he started to change the direction of the conversation. “Let's get started shall we? We have a month until the first evaluation.” He started to gesture the trainees to come in closer. “The CEO has given us a song that he wants you all to memorize. Interesting enough, it is our song, ‘Rhythm Ta’.”

“Choreography will be completely redone,” Hanbin said, “we want to see creativity on the floor.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

As the song ended, Hanbin turned off his ipod that was connected to the speakers. “Let's take a break...a good time for lunch.”

Yunhyeong nodded. “Be back at 3 o’clock and we will resume.”

The trainees nodded, some laying on the floor to feel the cold, wood against their cheeks. Donghyuk chuckled. “Rest well, and eat well. See you all later.” The trainees nodded, saying their goodbyes to the instructors as they started to leave. Once the door closed, Hyeongmin stood up from the floor, stretching his muscles.

“Well, you heard him. Let's get some lunch.”

“Yes!!” Byeonghun got up from the floor, and nodded his head, “let's all head out to the barbeque place!”

“Sounds good to me,” Weiyuan smiled, “I’m craving for some barbeque right now.”

The trainees quickly packed their things in their backpacks, ready to head out. Byeonghun looked over his shoulders, seeing Jin slowly packing his things. His smile started to slowly fade. He went over, lending out his hand towards the other. “We are heading out,” he smiled again, “let's go.”

Jin stared at the hand given to him; he looked up at the smile Byeonghun was giving. He was just about to take it when the other trainees were rushing Byeonghun to hurry up. The younger sighed; he shook his head, rejecting the other’s hand. “Uh, I’m gunna be looking for my, go ahead and eat lunch with the others. I’ll just see you later.”

“Jin... --” The younger stood up, dusting his sweatpants.

“I’ll be fine,” he gave a small smile, “I’ll see ya.”

He walked passed the other, and the other trainees. He left first, rushing towards the hallway towards the stairs. He turned the corner, now right in front of the door that opened to the stairway. Jin rushed up the stairs, almost leaping three steps at a time.

The third floor of BIG THREE was reserved only for BIG THREE’s current artists. No trainees were permitted unless they are brought over by an instructor or by one of the current artists. It was a big divide, but it kept the current artists focused on their work and prevented the trainees from bothering the artists.

However, Jin was an exception, which was another reason to be disliked by the trainees. He had access when they could not.

As Jin stepped on the last step, he took out his wallet, and placing it on the card reader. The door made a click sound, and Jin opened the door to the third floor. He looked around, seeing the white and clean walls of the empty hallway in front of him. He placed his hand on the wall, feeling the texture against his fingertips. Jin sighed.

“Oh, Jin?” The younger looked up, seeing Park Baekyeol, his older brother’s significant other. Jin smiled. He liked Baekyeol a lot. He was always nice to him. He smiled. “Are you looking for your brother?”

“Well...I don’t want to bother him...but is he free?”

“Hm, he might. He is with the Hurricane boys.”

“Oh, right...he is featured in one of their songs right?”

“Yep,” he checked his watch, “they might have finished already...they are in 1-A in the recording studio.”

“Okay,” Jin bowed, “thank you.” He said softly, catching the other off guard.

“Hm, are you okay, Jin?”

“Wah? Yeah, of course I am fine.”

“Are you alright? By that I mean, are you okay with the other trainees? No drama, or anything like that?”

Jin shook his head ‘no’. “We are all good.” He lied with a smile.

Baekyeol tighten his lips, folding his arms in front of him. He gave a weak smile. “Well, okay then…”

“Excuse me, hyung.” Jin nodded his head, and quickly picked up his pace. Baekyeol looked over his shoulder, watching Jin almost running down the hallway. He placed his hand on his cheek.

“Hope you aren’t lying to me.” He whispered to himself.

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin made it to 1-A, seeing the red light on, indicating that they are in the process of recording. He leaned against the wall, his eyes still fixated at the red light. ‘Turn off…’

Just as commanded, the light turned off. He stood up straight, waiting for the members of Hurricane to come out, and as well as his brother.

The door opened, revealing Youngnam, the main rapper of their group, coming out. He beamed. “Hey, Baby Wu, whatcha doin’?”

Jin puffed his cheeks out. “I’m not a ‘baby’...”

Youngnam chuckled. “I’m sorry, but you are just so cute!” He patted the other on the head, “and so small!”

“Hm...I’m waiting for my brother…”

“Oh, yeah, he is coming.” Youngnam moved towards the side, causing Yongsook to come out, and even Namkyu. Eventually, Jin’s older brother came out from the room. As their eyes met, his brother’s face lit up with happiness.

“Jin!” He went over, and immediately hugged the younger. Jin smiled, and nuzzled against the other’s chest.

“Oh my god,” the leader of Hurricane, Insu, covered his eyes, “this brother relationship is too cute. Huk!! Get out of my sight. This cuteness!”

“Yitao and Jin are like the perfect brothers for sure,” Youngnam nodded, “we will see you guys later. Good work today Yitao.” As both parties bid their farewell, Jin looked up at his brother, who was still smiling down at him. ‘He is definitely a great brother.’ “Can I hang out with you? I’m on lunch break right now so...”

“Hu? Oh...well, I have a photoshoot to go to,” His older brother, Yitao, pulled back from the hug, “for the new endorsement,” he checked his watch seeing that it was 1:15, “I have to be there at 2 o’clock.”

“I-Is that so...ah…” Jin nodded, “sorry, I should have texted you first.”

Yitao brushed Jin’s black, hair back. “You alright?”

“Uh…,” ‘no, I’m not.’ “yeah, I’m fine...I just miss you,” he chuckled, “you know how it is as a trainee. We practice a lot. Don’t know what day it is...just tired is all.”

“Yeah...I know what you mean, but keep up your hard work, alright? So we can be on the same stage together.”

“I’m trying my best.”

Yitao beamed, pushing his now blonde colored hair back. He was tired. “I’ll see you, alright? Oh, if you are on break, why don’t you hang out with Baekyeol? He is --”

“Oh, I saw him...earlier.”

“Ah, well then, there you go. I know for sure he doesn’t have anything going on. You can hang out with him if you like. And I’m sure he will like it too.”

Jin nodded. “Alright…”

Yitao pulled his younger brother in for a hug, hugging him tight. “I’m sorry that I can’t hang out with you right now...busy you know…”

“I know.”

As he pulled back, Yitao got his wallet from his back pocket. “I’ll give you some money --”

“N-No, that isn’t necessary! I have money!”

