South Korea, Here We Come!

Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

The day had finally come. Me and Miyoung had already bought our plane tickets. I finally get to meet Infinite. I don't really know much of Infinite though. Or their names or what they even look like. Hopefully that won't be too much of a problem. 

We boarded the plane and it didn't really take long to get there because me and Miyoung were asleep for pretty much the whole time. Myungsoo had told me to look for his chauffeur, Kevin. We saw a guy standing with a sign that said Eunjin Kim and Miyoung Lee on it. If it wasn't for that sign we would have never found Kevin. 
Once we got into the limousine, we took pictures of ourselves. We even got some pictures with Kevin who was nice enough to take some with us to savor the memories. We got to the dorm and boy was it small! How could it possibly fit 7 people plus me and Miyoung in it? 
We walked up to the door with Kevin following us behind with our luggages. We knocked on the door and a guy opened it but was not wearing a shirt just shorts. He quickly went to change because he got yelled at. "Excuse Sungyeol for that. Anyways I'm Infinite's leader Sunggyu. Please come in, come in," he gestured us to come in and sit on the couches. 
A familiar guy walked out of one of the rooms. "Oppa, you look so different now!" I exclaimed and ran to hug him. "Omo Eunjinnie you've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you! Is that Miyoung? You've gotten much prettier since last time!" I saw Miyoung blush and went to hug him. 
They both like each other. You see before oppa left, they confessed their feelings towards each other but didn't become boyfriend and girlfriend because they wanted to see how things turned out if they saw each other again. It seems like things are going quite smoothly if I should say. 
Each member introduced themselves. But there was this one guy that caught my interest and his name is Lee Howon. Or as my brother calls him Hoya. I blanked out on everything he said because I was too amazed at his hotness. Miyoung nudged me, "Yah you okay?" she whispered so the others wouldn't hear. "Huh? O-oh yeah," I replied. 
After their introductions we talked about our living arrangements. "Eunjinnie and Miyoung you two can take my room I'll just room with Hoya hyung. How's that?" Myungsoo oppa asked. We nodded and brought our luggages to our room. Miyoung quickly closed the door and smacked me. "Yah what was that for!?" I yelled at her. 
"Shhh keep it down they can hear us. But you are so crushing on that Hoya guy. I saw you staring at him while he was introducing himself. But don't worry the whole time he was staring at you too!" She exclaimed. 
"This is definitely going to be an adventurous vacation!" I told her and she agreed. After we fixed our room up, we went to go talk to the guys about what to eat. "So what does everyone want to eat? I'm so hungry from the plan ride!" exclaimed Miyoung. Everyone decided on just eating ramyun. 
"I'll go and get it but I just need someone to come with me since I don't know the way," I said. Being the girl she is Miyoung volunteered Hoya to go. "Hoya-ssi go with Eunjin. You two can get to know each other better," he agreed so we grabbed our jackets then left the dorm. 
We awkwardly walked to the convience store. "So," we said at the same time. He chuckled and said, "You first," I avoided eye contact with him. "So what kind of ramyun should we buy for the others? I personally like the spicy one," I said and smiled. Aish out of all things to say why did I choose to say that?
"The guys would eat any kind really. I like the spicy one too. Are you able to cook anything else? I'm only able to bake desserts, but I would love to learn how to cook."
"Well I'm able to cook anything actually. I can teach you sometime well if you want. And really? I've always wanted to learn how to bake! Especially brownies! MmM sounds delicious right now!" I rubbed my tummy while thinking of it. He chuckled at my silliness.
"Yes I would love to! And I'll repay you by teaching you how to bake. Let's buy some brownie mix and we'll bake tomorrow alright?" He asked me. 
"Sounds good to me! Let's hurry up, the others must be starving because I know I am!" We gathered all the ramyun for each one of them and brought it to the front. I was about to pull out money from my purse, but Hoya beat me to it. 
"You can get it next time," he said. "What a nice boyfriend you have there!" Ahjumma replied as Hoya walked out the store. I blushed, "He's not my boyfriend. I just met him today." 
She looked at me shocked, "Well I can tell you will be going out with someone in a couple weeks!" I looked at her confused, but then walked out the door just to meet up with Hoya. "Sorry for the long wait, Ahjumma started talking to me." He shook his head, "No worries, let's go now."