“No, here,” Yitao pulled out 234,799 won, “here.”

“Thats way...way,” he stressed out, “too much --”

“You can save the rest. It will be good for the week.” He placed the money in his other’s hands.

‘You mean the whole month for sure…’ “Thank you, gege.”

“No problem,” Yitao smiled, “remember what mom and dad always say. Save money, and make sure you have enough in your wallet. Hm, I have to, be good and work hard.” With that, Yitao hugged his brother for the last time. They bid their goodbyes, and they started to part ways. Jin watched as Yitao started to walk down the hallway, turning right at the corner. He sighed, as he placed the money in his wallet.

‘Now to find hyung.’

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

“Jin!” Baekyeol waved as he saw Jin entering the cafeteria of BIG THREE. Jin smiled, and started to jog towards the other. As Jin started to take his seat, Baekyeol smiled. “Thank you for inviting me for lunch.”

“It’s no problem hyung. I’m just glad that I get to eat with someone.”

He chuckled. “I know that I’m not your brother, so, I hope that you are okay with me.”

“I am!” Jin said, causing Baekyeol to laugh even more.

“Ah, so cute. I got your favorite, so I hope that it is okay.”

“That's fine. Thank you.”

“So,” Baekyeol started, as he opened his chopsticks, “I have a feeling...that something is going on with you and the other trainees.”

Jin choked on his noodles. “W-What?”

“Well, just earlier...I mean, I felt something going on...I have a weird knack for these things. Are you alright with everyone? Because I know how it feels -- er, well...maybe not how it is now...since it is different. I mean, when I was training...I was already in a group with your brother and the --”

“You didn’t have like group B or anything like that?”

“Hm.” Baekyeol shook his head. “No."

At that time the CEO would just group trainees already in a set group. Unlike now, there are different trainee groups, such as group A, group B, group C, and so forth. The CEO scheduled each trainee groups at different times and days, just to make sure that they never meet. The CEO would then evaluate and pick the ones that he knows that are ready to debut.

He started to wave his hand, “But anyway...the trainees in your are they? Are they nice?”

“They...are nice.”


“Well...okay...some are know.”

Baekyeol started to feel bad. “They aren’t hurting you like physically are they? Because that is something that you have to report to your instructors, so they can report to the CEO directly.”

“They aren’t doing that. Just verbal stuff,” he brushed it off, “nothing that bad.” He shrugged as he continued to eat. “I’m ignoring them.”

“What are they saying?”

Jin bit the inside of his cheek; he tried to act nonchalant about it. “Oh you know...that I have no talent...and that I got in because of who my parents are and who my brother is. That kind of lame stuff.”

“Oh, Jin…”

“It’s fine.” He let out a sigh, “people...have opinions.” ‘And they sometimes don’t know when or how to shut up…’

Baekyeol nodded. “Well, okay long as you are holding up...looks like you are. Keep working hard, Jin...just eyes on the prize.”

"I will...just, um, please don't tell my brother about this...I don't want him to worry or anything."


"Just the two of us please...our secret. Besides...they are just...words. So, it isn't a big deal really."

"Well," Baekyeol sighed, "well okay...just becareful alright..."

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

After the long days work, group C headed back in their dorm rooms, ready to eat dinner, take a shower, and rest, for tomorrow is another day of training. Younghwan headed towards the kitchen, informing everyone that he would be making dinner.

The trainees nodded their heads, thanking the eldest member of the group. Jin headed towards his room that he shared with Byeonghun, Yoogun, and Weiyuan. He placed his bag on his bed. He started to unpack, placing his sweaty shirt on the floor beside him. ‘Gotta wash that...and other things.’


He turned around, seeing Byeonghun coming in; he nodded his head. “ was your lunch? Since...well, you know.”

‘Huh -- oh!’ “It was good.”

“Who did you eat with?” He asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

“Uh, with Baekyeol.”

“Baekyeol? I thought you were going to have lunch with your brother?”

“My brother has a busy schedule, so we couldn’t hang out.” He said, placing his bag on the floor beside his bed. “So, I had lunch with Baekyeol.”

“Ah, well, you could have texted me. I could have eaten lunch with you.”

“Hm, well,” Jin rubbed the back of his neck, “I didn’t want to stray you away from the others. You know how they are...they don’t really care for me anyway so...a-and I don’t want you to be in the same boat as I am. For all we know, they might hate you too.”

Byeonghun scoffed at the comment. He went over, and literally dropped himself into Jin’s bed. “I don’t see the problem they have with have a rapping talent you know. I think you are awesome!”

Jin felt his cheeks heat. “Hm...thanks...I guess.”

Byeonghun beamed. “Rapping does run in the family, huh?”

“I guess so.” Jin scratched his cheek. He glanced over at Byeonghun, who was staring right at him with admiration and happiness. “Uh…”


“Er...okay, so...just to clear this conversation...why are you always nice to me…”


“Aren’t you ‘intimidated’ by me? Because of my connections with the company? Aren’t you scared that I might get to debut way before you? Heck, I’ve been here for 4 months and you’ve been here for 3 years.”

“Hm...nope. I don’t feel scared at all if you debut first. I’ll actually be in good spirits because you deserved it of course. Why would I be sour about it? And I might be a bit heartbroken.”

“Heartbroken?” Jin raised his eyebrow in confusion. ‘The heck?’

“That way we won’t be able to hang out as much, and it wouldn’t be fair because I wanted to be in the same group as you.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Weeks has passed group C showed much improvement in their own dance and sing-rap rendition of ‘Rhythm Ta’. The instructors were impressed with the trainees fast learning and listening skills when it came to critiques.

However, the spotlight was stolen by Jin. His performance made the instructors focus their attention towards the younger. Despite his personality being quiet like a mouse and still being new, he was a beast when it came to performing.

Once they ended, Hanbin lowered the volume of the speakers. “I do have to say, I am very impressed with this practice. Vocals and raps are clear, and the dance is impressive.”

“Sad that we didn’t think of that.” Donghyuk chuckled softly while Yunhyeong agreed.

“And let's end the practice for today.” The instructors clapped for the trainees hard work. As the trainees were gathering their items, Hanbin called Jin over.

“Can you stay back please...just for a second.”

Jin, shocked and wondering if he did something wrong, nodded his head regardless. ‘I thought I did okay though...I followed every step and practiced my rap thoroughly!’ “Yes, sir.”

The other trainees glanced at each other, also wondering what they wanted with Jin, especially Byeonghun. “You are all dismissed.” Hanbin said. The trainees, nodded, and started to head out of the dance room. Byeonghun tried to close the door, but it didn’t fully click; he informed the others that he would wait for the youngest.

“Why?” Sanchul asked, adjusting his backpack.

“Well, of course it is only nice. I mean, at least he would have someone to walk with back to the dorms,” he checked his cellphone, “it is 2am and you want a 13 year old to walk back by himself to the dorms?”

“Wow, you care about him a lot.” Sungil said, “do you like him?”

“Eh? Well, of course I like him. He is cool and talented, and sure he might be quiet, but he talks and is really nice. If you gave him a chance you guys just might see it.”

“Or,” Hyeongmin started, “are you befriending him because he is the son with famous parents and a famous older brother. Friends with him, he just might let you into events that aren’t allowed for trainees. You are obviously friending him because of that and you know that he has no talent...geez man, you weren’t like this three years ago Byeonghun, why are you defending him all the time.”

Annoyed with Hyeongmin’s comment, saying that he was using Jin for connections got him irked. As he was about to respond, the door opened, almost causing Byeonghun to fall back. He caught this footing, and turned around to apologize, but came face to face with a depressed Jin. It struck Byeonghun’s heart, seeing his best friend showing a sadden face. He knew that the younger must have heard about Hyeongmin said. “Jin that's --”

“Enough,” Hanbin stepped in front of Jin, defending him. He heard it too, “How juvenile and disrespectful. If you trainees have a problem with Jin...I advise that you all think of how to improve your skills rather than talk about his so called ‘no talent’, his family, and his connections with this company. You all know that he worked hard to get into BIG THREE just like all of you...this company reviews and takes in talent and passionate people who want to do this for a living. He didn’t make it because of who he is or who he knows. Keep in mind gentlemen...this company does not take bullying lightly.”

“We weren’t bullying him,” Sanchul said, “we were --”

“Physical or verbal,” Hanbin hummed, “are strictly prohibited in his company,” he glanced over at Byeonghun, who was still blocking their way, “please excuse us.”

Byeonghun had no choice, but follow directions; he moved towards the side, letting instructors and Jin through. As the four left their sights, Byeonghun glared at Hyeongmin. He was fueled with anger. “Why the would you say that?”

“What,” Hyeongmin said, “am I wrong?”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin sat in the seat, right next to his instructors. They were currently in the CEO’s office, waiting for him. The younger sighed, brushing his eyes with his hands. When Byeonghun didn’t respond back to Hyeongmin’s comment, he couldn’t believe that the other would be using him like that. He really thought that he was his best friend, and an amiable person.

“Jin?” Yunhyeong said, placing his hand on the other’s back, “you alright?”

“For once…no.”

The door opened before Yunhyeong could reply. It was the CEO with his things in his hands, “Gentlemen,” he nodded his head to each of them, “good evening...or rather good early morning.”

“Good morning.” They said.

“So,” the CEO sat down in his seat, placing his things right beside him, “what can I do for you all.”

“Well,” Hanbin started, “the three of us think that Jin would be perfect for the special unit that you want to also debut.”

‘What?!’ Jin’s eyes rose up from the ground, staring right at the instructors. ‘I thought it was about me getting more coaching or something!’

The CEO turned, seeing Jin’s rather shocked expression. “I see that you are...surprised with this.”

“I was thinking that I needed more coaching or something...that's why...I thought…” Jin trailed off, now losing his train of thought. Hanbin continued.

“Within the few week after starting this, you were the only one that improved...faster than the others. Regardless of your quiet character, you are different when performing. It is really impressive. Some people aren’t like that. Well, now, besides that,” he turned towards the CEO, “when also doing song practices, Jin’s speed of rapping is quite spectacular. Whether it is English, Korean, Chinese, or even in Spanish, he would choose the artists that are well known for speed.”

“Like Shin Okcheol...or Lee Okjoo..., some of the fastest rappers in Korea.” The CEO said.

“Yes. He is quiet fast, and his diction is quite is alright, but I think you just need more practice. Your brother’s friend...Jongsoo...his father would be a great teacher for dance. He is very diverse in that category.”

“You three are volunteering Jin. What about the others in his group?”

“They are outstanding,” Yunhyeong said, “but Jin takes the spotlight in this.”

“We think that he will be great for the unit.” Donghyuk stated.

The CEO eyed Jin; he chuckled. “You know, I just remember when you were just a tiny thing. Running around the office, watching your brother practice during his trainee days, or being with your father when he was helping train the Hurricane boys for their debut. Now you are here...I’m...I’m impressed...since your instructors suggest you to be in the unit...I will have you and two others give me a little snippet of what you can do,” he looked over at the instructors, “Jaehyung and Jinki also came to me and suggested other trainees for the unit.”

‘I wonder who…’ Jin bit the inside of his cheek.

“I will see you four days from now.” The CEO said, “please be prepared.”


“Great,” he smiled, “I’ll see you then.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Once Jin was dropped off by the company’s driver, he opened the door to see the trainees in the living room. “Jin!” Yoogun, got up, placing his bowl of desserts on the coffee table. “Finally, you’re back.”

“What happened?” Weiyuan asked.

Byeonghun looked over, still feeling bad that he didn’t answer quick enough when Hyeongmin was saying those rude comments about his relation with Jin. He wasn’t using his friendship with the other to be ahead of everyone else. He liked him.

As for Jin, he gave a weak smile towards Yoogun and Weiyuan. He didn’t respond, and headed towards his room. Younghwan informed the two to give him some space. “He must be tired...we must give him some space.” Byeonghun stood up, mumbling that he was going to talk to him, but Younghwan grabbed his arm, “”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

The next day, practice seemed normal. No drama developed after the incident yesterday or any mention of it came up. Jin focused on his work and the trainees did too. The younger even made sure to not be close to Byeonghun considering he was still a bit sadden at the fact that he could be using him to be ahead of the trainee pack. The more he thought about it, Jin started to think it could be true. His friend that he once thought, might be using him.

Yunhyeong turned off the music, and placed the remote on the table. “Alright everyone...take a 10 minute break.”

Jin wiped the sweat off his forehead and started to head towards the door. Byeonghun stood up quickly, almost slipping on the floor. He rushed out to follow Jin. ‘I seriously need to apologize! He wouldn't even look at me last night!!’

As he left, the other trainees glanced at each other. Sangchul scratched the back of his neck. “That guy is seriously infatuated with him.”


“Jin! Yo, Jin.”