We finally arrived at the dorm and Hoya opened the door to let me in first. "Why thank you kind sir!" I said with a laugh. He laughed as well and we walked inside.
"Yah what took you so long? I almost ate the pillow!" Woohyun shouted.
"Mianhae Woohyun-ssi, it was my fault for talking to the Ahjumma," I apologized feeling guilty and lowered my head.
"Hyung, how could you shout at Eunjinnie like that? She's probably thinking you're mean just for getting mad that they took long." Myungsoo said. 
Woohyun felt ashamed, "Mianhae if I had known it was because of you I wouldn't have yelled like that. Will you forgive me?"
"Woohyun-ssi it's no big deal and of course I will forgive you! Well I'm going to cook the ramyun now, you all continue with whatever you were doing before and it should be done shortly."
"Eunjinnie I'll help you since you don't know where anything is," Myungsoo says as he walks to the kitchen. I follow behind him with the bags with the ramyun in it. 
As Myungsoo gathered the pot to fill water with it, I opened up all the packages and took the ingredients out of each one. "So you like Hoya hyung huh?"
I looked at him shocked. "Did Miyoung tell you that!? I'm going to kill that girl!" I was about to walk to our room, but he stopped me. 
"Ani. I could tell, I know you pretty well to be able to tell when you like someone. Afterall I am your older brother," he smiled proudly. 
"Oppa when did you get weirder? I think you have been hanging out with these guys too much." 
He laughed, "I've been with them for awhile now so I think I have too. I'm just glad I get to finally see my baby sister."
"Don't forget about me," Miyoung exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. 
Oppa went to check the water to see if it was boiling yet. "Good job ruining our sibling moment," I told Miyoung. 
"My pleasure! I just wanted to see how the food was going," she replied. 
"The water is boiling now, Eujinnie can you put the ingredients in?" asked Myungsoo. I nodded and followed his orders.
15 minutes later...
Everyone gathered around the living room. "Oppa and I made two separate ones; a spicy and nonspicy one." Myungsoo and Miyoung placed them in front of the others, then they found their places on the floor. "Thank you Myungsoo and Eunjin for this lovely meal! We will enjoy it well!" Everyone chorused. 
I went outside to feel the cold air against my skin. I shivered because I had forgot to grab my jacket. I felt someone place their jacket on me and I saw spicy ramyun in front of me. "You aren't hungry?" the guy asked. 
I recognized his voice; Hoya's. "I am, but I'm just waiting for everyone to eat first. I wasn't sure if there was enough for everyone to have. Plus I think the guys will have more than one bowl," I replied with a chuckle. 
"Well here you can have some of mine if you like," he asked with ramyun on his chopsticks indicating me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth wide and he fed me. He got some more ramyun and fed himself. "Daebak! You and Myungsoo did a great job!" he said and stuck two thumbs up.
"Thank you it was really nothing though." I replied with a smile. 
Meanwhile inside...
"Hey where's noona? I want to thank her for the yummy food." Sungjong had asked. Everyone looked around the room but she wasn't there. 
"Hey Hoya's gone too!" Dongwoo exclaimed. 
"Wait a minute Miyoung-ssi and Myungsoo are gone too!" Sunggyu joined the others.
Flashback to ten minutes ago
Miyoung noticed Hoya walk out the door a couple minutes after Eunjin did. She looked at Myungsoo who looked up while he had food his mouth. She gave him a signal to go to her room because she wanted to talk to him. 
"Oppa you know Eunjinnie likes Hoya right?" she asked once he closed the door. 
"Of course, she's my baby sister why wouldn't I know?" he asked.
"I don't know but Hoya-ssi just followed Eunjinnie outside. Let's go!" she quietly shouted to him. While the guys were stuffing their faces with ramyun, Miyoung and Myungsoo snuck out to find Hoya and Eunjin on the steps. 
Miyoung took out her phone in case something were to happen which it did. She snapped the picture right when Hoya fed Eunjin. 
End of flashback
"Hey there's a flash coming from the hallway!" Woohyun shouted to the others. Together they followed each other to find the source of the flash. They saw Miyoung and Myungsoo peering out the door. 
Sungyeol decided to scare them. "What are you guys looking at?" the two jumped at the sudden noise. 
"Shh Eunjinnie and Hoya-ssi are out there!" Miyoung whispered. The guys peered out of the window and saw Eunjin laying her head on Hoya's shoulder. 
"Eunjin and Hoya like each other!" They chimed quietly.


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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))