The person being called, widen his eyes; he looked over his shoulder seeing Byeonghun running up towards him. ‘Eh?!’ “B-Byeonghun?”

“Great,” he said as he tried to catch up his breathing, “I really need to apologize to you.”

‘Apologize?’ “So, it is true,” Jin said, realizing that he just said it out loud, “erm...well, why...why am I even surprised. I mean, it shouldn’t be surprising. I should have expected it. You don’t like me either.”

“But it’s not true. Hyeongmin was being an ! I value our friendship, and I’m not using you at all. That is definitely not who I am!”

Jin frowned. “It is really too good to be true...I thought you were my best friend. You’re actually my only friend here,” Jin, still being young, started to feel his eyes watering, “I can’t befriend the others because they don’t like me. I’ve tried and they still don’t like me.”

“But I like you!”

By then, the members of XII started to walk down the hallway of the trainees’ practice rooms. Yitao caught a glimpse of his younger brother and another trainee that he was unfamiliar with. Though, it did not matter for his attention was focused at his brother crying. “Hey!” He said a bit loud, now walking straight towards the two.

“Jin are you alright?” Yitao turned his brother over, kneeling, “why are you crying?” He looked passed Jin’s shoulder, glaring at Byeonghun, “you...I need to talk to you.” He said lowly.

“Whoa,” Byeonghun bowed towards his seniors, “XII in the flesh.” He whispered.

The rest of the members made their way over to Jin, asking if he was okay and what happened. Jongsoo grabbed his handkerchief from his back pocket and handed it over, which Jin slowly took. The main dancer looked up at the trainee. “What is your name?”

“U-Uh,” he swallowed a lump, “ C.”

“Same group as Jin?” The youngest member of XII, Xiuchen, said tilting his head.

“Yes.” Byeonghun rubbed his forehead, feeling the sweat dropping.

“Are you...nervous?” Jongsoo asked.


“Why do I feel like this right here is a family meeting their child’s boyfriend for the first time.”

Sehan rolled his eyes, and slapped the other on the stomach. “Be quiet.”

“What is going on though,”Joonxing, the group’s angelesque vocalist, asked as he wanted to turn the conversation around, “why is Jin crying?”

Baekyeol’s jaw dropped slightly when he remembered what Jin was telling him. ‘The other trainees were bad mouthing him.’ He glanced over at the younger, ‘damn, I should have told Yitao regardless…’

“Why is my brother crying?” Yitao asked, now standing up fully. Byeonghun felt himself shrinking.

‘My god he is freakin’ tall.’ “Uh...okay,” he calmed himself, clearing his throat, “I...there...I’m just sorry…” Byeonghun said, glancing over at Jin, “but you have to believe me Jin that am not taking your friendship for granted.”

“Granted?” Yitao raised his eyebrow. Byeonghun continued.

“And I’m not just being friends with you just because your brother is from XII or that your parents are famous. I’m friends with you because I want to be friends with you.”

“‘Friends’...,” Jongsoo nodded his head, nudging Joonxing’s shoulder. He gave a wink at the trainee, “sure…’friends’.”

“Did he just wink at him?” Xiuchen asked, a bit weirded out.

“Just...ignore him,” Sehan sighed, looking over at Byeonghun, “so there is a problem, and I’m sorry that this is happening between you two...but you have to work it out.” He crossed his arms, now looking at Yitao. He started to inform the other that he would have to let his younger brother deal with this type of problem on his own.

“What? But I’m his older brother --”

“I know, but you have to remember that this industry is hard. And there are going to be trainees having problems with each other. And considering Jin wanting to be in this industry, he has to learn how to solve problems like this on his own...”

“He is right,” Jongsoo said, “let's say Jin debuts...his schedule will totally be different from yours. And if he has a problem, you can’t be there physically to console or defend him. He would have to learn know. Be strong and work it out with others. At least learn how to solve it among his fellow trainees,” he looked over at Jin, who finally calmed himself. He pat him on the back, “and knowing who his parents are...I’m certain he is strong. He got it from his parents after all. It’s in the blood, man.”

“Then let me be there for him while he is still a trainee...while we are still here,” Yitao said, “this is my brother and you think I can let this go…,” he turned, now facing at his brother and Byeonghun, “I am not in that dorm room 24/7, and I don’t know what is going on.”

Jin handed Jongsoo his handkerchief, and wiped his face with his hands. “It’s alright...Sehan hyung and Jongsoo hyung are right. I have to learn how to deal with situations like this on my own...I’m sorry gege,” he grabbed Yitao’s sleeve, “I’ll deal with this.”

“But you haven’t further explained what is going on!”

“Don’t worry about,” Jin turned and grabbed Byeonghun by the wrist, “we have to get back to practice.”

Not even giving Yitao or the others a chance, the two started head back to their practice room. Yitao let his arms drop towards his sides, turning to face his friends. “I barely know what happened and I rarely get to see my brother because he is in training, and just when he gets hurt, you guys are telling me to let him figure it out. He is 13, and he needs guidance.”

“He is 13, and is well protected,” Baekyeol said, “that Byeonghun guy looked sorry for what he did, and I’m not sure what it is, but he did look sorry.”

“Do you know anything between the two?” Joonxing asked.

“Well, he did tell me that he is...he was telling me that the trainees were saying rude know how it is.”

“I swear if I find out that he is hurting Jin, I’ll be so pissed at all of you.” Yitao narrowed his eyes towards the others.

“Calm yourself, panda boy.” Jongsoo ran his hand over Yitao’s face. “Calm yourself.”

“Don’t do that! That is so gross!!”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin opened the door of the practice room, apologizing towards the instructors for their tardiness. “It was my fault. Lost track of time.”

Yunhyeong gestured for them to take their places. “It’s fine. Just please be punctual with practice times,” he turned towards the rest of the trainees, “please keep in mind...punctuality is very important.”

“Yes!” They said in unison.

Jin let out an exhale, releasing his grip of Byeonghun’s wrist. They resumed in practice, from where they left off. They were all doing fine, until Byeonghun started to miss his cue in his singing and his dance steps that Hanbin had to stop the music. Frustrated with the sudden mistakes, he informed everyone that this will end today’s practice. “Byeonghun, you are messing up with your cues and steps...I don’t know what is going on right now with your head, but it is definitely messing with your practice.”

Byeonghun brushes his hair back, feeling himself wanting to just collapse on the floor. He apologized for his slips, as he laid his back on the floor.

“ ready for tomorrow.” Hanbin said, grabbing his things. “At least good work for today.”

The instructors headed out first, while the trainees were packing their things as well. Jin stared at Byeonghun, still in frustration that he wasn’t able to focus during their practice. ‘As Sehan said...I have to work it out this more of this.’ “We are all going to be friends...starting now.” Jin said out loud, causing all the trainees to turn their heads.

“Eh?!” Sangchul stood up from the floor.

“Beg pardon?” Hyeongmin said in the most poker-faced expression Jin has ever seen. Deep down Hyeongmin was surprised that the little mouse was, for once, speaking first.

Jin inhaled deeply and exhaled out; he was ready to tackle this problem once and for all. “Just like you all I did audition to be here. I didn’t ask my parents or my brother for any help...because I wanted to do it myself. And just like you all, I am working hard...I too want to improve...and I want to debut so I can finally debut and be on stage...hopefully right next to my brother.”

Sangchul bit the inside of his cheek, not even looking at Jin. As for the others, they started to reflect their actions. Younghwan sighed; he nodded his head. “You’re right, behalf of the others, we apologize. I think we...we have been here obviously longer than you have. We all want to debut as well...and with those evaluations, you always get the top ranking among the group. We are sorry, but it is true. We can’t help, but see you as a threat to us.”

“However,” Sungil started, “it doesn’t give the excuse to demean you like that.” He said, pointing his words towards Sangchul and Hyeongmin, “And the rest of us, who kept doesn’t make us saints. You are talented and that's the, for someone being 13 and who can rap like that...we are obviously worried that you will be ahead of us.”

“I’m sorry…” Jin mumbled, looking down at the ground.

Yoogun made his way over, and placed his hands on Jin’s round, cheeks, bringing his face up. “No, we are sorry.”

Hyeongmin clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. Jin pulled away from Yoogun, smiling towards him. He was happy to know that the others were sorry for being quiet around him. After all, it was Sangchul and Hyeongmin who influenced the others to see it their way. He made his way over to Sangchul first, who was still sitting on the floor. Jin knelt down and to much of Sanchul’s surprised, he started to hug him.

“W-Why are you hugging me?”

“Because...I know that hugging people makes others happy...well...that, and my brother would always gives me hugs and I would feel…” Jin continued to hug the other, before he broke it first. He turned over and stood up; he started to head over towards Hyeongmin. Jin did the same thing, and hugged the other.

Stiff as a board, Hyeongmin tried not to move, but gave in. He patted the younger on the back. “At my age...I shouldn’t be mean like that...talking bad about you,” he said softly, “sorry.”

Jin’s lips rose to a smile. “We all can be friends now?”

“Yeah, sure...why not.” Hyeongmin patted Jin on the head.

“Ah, finally...peace in the dorms!!” Weiyuan threw his hands up in the air, “to all the gods out there, thank you!”

“Hm,” Younghwan smiled, “lets all head out for dinner. We got out early...thanks Mr. Kang!” He teased, as the said person rolled his eyes. “Yo, you were having an off will be fine for tomorrow.”


“Food will turn your frown, upside down.” Sungil chuckled, picking up his backpack, “lets go.”

The rest nodded, quickly packing their things in their bags. As for Jin, he made his way over to Byeonghun, lending out his hand. “,” Byeonghun took the other’s hand, “again, Jin...I wasn’t taking --”

“Hm,” Jin nodded, “I was me who overreacted...just when I heard Hyeongmin say that...I started to panic. I only had one friend by my side. I didn’t want to lose you.”

Byeonghun stood up. “You’ll never lose’re stuck with me.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin and Donghyuk started to make their way over to one of the recording rooms to meet up with the CEO, along with the other two trainees who will ‘fight’ for the spot in the CEO’s specialty unit. As for the trainee, has never seen the other trainees from group A or group B, but knew that he was the youngest. He started to wonder what were they like.

“We are here,” Donghyuk smiled as he opened the door for the younger, “after you.”

Jin entered, immediately he started to bow towards the instructors, Park Jaehyung and Lee Jinki. They nodded their heads towards the other, smiling brightly at him. Right beside both instructors sat the trainees from their respective group. The CEO welcomed Jin in, and gestured towards a seat right in front of his desk.

“Glad that you made it.” The CEO said, “please, take a seat and we will get started.” As Jin sat down, with Donghyuk right next to him. “First, introduction is an order. Since you three don’t really know each other...considering you three are from different groups.” He gestured towards the blue-violet silvered haired trainee that sat right next to Jaehyung.

“Ah, well,” he stood up, turning his attention towards Jin and the other trainee. He bowed, “nice to meet you all...I’m Jung Giyoung. I’m from group A and I do most of the rap.”

The next trainee smiled as he stood up causing Jin to widen his eyes. The trainee was tall and had the perfect eye-smile that he has ever seen. The tall, trainee bowed towards the Giyoung and towards Jin, still smiling brightly. “Hello, I’m Shin Haeil from group B, and I’m also a rapper.”

‘Rapper? We are all rappers?’


The younger blinked, and quickly stood up. “Erm, I’m Wu, well my full name is Huangjin Long…,but please give me call me Jin. And, uh, I’m also a rapper as well.” As he finished, he sat down in his seat.

“As you three know, I plan to create a 9 membered group from groups A through C...since your groups qualify to debut. You guys are right there...on that step, but as I have said before, it is up to you to push forward or stay in the middle or behind the pack. Now, along with that, I do plan to debut a special unit. A duo...and one of the spots is already filled with another from either Hurricane or from XII. It is a hip-hop duo, and now you know why only rappers are here,” the CEO opened the folder right beside him, taking out 3 sheets and the companies’ ipods. He handed them to the trainees, “this song was produced by my good friend, Min Yoongi...and I do thank him considering he is on a tight schedule. Since you three are off from your practice, you guys will solely put your energy one this. I’ll give you boys ‘till 7 o’clock tonight and we will record.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

While Jin was with Donghyuk, the rest of group C were practicing for their upcoming and first evaluation. During their break, the trainee were talking, especially about Jin. “You think it is about the special unit that the Boss was talking about?” Sungil asked, as he wiped his neck with a towel.

“Maybe…,” Yoogun said, “that would be cool if he got it.”

The trainees agreed. They had to be honest with themselves, Jin was pretty talented. Sangchul turned towards the instructors asking if that was the reason why Jin wasn’t here with them. Yunhyeong nodded, informing them that the CEO was looking for a rapper for the unit. “He is creating a hip-hop duo.”

“Do you know who the other person is?” Younghwan asked, “Is it from Hurricane?”

Yunhyeong chuckled; he shrugged, “I do not know.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

The CEO started to review the audio recording that he made the three trainees do. It was already 4am, and he constantly going back and forth between audio. Picking the right trainee for the unit was time consuming and laborious. He laid back in his seat, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ah,” he groaned, “this is harder than I thought.” He pressed the spacebar of his computer, pausing the audio. He clicked the 3rd recorded, and started to hit play.

Within 20 minutes, he finally decided the right trainee for the unit.

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

It was the first evaluation for all groups, and all groups were nervous, despite it being the 1st evaluation. They had 2 more to go. Jin adjusted his jacket, making sure that he was presentable for when his group is ready to perform.

“Are you excited?” Weiyuan asked, fixing his cap. Jin shrugged, but deep down he was feeling nervous. Just the same as he was in the recording studio.

“Can’t help, but be nervous.”

“Right,” Weiyuan clasped his hands together, “let's just do our best.” He lent out his hand, and Jin gave him a high-five.

A knock was being made, and quickly the door opened. Hanbin entered in the room with the CEO. All trainees formed a straight line, and bowed simultaneously. The CEO smiled. “Nice meeting you all. I hope you are all ready for your first evaluation.” The trainees nodded, holding in their nerves. “Well, then let's get started.” The CEO and Hanbin headed over to the chairs, and sat right in front of the trainees.

The trainees got into formation, and soon Hanbin pressed the remote to start the music. The CEO watched as group C did their own interpretation of iKON’s song. With clear diction and no fault in the choreography, the CEO was very impressed. Once the song ended, he and Hanbin clapped. “Amazing!”

The trainees smiled at each other, high-fiving each other. The CEO continued, complimenting on singing, rap, and creative dance steps. He gave strong points, and some critiques, which the trainees listened carefully to. “And well...that is all I have to say.” He smiled at them, “I’m very proud of you all...and for your first evaluation as well.” He stood up from his seat, “Sadly, this is only the first evaluation...two more to go boys.” He chuckled loudly, “Ah, but those evaluations come in fast. Keep that in mind,” The CEO glanced at Jin, “and Jin. I do have some news for you.”


“Among the three of you...for the unit --”

“No way.” He whispered to himself.

“ -- I decided to...well, pick you.”

“No way!!” Jin’s jaw dropped as his groupmates cheered for their ‘maknae’, “you’re kidding me right?”

The CEO smiled. “I gotta say I am impressed with your talent and hardwork. I wouldn’t doubt that you are the son of Yifan and Zitao.”

Jin was overwhelmed with the news that he couldn’t hear what the CEO was still telling him. Emotions started to get to him, that he started to cry. Byeonghun noticed and quickly started to dab the tears right away.

“Thank you so much...I’ll work really hard!”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Two months has passed, and as for the trainees they were down on their last evaluation. The last evaluation until they know who will get to debut to be part of the nine membered group. For now, Jin had to skip the last 5 weeks to prepare for the unit that was set to debut on the 4th of February.

Despite being shocked at how fast the CEO wants to debut the unit, he was a bit sadden that he might not be able to celebrate his older brother’s birthday.  

“Why don’t we take a break, hm?” Jin blinked as he turned his head to face Jongsoo’s father, Jongin.

“Oh...o-okay.” Jin nodded, and sat on the wooden floors. He looked around, still amazed at the different dance studio he was in. It was certainly different from the trainee dance studios, regardless seeing them before when he was younger. The idols’ dance studios were much spacious; a clean, white room that was enough to fit three, large, pane mirrors, and even three, sizable window to give in more natural light during the summer days.

“Still amazed?” Jongin asked, as he handed the younger a water bottle, “the big Boss upstairs wants to renovate, but he is going off and on about the idea.” He chuckled.

“Ah, it looks great to me.”

Jongin beamed. “You know, today is your lucky day.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Because your partner in crime will come today,” Jongin said, “he is finally finished with his schedule that he can finally practice with you. Since he is a pro, I’m sure he won’t have any problems catching up.”

‘Ah, finally...I can meet the person.’

The door knocked, and Jongin looked over his shoulder. “Come in!”

Once the door opened, Jin’s eyes widen his eyes. He immediately stood up, and ran over to the other hugging him tightly.


--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

“Are you serious?” Byeonghun asked, now sitting on his own bed in the dorm. Jin finally came back to the dorms after practice. He immediately told Byeonghun about the news that his older brother would be the partner in the duo unit.

“Yeah,” Jin’s face was still lit up, happy that he would be able to debut in a unit, especially with his brother, “I can’t believe it!!”

“A happy day for you, huh?”

“It is!!”

Byeonghun beamed. “I’m glad.”

“How was practice by the way? Since we are almost at the end.”

“It was good. The choreo is a bit’s really fast paced.” He groaned as he turned over on his bed, placing his pillow slightly over his head. Just like the rest of the other trainees, he was exhausted.

Jin raised his eyebrow, already hearing soft snores coming from the other. ‘He is asleep now?’ He carefully got up from his bed, and started to made his way over to Byeonghun’s bed. As he peered over the other’s shoulder, he saw that he was indeed sleeping.

Yoogun opened the door, ready to inform the two that dinner was ready, but Jin quickly placed his finger on his own lips. “He is sleeping…”

“Oh,” Yoogun nodded, “well, the food is ready...why don’t you eat first. We will just wrap it up for him when he wakes up.”

“It was that intense?”

“The what?”


“Yeah, but you know...we all want to make it to the final line up,” Yoogun said, as he closed the door behind the both of them, “Byeonghun is the only one out of all of us that is over practicing. He doesn’t take breaks.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah...he wants to debut.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Just like his fellow groupmates, he too was working hard and preparing himself for the unit debut. Just three days prior, all three groups performed their third and final evaluation separately to the CEO. He thanked them, and informed the groups that he would call them in a meeting and announce which trainee made it to the final lineup. In the meantime, Jin was with his brother in one of Seoul’s top hair styling studios. He always knew that this meant.

Jin bit his lips, as he brushed his hair with his fingers. ‘Goodbye black hair...hello...what ever color they are going to give me.’

“Jin are you excited?” Yitao asked, as he turned his chair, now facing his younger brother.

“I guess…it’s just going to be weird not to see my black hair anymore. I grew up with this!”

“I know...and we dyed this,” Yitao pointed his blonde hair, “and I was like, damn, I look good. Better than dad.”

Jin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, can rock any hair color.”

“So can mom,” he chuckled, “ah, but’ve been doing well in practice.”

“I am?”

“Of course...I’m impressed at how fast you are keeping up with the choreography and rap. You were better than me when I was starting.” Yitao smiled, “I’m very proud of you.”

“Gentlemen,” the Wu brothers turned around, now facing the head stylist, Chae Eunkyeong, along with the CEO, “welcome to King and Queen studios.”

“Jin, Yitao, she will personally redo your hair for the upcoming unit debut,” the CEO said, “Eunkyeong has suggested to go with a metallic hair color.”

Eunkyeong nodded. “For Yitao, it won’t be a change, but it would be a silver kind of color, with light blue tones. As for Jin,” she turned towards the youngest, “it will be the same, silver, but with light amethyst tones.”

“So...I get pink?!” Jin started to blush, thinking how ‘girly’ the color was. He was starting to think that maybe just having black hair.

“Many people rocked pink toned hairs,” Yitao defended, “like B.A.P’s Zelo. He had pink hair. He looked like a cotton candy fluff ball.”

“First all...I dunno how he would feel about being called a cotton candy fluff ball...and second…,” he started patting his black hair, “I's just so out there.”

“All idols’ hairstyles are ‘out there’, “the CEO said, “it makes them interesting...and makes you stand out. And, color information...amethyst is a violet color.”

“Hm...well, okay.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

The door opened and the boys from group C turned their attention from the television to the person at the door. Jin came home after hours spending the majority of his day and afternoon in the hair stylist studio. The younger came in, with a grey beanie on his head.

Sangchul cracked his neck, “how was it?”


“Well, you were at the hair stylist right?”

“Oh yeah!” Yoogun clapped his hands, excited, “let's see! Let’s see your hair!”

“Hm…,” he placed his hands on his beanie, “really? Right now?”

“Right now, right now,” Hyeongmin lowered the television’s volume, “we were doing bets which color you got.”

Younghwan sighed, but nodded his head. “It’s true.”

Jin hummed, wondering if he should show them. He was still quite embarrassed about the color of his hair. He didn’t have much time to respond, when Byeonghun snuck up at him, and grabbed Jin’s beanie. As he pulled it up, the strands of his newly colored hair flew up with it. The boys’ jaw dropped, seeing their youngest member with amethyst colored hair.

“Whoa…” Byeonghun stared at the abnormal hair color.

“Oh my god!!” Jin covered his head, “I wasn’t freakin’ ready!”

“Damn, but you do look good though!”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Just like he promised, the CEO brought in the groups separately into his meeting room to announce the trainees that made it to the final line up. This was it. The final decision. No one could do anything to change the mind of the big Boss.

As group C made their way in the meeting room, they sat down, filling in the seats as much as they can, with the CEO at the front of the long table. He greeted the trainees a ‘good morning’. They responded with anxious tones in their voices.

“I know that this is the moment...and you should be proud of yourselves that you made it at least to the point where you can be potential choices for the new 9 membered debut team. Just like I said to the first two groups, once you are chosen, you will soon meet your new teammates later guys will live together and train together for at least 3 years or until I see that the group is ready. So far, 7 trainees have already filled the spots.”

The trainees were shocked at how much group A and B filled the spots for the new boy group. Only 2 were left. Group C was not happy. The CEO knew how the boys were feeling, but explained how they were a bit better than they were in terms of energy connections between another. He didn’t get to see it click until the end. However, skill wise, of course, he was impressed.

It started to worry Jin, knowing that everyone wanted to debut. Knowing that only two trainees will be in the final line up, he felt bad for the non-chosen trainees.

“You all did well...remember that. These two trainees that I have choosen shown skill to what I believe is beyond 100%. I do wish these two the best and I hope you guys will support your fellow trainees in their progress for their debut. Please, congratulate and welcome the final members...Kang Byeonghun...and Wu Jin.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

During the past few weeks, he was working with his brother on promotional photoshoots and teasers for their upcoming debut. It was February 4th, and it was the day of their debut at K-System, a music television program broadcast. Jin started to fiddle with his thumbs, now nervous about debuting. He memorized every step and every word of the song. As he looked through the mirror, he saw various artists walking back and forth, and even talking among one another. He even spotted the ‘fan-proclaimed rival’ group of XII, KING5. As far as he knew, the group is actually good friends with the members of XII. ‘Fans gotta pit groups together…’

He tried to calm himself, not wanting his nerves to get to him. He kept his focus on the stylist’s hands that was working on his hair.

‘Something about people touching your's relaxing.’

“Here you go,” the stylist smiled, as she sprayed hairspray onto Jin’s hair, “all set.”

Jin blinked; he glanced over at the mirror, seeing his hair now styled in a side-swept undercut showing the side designs - upside down moon crescents. He thanked the stylist, and hopped off the chair. He was about to get changed, when the stylist also informed him to get his makeup done when he was finished. Jin groaned. He was just not used to wearing makeup at all.

He started to make his way to the next room, when he saw his brother, fully dressed and ready. He stared at his brother in ‘awe’. ‘He looks so cool!’

Yitao looked over smiling as he gestured for the younger to come closer. As he did, he was surprised to see both his parents. He beamed as he started to hug his mother tightly. Sure it's been months since he has seen his parents, considering they were busy with things for the company.

“We didn’t want to miss our boys debut performance,” Yifan said, patting his eldest on the back, “very proud of you both.”

“And congratulations on making the 9 membered group, Jin,” Zitao pecked his youngest on the cheek, “and at 13 years old.”

“It is all because of hard work that you have done,” Yifan said, “this is what happens when people work hard, Jin. Good things happen.”

“But...what about the other trainees. I’m very sure that they also worked hard…”

“Then only time will tell...maybe it wasn't their time just yet, but when it comes.”


“Jin,” the wardrobe stylist weaved his way through the crowd of people, now right in front of the Wu family, “we still need to get you changed and you still need to put some makeup on.”

“Er --”

“Let's go, your stage time is almost up! Gah!” The stylist started to freak out, and without even knowing it, he grabbed Jin started to pull him to the wardrobe room. It left the Wu family laughing.

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin and Yitao were finished getting ready for their debut performance and unlike his brother, Jin thought that his nerves were gone, but with his leg bouncing rapidly, it said otherwise.

The door opened to the duo’s private room, revealing Baekyeol and the rest of the members of XII, holding onto flowers, and handmade signs. “We are ready to cheer you guys on!” Baekyeol beamed, as he went straight over to Yitao, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “And happy birthday to my panda!”

Jongsoo revealed a small box that he hid behind him. “Happy birthday, man!” He opened the box, revealing a small, panda shaped cake. “You’re another year older!”

“Thanks guys.” Yitao laughed, as he grabbed the box from his best friend.

“Picture, picture!” Xiuchen grabbed his phone, gesturing for Jin to join in. The younger did, sitting right next to his brother. As Xiuchen snapped the photo, he quickly posted it on his personal insta page.

“How are you feeling, Jin?” Joonxing asked, patting Jin on the back.

“Nervous...I feel cramps in my stomach…”

“Ah, sounds a lot like Yitao when we first debuted.”

“My brother was like this too?”

“Hm,” he nodded, “you two are definitely brothers.” He left out a laugh. “He was very nervous that he constantly went to the bathroom.”

“You remember that?!” Yitao felt his face blush; his status as a ‘cool’ brother ended up going down 15 points.

“Of course! It was funny!”

In their midst of talking, the door opened, this time revealing Byeonghun. He waved towards Jin, and made his way over.

“What are you doing here?”

“Hm? I’m here to root for ya! And so is everyone, but they wanted it to be a surprise. Boss actually insisted that we go, and we couldn’t say no to that! Plus, I couldn’t hold in the secret surprise anymore,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “but yeah, here to support!” With that, he hugged Jin tightly. Jin smiled; he didn’t expect his best friend and his groupmates to be here at K-System.

“Thanks for coming.”

Byeonghun slowly started to smile. “No problem, man,” he leaned back, “and your hair is so different! I just can’t get enough about it.”

“Of course…” Jin wanted to pat his head down, but knew that the stylists worked hard on his hair.

“You look good though. Anyway, I’ll see you after the show okay?”

“Okay, hey, thanks for coming.”

“It is not a problem at all.” With that, Byeonghun excused himself, and exited the private  room. Jin looked over to his side, seeing Baekyeol with a big smile on his face.


“Nothing. Just smiling here.”

“ think that there is something between me and Byeonghun...there is nothing. We are just good friends.”


“I just wanna clear that,” he said, stressing out the word, “friend.”

“Okay, sure. Like I said, I didn’t say anything.” Baekyeol tighten his lips, yet a smile could still be seen but the younger.

“So,” Sehan started, “we will see you after show, alright?”

“Okay,” both Yitao and Jin said in unison.

“Aww, so cute you two,” Sehan cupped his own cheeks, “alright then, fighting!”


--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

Jin watched from the sidelines, the debuted groups from other companies such as BYG NATION, and Caramel Cuppo Entertainment. He wanted to so much perform and get it over with, but it wasn’t their time just yet.

Yitao could see his brother’s nervousness, that he started to pat him on the back. “You will be fine. We’ve practiced so many times for this. We are going to do great. I mean, heck, we got many views in our MV and positive reviews. Just imagine that we are filming for the MV, but this time, we are in front of other people.”

“Okay...that makes it ten times more helpful…”

“Yitao, Jin, you guys are up.” One of the coordinators said, gesturing to come closer to the steps, “after the break, the MC’s will talk first, then introduce you two, then the music will start...and that will be your cue.” Yitao nodded.

Just then, one of the new groups from BYG NATION just finished their performance. They started to come down the steps, nodding their heads towards them.

“Alright guys, it is commercial break right now, so get ready.”

Yitao nudged his brother, “Let's do this.”

--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---

“Alright, alright, we are back,” One of the MC’s Ahn Jaehyo, along with his co-host, Kim Taehyung, said “to K-System!”

“We just finished with BYG NATION’s debuted girl group, Circusdella and their debut song, Circus!” Taehyung smiled, looking through his Q-cards, “next we have a hip hop duo, BIG THREE’s project unit.”

“Project unit?”

“Project unit,” Taehyung said, “they released their debut single just last week, and already hit a 3 million views in just 2 hours! And I have to say...I was part of that 3 million.”

While the MC’s were talking, Yitao and Jin got in their positions on stage. The light were turned off, just so the audience wouldn’t see them just yet. Jin exhaled softly, calming himself. Yitao looked over, giving him one last nudge.


“H-Hm.” Jin nodded his head with a smile on his face.

“Well, Taehyung, I am ready to listen to these two,” Jaehyo said, “please welcome BIG THREE’s hip hop duo --”


--- (XII) -- (XII) --- (XII) ---


{ END }


*2 of 2 update*

note (s)

Honorifics [x]
Hair [

  • Yitao’s #1
  • Jin’s #62 with #31 design
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update soon!! promise!! busy summer term :/


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Chapter 18: This is just sooo cute!!!
Chapter 31: I miss you author-nimㅠㅠㅠ
Hopefully you update soon! I really enjoy these stories, especially the ones that are fluffy and sweet. It helps me through the rough times during the day
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 12: Oh my poor heart!!!! I didn't sign up for this!!!! Poor Yitao and Baekyeol!!! Anyways, the story was really good, sad but good!
Chapter 30: PRINCE CHARMING BYEONGHUN TO THE RESCUEEE!OMFG I CAN ALREADY FORESEE THAT THIS TWO ARE SO NOT GOING TO BE JUST "FRIENDS"!..and apparently,everybody else can see that too except those two clueless ducklings.Seriously,you're just as bad as Yitao and Yifan at this,Jin.A part of you is Tao tho coz well,Byeonghun is obviously here.I'm so glad all is well in the end though.Like omg,this is so touching that I'm crying like no tomorrow here.The whole trainees thingy was just too intense,u know and the bullying that Jin had to face,I'm just glad it's all over for good now.Looking at Yitao and Jin,I kind of get what Jessica is feeling rn.Even if Krystal doesn't have to face bullying like this,Jessica will definitely relate to the not always being there part.It must be hard on her.Well,it's so sweet how Jin got all of his wishes though.To be able to stand on the same stage with his brother and whatnot,I bet I'll cry a river if I were him.Congrates anyway,Jin!Auww,u've grown up so much.
P/S:"Rapping does run in the family..",I read it as instead and was like ......
Chapter 30: Woow I missed this. They are all so cute. Thank you for writing another story for us.
Chapter 30: I missed you author-nim!!!
tsubakisworld #8
Chapter 29: Omfg my heart T~T this was just too much pain for me T^T I srsly started crying T___T
Chapter 14: Deserve it man !

Baby Sehan ...
Poor you, at least you have Minjun at your side :333
Chapter 12: Wtf !!! This is too much ...
Too much pain T.T